seems Big Pharma wants to turn our immune systems into a subscription service...

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Food system is designed to make you sick, western medicine is designed to keep you sick.

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Phamakia always believe their products are the holy gospel of good. Yet the truth is completely 360 degree they have never worked and harmed and killed.

Natural immunity has always worked! Build your immunity everyday via real food sunlight to movement. Always check any medicine natural or synthetic on interactions depletion of vitamins minerals black box interactions.

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360° 🤔

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This important comprehensive work will stand out historically as the source of Truth, Scientific Method, and Reason during an unprecedented period of governmental deception and authoritarian medical quackery.

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Yup. When I returned from my Colorado Rocky holiday, I have a client who is an immunologist. She asked some questions about my stay four days straight in a hotel sweating all night and having to change sheets every eight hours and showering. I felt tired and weak through the duration. She told me I could have contracted Covid most likely or flu. I told her I was advised to get the jab as it was better than natural immunity. She became angry and told me that natural immunity was the best protection and her source was a paper she did before she got her medical degree. Natural immunity is far stronger and Covid jabs weaken the BRAS (Broad range antibody spectrum) She was strong on that point.

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boom, my review likely has her paper.

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your client was brilliant

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I hope you took her advice to heart.

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I certainly did because like you she is very intelligent as are the conservative gals here.

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I had no clue that the fake jab always weakens the BRAS natural immunity mechanism. Learning is a voyage, not a harbor.

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Two virologists giving a presentation verified that.

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Once more I have drifted to the reality that intelligent women almost always are more attractive than LIEberal ones. There must be a genetic component that has something to do with that, perhaps the reproductive aspect as a "check" to preclude the mating and continuance of the "stupid" gene in leftist women that would be passed on to offspring. Hmmmm. In my real life ALL my friends of both genders are conservative.

I wonder if other men are aware of what I speak of? There is just a huge attraction towards a woman who is conservative which bespeaks her orderliness and high IQ in her demeanor. It is irresistible to me and I bet to other men as well. Conservative women have poise and are openly candid as well with a one on one conversation with a man. They have a hypnotic effect on me, and I fully think it is the melding of two together with the same mindset on most subject matter.

I need to say the first words spoken to me by my closest woman friend were, "I hate people" and I knew she meant she hated sheeple. She then met my eyes in anticipation of my response and I said, "and I generally have a very low regard for same."

She then reduced me to a pile of jelly at her feet by saying in a mischievous and cute way, "Oh Edward, I love you already" to which we laughed...and laughed...and laughed.

That was the beginning of a friendship/relationship that has lasted for decades. The foundation of that closeness was and is respect, trust and understanding. There is from that a cultivated but natural affection but not of the romantic typeset. She confides in me and in her her. It would have been in a different place and time an ideal union/marriage.

Her strengths are a keen perception, high intellectual capacity, natural inner and outer sublimity, integrity, discreetness, all topped off by a sweet "little girlish" natural persona that I believe makes her the most beautiful woman in the world.

I expect every husband thinks the same of his wife hopefully and in my mental ruminations I have to admit that I find those who are nurses are the best based on their superb focus that is required in their profession. Nurses just take my breath away.

The radfem folly missed the point on all counts. We were created to be a united couple, man and wife but either are both simultaneously superior and inferior to the other. That is, a woman has weaknesses that are overlapped by the man and the man has weaknesses that are overlapped by the strengths of a woman. The two genders then present as a strong united front in raising their children. That is why judges erred in legalizing homosexual adoption. Two men or two women cannot possibly give to the child what a man and woman together can.

It was insanity for this social experiment to be tried at the expense of innocent children.

God is the Master Creator and made the family to be a one man and one woman union. Women of course create and nurture life as a given, which is a big reason why I so adore them. The lives of the children and their father revolve around the mother/wife and provide a cohesive interaction that is strong.

