Never ever was there any kind of lab leak as you’ve so clearly stated Dr. Alexander. As time passes more and more, in your face, sort of speak information is exposed about this deliberate and malicious attack on the world’s population! Militarily speaking, 100% conclusively yes! All involved have and will continue to “tight lipped” silent! There’s no doubt in my mind the world is at war between, GOOD AND EVIL”! Front and center! No ones going to save the world, no one person can turn all this damage around! It will take an entire generation plus, if not more to eradicate all the “sleeper cells”, both foreign and domestic! Our government agencies have been compromised, our borders have been compromised, our executive government has been compromised, our military has been compromised! I could go on and on but the point is, America and the world must have a “Spiritual Awakening”! I know of any other way to fight against the evil forces trying to take over the world! May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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When I talk or write about what happened/is still happening, I often mention this very thing, you'll never stop 100% of the bad things happening in this world because evil will ALWAYS exist! I absolutely agree, people need to wake up and get back to God!

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Yes BrocUSA I agree, evil has and always will be. I have never witnessed evil at this level in my lifetime and in your face deliberately. The powers to be have now come right out and tell you, tell everyone. Which is a good thing IMO their not trying to hide it anymore. But it’s also a bad thing because it’s as though they are saying, try and stop me and with an, “I DONT GIVE A DAMN” attitude! Another words, we put up or shut up! This is happening everywhere I travel today. From customers who I’m responsible for right down to ever day drivers running stop and throwing the middle finger. Obviously and IMO only, stuff rolls downhill, so when our elected officials can get away with anything, so too the populace thinks they can. It’s disturbing how much and how quickly people have gone off the rails. I’m sure some will realize it’s wrong and others will never give a damn and while most haven’t any clue and will go along to get along. Thanks for your input BrocUSA.


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Well said!

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This is all so above my education level, confusing & overwhelming, BUT I can read & read I did at least what was uncensored & available. I don’t know why, but I knew from the beginning the propaganda was a lie so me & my family refused the vaccine & thank God we did! For all those people who lied & conspired to harm & kill with this vaccine your day of judgment is coming. You broke one of God’s sacred commandments! As a Christian I cannot be the one who pulls the trigger, but in my heart I wish I could. May God have mercy on your souls!

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Governments who deceived their populations should be held accountable & made to pay damages.

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You are talking about every country in the world.

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No, they only made most of us believe that the entire world went lockstep into convid measures. In fact there were many countries that didn't comply like for example Belarus. They ignored the "health regulations".

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Sounds like over 95% of the world was in lockstep.

Could you name more countries than just Belarus? Congrats to them by the way.

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Populations make it easy for them to do so by deifying the State, loving it and trusting it and bowing down before it and worshipping it. To the State, the individual is expendable. His or her only purpose is to give their life for their government.

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So, the truth is we knew no pandemic, we knew the CDC PUMPED UP NUMBERS SO IT WOULD BE CALLED PANDEMIC! WE KNEW AFTER AWHILE THE PCR WAS THROWING OUT FALSE POSITIVE ALMOST 100%, so we knew that was wrong, I always believed that this flu was a flu, since the “flu” disappeared for 3 years? How does that happen unless FLU IS MANUFACTURED ALSO? Something else to stir this pot of lies! Everything I read and looked at pointed to “Covid”: “flu” was started in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at UNC. SO, IT WAS ALWAYS TO GET A KILLER SHOT OUT, not to kill flu, but to kill off the weakest. Another NAZI GERMANY? Build a master race?

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Exactly right!

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thsnk you for this sharing, peace and blessings.

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I understood that COVID-19 was not being handled properly from the very beginning, on March 11, 2020. In September 2021, when I was accepted into a sociology Ph.D. program, I suggested studying how the Quebec government was managing people's fundamental rights for my dissertation. However, from that moment on, I was subjected to harassment and bullying, which eventually led to Université Laval canceling my enrollment.

