Dr. Wolf? Yes!!! "The last thing keeping us free in America, as the lights go off all over Europe- and Australia, and Canada - is, yes, we must face this fact, the Second Amendment."
Well said. Very informative....as the daughter of a family of old world immigrants, hunters who hunted to survive the depression, I'd grown up around guns as, basically a tool. I was taught to use a gun and to hunt as a life skill. I was also instructed in the use of guns for self defense, should an intruder ever make it through the hunting dogs to us.
It is amazing and instructive to hear such a drastically different perspective, especially being a child of the 70s myself.
Guns are an equalizer. They level the playing field and thereby diffuse threats that might be acted on in situations of corruption and abuses of power, which, let's face it, all entities of power eventually succumb to.
I am the 2nd of 3 daughters, born to an Italian partigiano and his wife, a childhood victim of World War 2 induced PTS.
We girls were taught how to cook, clean, do laundry, dress well and appropriately, go to church, obey our father, and make my brother's bed. "Women's work."
My younger (and only) brother learned how to terrorize and commit violence towards women and children and animals, to demonstrate no affection towards them, and not to play with my father's hunting dogs...
As a boy, my skinny timid brother was forced to work from dawn to dusk. He was forcibly taught to shoot and hunt with my father's hunting rifles, and how to prepare the dead "game" for our casket freezer.
He lives alone these days, doesn't say much, doesn't hunt, and is estranged from his kids.
I've feared and avoided guns and Italian men my entire life.
I wish my immigrant parents had taught me better survival skills. Like yours did.
Unfortunately, it's always been up to me to "learn better".
Might be time to learn to handle a firearm and how to defend myself, should it become necessary again.
I am the oldest girl of 3 girls. My father had no son to teach. Most likely the only reason we were taught. He was far from a good man though (there's a bit of a streak of violence that runs through my familys history too)
My grandparents came here from Sicily to be safe from the war too. My great-grandmother fudged my grandmother's birth certificate making her 16, instead of 14 and marrying her off to my grandfather and sending her to the US.
To think the US was a safe haven not so long ago. The safety didn't last very long. I think this whole mess has been percolating since the war anyway. There are too many similarities.
Thanks for re-publishing this piece. Naomi is a national treasure. I hope a little time since she first wrote this, that Naomi realizes that without the Second Amendment, our First Amendment would be gone. It has suffered quite the battering over the last 2+ years.
A couple of thoughts, the term "gun violence" is a misnomer. A gun is not violent. It is a tool, hopefully used to prevent violence and save lives. It is the user of the gun who may be violent. It is well acknowledged that firearms in the US are used some 5 million times a year to protect people from violence. Oftentimes, it is the mere presentation of a gun that saves a person from injury or death. The rate of killings with a gun is lower percentage-wise than in many countries where the people are not permitted to own them. Another fact worth noting, the gun death figures bandied about include about 50% by suicide. It is well accepted that most of the suicides would have occurred without using a gun. People set on killing themselves, usually find an alternate method.
Another anti-gun term is "mass shootings". Shooting is what a person does at a gun range or shooting clay targets. What is being referenced in that term is multiple murder. Multiple murders can be as little as 3 or 4, among gangs, or in families. Mutiple murder can be done with a knife, a sword, a bomb, a baseball bat. Or even with bare hands. There are often more killings done with these than with guns.
When tyrants or totalitarians wish to conquer a society, the first thing they do is confiscate the people's guns. Nazi Germany was a prime example, but these confiscations have happened throughout history. When you have nothing to defend yourself, you can't fight back.
There are over 300 million guns in this country and over 100 million gun owners. We will never be conquered as long as the enemy knows we have guns, protected by the Second Amendment, and we are prepared and willing to use them if necessary to protect ourselves and our great Republic.
Thank you Naomi and Paul for being supporters of the Second Amendment.
I disagree about your suicide point. Without the immediate access to a gun, the cooling-off period makes suicide less likely for most. It is usually men and boys who kill themselves with guns. They're so damned destructive, and once done, that momentary act cannot be reversed. Over the years, I have known two such young men personally, who had easy access and a moment of upset or humiliation, and boom. That was it.
