laboratory-confirmed influenza infections (8.2% of HCP-seasons) N95 respirator & 193 (7.2% of HCP-seasons) medical mask (diff, 1.0%, [95% CI -0.5% to 2.5%]; P = .18) (adj OR 1.18, 95% CI, 0.95-1.45)
I have never worn a mask and I don't intend to start. When I see people in those filthy things I just shake my head and think, "you moron" they're either too lazy or too indoctrinated by propaganda to even bother to look into wether they work or not.
I admit I wore one for a time at the beginning of this mess, but after seeing how useless they were I now refuse to wear one any longer.
I saw someone very recently at an office still wearing one under her chin (doing a lot of good there) and I had to shake my head in disbelief and pity, which is the emotion I feel more and more for those who just don't get it yet.
We have two big grocery store chains in town. The difference is stark! One is fully masked 24/7. Customers, staff, everyone. The other chain is FREE. I try never to go into the masked chain. Surprising they haven’t learned anything yet.
Yeah, it’s not required but everyone just does it. It’s in St. Louis. Very blue area. Stupidly so. I actually saw a person outside, walking her dog BY HERSELF at 6am, fully masked. What in the actual … ?
I blame them for marching us into communism. The tyrannists love those sheep. They need many boosters because those are the ones thst will be reporting people to the storm troopers.
I recall this paper from when I read it (or a very similar one) back in 2020.
This, plus the timing of the mask mandates in UK (Summer 2020 FFS) meant that I knew that the mask were just a pretraining exercise to get people to accept an unnecessary injection. I was right sadly.
"Wear your mask to protect others" became "take your jab to protect others".
Of course. I was in NYC and refused to wear it in my tony building, in stores, etc. I had so many fights, etc. No one listened to reason or science. I had to escape NYC over these MK Ultra masks.
Of course they never worked from day 1, since there is no virus to protect against.
Same with the 'vaccines' and any other measures to protect against said virus.
Do you know ANY non-pharmaceutical measure which worked against the virus?
I know I don't..
Some medicine may work on the individual (such as ivermectin or HCQ or certain vitamins) because it increases the body's ability to resist inflammation and such. But any so-called public health measures (lockdowns, masks, vaccines, etc) to contain the 'virus' within the populace have failed miserably .. why do you think they failed?
That was all just practice to test compliance for the enterovirus plandemic this coming year when they're going to kill off a lot of children. Unfortunately the children with covid shots will not do well.
The next plandemic will also be fictitious, driven by fake PCR tests.
Most dead will be amongst previously 'vaccinated' plus people died from different causes, but assigned to the new virus (as we've seen it happening with COVID)..
I agree with you it was a practice. But it was a practice to see how stupid people really are, and how long can they go along with the scamdemics.. apparently, human stupidity is infinite.
Masks for germs are nothing more than a social construct designed to turn you into an obedient slave. They don't even work in hospitals. I wonder why the most germs you can find are always concentrated in hospitals. The best use for a mask is at Halloween or at a party. Or, if you are a bank robber...which according to the liberals and democrats is now an established occupation.
Using a mask presumes that there are viruses running wild in the wind or air. Please show me that they exist in the air. Where are the samples of proof? Please prove how transmission occurs. Show me all those cute little virus particles stuck in your mask. Can we have some sane and evidenced based science please before we automatically assume viruses move freely and can infect anyone?
Kirsch used to contend that the K100 is the only mask worth wearing, and it’s the one you see in the horror movies. That said, you have to use it correctly which is almost impossible for most people. I wish we could stop discussing masks as a viable option to prevent spread or illness. It’s wasted energy.
Apparently Dr Marc Siegel hasn't read any peer reviewed studies. He was just on Fox News saying masks work and that children aren't wearing them correctly 🙄 🤦
Remember when the forest service put out that memo (re: California fires several years ago) stating that cloth masks, paper masks and N95s will not protect you from smoke particles? You can take it from there. 😂
YEP! John Hopkins came out with a study before narrative was done being used by dems, it stated the prolonged use of N95 masks could cause serious neurological problems. Then 2 Marines came out testing all types of masks and the only mask that offered maybe 5 seconds of not instant contamination was a GAS MASK! All the other masks, cloth, paper and N95, the contamination was instantaneous. You would think that people would dispose of them properly but no, they just toss them out their car windows, SLOBS ALL!! They are HAZARDOUS material, at least have the courtesy to throw them in the trash, preferably YOUR OWN TRASH!! I will not and have not worn a mask and do not intend to start.
