In answer to his questions, because RM was bought and paid for a LONG time ago!!!

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Looks like he got himself in a damned if you do, damned if you don't double-bind situation. It doesn't look good.

He could be honest, but if he does they could take away his pony.... so...?

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No need for swearing.

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DoD, CIA, but we already know that Pharmas are criminal cartels linked to both, so may be tricky linking this front line mRNA guy due to his inside position. The crack may widen if we can link Malone to Fort Detrick, and that site links both CIA-Jesuits to DoD's Pentagon arms. First card these rats would pull to initiate criminal coverup would be 'National Security.' The 1947 National Security Act, signed over to us by CIA's Dulles and company using brothel head Nuke Nuts Truman, must be repealed and reorganized.

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