Paul, I referenced a 2018 “Journal of Orthopaedic Translation” paper on surgical masks in my “Letter to the Oregon Health Authority” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-oregon-health-authority) you may find of interest:

“This study provides strong evidence for the identification that SMs [surgical masks] as source of bacterial contamination during operative procedures, which should be a cause for alarm and attention in the prevention of surgical site infection in clinical practice.”

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Mar 18, 2022·edited Mar 18, 2022

In the PACU I used to work in, our orthopedic and GYN cases (“bones and vaginas” was how we remembered lol) were all being nasally swabbed with betadine preoperatively to reduce postoperative infections caused by the patient’s own nasopharyngeal bacteria! https://www.aorn.org/outpatient-surgery/articles/enews-briefs/may-5-2021

It would be interesting to see the study you referenced reproduced!

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Hi Paul, all your hard work and passion and that of your colleagues to educate the people over this COVID mandates madness is much appreciated. Regarding the mask wearing, could you please ask Dr. Pierre Kory why this is still up on the FLCC website, considering that masks don’t work? FLCC advice on treatment is great but on mask wearing is rather confusing.

https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-mask-plus-protocol/. :

“Wear a cloth, surgical or N95 mask when in confined, poorly ventilated, crowded indoor spaces with non-household members”.

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non-doctor, non-scientist here with a question: isn't this study about bacterial transmission rather than viral, and doesn't that distinction matter? Also, as it pertains to infection of open wounds, rather than transmission of viral illness.

It is my (dim and possibly incorrect) understanding that viral particles are far smaller than bacterial, so masks are literally useless in preventing viral spread. Also, a question: do we know the likely source (s) of wound infection in surgeries?

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Will the gov officials actually read this, and the obsessed health professionals (present company excepted) too?

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A dust mask ie, a surgical or N95, will stop most dust. A spray painting mask with customised filters, N95 pre filters, particulate and vapour filters are effective and easier to breath out of. I find it shocking that industrial masks offer protection and medical masks don’t.

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My husband wore a mask every day when they were introduced in the uk. He ended up with a large ulcer inside his nose that caused bleeding and pain. The consultant said it was almost to the point of causing a whole in his septum. He has since woken up. He caught covid last month from a triple vaccinated person. The other driver caught it from the same lady and he was vaccinated and masked, both interventions did not work work as both drivers, one being my husband caught covid. They’re disgusting everywhere in the streets.

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The oxygen deprivation when wearing a mask must be connected with mental alertness. How many surgeons possibly do mistakes during long surgeries, because of exactly that issue alone??

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The main point of wearing masks these days seems to be virtue signalling, although I continue to be puzzled at people wearing them when driving alone in their cars.

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Sorry folks. This is meaningless. It is older than 5 years old and thus “expired” or something. So I was told my a nurse about a year ago when I provided this and about 40 other studies that predate the panic.

These mask fetishists don’t care. They want everyone in masks and come up with unlimited reasons to discount any evidence provided.

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Breathe freely...

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How could operating be done in silence? Don't the surgeons have to ask for implements? Don't nurses or anesthesiologists have to update the surgeon on the condition of the patient during surgery, when needed? How about during hours long surgery? How tedious to not be able to speak to your co-workers at all.

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Interesting, thanks!!!

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