DR. TED NOEL [wearing a blue surgical mask]: So without further ado let's cut to the chase and take a look at an ordinary surgical mask. And I'm using a vape. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] As you can see, that vape which has aerosols the same size as covid-19 or larger [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] goes through and around a surgical mask.
[wearing a cup mask] Now if we take a cup mask and have a good look at it, here we go. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Notice it goes right through the mask easily and goes in every direction. The aerosol is not affected by the mask in any material form.
Now we look at surgical mask with a foam strip to protect above and keep my glasses from fogging. [now wearing the surgical mask with foam strip] [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Lo and behold, the aerosols go all around it. It has no effect on me spreading aerosols to you.
[in a blue cloth mask] Now a cloth mask I borrowed from my wife. Once again, here we go, boom! Straight through and around. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the mask and the sides of the mask] It has no effect on the spread of aerosols. They go everywhere.
[shows package containing Guard mask] And then I went and bought a Guard mask with a high efficiency filter material. That one? Here we go, watch for it. [now wearing in mask] Through and around. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] It had no effect on the vape aerosol which, remember, is the same size or larger.
Now I don't have an N95 mask, I have these shop respirators where they could put all kinds of things in them [pointing to filters] but they're like an N95 because when you breathe out everything goes out through a valve. [puts on mask] [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Guess what? It might protect me from you, it sure isn't going to protect you from me. Let's look at that again. Boom! [puts on mask] [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Any mask with a button on it has a valve that lets everything go from you to your neighbor. It has no effect on anything.
I think you can get the picture now. There is absolutely nothing that any of these masks do to protect you from me. And the fact is that unless I have a mask which is fully sealed and where I breathe through the filter material both directions, and I have a really high quality filter, nothing is going to protect in either direction. Because just the same way that the vape went out, around, and through, it will come in, around and through. Aerosols will not be stopped by man.
You don't need a big study. All you need is this [holds up vape] because the aerosol here is actually larger in molecular size than the aerosol from your breath. And because your breath has a smaller tighter aerosol, just because it can't be seen ordinarily, that aerosol will go everywhere. It gets through easier, it gets around easier.
Masks. Guard masks. Cloth masks. What are they good for? Oh, here's what they're good for. If I'm going to cough, they make it so I don't have to do this [coughs into a stack of what appears to be Kleenex] and catch the aerosol. Or here [indicates behind his shoulder]. Or pull out a handkerchief and do it.
If you missed it, Justin Hart had a good editorial in Newsweek about how we failed to learn the lessons of the 1918 epidemic and made the same mistakes this time.
My comment has nothing to do with the content of this article but is about the screenshots included in your articles. Unless you're intending on showing "the world" what web sites you frequent, then you may want to consider cropping your screenshots to remove the line of tabs along the top.
I suspect you want to include the web address so that others can find the referenced study or web page, but the other tabs shown "leak" your browsing patterns.
For Windows systems (which it appears you are using), I typically use ShareX as a screen grab tool (you can find it in the Microsoft Store app) which allows you to grab specific portions of your screen. There are dozens of others out there. Or you can simply paste the screen capture into an image editor (even if it's just MS Paint) and crop off the top of the image.
actually its because I am busy and dont really have 10 extra seconds some time and I paste it so that when it is taken down by the putrid fecal media, we have a copy. They remove the links. So I want to ensure no one will say I made the story up. Thats all. I love the advice but each morning after 2 hours same situation. Some of them are videos the folk make too long and I watch in parts. If I took one hour to watch a complete video I will have 500 new email and studies and requests to interview etc. Life is crazy at present in this fight.
and by now you should know, they took my salary in cancelling etc. so I have no care what anyone thinks about what I say or do, in fact it is me coming after media now, shaming them for the filth they are each time I can.
You are trying to help, which is always okay. 🙂 I get positive vibes on your intent here. Like many of us, it seems that Dr. Paul has zero ***** to give anymore lol, let them track
"For some viruses in some situations you may benefit from mitigating the dose of virus you're exposed to.
For example, if you have a weak immune system and/or other comorbidities that place you at high risk of bad outcome from a respiratory virus and you'll be briefly passing through a crowded though otherwise well-ventilated area, that's one case in which wearing a mask might make good sense if you don't have other viable ways of mitigating your risk."