At this moment in time I am again softly cherishing of women based on what I have noted as their femininity and unbridled affection for their family. I have never seen a greater capacity for love than in the eyes of a woman after birth of her baby when the doctor places the newborn on her bosom and she takes her first look at her child. I also see this to a degree with mothers looking after their children and the same glint of deep affection therein eyes that overflow with love.

It is the most beautiful thing in the world to witness/note.

And women are the most beautiful and precious Creation of God and look at how they are treated. Sex selective abortion targets them, sex traffickers target them, abusive males target them, rapists target them, and since the "sexual revolution" the tendency has been for males to target them with the obscene thought that they are but receptacles for their dirty plumbing.

The radfems were not and never will be friends of women. Their push for abortion only allowed males to treat them like meat. Once again I say that abortion is not only the torture and murder of an innocent unborn child but the desecration of God's most precious and beautiful creation, That desecration is a mental, physical and spiritual desecration that I hate but not in the totality that He does.

If you do not believe me, look up WEBA (Women Exploited by Abortion) to see the results of the damage abortion does to women as well as the child murdered. Damn it all anyway!!!

The father of the current slime minister legalized abortion in his rule and his INJUSTICE minister John Turner enabled t.

I will not judge either of them but I will say with a certainty that unless they repented which I doubt they did, that both of them are in hell because as it is written, "Thou shalt do no murder" and they triggered the sorriest chapter in the events of the nation with millions killed already and the toll climbing. They violated not only the right to life of babies but the fools did that to the most unprotected and beloved of God, His little children.

Hell hath enlarged itself and I am not judging them, but I will say I am but merely repeating HIS judgment and hatred of aborticide.

I need to get going to work, but I end with my tribute, admiration and cherishment of all the women here, who no matter your circumstances need to embrace the reality the who and what you are...God's most precious and most beautiful creation.

Always Edward

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Saying Natural Immunity during COVID labeled one as a tin foil hatter.

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KI was labelled as such...ha ha ha, and I won

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the immune system of the unvaccinated, natural immunity is the prize....cherish it

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Immunological memory is the ability of the immune system to quickly and specifically recognize an antigen that the body has previously encountered and initiate a corresponding immune response. Generally these are secondary, tertiary and other subsequent immune responses to the same antigen. Immunological memory is responsible for the adaptive component of the immune system, special T and B cells — the so-called memory T and B cells.


IgG antibodies are Y-shaped protein molecules that are produced by special white blood cells (B lymphocytes) in response to foreign substances (antigens) such as viruses or bacteria. Antibodies can attach to these viruses or bacteria, rendering them harmless and unable to penetrate healthy cells. They GO AWAY with time and could fall to a NEGATIVE level DOESN'T mean susceptible.


Total immunity against viral diseases includes:

1. Local IgA and IgM

2. Humoral immunity of IgG antibodies, both those present in the blood AND those that can be produced quickly when the antigen is present

3. Cellular immunity or MEMORY

4. Other mechanisms.

When we measure antibody titers, we are ONLY documenting the IgG antibodies present in the bloodstream.


The Immune System fires up when a pathogen, like a virus, enters the body. The pathogen releases a protein called an antigen, which calls into action the immune system’s special disease-fighting cells. "Called B and T lymphocytes", these cells NOT only destroy the virus, but they REMEMBER what it looked like so they can fend it off in the FUTURE.


IMMUNOLOGIC MEMORY allows the immune system to REMEMBER the antigens or organisms to which it has previously been exposed. MEMORY EFFECTOR B cells (long-lived plasma cells) and MEMORY T-cells specific to a virus, give long-term immunity against these diseases.




The “Adaptive Immune Response" is younger than the “Innate Immune Response" in evolutionary terms and is more specific and considerably MORE POTENT in its effects.


The constituents of the adaptive immune response are the lymphoid cells. These include:


The T lymphocytes and the cytokine and chemokine messenger proteins released by these cells, which direct and REGULATE the adaptive immune response.


The B lymphocytes, which transform to the late-stage plasma cells that produce and secrete antibody.