My brother, however, was suicidal for a period in his life, but never had guns, as we had grown up without them. He survived because he got through that moment to the next moment, when things got clearer. Keeping guns in my home now, my biggest fear is for my teenaged sons. To say we are careful is an understatement. Such a tragedy that not all parents have shared our respect/paranoia to protect their sons.
That's pure speculation about guns and suicide. There are also more murders by knife in the U. S. than by guns.
My young sun, after an argument with his mother, walked off to the nearest train track, sat down, and waited for the the train to do its business.
I baled my eyes out after that BUT I NEVER EVER BLAMED THE TRAIN for making it so easy to do.
Anybody who interferes with the natural right to own a gun, which is a direct corollary of the right to defend yourself, is somebody with full-blown nefarious intentions. Gaslighting has made fools of people who are deceived by the regime cabal into pro p agenda.
My son didn't die due to "train violence". Why aren't the gaslighting power-mad crowd crying about "knife violence? Or "mitary violence"? Why aren't they crying about all the dead Ukrainians' sacrificed to the mad obsession with offing Putin? Why aren't they demanding backing off all of THAT gun violence and allowing the Ikrainians to honor the agreements they already made with the Russians and the eastern oblasts?
“THE GREAT EQUALIZER”...welcome to the club Naomi! I’ve been an avid gun owner for decades, at 59, especially as a single female most of my life. My baby Glock .380 is always by my bedside...not to mention “the others”. My bf is an avid firearms “expert” as well. Guns and violence are NOT mutually exclusive! Remember that! An armed society is a polite society, with respect, of course.
Excellent piece from Dr Naomi Wolf. In Australia we give 607 thousands ln 1997-98. The liberal sequestered under Prime Minister John Howard, the guns, and without the guns we are descending by medical tyranny. What a disgrace !!
Your commentary is excellent, as I posted to your Substack! The 2A is so simple, yet so many do not understand it! It’s too simple. Unless one understands history, those “13 words” are wasted on ignorance.
As a Jew, she ought to be aware of the first thing the Nazis enacted once in power: Gun Control. Curiously enough, exactly the same as in Russia under the Bolsheviks, and in China under Mao.
As a woman in my elderly years, my appreciation of the second amendment has grown not just into acceptance of the necessity of gun rights, but into a believer in the wisdom of our founding fathers. At the age of 16 my family lost my father to self inflicted gun violence. His personal demons from WWII and the horrors of his childhood were just too much for him. He did seek help from the physiatrists of that time, but they openly admitted that they didn’t know how to help him. So my views on guns and their necessity were tainted in negativity.
Fast forward into the 1990s and the increasing changes occurring in our world and our society, logic forced me to look at my belief system. Though I thought I knew and understood the constitution, I didn’t. I was forced by my growing sense of survival instinct to honestly study the actual meaning of the second amendment and to touch a gun. There is empowerment in knowing that If need be, I can defend myself in my senior years. It took me so long to realize that the gun was not the enemy. The real enemy lies in the emotional state of the mentally ill, the evil nature of man, and the lack of knowledge of gun safety.
I’ll leave the anti second amendment supporters with one more imposing question. Could Our second amendment be the thing standing between us and tyranny?
Am a survivor of survivors of WW2. Our scars are different however we came to the same conclusion:
"There is empowerment in knowing that If need be, I can defend myself in my senior years. It took me so long to realize that the gun was not the enemy. The real enemy lies in the emotional state of the mentally ill, the evil nature of man, and the lack of knowledge of gun safety."
I grew up with the guys having gun racks in the back window with guns guns at school,YES guns made me nervous buti was timid about guns but also felt safe at school.It was my handeling of a gun that made me nervous. I grew up with hunters all around me.It is the UNIPARTY that has smothered gun rights but as a mom of 3 with a husband whom worked away from hom alot and a felon knocking at my door and windows in the middle of the night who had shot his own father and I was alone with 3 kids under 5 I realized I had to protect my children that nervousness went away and I keep a gun safe from my kids but I can protect my family and myself and I appreciate the 2nd ammendment .The attack on the NRA is false.They teach safety.In 2021 the biggest purchases of guns was women.I believe it will continue because of the violence that is rising. Also the rise in violence is not largely guns its knives,hands,hammers,cars and many other weapons. Also the police have been restrained and really they show up after the incident happens anyway.Also I don't call it gun violence because I have never seen a gun shoot by itself. It is the person using the gun.The more they restrict guns it won't stop shootings because illegal guns are out there and restricting legal gun owners will not stop the people with Illegal guns.Most gun crimes are by people with illegal guns and they are not going after them.There is nothing wrong with owning a legal gun it's just something the UNIPARTY wants to control like everything else. We have a 2nd Ammendment for a reason.Its there to protect the first.Look at other countries who gave up guns..What do you think would happen if we lose ours???Also from the looks of it we will need it for the food shortage..Gun owners will share food with the ones trying to take our guns and thats a fact..
