Lying to children, explicitly or implicitly, is not a good idea. Confusing them with faux facts that fit a political narrative is always a bad idea.

Mommies are not daddies. Daddies are not mommies. Men are not women. Women are not men. Boys are not girls. Girls are not boys.

Two men or women are a homosexual or lesbian couple, not a man and woman living together as a couple, married or not.

There are differences. They are real and they are based in biology.

There are hormonal, psychological, physiological and cognitive differences between men and women. They do not, in my mind, limit career, artistic, political or other areas of choice, but they do mean that mothers and fathers are not the same.

Pretending that they are is like any other family secret based on lies: it corrupts and disrupts relationships and normal development.

I am not surprised, as a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist with more than 50 years of experience, by the statistic cited (although I have not seen that study).

Let's discuss this openly: gender ideology is a political choice based on a scientific lie. Incorporating children into that lie at any level for any reason is an abuse of power, authority and responsibility by the distorting adult, well-intentioned or not.

And participating in the gender confusion industry is absolute child abuse, whether medical, surgical, psychological or pedagogical.

Without exception.

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I don't think there is any debate about this. The standard regulation nuclear family is by far the best. One father, one mother. Even children of a divorce suffer damage, unless it happens much after they are grown.

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Ya, & staying together for “the sake of the Children” is also a crock, fundamentally unstable familys should not be allowed to exist, I’m sorry, I can only point out the problem, I have no cure . . . oops!

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Male homosexuality has always been closely associated with homo-pedophilia. The majority of gay men were sexually abused as boys, and gay men are much more likely to be pedophiles than straight men are.


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Having known 1st hand the horror of religiosity of homo-pedophilia & its network of scouting pervasively practiced - is not restricted to Male homosexuality. Firsthand to many physical assaults, were practiced by both XX & XY to such a degree, the reality of ordered liberty for all, is in peril. Because none knowing, not even One goes where all die. Why? Because you can't fool all the people all the time....lol.

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I have not run across any claims or evidence that lesbianism is a result of being molested by a woman as a child. Though I do recall some lesbians saying that being molested by a man as a child permanently turned them against men.

And female teachers do seem to sleep with underage male high school students sometimes. There are some news articles about such cases.

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see my comment further down in this string. Imprinting, modeling, and yes, sexual abuse by men will mess with a woman's sexuality--see Pedo Joe's daughter Ashley's diary.

You are unlikely to see any reports, as it wouldn't be PC to do such a study nor assert such results: they wouldn't be published, and if by mistake they were, they would be quickly retracted, if uncomfortable results regarding the COVID jabs are any indication.

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I am not a proponent of gays growing up children; I believe in a male and a female working together to raise children in an environment that the children can thrive. What I am against is the ease with which the mother gets the children when the family breaks down (separation and divorce). During the custody battle, there seems to be less care being meted out to the children as to who the are happier with and it becomes increasingly difficult for the father to be awarded custody. While some mothers are very good parents, there are some who don’t care about the children enough to be the custodial parent. In my case, the children are unhappy and scared because they know that they are not being cared for like when they were with me. So I am fighting to be in their lives to protect them but the lawyers are not cheap and soon you can have your money depleted and constant nightmares of the children waiting until my circumstances change again so that I can carry on the battle to save them. I live in hope that the damage can be fixed. Their mother believes in vaccines and even when she is told of the dangers she went ahead and vaccinated them without my consent. We have to change the laws to prosecute mothers who knowingly put their children in harm’s way. We have to go after both physicians and parents. The rights and safety of children must be protected; not big Pharma and government.

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Also related…. It can be hard for children adopted into normal mother/father families. Sometimes you don’t feel like you belong. Bonding can be poor.

I never understood why it ever became acceptable for gay couples to adopt. Life is hard enough and children should have the right to a near normal start in life. If they have their own children… fine. But I wish they would leave adoption out of the equation.

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Clarification, you mean male homosexual couples, I will not use the term gay (there is higher incidence of depression in homosexuals, making the term counterfactual), I am done with political correctness.