The lymphoid cells of the adaptive immune response reside in, and circulate between, the various lymphoid tissues of the body (e.g. the lymph nodes, spleen and mucosal lymphoid tissues). In the adaptive immune response, antigen is first transported from a site of infection by a dendritic cell to the regional lymphoid tissue. That dendritic cell in turn activates "Antigen-Specific T lymphocytes," which further activate Antigen-Specific B lymphocytes.”


These activated, Antigen-Specific lymphocytes must then be mobilized from the regional lymphoid tissue and sent to the site of infection, a process that involves these cells moving into the lymphatic and blood circulation and interacting with the endothelial lining of blood vessels.


Once these cells reach the site of infection, they are able to mount a full-scale ‘EFFECTOR’ response, which is considerably STRONGER than that permitted by innate immunity. As these processes take some time to occur (in the order of 4–7 days), there is a delay before adaptive immunity ‘takes over’ from the innate form of defence.


The final component of Adaptive Immunity is the development of a “REGULATORY RESPONSE" that will "SWITCH OFF" the system when it is NO LONGER REQUIRED (i.e. when the pathogen has been ELIMINATED) so as NOT to cause DAMAGE to normal body tissue.


HOWEVER, once this is achieved, the immune system retains the “MEMORY” of that immune response.

IMMUNOLOGICAL MEMORY is another key feature of the Adaptive Immune Response. MEMORY allows the generation of a much MORE effective SECONDARY IMMUNE RESPONSE (Anamnestic MEMORY Response) if that same antigen is EVER RE-ENCOUNTERED.

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"Moreover, existing immunity should be assessed before any vaccination, via an accurate, dependable, and reliable antibody test (or T cell immunity test) or be based on documentation of prior infection (a previous positive PCR or antigen test). Such would be evidence of immunity that is equal to that of vaccination and the immunity should be provided the same societal status as any vaccine-induced immunity. This will function to mitigate the societal anxiety with these forced vaccine mandates and societal upheaval due to job loss, denial of societal privileges etc."...

Why is someone required to "prove" theyre immune to a pathogen that has a clinically insignificant IFR? Moreover, it was the co-morbities that killed people, especially if multiple were present simultaneously and not the virus itself (which is why "died with" versus "died of" was bastardized during plandemic; a fact that really pisses me off since i have forensic path training and know better)

The healthy should never have to prove theyre healthy to avoid being required to take a gene therapeutic with a clinically significant inverted risk-benefit ratio.

That is essentially equivalent to the illogical and assinine concept of asymptomatic testing during pandemic.

Asymptomatic people never drive pandemics and healthy people are always naturally immune to pandemics.... especially the planned versions

We have a pandemic of co-mirbidity and not a lack of viral immunity.

We are trying to treat the wrong thing.

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very good informative post...I cannot argue with any of it

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"while vaccinal immunity is based on one or a few targeted antigens on the virus."

Don't forget the "route" of exposure is also different.

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There are many clues the covid "crisis" was malevolently contrived. It is not plausible to have a respiratory flu pandemic during one summer, let alone persisting thru three. Asymptomatic spreading is unheard of. Forgetting about natural immunity is another.

Everything was done wrong for reasons.

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Well done.

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Excellent. But I wish the transition team and the putative Surgeon General nominee had read it . . .

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ha ha...Makary did...one thing I would argue is he was strong on natural immunity...

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Of course. IMO, it's all about peeling off the layers of the onion. And when one gets to the bottom, what remains is always the same: They simply want to kill us. End of story. Why? They believe there are too many people on this planet. So, the ends justify the means. This has been the MO for these psychopaths for many decades now. The question is: Is the amss ready to hear this truth? My guess is probably not yet -- but we are getting close.

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Of cause. Millions years of evolution, the only true science for health provided each specie is on the right foods evolved. Man lost his ways in this regard but vaccines are not the solution. Harmful.

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Yup. We are what we eat.

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I just get so much more actionable information here than at Sage Hana's weak stack.

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Hmmm indeed.

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