Welcome to the light from a former radical long-haired SDS commie turned Christian missionary through science, who learned early about fiat money and its coming disaster.
That said there is no such thing as a "reasonable background check", or "reasonable restriction" by law on gun acquisition. They are a Trojan horse, and camel's nose in the tent imposed by the ones who want to prevent you from challenging their hegemony.
Trump's foray unto the arena resulted in stalling Jezebel's hopes for the fhrone and the globalist the globalist tyranny, but I cannot join full throttle for anybody who says take the guns first, then ask questions, or who continues to loudly claim "credit" for the toxic jab. He gets credit for trying to publicly rrstrain the sarmongers.
I recommend you read L. Neil Smith's essays on gun rights. He has convinced me that the right to an effective personal self-defense, and militias completely independent of government, is absolutely required for the human right to live free of the flagellations listed in the 4th.
Brava, Naomi. From an ex-vaxine believer to an ex-hippie.
Well said. Very informative....as the daughter of a family of old world immigrants, hunters who hunted to survive the depression, I'd grown up around guns as, basically a tool. I was taught to use a gun and to hunt as a life skill. I was also instructed in the use of guns for self defense, should an intruder ever make it through the hunting dogs to us.
It is amazing and instructive to hear such a drastically different perspective, especially being a child of the 70s myself.
Guns are an equalizer. They level the playing field and thereby diffuse threats that might be acted on in situations of corruption and abuses of power, which, let's face it, all entities of power eventually succumb to.
I am the 2nd of 3 daughters, born to an Italian partigiano and his wife, a childhood victim of World War 2 induced PTS.
We girls were taught how to cook, clean, do laundry, dress well and appropriately, go to church, obey our father, and make my brother's bed. "Women's work."
My younger (and only) brother learned how to terrorize and commit violence towards women and children and animals, to demonstrate no affection towards them, and not to play with my father's hunting dogs...
As a boy, my skinny timid brother was forced to work from dawn to dusk. He was forcibly taught to shoot and hunt with my father's hunting rifles, and how to prepare the dead "game" for our casket freezer.
He lives alone these days, doesn't say much, doesn't hunt, and is estranged from his kids.
I've feared and avoided guns and Italian men my entire life.
I wish my immigrant parents had taught me better survival skills. Like yours did.
Unfortunately, it's always been up to me to "learn better".
Might be time to learn to handle a firearm and how to defend myself, should it become necessary again.
I am the oldest girl of 3 girls. My father had no son to teach. Most likely the only reason we were taught. He was far from a good man though (there's a bit of a streak of violence that runs through my familys history too)
My grandparents came here from Sicily to be safe from the war too. My great-grandmother fudged my grandmother's birth certificate making her 16, instead of 14 and marrying her off to my grandfather and sending her to the US.
To think the US was a safe haven not so long ago. The safety didn't last very long. I think this whole mess has been percolating since the war anyway. There are too many similarities.
Condolences and commiserations... 😉
From one 1st gen crone, born in "the old country", to another, raised by the same type of Italian father.
#holdtheline 🇨🇦🇺🇸
Exactly! There is a reason the politicians would love to confiscate all weapons.
Dr. Alexander,
Thanks for re-publishing this piece. Naomi is a national treasure. I hope a little time since she first wrote this, that Naomi realizes that without the Second Amendment, our First Amendment would be gone. It has suffered quite the battering over the last 2+ years.