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Bullying and harassment are par for the course in academia. All good postgraduate students must go through a rituel d'humiliation grossière. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Cancel their subscription to the resurrection. Send their credentials to the house of detention. Maybe talk to Kyle Beattie at University of Alberta. He specialises in corruption studies. He wrote this brilliant paper, at the link below:

Beattie, Kyle A. (2021/11/15); Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of Vaccine Administration on Deaths and Cases Associated with COVID-19: A BigData Analysis of 145 Countries. Department of Political Science University of Alberta Alberta, Canada. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34214.65605


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Thanks! I'll check/contact with him.

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any how I can help let me know

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I will. I have taken action against the censorship I am facing in my studies. I reached out to Quebec Minister Pascale Déry, as I believe that Law 32 can protect me in this situation. However, I was informed that my dossier has been lost by the Education minister's office. I feel like I am being ignored and not taken seriously. It is widely known that Université Laval's social sciences department conducts studies on countering vaccine hesitancy. This could be the reason why my views are being suppressed.

- Luc

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Message to all American doctors and scientists who give a damn about STOPPING ALL VACCINES…

All AMERICAN doctors and scientists working to STOP THE VAX should be working together with the support of strategic planners. Contact…


Isn’t it way past time AMERICAN doctors and scientists UNITE???

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Sociology…..now that is the issue.

We are all a product of our social environment, however in college, sociology is an experiment that appears to be a brainwashing exercise. I lived that as a college students years ago in sociology, ethics and philosophy courses. My philosophy professor thought my writing was too “abrasive”….in his words as it did not follow the narrative. I am and always will be a realist. I do not think that everything in society is based on the color of your skin or your wealth, though that is what is being pushed in America’s colleges. They never discuss the real matters of which we are seeing in society, only something like let’s discuss the poor person of color who is marginalized in society. Wait…they came to America and are afforded more options than regular American citizens. Free food, free housing, free college, etc….So, my question, why are “they” so marginalized? You see….it is a brainwashing that the powers that be have cram down your throat to get what they want…..minions falling in line and not questioning, but following orders like serfs.

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Peter and all,


You all are doing a GREAT job proving these vaccines have done more harm than good and should be stopped before DISEASE X is released!

What is it going to take to stop the vaccines in the USA?

Is just speaking, writing, publishing papers and books going to solve the worst humanitarian crisis/war our world has ever seen???

Is just speaking, writing, publishing papers and books going to solve the worst humanitarian crisis/war our world has ever seen???

Unity and serious strategic planning Leaders whose expertise is winning wars…both necessities to winning a war!

You and your medical friends might want to get on the doorstep of strategic planning Leaders, yes Leaders who have great clarity in winning wars!

P.S. You don’t think serious strategic planning True Leaders will not be involved in helping Trump the next time? You think those who have not done the right things these past 4 years are going to sit near the WH?

Again…Is just speaking, writing, publishing papers and books going to solve the worst humanitarian crisis/war our world has ever seen???

You can be guaranteed the strategic planning True Leaders are watching the ones who by now should have…


Good luck getting your friends FINALLY to the door of those strategic planning Leaders…maybe this time the health professionals will listen to their advice???

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Message to all American doctors and scientists who give a damn about STOPPING ALL VACCINES…

All AMERICAN doctors and scientists working to STOP THE VAX should be working together with the support of strategic planners. Contact…


Isn’t it way past time AMERICAN doctors and scientists UNITE???

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Oh look another paper stating the obvious. When will you all stop talking and actually take action. Am I the only one who actually wants to change this situation. I know you are cowards, but do something for your kids. Sheesh.

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The entire thing was a Lie, planned many years in advance.