My understanding is that an N95 could work better for some things; however, that would be the case only if it were worn correctly 100% of the time. I highly doubt that more than a tiny percentage consistently wear N95s correctly. Therefore an N95 is just a more annoying and environmentally/financially expensive surgical mask.
Surgical masks are great for keeping visible contaminants from traveling between people and food or other people. I am not sure they achieve anything else worthwhile.
Masks never worked from day 1, since there is no 'virus' to protect against.
Same with the 'vaccines' and any other measures to protect against said virus.
Do you know ANY non-pharmaceutical measure which worked against the virus?
I know I don't..
Some medicine may work on the individual (such as ivermectin or HCQ or certain vitamins) because it increases the body's ability to resist inflammation and such. But any so-called public health measures (lockdowns, masks, vaccines, etc) to contain the 'virus' within the populace have failed miserably .. why do you think they failed?
The real killer in the past 3 years is the same as has been increasingly afflicting humans for the past 50-100 years: metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome makes everyone more susceptible to diabetes, cardio-vascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, viruses old and new, bacteria, and even mental health issues...
Lockdowns were more likely to make people more sedentary and depressed, which will do much more harm than good.
Perhaps poorly made masks will cause wearers to inhale fibers, which can only harm them. Even well-made masks may cause more mouth breathing, which is inadvisable. Plus foggy glasses are an indication that the masks are not stopping anything invisible.
Injected vaccines for airborne viruses are unlikely to be effective (data on flu vaccines is inconclusive at best). Frequent vaccines for airborne viruses may be like allergy shots, teaching immune systems to ignore viruses rather than fight against them. mRNA 'vaccines', especially the original monoclonal ones and even the so-called bivalent ones, are further compromised by trivializing a virus's challenge of evolving to avoid them. Last but not least, the 'vaccines' have side-effects that greatly outweigh the benefits for (almost?) everyone.
The best way to avoid metabolic syndrome is: 1) Eat real food, including plenty of animal-based products and natural oils (like ghee and olive oil). 2) Avoid sugar, corn syrup, honey, and most other natural and artificial sweeteners. 3) Avoid processed foods, especially processed carbs and seed/vegetable oils. 4) Stop snacking and investigate intermittent fasting. 5) Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, while avoiding sunburn. 6) Exercise moderately. 7) Sleep long enough each night. 8) Find non-drug and non-alcohol stress coping mechanisms that work for you.
It's not what I believe, it's rather what I don't believe.
I don't believe in a virus, because there is insufficient evidence of it.
Excess mortality happened only AFTER the 'measures' to counter the 'virus'. And some countries (many from Africa), didn't have excess deaths since the beginning of the 'pandemic'.
At least, not until the clog shots were delivered..
So no, I don't believe in 'viruses' and therefore, I don't believe they cause disease.
I believe there is sufficient evidence that viruses exist, and that in a subset of hosts under a subset of conditions they can cause disease.
I have not done a deep dive on this topic compared with other health/wellness topics.
Perhaps 50% of what doctors know is wrong, which is very disappointing. Doing a deep-dive on flu vaccines recently has caused me to avoid them this year after receiving them several years in a row.
Living in California I see some people still wearing masks. I wore a mask at the beginning of the fake pandemic, but soon stopped since they don’t work.
I have never worn a mask and I don't intend to start. When I see people in those filthy things I just shake my head and think, "you moron" they're either too lazy or too indoctrinated by propaganda to even bother to look into wether they work or not.
I admit I wore one for a time at the beginning of this mess, but after seeing how useless they were I now refuse to wear one any longer.
I saw someone very recently at an office still wearing one under her chin (doing a lot of good there) and I had to shake my head in disbelief and pity, which is the emotion I feel more and more for those who just don't get it yet.
We have two big grocery store chains in town. The difference is stark! One is fully masked 24/7. Customers, staff, everyone. The other chain is FREE. I try never to go into the masked chain. Surprising they haven’t learned anything yet.
What city is that? Does the masked chain require the masks? What would happen if you went there without a mask?
Yeah, it’s not required but everyone just does it. It’s in St. Louis. Very blue area. Stupidly so. I actually saw a person outside, walking her dog BY HERSELF at 6am, fully masked. What in the actual … ?
The air tends to be relatively still at night, so early morning has the lowest pollen count of the day.
That’s a dumb comment, frankly.
Where's the block function? You should wear 10 masks and get 74 jabs.
The air is relatively still, so morons are relatively awake at that time..
I blame them for marching us into communism. The tyrannists love those sheep. They need many boosters because those are the ones thst will be reporting people to the storm troopers.
