Never look a gift horse in the mouth.

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I don’t trust him. He has a contract with the government. Go to win back freedom. Com

He is playing us. Where are the Hunter Biden dumps ? Why are so many still banned from twitter?

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All wank. Just like him.

If he's a counter revolutionary, then I'm Jesus on meth looking for a rehab facility.

Society is pathetic.

All the alternative media desperados clinging to the ruse of someone holding a light at the end of the covid tunnel with piping hot tea and delicious biscuits, but in reality he's ready, willing and able to give you all the inevitable kick in the cunt.

"Sorry dimwits, I never meant a word of it. Hahaha. Suckers!".

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I’m definitely weary of Elon. Neuralink is a very bad idea. He’s mocking us with the Halloween costume and he wants Twitter to be the new marketplace. Place to bank with programmable cbdc of course. Perfect way to lull ppl in, get all of their info, total control of their $ and then bring in the social credit system.

I realize I’m very jaded but this is what I see happening. He gains peoples trust, let’s the unbanned back on. Let ppl say whatever they want. then like they did in Mao’s China to the philosophers & free thinkers, told them they could speak their peace, they’d be safe. Gathered them all together and killed them. Except with Twitter it’d be a social credit score. I think it’s great he’s releasing things but at the same time I’m wondering what we’re being distracted from.

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New innovative ideas are typically hijacked for evil purposes. Should we have banned electricity, gasoline, telephones, airplanes, computers, and other modern inventions? Neuralink's current focus is on creating medical devices to help people with neurological diseases and injuries. These happen to be among the most common problems the harmed have experienced from the spread/shed/injected agent.

Inanimate objects and technological advances aren't the problem. The ones who want to use these in harmful ways are the problem. Evil only prevails when good people do nothing. The masses very willingly have given away their powers and passively watch. Adults need to (re)learn to be adults again and take back their powers. This nightmare won't end until enough realize that.

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Both my wife and I along with others do not think we should be hooked to anything that may be able to control or influence how we think. I have liked some of what Elon is doing, however there are still some things that give us pause. As it has been in the past as well as now, distraction is always used to cloud the real purpose of plans by so-called elites or governments. I have asked myself many times what are we not seeing that is being hidden from us.

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Wow, I don't know what to say. Very rare for me.

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I'm still listening to this. It gives me a much better idea of where they are in the understanding by those against the corrupt. Thank you, I have this web site now.

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Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Terri was also chatting with me. I hope she sees this too.

Take care.

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Same to you and your family.

May we see the end of evil corruption.

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FYI - I posted two telegram links.

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No luck, will ask my neighbor. He's good at this stuff. I ended in a loop and kept going round and round.

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What is being hidden, in my mind, is more than we can fathom. How much further is AI than we know, how many more deadly *accines are in the pike? 5G is another venue just for starters.

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I have seen some of the research done on the 5G system and it made me very concerned. There was also, I can't remember off hand who said it but they talked about it causing the corona affect. There is evidence it harms biological systems and even microbes. So we know to be bombarded by it 24/7 can't be good for anything and so do the people who built the system know what it does. Thanks for reminding me about the AI. I said a long time ago they should be very careful what they do when building AI. I am sure it should be kept in a closed system because who knows what it would do if it felt threatened.

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From what I have heard is that President Trump & the Military ( White Hats), will be taking care of the 5G towers. There is a massive global military that is occurring ( behind) the scenes), that is taking down this corruption.

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I was wondering who in government, other than the evil who put the system, were aware of how dangerous the 5G really is. Good to know they are on it.

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I'll relax a bit when gates, schwab. fauci, and the District of Corruption bottom feeders are taken care

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Wow, hadn't thought about that - threatened AI. It just never stops.

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If I knew how to post pictures on Substack, I would share some information with you. As I don’t I suggest you go on the Telegram app and follow BioClandestine. On there she talks about Musk.

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

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Thanks will check it out. Sometimes I wish I was blissfully ignorant of what is happening to our once wonderful (not perfect) country. I remember in 1976, celebrating 4th of July. a commentator started that the average lifespan of an 'empire' was 200-250 years. Why? Because people became lazy and complacent.

And to you, a blessed Christmas and that we will be given the tools to combat this blight on our lives, and the lives of our children.

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It's the last entry:


Dr. McCullough has highlighted "Clandestine".

This is her/his/their Substack as well:


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I figured another way how to share the information.

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Check out the discovery from Dr Shivas lawsuit when he was de platformed.

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I think Elon Musk is a confused person. I think he truly loves freedom but has been pulled in by the money he is making from his projects and his involvement with pagan countries. We need to pray that he recognizes he is a sinner and he needs Jesus in his life and he needs to humble himself and repent of his sins and turn away from his wicked ways. Then through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will see a big change in him. Only God has the power to change him. God listens to prayers and answers prayer. Let’s pray for Elon Musk.

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Why are the doctors still banned?

Musk doesn't want to burn bridges with FDA.

He will play their game in order to get neuralink approved.

Do not comply.

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Many have wondered where the thought to be hooked to a computing system really came from. Is this Elon's idea or who else is involved. I shudder to think. I think he has done much to advance the human race in the respect to space travel and getting off of fuel powered vehicles, but I am still waiting to see the ideas to really advance the human race as far as we should be at this point in time.

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Yup. Line up little minions and get your chip inclusive shot for free. We'll even give you a free ice cream cone.

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Is this really Elon--or a stand-in?????

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Dr Alexander, I have just listened to this vax injured woman. She needs help! Please listen to her.


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