Homosexual couples are sterile by definition, so male homosexual 'couples' cannot and should not have their own children and it was a grave error for the SCOTUS to do violence to language, Nature, God, and all natural reason and history as far as mankind has existed to sanction such a travesty. Lesbian couples can only have a child by artificial insemination and such should be unethical, if the medical profession had any ethics left.

So, no it is not fine 'if they have their own children, because they are not their own, only half their own.

Homosexual adoption is child abuse IMHO and evidence presented in this string confirms that.

There are not enough milestones and rope for dealing with these judges and lawyers and legislators involved in this travesty. (Matthew 18:6)

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So well stated - thank you! May God have mercy on us, especially these poor dear children.

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Thanks for this update on the pathologic results of the Great Society and the ongoing Sexual Revolution. There are huge casualties of the sexual revolution as you outlined.

There is or should be no debate. In the 1990s I did literature research for teaching that I was doing at the time. US Census data shows that black families were more likely to be intact than white families in the 1940s and at least the early 1950s. LBJ's (not so) Great Society destroyed the Black family as demonstrated by Daniel Patrick Moynahan's research before he went into politics.

At the time of my research I could demonstrate that intra-familial violence both inter and intragenerational was higher the further the family strayed from the Biblical ideal of one mother and one biologic father and their biologic children: In increasing order of danger and violence: single mother, single mother with baby's live in father, single mother with non-father live in boyfriend, single mother with non-live in boyfriend, single mother with serial sperm donors. Not my own data or research: lesbian partners < homosexual partners in terms of intra-partner violence; women were/are as likely to be initiators of violence in the home. although as anybody but the dildos who think that trans 'girls' have a 'right to play girls sports know, the superior strength and aggressiveness of the male means they do more damage and therefore come to medical attention more frequently (but also I think with some anecdotal evidence, that men are even less likely to report or admit being abused than women.

Another anecdote from the 1990s: teen girl patient of mine raised by her mother with live in lesbian lover reported being hit on, molested, raped (how does a lesbian rape another woman, serious question?). Another teen boy in foster care with a homosexual man--again being regularly molested by the foster parent.

The politicians, social 'scientists' medical 'professionals' that have been responsible for this degradation of your family law and legal framework for child care and the foster care system, and the leftist press, homosexual perverts', child molesters that have spurred this on and championed it as the next barrier after racial barriers that should be dismantled, should be rounded up and punished to and BEYOND the fullest extent of the law:

Execution, lifetime prison, castration, chemical or surgical, exile with no possibility of parole, should all be on the table for these people, and their accomplices.

I understand and believe in repentance and restoration upon evidence of genuine repentance and changed life, except for pedophiles there is good evidence that once a pedophile always a pedophile, so excution or exile, or life imprisionment are the only safe responses to that. A repentant pedophile still needs to be kept away from situations of temptation, perhaps in a monastery (with no one under 21 in the compound)--spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Truth in posting/advertising: I am a sinner just like the rest of us, aknowledge such and depend upon Christ's forgiveness daily. I also was attempted to be molested by a junior high school teacher of mine. I was able to dissuade him, did not report him to anybody (my mother liked him, I am not sure that she would have believed me, I couldn't believe what happened myself).

Homosexuals, lesbians, cross dressers/transvestites/ so called transgender, like the fake 'Admiral' in Biden's administration have no place in medicine.

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A number of black men want to be part of their children’s lives some mothers play the system to keep them out in order to increase their child support and other benefits from the government; even when they are in well paid jobs. I believe that fathers if given the chance will be better parents. Their are so many things going on now that will affect our children and the children need their fathers to protect them. The courts are deaf and blind to this fact.

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The courts are in many cases the instruments and enablers and encouragers of this pathology. If you have an issue in this area, you should seek change of venue if you are assigned a Democrat (or RINO) judge, but how is one to know?

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Boys learn what being a man means from real fathers. They can learn from good fathers or bad fathers. If they learn from only women with no male present, most of what they will learn about what it means to be a man will come from the perspective of those women. Are there divorced single Moms or two women couples with positive attitutudes towards men in general? Our society is riddled with male bashing in the last several years more than any other time in history. Doesn't have to come from home, there's plenty to go around in popular culture to teach a growing boy to be ashamed of being male, especially a white male. To what extent are these fads that rise and fall in time? To what extent are they intentional divisions designed to weaken us through disrupting the fabric of society that holds us together? I can't answer that but I know there are a lot of troubled boys out there harming others and themselves for lack of a moral compass. A good father could have shown them the way and set them straight when they erred.

