Pfizer and Moderna knew that their so called "vaccines" would do this to people. Unconscionable action. Reading "Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime How big pharma has corrupted healthcare" By Peter Gotzsche. This book written years before the Covid 19 disaster. Illustrates the drug companies were eagerly willing to kill people for profits. Knowingly marketed dangerous drugs. Deliberately manipulated trials and tests, lied, hid trial results, bribed, paid off, etc. The epitome of evil.

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Meant to say…read any of his other books?

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Have you read any of Peter Gotzsche’s books?

He looks like an interesting author with a solid science and medicine background!

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Was unaware of him until I bought this book. I don't remember his name as far as someone speaking out against the Covid vaccines, but he would have to be in the fore front. Will do Google search to see the latest news about him.

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

I got it after 1st Moderna in Feb 2021. 4 weeks of dull constant chest, shoulder, left arm pain, breathless, and weakness. 67 yo female. Now 2 years later myocardial damage remains, reduced ventricular function, lessened ejection fraction and not nearly the stamina I had before. How many others like me? Maybe the young heart recovers, but I am stuck for life

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Oh that’s terrible 😢 TH. Had you had a previous case of Covid? I’m just curious since you said you got it after your first shot. And the only person in the trial that got myocarditis after the first shot had a prior Covid diagnosis.

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No I had not had covid. I did not want the shot, but was not allowed to visit my 95 yo mother after a year of horrifying window visits. I could not do that to her- she was so lonely and had so little time left.

I was very leery of the injections with rushed production, no long term studies, very little information, a brand new technology and constantly changing "expert" advice. I had read the early weasel papers on mRNA. The weasels all died, btw. Did anyone read the warning sheets at the very beginning given when you got a shot? They were horrifying, especially the Pfizer (Thanks Naomi Wolf!) leaflet given to my husband. I suspect those leaflets disappeared quickly as too incriminating, though the FOIA release of the Pfizer files are showing all the same info now. I kept my husband's just as proof. My mother was given "safe and effective" DES in the 1950s by confident doctors. A drug that damaged their unborn children (me) when those children matured and then moved to the next generation (one of my sons). I have always been skeptical since then. A year after that "myocarditis" injection, I did get covid on purpose, believe it or not. In hopes of natural immunity because the shots were worthless. But I had my early treatment protocol pack (FLCCC dot net) ready, began early treatment within the first 3 hours and was only sick for 36 hours- then completely 100% well. I did lose smell and taste along with all the other dramatic symptoms, but smell/taste came back rapidly on day 4. A complete non-event. Early treatment with repurposed drugs and protocol works. To me this is the greatest tragedy of the past 3 years...unnecessary sickness and deaths and shattered families and children. I better stop before I get too rabid!

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Yes from the beginning of the deployment of covid injections I wondered how many older people experiencing the symptoms of heart damage were gaslit to believing it was just part of the aging process and nothing to do with the new injections. Heart damage was associated with younger people only because it is too difficult to hide in this age group but the older you are the easier it is to write it off as some minor issue and maybe the aging process or just ignored.

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Yes Amat, my thoughts exactly. And when they died suddenly people just waved their hand and said "well, he or she was old and already had some problems" my own cardiologist did that simply vaguely saying " yeah, well, these shots cause inflammation everywhere" so I got a new doctor who verified through testing that the permanent damage was real unfortunately.

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Searching https://matchyourbatch.org VAERS records for: ( Type: Covid19, Covid19-2 ) ( Manufacturer: Janssen, Pfizer-Biontech, Moderna, Novavax, Unknown ) ( Symptom: Myocarditis )

16,812 events reported through April 14, 2023

Of which: 399 died 2.4% | 1,690 life-threathening 10.1% | 828 permanently disabled 4.9% | 11 possible miscarriage or stillbirth 0.1%

NOTE: VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. (Source: CDC)

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Paul and all,

ALL the horrifying genocidal damage is continuing because…

When good people do nothing that matters, evil will prevail. When good people fail to unite against evil, evil will prevail. When good people refuse to stand together to defeat evil, evil will prevail.

The buck stops with us!

How much worse does it have to get, before ALL GOOD PEOPLE UNITE AND ENGAGE?

If you are really awake and ready for real solutions, volunteer at…NorthAmericanLawCenter@gmail.com


Mother/Grandmother Of 7 and counting

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I AM NOT A DR., Therefore i have NO Patience

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Hear it is The Florida legislative session is coming to a close and health freedom warriors were LIED to by Gov. DeSantis.

The governor promised he'd support SB222, an all-encompassing, broad, and robust health freedom bill that would be model legislation for other states.

Instead, we were informed by a staffer of Colleen Burton that DeSantis is actually supporting SB252, a fake, watered down, narrow, and almost moot medical freedom bill pertaining ONLY to Covid-19 and that leaves the door wide open for other incursions on our rights in a future pandemic.

Friend of the show, Nick Caturano, wanted to sound the alarm bell about this so he asked me if we could make a little video to see if we can make a last minute impact before SB252 gets signed into law.

While Nick has publicly stood by and spoken at some of Gov. DeSantis's press conferences, he felt the need to write him an open letter expressing his disappointment over the governor's purported support of fake med freedom bill SB252.

If the governor does indeed support this bill, it will be a slap in the face to all the medical freedom warriors who supported him in his recent election.

Find out more about the bills here:

Compare the two bills: https://civilrightsflorida.com

Read about SB252: https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/252/

Read about SB222: https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/222/

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With the U.S.Military, Covid "Vaccinated" many unknown Heart problems to be expected, weakening our Combat responces...

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Rules Are Meant To Be Broken.


The Broken Are Meant To Be Ruled.

“Y” Intersection 1 mi


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The best thing about being a conspiracy theorist who wants to kill my grandma and spread misinformation is that I don't have to worry about myocarditis.

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I am not a doctor, hence the question. Can somebody explain why the researchers measured eosinophils along with Troponin? I was under the impression that Troponin was released by the heart when it is stressed (during an exercise, for example). Eosinophils are an immune system component that deal with parasitic infections. Why would one measure both as they did in this paper? I did a search and found there's something called eosinophilic myocarditis but this is not listed in the paper.

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Neutrophils rise during bacerial infections. Eosinophils rise during allergic reactions.

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