All violence is horrific. All wars promote violence. If you think this case is so bad, how about looking at what the US military does, particularly the white supremacists to people of color in other countries. Look at what you are supporting in Gaza and the rest of Palestine against the Palestinians of both Muslim, Arab and Christian groups of people. If you want violence to cease stop supporting US hegemony and genocide. Stop being a hypocrite calling for an end to depopulation here while supporting it elsewhere.

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we do and we punish too

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Did you notice that the killers are converts to Islam?

This proves that Islam is the problem.

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It and its God delusion is definitely part of the problem. Team America World Police is also part of the problem. Team America World Police, the "god that failed" is responsible for terrorist attacks in its vassel countries. Team America World Police has not been the victor in any war of aggression it has started or been involved in since WW2. It gets its ass kicked every time by the small, backward, illiterate, technologically inferior third world peasants it attacks.

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Islam specifically is the problem, in particular its commandment to murder all those who refuse to accept Islam or pay the jizya ransom, as well as its command to murder all those who attempt to leave Islam.

Christianity is 180 degrees different, literally just the opposite. True, Christian countries have committed crimes similar to Islamic crimes, but they did this in _spite_ of the teaching of Christianity, while Muslims murder _because_ of the teachings of Islam.

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Yes, that must be why the Jews went unmolested in Al- Andalusia (Muslim Spain for 600 years but got kicked out in 1492 when Ferdinand and Isabella gave there decree

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That is a fable. The Jews were forced to pay the jizya in Andalusia in order to be allowed to remain alive, and yet even then this did not protect them from periodic massacres by Muslims.

"In 1066 - only 11 years after Rabbi Shmuel Hanagid’s passing - a Muslim mob stormed the royal palace in Granada and murdered his son, the vizier Rabbi Yosef Hanagid. They also massacred most of the city’s Jewish population. Accounts of the Granada Massacre state that more than 1,500 Jewish families were murdered in just one day.

In 1090 the situation deteriorated further in the Muslim-controlled areas with the invasion of the Almoravids, a Muslim sect from Morocco. Even under the Almoravids, things were somewhat bearable for the Jews. However, in 1148, when the more extreme Almohads invaded Spain, Jews were forced to flee, be killed, or accept Islam. The Almohads confiscated Jewish property in Spain, closed the famous Jewish educational institutions, and destroyed synagogues throughout the land. Among the Jews who fled from the Almohads were the Rambam (Maimonides) and his family."


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Fair enough, but going back to 1066 to 1948 would have seen the Jews outright kicked out of ( such as1290 in England) or suffered under pogroms in many other Christian countries.

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If the USA is mostly Christian and the USA is responsible for killing over a million people in its wars, is Christianity the problem?

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Absolutely not. You've fallen into the trap of false analogy.

Christianity itself has nothing to do with mass murder. Jesus killed no one, and was himself killed.

Islam commands mass murder of all non-believers as its most fundamental principle: jihad. This is in imitation of Mohammed, who slaughtered his enemies even after they surrendered.

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It would be to the benefit of moslems to stay out of America.

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Dec 30, 2023
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Yuk yuk yuk. You are showing your age boomer.

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Not sure who u are writing to, but mocking someone because of their age, get some class kid!🤌

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Guess what tanya? 90% of the violence is started by Muslims. 9/11, barracks attack, ship attack, Nigeria, Uganda, Oct 7. The genocide is Muslims murdering Christians for hundreds of years, as their Qur'an demands.

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9/11 huh? wake up dude

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So, is SecDef Lloyd Austin a "white supremacist" for supporting wars in Ukraine and the Middle East?

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What our corrupt government does in our name across the globe is not representative of the American Constitution. Conflating the two betrays your ignorance on the subject.

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The US was defeated in Afghanistan Tanya. What did Lee Rigby die for? The Taliban are back in power in Afghanistan. The US left them.$80B when it cut and ran from the Taliban. The US increased the threat of terrorism in other Western countries when it went into Afghanistan and Iraq etc. Your heros, Bush and Obama have Lee Rigby's blood on their hands. They were accomplices to the muslim extremists. They are cowards.The heros in the Lee Rigby case were the brave civilians, police and paramedics who arttended the murder scene. Look at what motivated the barbarous attack:

"One of the men was talking about religion and she [a civilian witness] heard him say something along the lines of: 'These soldiers go to our land, kill or bomb our people,' the jury was told. She then asked the man: 'Are you going to hurt us?'