I recall this paper from when I read it (or a very similar one) back in 2020.
This, plus the timing of the mask mandates in UK (Summer 2020 FFS) meant that I knew that the mask were just a pretraining exercise to get people to accept an unnecessary injection. I was right sadly.
"Wear your mask to protect others" became "take your jab to protect others".
It was always planned this way.
if i am not mistaken, the flu virion is larger than covid virion; therefore, n95 is even more useless against latter.
all are useless, never worked, none. it was a joke day 1.
Of course. I was in NYC and refused to wear it in my tony building, in stores, etc. I had so many fights, etc. No one listened to reason or science. I had to escape NYC over these MK Ultra masks.
Of course they never worked from day 1, since there is no virus to protect against.
Same with the 'vaccines' and any other measures to protect against said virus.
Do you know ANY non-pharmaceutical measure which worked against the virus?
I know I don't..
Some medicine may work on the individual (such as ivermectin or HCQ or certain vitamins) because it increases the body's ability to resist inflammation and such. But any so-called public health measures (lockdowns, masks, vaccines, etc) to contain the 'virus' within the populace have failed miserably .. why do you think they failed?
That was all just practice to test compliance for the enterovirus plandemic this coming year when they're going to kill off a lot of children. Unfortunately the children with covid shots will not do well.
The next plandemic will also be fictitious, driven by fake PCR tests.
Most dead will be amongst previously 'vaccinated' plus people died from different causes, but assigned to the new virus (as we've seen it happening with COVID)..
I agree with you it was a practice. But it was a practice to see how stupid people really are, and how long can they go along with the scamdemics.. apparently, human stupidity is infinite.
.125 microns vs .3 (n95) it's like trying to catch rice with chicken wire.
You are 2nd smartest person because you aren't 1st.
If you were 1st, you'd have known that there are no viruses, nor flu or 'COVID' viruses.
So any discussion about a virion size is null and void, and complete nonsense.
So there's that..
Masks for germs are nothing more than a social construct designed to turn you into an obedient slave. They don't even work in hospitals. I wonder why the most germs you can find are always concentrated in hospitals. The best use for a mask is at Halloween or at a party. Or, if you are a bank robber...which according to the liberals and democrats is now an established occupation.
Using a mask presumes that there are viruses running wild in the wind or air. Please show me that they exist in the air. Where are the samples of proof? Please prove how transmission occurs. Show me all those cute little virus particles stuck in your mask. Can we have some sane and evidenced based science please before we automatically assume viruses move freely and can infect anyone?
I think the same thing. If they can measure all sorts of pollutants, etc., why can't they detect viruses.
By bank robber I presume you mean "theft worker", or whatever the woke term is for this category of fine people.
Kirsch used to contend that the K100 is the only mask worth wearing, and it’s the one you see in the horror movies. That said, you have to use it correctly which is almost impossible for most people. I wish we could stop discussing masks as a viable option to prevent spread or illness. It’s wasted energy.
Masks cannot help, if there is no virus involved.
Would you like to bet that there would be no statistical difference in a randomized controlled trial, for K100 vs no masks?
No, I would not take that bet because you are probably right. 🙂
Apparently Dr Marc Siegel hasn't read any peer reviewed studies. He was just on Fox News saying masks work and that children aren't wearing them correctly 🙄 🤦
He's probably getting covid $.
As the saying goes, follow the $$
Remember when the forest service put out that memo (re: California fires several years ago) stating that cloth masks, paper masks and N95s will not protect you from smoke particles? You can take it from there. 😂
YEP! John Hopkins came out with a study before narrative was done being used by dems, it stated the prolonged use of N95 masks could cause serious neurological problems. Then 2 Marines came out testing all types of masks and the only mask that offered maybe 5 seconds of not instant contamination was a GAS MASK! All the other masks, cloth, paper and N95, the contamination was instantaneous. You would think that people would dispose of them properly but no, they just toss them out their car windows, SLOBS ALL!! They are HAZARDOUS material, at least have the courtesy to throw them in the trash, preferably YOUR OWN TRASH!! I will not and have not worn a mask and do not intend to start.
Boom! Dr. Ted Noel Demonstrates That Aerosol Will Not Be Stopped by Man
Mask Demo (Quick and Dirty Version)
from Doctor Ted with Careful Consideration for Our Common Concerns
Published May 15, 2022
DR. TED NOEL [wearing a blue surgical mask]: So without further ado let's cut to the chase and take a look at an ordinary surgical mask. And I'm using a vape. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] As you can see, that vape which has aerosols the same size as covid-19 or larger [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] goes through and around a surgical mask.
