I could be wrong but I think the 10% providone iodine needs to be mixed with water otherwise it would be too strong for your nasal passages. I fully believe the nasal and gargling definitely will help with any respiratory virus. But you do want to get the exact right proportions otherwise you might harm the tender tissues. Flccc.net provides the exact proportions. Thank you Dr Paul as always

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I hope all doctors who complied are reading this... Many of us patients feel on our own.

I'm not searching internet for cures and trying to batch up myself. I'm not going to death hospitals. You all that complied have lost our trust.

Banned doctors? Ill go to you... Show me papers harassing you from State Medical Board

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Only thing I will report is that my mother who is 89 years old lives in a retirement home in a blue state and has never believed in vaccines and doesn’t take any over-the-counter or any pharmaceuticals and walks miles every day and is thin and sharp and happy!

She got Covid in August, at least that’s what they tested her for, she was confined to her room for 10 solid days, could not leave, could not walk, could not get sunshine, could not see people, she survived with no pharmaceuticals only orange juice and crossword puzzles...

She said The worst part was not being able to leave the room!

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I've had several instances in the last 6 months when I was certain I was coming down with something...a bit of a sore throat, ears starting to hurt as I swallow. I used the povidone iodine mix I made up (boiled water and the p. iodine in the right amounts....I bought some empty spray bottles on Amazon and put the mix in one of them, ready to use when necessary). Each time I felt this beginning irritation, I used it in my nose (2 sprays each side) and also sprayed it in my throat. The very next day whatever I'd been feeling coming on was GONE. It makes such sense that it begins in the nose (and throat too as it's all connected). That's where you nip it in the bud. This stuff works!!!

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Xclear Nasal Spray has been getting interest for the past year for Covid prevention. I’ve used it for nasal congestion for the past 3 or 4 years. It’s not too pricey, OTC, safe to use and available. Here’s a link to some info on the most recent study. Find it on Amazon or other web health supplement sites (I’ve been getting mine thru iHerb.com)


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You are such a loud voice for TRUTH‼️ A hero to be thanked over & over again❤️

You are AMAZING‼️

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How will all this affect those of us who are unvaccinated?

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I use an iodine nasal spray every day I go out and am around people. So far so good.

Congrats on your book!

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For how long can you be using Povodine Iodine before it causes thyroid problems?

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These are bioweapons period!!! Not vaccines!!!

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I will always defer to maintaining a 25(OH)D blood level above 60ng/ml over any other prophylactic action against any infectious agent.

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Thank you for this, Doc.

My God, this is so painful already!

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Dr Alexander you are one of my EBM heroes. Please consider joining us in AZ - God help us - come join us In the event K Lake is Governor. Because of my exposure to Evidence Based Medicine I did not take the Gene Editing injection - And warn as many as will listen. Using the wash is brilliant - a cheap solution!

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Studies show this mouthwash product containing Cetylpyridinium chloride also works well https://www.chemistwarehouse.co.nz/buy/2149/cepacol-mouthwash-original-500ml

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Nasal oral washes, where, technical name?

I'm 62, m, (pronouns: Maximus, Silverback)

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Thank you for posting the nasal-oral wash protocol. I am buying your book. You are a very good and gifted writer and I like what you have to say.

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