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So true. Thank you for stating. God created us man and woman, He does not make mistakes. We must allow men to be men, we need them. Even if some women think they do not, they are wrong. The history of civilization speaks loudly to why natural order is important. We ignore it at our peril.

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Think about it Dr Alexander for a second, human beings, male and female ONLY and I emphasize ONLY, have been created for mainly one purpose. “Procreation”, correct? IMO, yes.

When genetic defects occur and they do, there’s a direct correlation to the offsprings development. Depending on the defect, a host of different issues can arise.

Therefore, when a child is placed in a family with same sex parents, IMO, similar defects can occur. I’m not implying genetically, I’m talking about mentally. At some point in a child’s development they will begin to notice something is different with their mom and mom or dad and dad versus his or her friends, mom and dad.

Obviously a child will deflect anything they believe is odd or different than their friend’s situation to fit in and will, for the most part, get along. No big deal. Right? I’m not so sure.

As the child gets older he or she may start to silently question why do I have two moms or two dads? How come Johnny has a mom and dad. Again, the child won’t pay too much attention because kids will be kids? But only up and until a certain point.

I do believe a child will assimilate to his or her upbringing, most of my friends have, so I have to believe this to be true.

When a boy has two moms, that boy may tend to be more feminine and vice versa if that same boy has two dads as parents

Kids like to act out their life as they grow. It’s how we all learn. When a child sees or catches his or her two mom’s kissing and or fondling each other off guard, certain brain chemicals responses will occur. It’s natural.

So as a little boy sees his two dads being affectionate the same thing will occur, but is this chemical response good or bad?

With a 7% higher rate of suicide among same sex parents children, quickly I would have to say, that’s way too high a risk for my likings.

I am not an expert by any means but I grew up in a large family with two distinct generations. All my siblings were “heterosexual”, including myself. What I learned growing up was, my sister’s had their private spaces and me and my brothers had ours. We never crossed the line. This, I believe is significant.

As a child gets a little older the same thing will happen to them. They will have private places and their mom and mom or dad and dad will have their private space. It seems so innocuous, right? No.

A child now starts to question the birds and the bees to mom and dad. Normally, all kids do, or most do. But with a child who has a mom and mom or dad and dad begins to question or is questioned by mom and mom. Or one of the two, confusion begins.

Now that child has to do one of two things. Ask their friends or accept their mom and mom explanation. This may offset any child’s ability to feel safe. Or feel less than. They tend to develop insecurities and as I witnessed with a friend of mine growing up, strange behaviors.

I never ask him why, but as I got older he told me he was pissed off he had two moms and not a mom and dad like I had. Eventually he began fighting kids for no good reason, was always getting sent to the principals office and became an overall trouble maker.

Obviously this is only one example and as we grew he later moved on and the last I knew he was in and out of relationships.

My point is, I believe the genetic differences between a man and a woman also have a mental effect on a child. Any child from any home can turn bad or good, depending on that child. But I believe there’s an inherent benefit and genetic advantage to a child having a mom and a dad.

If 7% of same children raised by same sex parents commit suicide, one can only imagine why that is. My personal experience in my family was lots of fighting with my brothers, which is typical and my sisters were all very nurturing. And even balance of how and why “God created man and woman”.

I’m not sure if this sheds light on what your intentions are. Being limited for time I wanted to share my experience growing up within a typical family, “leave it to beaver” style.

May God bless America and The Entire World!


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AJR, unless kids are raised on an island with no other heterosexual families around, kids notice the difference between Heather and her 2 mommies and all the other kids, and will be uncomfortable about being in a different family, I will guarantee.

Your one example is typical of the pathology that results from this social engineering by the psychopaths that are leading the culture straight to hell.

There is nothing to do about the children in these made up 'families' except when they meet legal definition of abused children get them the hell out of that situation.