A couple of thoughts, the term "gun violence" is a misnomer. A gun is not violent. It is a tool, hopefully used to prevent violence and save lives. It is the user of the gun who may be violent. It is well acknowledged that firearms in the US are used some 5 million times a year to protect people from violence. Oftentimes, it is the mere presentation of a gun that saves a person from injury or death. The rate of killings with a gun is lower percentage-wise than in many countries where the people are not permitted to own them. Another fact worth noting, the gun death figures bandied about include about 50% by suicide. It is well accepted that most of the suicides would have occurred without using a gun. People set on killing themselves, usually find an alternate method.
Another anti-gun term is "mass shootings". Shooting is what a person does at a gun range or shooting clay targets. What is being referenced in that term is multiple murder. Multiple murders can be as little as 3 or 4, among gangs, or in families. Mutiple murder can be done with a knife, a sword, a bomb, a baseball bat. Or even with bare hands. There are often more killings done with these than with guns.
When tyrants or totalitarians wish to conquer a society, the first thing they do is confiscate the people's guns. Nazi Germany was a prime example, but these confiscations have happened throughout history. When you have nothing to defend yourself, you can't fight back.
There are over 300 million guns in this country and over 100 million gun owners. We will never be conquered as long as the enemy knows we have guns, protected by the Second Amendment, and we are prepared and willing to use them if necessary to protect ourselves and our great Republic.
Thank you Naomi and Paul for being supporters of the Second Amendment.
I disagree about your suicide point. Without the immediate access to a gun, the cooling-off period makes suicide less likely for most. It is usually men and boys who kill themselves with guns. They're so damned destructive, and once done, that momentary act cannot be reversed. Over the years, I have known two such young men personally, who had easy access and a moment of upset or humiliation, and boom. That was it.
My brother, however, was suicidal for a period in his life, but never had guns, as we had grown up without them. He survived because he got through that moment to the next moment, when things got clearer. Keeping guns in my home now, my biggest fear is for my teenaged sons. To say we are careful is an understatement. Such a tragedy that not all parents have shared our respect/paranoia to protect their sons.
That's pure speculation about guns and suicide. There are also more murders by knife in the U. S. than by guns.
My young sun, after an argument with his mother, walked off to the nearest train track, sat down, and waited for the the train to do its business.
I baled my eyes out after that BUT I NEVER EVER BLAMED THE TRAIN for making it so easy to do.
Anybody who interferes with the natural right to own a gun, which is a direct corollary of the right to defend yourself, is somebody with full-blown nefarious intentions. Gaslighting has made fools of people who are deceived by the regime cabal into pro p agenda.
My son didn't die due to "train violence". Why aren't the gaslighting power-mad crowd crying about "knife violence? Or "mitary violence"? Why aren't they crying about all the dead Ukrainians' sacrificed to the mad obsession with offing Putin? Why aren't they demanding backing off all of THAT gun violence and allowing the Ikrainians to honor the agreements they already made with the Russians and the eastern oblasts?
“THE GREAT EQUALIZER”...welcome to the club Naomi! I’ve been an avid gun owner for decades, at 59, especially as a single female most of my life. My baby Glock .380 is always by my bedside...not to mention “the others”. My bf is an avid firearms “expert” as well. Guns and violence are NOT mutually exclusive! Remember that! An armed society is a polite society, with respect, of course.
Excellent piece from Dr Naomi Wolf. In Australia we give 607 thousands ln 1997-98. The liberal sequestered under Prime Minister John Howard, the guns, and without the guns we are descending by medical tyranny. What a disgrace !!
Somehow we need to get those first 13 words back into force and effect...https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/those-forgotten-and-ignored-13-words-957
Your commentary is excellent, as I posted to your Substack! The 2A is so simple, yet so many do not understand it! It’s too simple. Unless one understands history, those “13 words” are wasted on ignorance.
Well done, Naomi. We are all learning a lot on this journey.
This is outstanding and a well thought out substack-thank you for sharing it with the world! ❤️
As a Jew, she ought to be aware of the first thing the Nazis enacted once in power: Gun Control. Curiously enough, exactly the same as in Russia under the Bolsheviks, and in China under Mao.
I love the smell of coffee in the morning—especially when it's scent is wafting from the cups of other liberty-minded individuals.