Reminder. Dr Phil Febo: Moderna and Pfizer Never Had the ‘Isolated’ Virus in Their Lab, They Used the Sequence Sent From China

Chinese CDC Admits They Never Isolated the Virus. Kary Mullis about PCR test


The Corona PSYOP: A “Bombshell” Video by Project Veritas Preparing the “Herd” for the Next Plandemic

The goal is to keep the “herd” in FEAR, by continuously reinforcing the contagion narrative


Satanic Pfizer: The Occult Symbolism Found On The Pfizer Mural. They Are Mocking Us

The Pfizer Mural created in 1960 depicts Coronavirus officially discovered in 1965


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Message to all American doctors and scientists who give a damn about STOPPING ALL VACCINES…

All AMERICAN doctors and scientists working to STOP THE VAX should be working together with the support of strategic planners. Contact…


Isn’t it way past time AMERICAN doctors and scientists UNITE???

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100% truth

There was NEVER pandemic, it was all a lie from the beginning.

People killed by the hospital protocols and the 'measures' which were supposed to 'protect' them from a non-existent threat..

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Thank you Dr. Paul for never letting us forget what the demonic entities have done to us.

Hanging is too good for them.

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Paul and all,

You all are doing a GREAT job proving these vaccines have done more harm than good and should be stopped before DISEASE X is released!

What is it going to take to stop the vaccines in the USA?

Is just speaking, writing, publishing papers and books going to solve the worst humanitarian crisis/war our world has ever seen???

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We need you!

Time to stop talking and do something real for your country!

Who cares about all the murders if you are not going to stop talking and DO SOMETHING THAT MATTERS!

Here is something that matters most in America for 2024…


America falls then so does the world!!!

Please help!

Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

NEEDED…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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The process of bringing Gates and the rest of the pathocrats to justice has to begin at the local level.

We're not in Kansas anymore, are we?


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Virology is Mythology. No Lab leak and no Gain-of-function possible

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The war on the human immune system is part of the larger war on nature. Men are in thrall to the devil, who wants to exalt his throne above the throne of the Highest. Therefore, men are striving against their Maker, the Creator. So men take this war to the creation. Men try to subdue nature and improve upon it. (What men cannot subdue, they destroy.) Men exploit nature for profit. The exploitation of natural resources has given rise to financial capitalism (money making money), imperialistic socialism, what CJ Hopkins calls “GloboCap” and what’s commonly referred to as the Great Reset, the New World Order, world government. Where does it, some of it, stem from? The belief that natural immune systems and herd immunity needs to be improved upon by vaccination and immunization. Vaccination and immunization is all a pack of lies. It’s the same old story of men being in thrall to the father of lies, the prince of the power of the air, the prince of this world, the devil.

Trying to fight the Pathocracy is like trying to fight the devil. I think it’s all about what you strongly desire to fight FOR, instead of what you’re willing to fight against.

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I don’t comment much but value your posts. You are brave and dogged in your constant drumbeat to provide enlightenment of the failed and evil pandemic response and bio injections. Keep up the good work, pressure and apostle work! We need your wisdom and encouragement to never give up and to continue the good fight to triumph over evil. It sounds trite to say, but it takes a village. I hope there will eventually be enough villagers to stop this vaccine farce. Thank you!

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THE DOUBLE CROSS & THE TRIPLE CROSS - Everyone must understand that they ALWAYS do a double cross, or a triple cross. The first story is always red herring, and so is the second story, and often the third. Do you see? We are dealing with the highest level of manipulation at military intelligence level and the ‘CIA’ et al. There is ALWAYS a cover story for the cover story and sometimes another cover story that is covering up the truth - and don’t assume you can stop there because that’s a part of the game plan, to create plausible deniability, to confuse you, to wear you out with their nonsense fake bat stories and fake lab leak stories and spike proteins and on and on. The lab leak story was always a lie just like the bat story. “A lie told often enough becomes the truth” - Vladimir Lenin

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I'm ready to believe that there was no pandemics. The French expert statistician Pierre Chaillot did a remarkable work looking at official numbers. My question is: what people die from? At the start of covid in France, February 2020, soon after an international meeting, 30 people out of church of 1000 died and many more got seriously sick, including young people. So what caused this?

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