If we are to save this country, getting rid of all the homosexual/lesbian/trans made up 'rights' pronto is a pre-requesite. I don't care how much they scream. Marriage is not a right. Rights accrue to individuals. Marriage is a privilege: you have to have a consenting and willing opposite sex partner. Natural children are a gift from God and their biologic parents are given the right, privilege, duty, and honor of raising them, as societies have recognized all over the world for millenia. Yes they can abuse and society should protect the child/children when that happens.

Adoption is not a right, it is similarly a privilege, duty, and honor, which is why there are adoption agencies, and perverts do not have the right to adopt in any sane society, and make no mistake about it but sexual deviancy is a perversion, and by my own clinical experience and as others have documented, non biologic sexual perverts will violate the children in the household at too high a rate to be tolerated.

Support and rescue the children that have already been placed in these risky pathologic situations and forbid any more from happening. Period, End of discussion, and I don't care who whines about it.

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Thank you Roger for your well explained response. I noticed an absolutely incredible difference with how this individual related to other kids in the neighborhood. From this one example I knew personally and experienced growing up next too, never gave it much thought growing up.

This is why I responded the way I remembered a rare situation in my early years. Today, although it’s not a situation I pay attention to, the suicidal rate is what caught my eye and peeked my interest.

Never connecting how, a young person could have a negative and violent attitude towards others neighbors kids, it was passed off as though he was crazy.

I realize today how and why this person acted so differently to others. Honestly, when I think back about this, his “out of the ordinary” personality was likely caused by his parents, less than acceptable, homosexual relationship back in the mid 60’s early 70’s.

Aside from the violent nature this individual displayed, he always seemed to extremely jealous. As I thought more about what I had experienced growing up, I never connected this persons particular nasty demeanor to his unusual parental environment.

Thank you once again for your well explained summation. Simply dissecting the original post / discussion / and quest to have, a common sense discussion’s, about this topic.

Your explanation Roger, would win the battle every time, regarding such a devastating and immoral, “societal disaster”.


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I have heard that LBJ installed a policy of welfare for women, provided there are no men living in the same home in the 1960's. The men left so that more money would be coming in. The children seem to be the very last consideration. Great way to mess up families!!!

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Great Society legislation is was called. He is said to have said that the legislation would keep the 'ni99ers' voting democrat for the next 200 years, neglected to say anything about the side effects, which he likely knew but didn't give a shit about, great racist that he was. Daniel Patrick Moynahan famously published on that phenomenon--the destruction of the black family while he was an Ivy League professor (Harvard, I think it was), before he became a US Senator.

It is a shame that that history is not taught in school at any level these days (well you are likely to learn about that if you went or send your kids to Hillsdale College, but that's about it), but not at all surprising.

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Until the dark ones are gone, those that have been doing their best to invert reality so they can cull us all, we will never see incentives for humans to create traditional families and that is what is needed. The pendulum will swing back to balance and hopefully not over correct as we have seen happen so many times in the past.

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I often wonder about children in same sex parents causing confusion. We learn from our parents so that means boy children will think they should marry a man. ???? Not normal.

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Agreed. Nice comment.

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You , and 97% of the human population are correct.

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it's so tempting to want to place blame for this problem in a simplistic way. However, to solve it, we need to examine where we find ourselves today with compassion for all parties, starting with the children. It's a problem we want to solve proactively, and that is what makes it hard. We cannot go back to the past to correct the source of today's problems. This problem has been a long time coming. But after the fact, how to help without making things worse? The people perpetuating the problem today -- many of them -- are unwitting participants in a scheme devised to rip families apart. Social fabric is fragile now. You have to meet people where they are, not blame them for not being where you want them to be.

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see my response to AJR.

No blame necessarily, just recognizing the facts and that we need to get away from where we are as quickly as possible, so we don't hurt any more children, and screw the sexual perverts.

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Children raised in a dysfunctional home, and yes, two homosexuals raising children is the definition of a dysfunctional home, can not be expected to not be affected by their environment. For example, my parents, father and mother, appeared not happy, not loving, with many arguments. So I came out of that with a subconscious opinion of marriage being a unpleasant existence to be avoided, and have never married. At 71, will no doubt continue to be single. Dysfunctional families effects children in a negative manner.

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