Finally, an answer to a question about the actual "disease."

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Piggy back for attention!

Dr Alexander, you may find this confirms your suspicions regarding myocarditis / pericarditis from Covid as opposed to vaccine.

From the Marc Girardot substack. 12 Dec 2022

A few weeks ago came from Israel a very significant piece of research¹ on the incidence of myopericarditis following COVID. The cohort was nearly 197,000 infected people, and the control group was nearly 591,000. Significant. The conclusion of the authors was very clear:

“We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection.” (Unvaccinated)

1. “The Incidence of Myocarditis and Pericarditis in Post COVID-19 Unvaccinated Patients—A Large Population-Based Study” by Ortal Tuvali et al

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When autopsies are the only way to ascertain and access factual truths, it's a full-blown tyranny.

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Hi Paul,

I just read an article by nature.com (a US/UK collaboration publication) saying 1m people will be dying in China from covid in the next few months, unless they take a 4th dose consisting of an mRNA shot instead of the Chinese manufactured traditional inactivated vaccine.

What a crock of shit.

What a spineless sales pitch by Pfizer and Moderna looking to boost jingle bells year time flailing revenues.

What's the rate of hearts that pack up in China post shot?

Very low I'm sure.

Watch China come out ok.

Not that the legacy media will ever report this.


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you are correct and your choice of adjectives is interesting indeed. If I used that my mother will call me.

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Dr Alexander, you may find this confirms your suspicions regarding myocarditis / pericarditis from Covid as opposed to vaccine.

From the Marc Girardot substack. 12 Dec 2022

A few weeks ago came from Israel a very significant piece of research¹ on the incidence of myopericarditis following COVID. The cohort was nearly 197,000 infected people, and the control group was nearly 591,000. Significant. The conclusion of the authors was very clear:

“We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection.” (Unvaccinated)

1. “The Incidence of Myocarditis and Pericarditis in Post COVID-19 Unvaccinated Patients—A Large Population-Based Study” by Ortal Tuvali et al

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We know the COVID jab is trash but I have read that the regular flu shots and children’s vaccines are now (or will be) using the mRNA technology. Is this correct? If so, will they be as dangerous as the COVID jab?

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The study's summary says:

"Initial review of the data indicate that myocarditis was present in 20 hearts (7.2%); however, closer examination of additional reported information revealed that most cases were likely not functionally significant and the true prevalence of myocarditis is likely much lower (<2%)."

...What do they mean by 'functionally significant'? 'Functionally' as in 'was the cause of death'? ...Does this mean that roughly 1 in 14 ( 7.2% ) of covid-19 cases, do get at least *some* sub-clinical myocarditis, and if so, is it only for those who die?

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I had a question too. The last abstract statement said myocarditis is rare with C19 but other cardiac histopathologies are not. Is the studying indicating that C19 still causes heart damage and thus justifying the injection? It would be helpful to see the entire study.

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Antibodies and the memory to quickly remake them are present after a natural infection or after the first shot. These antibodies are supposed to attach to the spike and block the spike on the virus the NEXT time you get infected so that the virus will not be copied. The theory is...this will lessen the duration and severity of symptoms. But what is the second shot doing? It has the message to make more spike proteins HIDDEN inside of lipid nano particles. The immune system can't see the spike until it is made, and BILLIONS of them will be made. In a natural infection of the virus, the exposed spike is seen immediately and can be blocked so that more viruses will not be made inside of the body. The immune system cannot stop the mRNA in the shot from making more spikes. That's the difference. And when it does see those billions of new spikes, the immune system can activate the very aggressive and destructive heavy artillery arm called the complement cascade. It will destroy not only cells that are making the spike or have spike attached, but normal cells nearby get destroyed as well. If this happens in myocardial tissue, immune cells are drawn into areas they normally wouldn't go in a normal infection. Myocarditis is the result and Sudden Adult Death can and does happen.

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Thank you for bringing this to light!

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Dec 19, 2022
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BOOM, the gravest mistake ever to bring this fraud shot. ..

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