'He replied: 'No the women and children are safe. You need to get back when the police and the soldiers get here,' Mr Whittam told the court ...

The court was told that when paramedics tried to sit Mr Adebolajo up, he said: "Please let me lay here, I don't want anyone to die. I just want the soldiers out of my country."

"Mr Adebolajo told the officers: 'I am a Muslim extremist, this may be the only chance you meet one,' the jury heard ... In a second interview, the day after the shooting, he claimed that his intention was never to hurt civilians. In a signed statement, Mr Adebolajo says: "We hope that one day Great Britain will replace those corrupt politicians with men or women who truly care about the security of their citizens by withdrawing from affairs of Muslims, including their lands.' "

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agree AWAKE

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Just some good and faithful Muslims doing what all Muslims are commanded to do: kill the infidels.

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The organizations that promote and fund the mass migration into western countries from less civilized parts of the world need to be held to account, shut down, and imprisoned for actively working to destroy the nations and cultures of western civilization.

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Dr. Paul, by you posting some African "converts to Islam" horrific crime in the UK, in no way whatsoever justifies Israel's genocide of Christian and Muslim children women and men in Gaza Palestine.

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What about the real genocide of Jews by Muslims that has gone on for centuries?

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Do you mean as depicted in this Israeli documentary, a trailer for which is at the link? Israeli former soldiers admit to raping young Palestinian girls and mass murdering Palestinians. It is worse than what the German Nazis did in villages they occupied because the Nazis were not rapists. Now there is archaeological evidence to corroborate eyewitness accounts of Israeli atrocities against civilians occurring at the time of the creation of the state of Israel. The ICC needs to do something and if it is outside their jurisdiction then a Nuremberg style international tribunal needs to be created to try the accused Israeli murderers and rapists and their apologists in. Accused Hamas wrong doers also need to be tried.



In the war of 1948 hundreds of Palestinian villages were depopulated. Israelis call it 'The War of Independence. Palestinians call it 'Nakba"'. The film examines one village- Tantura and why "Nakba" is taboo in Israeli society.


The tape-recorded words "erase it" take on new weight in the context of history and war. After the U.N decided to partition Palestine into two separate independent Jewish and Arab states, and the state of Israel was established in 1948, local hostilities escalated to regional war and hundreds of Palestinian villages were depopulated in its aftermath. Israelis know this as the War of Independence. Palestinians call it "The Nakba" (the Catastrophe). In the late 1990s, graduate student Teddy Katz researched a large-scale massacre that had allegedly occurred in the village of Tantura in 1948. His work later came under attack and his reputation was ruined, but 140 hours of audio testimonies remain.

Director Alon Schwarz revisits former Israeli soldiers of the Alexandroni Brigade and confronts them with Teddy's recorded audiotape interviews as well as visiting former Palestinian residents of Tantura in an effort to re-examine what happened in the village and explore why "The Nakba" is taboo in Israeli society. The now elderly ex-soldiers recall unsettling acts of war while disquietly pausing at points they either don't want to remember or won't speak of. Audio from Katz's 20-year-old interviews cuts through the silence of self-preservation and exposes the ways in which power, silencing, and protected narratives can sculpt history. The film provides a rare look at Israeli society's first-generation and how the country's founding myth has shaped reality for generations. The film brings never before seen archival footage from the war of 1948 alongside intimate interviews with ex-Israeli soldiers, Palestinian residents, and historians.


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I'll watch this when I have time, knowledge is power. But, why do you keep going back to 1948? That's ancient history and not relevant to current events. Also a lot of the Nakba, were the Arabs willingly left their homes because their Arab leaders told them to. Remember, there's always two sides to any story. In today's world, it's consistently been the Muslims who are the aggressors and the Israeli's only defending them selves. Israel consists of 1.5% of all the middle east adjacent to all the Arab lands. It seems to me that Arabs having 98.5% of all that land mass, shouldn't begrudge the Jews for their microscopic sliver of Israel.

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the way in which Israel was founded in 1948, and the situation today, is typical of the adage, "You Reap What You Sow".

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Assume Israel wouldn't have been created in 1948. Where would all the Jews go? I assume they would assimilate into the various Christian nations, like America, but after the holocaust, ( six million murdered) ,the world really owed the Jews compensation, and awarding them Israel, which really was their homeland going back to King David seemed logical at the time. There was a small population there of Arabs, Jerusalem looked like a ghost town, it didn't seem like a bad idea. Our very own Harry Truman was one of the first to recognize Israel. Speaking of Arabs, remember the Grand Mufti plotted with Hitler to exterminate the Jews. Kind of an appropriate pay back to the Arabs for contributing to the holocaust, that is, creating Israel.

