Didn’t Gates ADMIT this was going to happen? He needs to be investigated and I hope to God that eventually happens...soon! This is all infliction done by the elite class and those who invests with them!

Do they have the drug to cure now🙄

Psychopathic behavior!

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I think CDS could work. That is CLO2 chlorine dioxide...reference Jim Humble.

Oh, AND put a noose around bill gate's neck and take him for a walk... long walk off a short plank.

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please replace noose with dog leash, more political correct.

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Sure it is...however I don't care about being politically correct. That's why I wouldn't make a good Ambassador. I do care about the truth though. These are the most evil beings and they want to kill your children and also to kill you and your whole family.

Replace kill with depopulate to present in a sanitarily evil way as "they" do.

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Too insulting for dogs. Barbwire is still too soft.

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The whole chlorine dioxide is a bunch of mumbo jumbo. There is no clear concise directions for any of it.

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023

Well, if one takes a few drops in water or juice as a preventive, knowing that it kills bacterias. Fungis, parasites, virus, because this stuff has been proven to work, it is used in municipal water supplies. Here is a link where you can learn various different facts and applications for CDS...just have to read a little bit for your own research perspectives.



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I saw where you probably don't want to take it too much, as it can kill good bacteria also and they recommended also taking a good probiotic when you Need to take the cds. So probably Not a good idea as a preventive then, but ratger take it when you nèed it. In other words...kick it out fast with cds when you feel something coming on, then stop until needed again is my thoughts. Good to have on hand though, and for sure you don't want to mess up your gut microbiome.

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Sh. You will wake up the sheep.

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The last scamdemic didn't effect children so Gates had to make sure this one did.

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The last one was "protect granny by wearing a mask, 6 feet of social psyop and shots".

This one is "save the children by taking your vaxxine, plus 6 feet of psyop with a mask on"

More BS.

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Ohio has been through so much this year!

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The age of the Gentiles is nearing its end. Time to pray with a new depth of devotion for a move of God upon this world...I am with contrition.

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Start going to mass,or pray inside the church every single day that you can, receive the holy communion and ask our holy mother to protect your loved ones, then tell it to anyone who you talk to. Thtas about all we can do right now.

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Unvaxed unmasked unmuzzled unafraid never comply, love from down Under go hard we will NEVER COMPLY 💪

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

Mystery My @$$. The Truth ALWAYS comes out in the wash. They know how to create disease with frequency signatures from 5G towers put out around all the schools. They also know how to aerosolize their biowarfare weapons...And....history shows that in 1917-1918 period of time that the "deadly" Spanish Flu was caused by the gov. Vaccinating the military...saying there was a scary pandemic (test plandrmic1?) and then forcing everyone to wear masks and take shots, and the people were dying from bacterial pneumonia from wearing the filthy masks and breathing in their own backwash all day, and receiving God knows what in their arms. I'm fed up with STUPID and EVIL people running our lives so I say...." middle finger to f'd up stupid moronocrats!, NO! We're ONLY listening to really intelligent Godly people from NOW ON!"

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B-I-N-G-O ?

Just found this...

What Is Plasma DNA? Is This Another Reason Why Bill Gates Insider Brags Next Pandemic Will Wipe Billions Of People Off The Earth!!



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Sweden didn’t lockdown, especially their children. So that would make lockdowns have a significantly lower impact there. How injected are there children? We know shedding occurs so even if you had a relatively low injection rate at say 50% it could still impact a much larger population. Because they didn’t lockdown children would have been in close contact with each other all along for shedding to have more opportunities to work.

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Dr. Paul, what are the odds that all these children have been jabbed with the poison genetic injections where they have found parasite eggs in the solutions. Parasites can cause many diseases, my family and friends are using liquid ivermectin to clear their lungs.

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I pray you are wrong.

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Have the children most seriously affected by this pneumonia been vaccinated... were their parents vaccinated?

There is so much I don't trust coming out of China... like everything the CCP touches.

The sooner countries dissolve any connection to the UN and the WHO right now the better. These two organizations are corrupt to the core.

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What did Biden and CCP pres talk about privately in California last week? Release some new bullshit fear porn to do lockdowns and mail in ballots for paedo Joe's 2024 reselection...

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My first thought was that the children that are getting this "mystery" illness are vaccinated for CV-19. No immune system left.

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Wasn't there a table top "exercise" last year that pretty much mimicked this same scenario of some kind of pestilence attacking our children? Was that the SEERS scenario? I forget about so many of these Ops that they run.

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