I was actually looking up some reports on VAERS about testicular issues after the covid vaccines.

There are some horrifying cases.

One guy's testicles were swollen 3x the normal size: https://www.openvaers.com/vaersapp/report.php?vaers_id=1436690

Another guy's testicles were so enlarged that a doctor suggested surgery: https://www.openvaers.com/vaersapp/report.php?vaers_id=1432015

It's 'nuts'.

I'm thinking of writing just about this. Like how many guys were walking around with busted balls after the covid vaccine? Why is it even doing this to them???

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Big Balls Conspiracy Theory.

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Explains the sudden rise in wheelbarrow sales..

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At least this side effect could affect a man's vanity enough not to take the covid death shot.

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Good memory. I forgot about Minaj's comments.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

having a pain disorder in that same area which preceeded covid and is not connected to it in any way - let us not embarrass each other any more details - i was rather upset when one of my workmates, who i told about this pain late in 2018, did burst into laughter.

It is ndeed no laughing matter

but you know how junk science works! they will only admit data which confirms their conclusion so any other claim is "not evidence" (ie not connected even by way of disproof to the junk science they are pushing), or is "without evidence" ie simply not true

vascular problems could easily explian impotence and inflammatory issues could explain such explosions, or maybe abscesses resulting from said inflammation

and we DO know that vascular issies and inflammation are covid side effects .

we cannot expect honesty from those invested in junk science

and they will contine to do the only thing they can, deny deflect and demonize

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I saw the story this morning, and my first thought was: what guy would get on social media to proclaim that his balls exploded?

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I think exploded is the wrong choice of words though.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

Why not? SP goes EVERYWHERE. Intense inflammation could easily cause orchitis. I wouldn't bet on his ability to have children.

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everyone who was ridiculed turns out to have been right. where are the apologies?

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I know a man that had that. They of course said it was due to untreated UTI. Ok. Sure. Like that happens.

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Someone needs to nut this one out ...

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Wow. What are the incidences of this in relation to the shots?

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Conspiracy to Truth = 18 months

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When I was a kid before TV and iphones we played Jacks and Balls where the jacks were six side prongs that piled up and stuck together. The molecular spike proteins created by our clever micro biologists do something similar. The spike proteins must be having fun blocking the blood flow out of the gonads. The injection of mRNA viral like substances reprogram cellular function and have the cells create spike proteins that miagrate to different organs of the body on a uncontrollable basis. It's all fun and games for the Pfizers who only see dollar signs! Let's ignore the great harm that is transpiring and go full steam ahead convincing the masses that this is the new medical treatment for disease states.

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Sounds like an issue that should concern women as much as men. Nikki figured a vibratory won't cut it.

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