As a woman in my elderly years, my appreciation of the second amendment has grown not just into acceptance of the necessity of gun rights, but into a believer in the wisdom of our founding fathers. At the age of 16 my family lost my father to self inflicted gun violence. His personal demons from WWII and the horrors of his childhood were just too much for him. He did seek help from the physiatrists of that time, but they openly admitted that they didn’t know how to help him. So my views on guns and their necessity were tainted in negativity.
Fast forward into the 1990s and the increasing changes occurring in our world and our society, logic forced me to look at my belief system. Though I thought I knew and understood the constitution, I didn’t. I was forced by my growing sense of survival instinct to honestly study the actual meaning of the second amendment and to touch a gun. There is empowerment in knowing that If need be, I can defend myself in my senior years. It took me so long to realize that the gun was not the enemy. The real enemy lies in the emotional state of the mentally ill, the evil nature of man, and the lack of knowledge of gun safety.
I’ll leave the anti second amendment supporters with one more imposing question. Could Our second amendment be the thing standing between us and tyranny?
Hi Linda. Extending my sympathy.
Am a survivor of survivors of WW2. Our scars are different however we came to the same conclusion:
"There is empowerment in knowing that If need be, I can defend myself in my senior years. It took me so long to realize that the gun was not the enemy. The real enemy lies in the emotional state of the mentally ill, the evil nature of man, and the lack of knowledge of gun safety."
Better late than never......
Some mass shootings are staged.. To gather support for gun control
Curious John: which ones do you believe were staged?
Hello Unjabbed, I'm very new, so I don't know. Massive evidence on some...
Caveat... Some are killed at some of these (all my uneducated opinion) which means government monsters are willing to kill
I've deep dived most of them.
Was boots on the ground on Oct. 1, 2017, Las Vegas Route 91 Massacre.
It was very real, alas.
Commies want America. If they win, commies will have their "workers paradise".... death camps all over the world. KEEP YOUR GUNS.
I grew up with the guys having gun racks in the back window with guns guns at school,YES guns made me nervous buti was timid about guns but also felt safe at school.It was my handeling of a gun that made me nervous. I grew up with hunters all around me.It is the UNIPARTY that has smothered gun rights but as a mom of 3 with a husband whom worked away from hom alot and a felon knocking at my door and windows in the middle of the night who had shot his own father and I was alone with 3 kids under 5 I realized I had to protect my children that nervousness went away and I keep a gun safe from my kids but I can protect my family and myself and I appreciate the 2nd ammendment .The attack on the NRA is false.They teach safety.In 2021 the biggest purchases of guns was women.I believe it will continue because of the violence that is rising. Also the rise in violence is not largely guns its knives,hands,hammers,cars and many other weapons. Also the police have been restrained and really they show up after the incident happens anyway.Also I don't call it gun violence because I have never seen a gun shoot by itself. It is the person using the gun.The more they restrict guns it won't stop shootings because illegal guns are out there and restricting legal gun owners will not stop the people with Illegal guns.Most gun crimes are by people with illegal guns and they are not going after them.There is nothing wrong with owning a legal gun it's just something the UNIPARTY wants to control like everything else. We have a 2nd Ammendment for a reason.Its there to protect the first.Look at other countries who gave up guns..What do you think would happen if we lose ours???Also from the looks of it we will need it for the food shortage..Gun owners will share food with the ones trying to take our guns and thats a fact..
I'm not sharing with anyone trying to take my guns or my food. Just saying.
Welcome to the light from a former radical long-haired SDS commie turned Christian missionary through science, who learned early about fiat money and its coming disaster.
That said there is no such thing as a "reasonable background check", or "reasonable restriction" by law on gun acquisition. They are a Trojan horse, and camel's nose in the tent imposed by the ones who want to prevent you from challenging their hegemony.
Trump's foray unto the arena resulted in stalling Jezebel's hopes for the fhrone and the globalist the globalist tyranny, but I cannot join full throttle for anybody who says take the guns first, then ask questions, or who continues to loudly claim "credit" for the toxic jab. He gets credit for trying to publicly rrstrain the sarmongers.
I recommend you read L. Neil Smith's essays on gun rights. He has convinced me that the right to an effective personal self-defense, and militias completely independent of government, is absolutely required for the human right to live free of the flagellations listed in the 4th.