Nasal-oral viricidal washes (povidone iodine, xylitol (XLEAR), hydrogen peroxide), 3 to 6 times a day if exposed or have symptoms COVID, cold etc., we have placed it up top in the TREATMENT algorithm
use saline too, any means to safely clean out nasal passages, oral cavity of virus once exposed or have symptoms, infected, not 24/7 rest of your lives as could wash away commensal 'good' microflora
Dosing for povidone iodine 10% etc.:
We can reduce viral replication and even kill viruses/pathogen with products that are directly applied into the nasal cavity and the oral cavity e.g. to the back of the throat. This can be a super supplental to usual actions. Not be be done 24/7 daily for the rest of your lives. Use situation dependent.
Remember the nasal mucosa is the first place that virus etc. lands and hangs around, and it is a potent barrier for entry into cells and if it is functioning optimally, the nasal mucosa, oral mucosa etc. will permit little penetration of virions/virus into the systemic circulation.
Principles are:
1) nasal solutions should be comfortable and not sting with sufficient dilution,
2) sniffed far back into the sinuses and then spit out through the mouth (often causes coughing or mild choking), done at least twice per nostril per session,
3) oral gargles should be for 30 seconds and then spit out. For detailed descriptions of products and solutions please visit one of several websites to get this practical information. (R)
Oropharyngeal viricidal therapy has been demonstrated in supportive studies and randomized trials to:
1) prevent infection after suspected exposure (twice daily),
2) reduce the period of infectivity when ill, and
3) attenuate the progression of disease and reduce the need for oxygenation and hospitalization (six times daily).
Povidone Iodine
10% Povidone Iodine is available OTC (Over the Counter) without a prescription at any drug store for a few dollars.Â
Note: This 10% Povidone Iodine must be diluted by one tenth, to 1% strength before use as a mouth wash, otherwise it is too strong and irritating.Dilute by adding 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of the 10% Povidone Iodine into a full glass of water (250-300 ml). This will make the product diluted enough to use as a mouth rinse, or gargle, (approximately 1.0 %).
2 tablespoons = 30ml povidone iodine
1 glass water = 300 ml
Povidone-iodine is ranked no. 3 in this COVID-19 early treatment mortality drug league table below.’Â
I do believe in this. Whenever I’m indoors in close quarters with lots of people I use my XClear before and after. I have not had even a sniffle the past year since doing this.
It’s so simple. The spiky orb mostly enters through the nose. Attaches to the smooth linings. Aka: endothelial cells. If unchecked they bore into cell walls get inside your nice warm body and multiply wreaking havoc for a while until they fizzle out. You wanna stop this process? Wash out your nose. Rinse them buggers outta there. Simple enough?