“Lessons: Although the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination appear to outweigh the side effects, it should be noted that fatal arrhythmias may rarely occur, and caution should be taken if individuals, particularly young men, complain of any symptoms after vaccination”

Above, I copied from Dr McCullough’s Substack post with a link from an Autopsy on a young male. The reason I was compelled to “cut & paste” this particular piece is simple, after nearly 4 years now, the verbiage is still saying, “Although the Benefits of Covid-19 APPEAR to outweigh the side effects”? Really? Who do these people think they are? More over, who do they think we are? At this juncture, there shouldn’t be anything written except, “COVID SHOTS HAVE BEEN PULLED FROM THE WORLD MARKET”! Period Done Finished!!! Note their key word is now “APPEAR”? There’s nothing that APPEAR, EXCEPT all the death and suffering caused from these BIOWEAPON INJECTABLE’S! Yes this is “MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE”! Without question and even from someone like myself, non-medical, non-scientific, non- anything healthcare related individual! I believe the article was posted on Pub Med, if I’m not mistaken. Recently I watch a video from a US Navy Individual and I believe heart attack increased 973%! Again if I’m not mistaken, )I apologize if my accuracy is off). My point is simple, the numbers speak for themselves! The overwhelming evidence points to the “FRANKENSHOTS” to quote Dr Francis Boyles coined phrase. So I’ll ask one question; “WILL HUMANITY EVER BE TOLD THE TRUTH”? May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Putting everything together from the very first lie which was "there is a NEW virus - coronavirus" I knew that this was a trick to scare everyone and once that happens they can gett away with murder. CV is not new. It was discovered in at least the early 60s and has always been the 2nd leading cause of the Common Cold. Everything after that was compound lies.

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The prodrome or acute infection stage with its low IFR is old news now. The focus is shifting to the cancer stage which purportedly follows, or may follow, the acute infection stage in those who have been infected, especially those with PASC or "long covid." After years of claiming that research findings were equivocal with regard to whether or not jabs prevent "long covid" (and hence reduce cancer risk) it's now being claimed that research is showing that the unjabbed are at greatly heightened risk for "long covid," and hence for cancer. The claim is that the more jabs one gets, especially before getting infected, the better but that even one jab lowers the risk.

Vaccination Dramatically Lowers Long COVID Risk. Several new studies reveal that getting multiple COVID vaccine doses provides strong protection against lingering symptoms


Inside long COVID’s war on the body: Researchers are trying to find out whether the virus has the potential to cause cancer


"Several studies have suggested that cancer could also be a potential long-term complication of the virus; however, the causes of this risk are not yet well understood. In this review, we investigated arguments that could support or reject this possibility."

Should We Expect an Increase in the Number of Cancer Cases in People with Long COVID?


"Herein, we propose that long COVID‐19 may predispose recovered patients to cancer development and accelerate cancer progression. This hypothesis is based on growing evidence of the ability of SARS‐CoV‐2 to modulate oncogenic pathways, promote chronic low‐grade inflammation, and cause tissue damage. Comprehensive studies are urgently required to elucidate the effects of long COVID‐19 on cancer susceptibility."

Cancer as a prospective sequela of long COVID‐19


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Feb 12, 2024
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Feb 12, 2024
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There,'s a shitliad just like it. The who research direction on it now is on biomarkers.

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Paul and all,

Are you part of the SOLUTIONS or part of America’s problems?

Nothing else matters in America unless SOLUTIONS start here…



For only Patriotic Lions who understand how important it is to do something at this critical time in America…



No 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY = No More America!

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Please help with this critical 2024 project to help restore AMERICA for all future generations!


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The recompense may need to come from a higher power Dr. Alexander. Jehovah God himself, Jesus and God's angels may have to issue out the vengeance. Lots of evil people are involved.

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The lab leak fairy tale was created by Alex Jones with an arms treaty lawyer and then msm ran with it.

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Why have they injured the whole world tho just to topple Trump?

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It's all part of Agenda 2030, pandemic, wars, climate change, financial collapse then CBDC, Carbon Allowance. They require us all to be digitally IDd to partake in society and the want to control us like we are SIMS from Sim City video game. Much bigger than USA, Politicians, countries.

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Feb 12, 2024
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What a fuckwit with a reading comprehension problem. You're obviously too dumb to know what tje use of the words "purportedly" and "it's now being claimed" signify. Pull your head out of the sand or out of your ass and crawl back to your echo chamber where the only voices you hear are in agreement with your brain farts. I didn't endorse the claims you fuckwit. I merely pointed out that they're being made.

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