[wearing a cup mask] Now if we take a cup mask and have a good look at it, here we go. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Notice it goes right through the mask easily and goes in every direction. The aerosol is not affected by the mask in any material form.
Now we look at surgical mask with a foam strip to protect above and keep my glasses from fogging. [now wearing the surgical mask with foam strip] [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Lo and behold, the aerosols go all around it. It has no effect on me spreading aerosols to you.
[in a blue cloth mask] Now a cloth mask I borrowed from my wife. Once again, here we go, boom! Straight through and around. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the mask and the sides of the mask] It has no effect on the spread of aerosols. They go everywhere.
[shows package containing Guard mask] And then I went and bought a Guard mask with a high efficiency filter material. That one? Here we go, watch for it. [now wearing in mask] Through and around. [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] It had no effect on the vape aerosol which, remember, is the same size or larger.
Now I don't have an N95 mask, I have these shop respirators where they could put all kinds of things in them [pointing to filters] but they're like an N95 because when you breathe out everything goes out through a valve. [puts on mask] [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Guess what? It might protect me from you, it sure isn't going to protect you from me. Let's look at that again. Boom! [puts on mask] [exhales, clouds of white smoke come out of the sides of the mask] Any mask with a button on it has a valve that lets everything go from you to your neighbor. It has no effect on anything.
I think you can get the picture now. There is absolutely nothing that any of these masks do to protect you from me. And the fact is that unless I have a mask which is fully sealed and where I breathe through the filter material both directions, and I have a really high quality filter, nothing is going to protect in either direction. Because just the same way that the vape went out, around, and through, it will come in, around and through. Aerosols will not be stopped by man.
You don't need a big study. All you need is this [holds up vape] because the aerosol here is actually larger in molecular size than the aerosol from your breath. And because your breath has a smaller tighter aerosol, just because it can't be seen ordinarily, that aerosol will go everywhere. It gets through easier, it gets around easier.
Masks. Guard masks. Cloth masks. What are they good for? Oh, here's what they're good for. If I'm going to cough, they make it so I don't have to do this [coughs into a stack of what appears to be Kleenex] and catch the aerosol. Or here [indicates behind his shoulder]. Or pull out a handkerchief and do it.
They don't work.
Remember, I am a doctor. I do not play one on TV.
# # #
Dr. Ted Noel's podcast is
If you missed it, Justin Hart had a good editorial in Newsweek about how we failed to learn the lessons of the 1918 epidemic and made the same mistakes this time.
My comment has nothing to do with the content of this article but is about the screenshots included in your articles. Unless you're intending on showing "the world" what web sites you frequent, then you may want to consider cropping your screenshots to remove the line of tabs along the top.
I suspect you want to include the web address so that others can find the referenced study or web page, but the other tabs shown "leak" your browsing patterns.
For Windows systems (which it appears you are using), I typically use ShareX as a screen grab tool (you can find it in the Microsoft Store app) which allows you to grab specific portions of your screen. There are dozens of others out there. Or you can simply paste the screen capture into an image editor (even if it's just MS Paint) and crop off the top of the image.
Just my two cents.
actually its because I am busy and dont really have 10 extra seconds some time and I paste it so that when it is taken down by the putrid fecal media, we have a copy. They remove the links. So I want to ensure no one will say I made the story up. Thats all. I love the advice but each morning after 2 hours same situation. Some of them are videos the folk make too long and I watch in parts. If I took one hour to watch a complete video I will have 500 new email and studies and requests to interview etc. Life is crazy at present in this fight.
and by now you should know, they took my salary in cancelling etc. so I have no care what anyone thinks about what I say or do, in fact it is me coming after media now, shaming them for the filth they are each time I can.
You are trying to help, which is always okay. 🙂 I get positive vibes on your intent here. Like many of us, it seems that Dr. Paul has zero ***** to give anymore lol, let them track
"For some viruses in some situations you may benefit from mitigating the dose of virus you're exposed to.
For example, if you have a weak immune system and/or other comorbidities that place you at high risk of bad outcome from a respiratory virus and you'll be briefly passing through a crowded though otherwise well-ventilated area, that's one case in which wearing a mask might make good sense if you don't have other viable ways of mitigating your risk."
Thanks again boss. Need to get you up to Alaska someday.