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Murdering, terrorizing, and ethnically cleansing the native Arab population isn't an honorable cornerstone for your new Jewish State.

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If you think 1948 is ancient history and not relevant to current events then you must think the holocaust, which predates 1946 is ancient history and not relevant to current events. Actually, increasing numbers of youth agree with you. Surveys show they are suspicious of holocaust stories and sick of hearing about them. The Shoah is being forgotten. Nonetheless, the Simon Wiesenthal Centerkeeps chasing old Nazis for pre-1945 alleged atrocities. Now they want the Ukranian Waffen SS trooper who was recently honored by the Canadian parliament extradited for allegedly killing Jews decades ago. He's in his 90s!

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Maybe I said it a little off. 1948 isn't relevant to the current discussion of the Oct 7 attack and Israel's current war against Hamas. In my opinion. But certainly atrocities are relevant to justice and knowledge of the world history, so the Holocaust is an event that should never be forgotten, as well as other crimes committed. Perpetrators of the Holocaust, if still alive should be prosecuted, as well as Raisi for the execution of 30,000 Iranians, and Putin for committing war crimes. The Armenian genocide is a particular heinous event. Nothing much in the news about the expulsion of over 100,000 Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh this Sept 2023. Seems like the Kurds, the Armenians, and the Jews are victimized throughout history and to this very day.

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1948 massacres by Israelis are relevant in that they have likely influenced how Palestinians regard Israelis and respond to them. How Palestinians regard Israelis is similar to how the relatives of Sharon Tate regard the surviving Manson family murderers like Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten. As regards Putin, he is reviled by neo-Nazis for criminalizing holocaust denial. Many regard him as a crypto-Jew. Note the attitudes to Putin in this disgusting piece of antisemitic propaganda from the singer or band "Goyim Goddess" that I stumbled across on the internet:


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What examples can you cite of an alleged genocide of Jews by Muslims for centuries?


it doesn't exist there but only in Europe.

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Starts in the Qur'an, 33:26 "Allah made the Jews leave their homes by terrorizing them so that you killed some and made many captive. And he made you inherit their lands, their homes, and their wealth. He gave you a country you had not traversed before". Continues with the conquest of the middle eastern countries. The Qur'an has hundreds of references to kill the Jews. Over and Over again. The Qur'an was produced around 700-800 AD and ever since then the Muslims have persecuted the Jews.

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I can't find any referenced to "Jews" specifically, only " people of the book" in the Quran tract that you referenced.

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People of the book are the Jews

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Your translation specifically mentioning "Jews" is unfindable, here is the common translation of 33:26

And He brought down those from the People of the Book 1 who supported the enemy alliance from their own strongholds, and cast horror into their hearts. You ˹believers˺ killed some, and took others captive. Surah Juz Page Tip: try navigating with ctrl K 20Taha 21Al-Anbya 22Al-


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Some more: Qur'an 4:55 Sufficient for the Jew is the flaming fire Qur'an 33:26 Allah made the Jews leave their homes by terrorizing them so that you killed some and made many captive. And he made you inherit their lands, their homes, and their wealth. He gave you a country you had not traversed before. SO TODAY THE JEWS ARE DOWN TO 1.5% OF THE MIDDLE EASTERN LAND AREA, ISLAMIC COUNTIRES HAVE 98%.

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There are different verses and translations. But the Qur'an makes it clear that Jews are to be killed, tortured, expelled and condemned. Qur'an 2:64 But you Jews went back on your word and were lost losers. So become apes, despised and hated, we make example of you. Ishaq 262 Some Muslims remained friends with the Jews, so Allah sent down a Qur'an forbidding them to take Jews as friends. Qur'an5:51 Believers, take not Jews and Christians for your friends. Qur'an 9:30 The jews call Uzair, (Ezra), the son of Allah, and the Christians say that the Messiah is the son of Allah. That is their saying from their mouths, they but imitate what the unbeliever's of old used to say, Allah's (himself) fights against them, cursing them, damning and destroying them. How perverse they are. There are hundreds if not thousands of verses like this, advocating killing the Jews. Many verses just say "unbelievers" but that means as you know, all Jews and Christians.

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You are not going to convince the doctor.

