Yes, the best year of my life and the nation was 2019.

Psaki just interviewed POS Hillary Clinton, and she said she "fears" Russia will interfere in the 2024 election. This, after SHE paid for false info against Trump in 2016 and blamed that on Russia.

Russia is our ally, not the enemy.

Why is HRC not in GITMO facing charges of treason? These people are congenital liars.

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Because Dave, all we do is type.

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Speak for yourself

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DA-VEED, I have forged my view of the world through RUTHLESS examination.

"The ignorance of the broad masses about the inner nature of the Jew, the lack of instinct and narrow-mindedness of our upper classes, make the people an easy victim for this Jewish campaign of lies." -- Mein Kampf

Like the Bible, Mein Kampf is one of the most purchased books of all time, perhaps number 3 or 4. Why, DA-VEED? One thing jews never much do, is directly answer a question. So, I will ask just one, let's see if you answer?

"Why are the jews, the most expelled group of people in human history?"

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They do not assimilate.

And as a race they are extremely successful.

You must be Jewish, you have ignored multiple questions from me.

I only entertain you because I like trolls.

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I hate trolls, and the people you mention. There is none of their blood in me.

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Just like Hitler.

You are an ass.

I answered your question.

All you can respond with, hate.

You are definitely constantly trolling for responses. You reek of desperation.

How can you hate your own kind?

That's a question.


I use my real name, why do you make such brave statements but then hide ?

See that funny looking symbol at the end of my sentence, that's a question mark.

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Well they are letting criminal aliens walk across out border and hanging them smart phones and cash and access to monthly stipend and a place to live AND nearly half of these criminal illegal aliens are black. So yeah, Black Americans should be able to see what’s going on and should adjust behavior and voting accordingly.

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The Dummy is still gaining more and more support from the dead and buried.

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I am sure Biden and Obama did more to black Americans each year in office than Trump did in all his years in office.

Doing things _for_ black Americans? That's another story altogether...

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Well, then "they ain't black"

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They mustn't be if they don't mind that Biden gave the eulogy for an Exalted Cyclops of the KKK at the Cyclops' funeral. And Biden is a pal of the Canadians whose entire parliament both liberal and conservative, along with Trudeau and Zelensky, just gave 7 standing ovations to a former volunteer member of Himmler's Waffen SS. They can't be if they don't mind that.

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Black Americans are just like all Americans, if you depend on the government, you vote democrat.

So it's simple, jobs.

Trump facilitated the creation of more jobs than any democrat in history.

(Private sector jobs)

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Black "americans" are 30% less intelligent, 60x more likely to commit violent crimes, and have around 600% less impulse control.

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What is your toll ?

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David, to me, God created Nature, as a guidepost, to ensure the best survive.

"No more than Nature desires the mating of weaker with stronger individuals, even less does she desire the blending of a higher with a lower race…. The result of all racial crossing is therefore in brief always the following:

a) Lowering the level of the higher race;

b) Physical and intellectual regression and hence the beginning of a slowly but

surely progressing sickness.

To bring about such a development is, then, nothing else but to sin against the will of the eternal creator"

-- Adolf Hitler

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Barnes called this months ago. Seems him and baris have a pretty good handle on what the voter demographics are. As we all know the MSM surely doesn't.

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Who the fuck cares? Blacks cost us about $800,000 each, per capita, commit 40-60x more violent crimes, and vote 95% Democrat. If Trump wanted to win, he would have focused on the suffering of whites, the people who built this nation, made it great, and constitut(ed) his base. 4 million fewer white men voted for Trump in 2020, and since then blacks have murdered thousands of us, often getting little more than a few months in jail.


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What is your toll ?

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Hmmm. That means the Dems will want to spend more money on 'education', because too many are waking up realizing they've been on the modern day Dem plantation.

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Illegal aliens drive down wages for US citizens, and for black US citizens most of all.

When Trump was in office, the INS took border security seriously, and wages went up for blacks, and black unemployment went down to record low levels.

There was an illustrative case where the INS raided a chicken processing plant in south Chicago, and found that literally all the employees were illegal. To stay in business, the plant had to hire from the surrounding area, which was mostly black, and at vastly higher wages than the illegals were getting. Black people directly benefited from enforcement of US immigration law.

Biden has undone all of that to please businesses which profit more by employing illegals, because those businesses donate to Biden and other anti-American politicians to keep the flow of illegals coming.

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We all know bidens take on black people, he was best pals with Senator Robert Byrd who was high up in KKK. OBAMA did his best to keep blacks oppressed, he got a lot of them on food stamps, and set out a huge division between black and white. Every other word was racist, when we were friends, there Obie is saying no, you got to hate white, they oppressing you, when it was lways the DEMOCRATS THAT HAVE NEVER HELPED THEM AT ALL.

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Come on man!!

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"Bidenomics" sucks.

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