My understanding is that an N95 could work better for some things; however, that would be the case only if it were worn correctly 100% of the time. I highly doubt that more than a tiny percentage consistently wear N95s correctly. Therefore an N95 is just a more annoying and environmentally/financially expensive surgical mask.
Surgical masks are great for keeping visible contaminants from traveling between people and food or other people. I am not sure they achieve anything else worthwhile.
Masks never worked from day 1, since there is no 'virus' to protect against.
Same with the 'vaccines' and any other measures to protect against said virus.
Do you know ANY non-pharmaceutical measure which worked against the virus?
I know I don't..
Some medicine may work on the individual (such as ivermectin or HCQ or certain vitamins) because it increases the body's ability to resist inflammation and such. But any so-called public health measures (lockdowns, masks, vaccines, etc) to contain the 'virus' within the populace have failed miserably .. why do you think they failed?
The real killer in the past 3 years is the same as has been increasingly afflicting humans for the past 50-100 years: metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome makes everyone more susceptible to diabetes, cardio-vascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, viruses old and new, bacteria, and even mental health issues...
Lockdowns were more likely to make people more sedentary and depressed, which will do much more harm than good.
Perhaps poorly made masks will cause wearers to inhale fibers, which can only harm them. Even well-made masks may cause more mouth breathing, which is inadvisable. Plus foggy glasses are an indication that the masks are not stopping anything invisible.
Injected vaccines for airborne viruses are unlikely to be effective (data on flu vaccines is inconclusive at best). Frequent vaccines for airborne viruses may be like allergy shots, teaching immune systems to ignore viruses rather than fight against them. mRNA 'vaccines', especially the original monoclonal ones and even the so-called bivalent ones, are further compromised by trivializing a virus's challenge of evolving to avoid them. Last but not least, the 'vaccines' have side-effects that greatly outweigh the benefits for (almost?) everyone.
Most therapeutics do work:
The best way to avoid metabolic syndrome is: 1) Eat real food, including plenty of animal-based products and natural oils (like ghee and olive oil). 2) Avoid sugar, corn syrup, honey, and most other natural and artificial sweeteners. 3) Avoid processed foods, especially processed carbs and seed/vegetable oils. 4) Stop snacking and investigate intermittent fasting. 5) Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, while avoiding sunburn. 6) Exercise moderately. 7) Sleep long enough each night. 8) Find non-drug and non-alcohol stress coping mechanisms that work for you.
I agree with you 100% although it may be for slightly different reasons than you.
I agree that living a healthy lifestyle and eating properly, leads to a healthier life, protecting against disease.
I just don't believe there was any virus to begin with. I have not seen convincing evidence for that, that's all.
I am curious, which of the following do you believe:
1) Viruses don't exist
2) Viruses don't cause flu-like illnesses
3) There was no spike in deaths caused/precipitated by any virus in early 2020
4) Any spike in death in early was caused/precipitated by something other than a novel corona virus
Alternatively, let me know if there is some better interpretation of your comment "I just don't believe there was any virus to begin with."
There is a slight difference, but important one, between "believing something doesn't exist", and "not believing something exists".
Can you tell the difference?
So you haven't seen sufficient evidence to make you believe viruses exist and/or cause disease?
It's not what I believe, it's rather what I don't believe.
I don't believe in a virus, because there is insufficient evidence of it.
Excess mortality happened only AFTER the 'measures' to counter the 'virus'. And some countries (many from Africa), didn't have excess deaths since the beginning of the 'pandemic'.
At least, not until the clog shots were delivered..
So no, I don't believe in 'viruses' and therefore, I don't believe they cause disease.
I believe there is sufficient evidence that viruses exist, and that in a subset of hosts under a subset of conditions they can cause disease.
I have not done a deep dive on this topic compared with other health/wellness topics.
Perhaps 50% of what doctors know is wrong, which is very disappointing. Doing a deep-dive on flu vaccines recently has caused me to avoid them this year after receiving them several years in a row.
Living in California I see some people still wearing masks. I wore a mask at the beginning of the fake pandemic, but soon stopped since they don’t work.
Exactly, thats why we left that shit hole state. I am so glad. I really grew to hate it there.
Certain demographics seem to like wearing them more than others...
I saved a couple cloth masks to use when the temperature goes below 20F; they're quite effective in keeping my face warmer.
Again, because there is no 'virus' to protect against.
When are people going to learn?
I leaned that 2 years ago and haven’t worn one since.