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Oh my God! This is horrible. That man suffered and his family must have endured unbelievable shock! We need to be more vigilante

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Vigilante? Learn something about Islam.

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Just stay thr hell out of America!

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I believe it was this islamist when taken to court the judge said it is people like you that give islam a bad reputation. He said back to the judge, "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT ISLAM IS." I have since repeated those words to people who support islam.

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"One of the men [who attacked Lee Rigby] was talking about religion and she [a civilian witness] heard him say something along the lines of: 'These soldiers go to our land, kill or bomb our people,' the jury was told. She then asked the man: 'Are you going to hurt us?'

'He replied: 'No the women and children are safe. You need to get back when the police and the soldiers get here,' Mr Whittam told the court ...

The court was told that when paramedics tried to sit Mr Adebolajo up, he said: "Please let me lay here, I don't want anyone to die. I just want the soldiers out of my country."

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the women and children weren't safe on Oct 7. They butchered them. The murder of Rigby was a terror attack, not a military action.

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It was a terrorist attack on a military target [the soldier, Rigby]. Bush and Obama, and their sycophants Bliar and Cameron, were a part, a big part, of the causal chain that led to the attacks. The US and Israel have radicalized the muslim world. Before the rise of the post WW2 US and the massacres of civilians in villages like Tantura, many of the muslim countries that now produce muslim extremists were Westernised and secular. The women wore Western fashions, not burkas. The US created the problem. The blood of millions of terrorism victims is on Americans' hands.

"One of the men [who butchered the soldier, Rigby] was talking about religion and she [a civilian witness] heard him say something along the lines of: 'These soldiers [i.e., Rigby and others] go to our land, kill or bomb our people' ... The court was told that when paramedics tried to sit Mr Adebolajo up, he said: "Please let me I just want the soldiers out of my country' ... In a second interview, the day after the shooting, he claimed that his intention was never to hurt civilians."

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It was in the U K. How is the U K a muslim country or was it already in his eyes a conquered sharia loving country and he just needed to get rid of the left over debris (UK soldiers)?

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It was because the UK under Tony Bliar licked the boots of Uncle Sam under the Us' first (or first known) recovering alcoholic cokehead president (Bush Jr) and went into Iraq and Afghanistan and then stayed there under Obummer and David Cameron.

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There were some good reasons at first to go into Afghanistan, since Bin Laden was there.

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Now you've really went nuts. "The US and Israel have radicalized the Muslim world" How did we create the Saudi Imams who radicalized the 9/11 jihadists? How did we bring birth to the Ayatollah Khomeini? Where we failed was when imbecile Carter wouldn't support the Shah, and our poor intelligence agencies not sharing intelligence!

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You are like a river in Egypt, Duane. In denial. Khomenei and his Iranian revolution was a reaction to the US propping up the Shah's notoriously brutal and dictatorial hated regime. To the Iranians it seemed better initially. That's why there were huge crowds in Tehran in the early days chanting "death to America," " down with the Great Satan" and so forth. As regards the Saudis, tthe Saudis are avassel state of the US that the US has been propping up since the day dot. The US is hated across MENA. Right now, the Iraqis are trying to get rid of the US. See the storuy at the first link. Many, many interviews with terrorists from Indonesia to Libya have shown that their motivation is pay back for US meddling in their countries. They don't want the US for the same reason Russia doesn't want a US puppet on its border. They don't want the US for the same reason the Okinawans are trying to get rid of the US. See the second and subsequent links. The US is hated in Japan, outside the big cities. The US to them represents filth, criminality, perversion, pedophilia, rape, sodomy, sexual molestation of women and children and transgenderism. US behavior radicalized the Iranians. It's radicalized the Iraqis. If US neocon RINO and neolib warmongers had not propped up the Shah there would probably be a democratic government in Iran today.

Iraq plans to 'end presence' of US-led coalition forces, PM says. Mohammed Shia Al Sudani’s announcement comes during clashes between Iran-backed militias and American military


Okinawa’s vocal anti-US military base movement


Okinawa scourged by storm of sexual violence under post-WWII US rule


Okinawa women document U.S. military sex crimes in book


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Iran was a prosperous, healthy country before the revolution. If the Shah was "brutal", he needed to be with the Islamic fanatics, in hind site, he should have been way more brutal. I had friends right there in Iran prior to the revolution. The Iranians loved the Americans who were working there. Those Iranians were happy with their country, and that the Shah was modernizing Iran. This super pissed off the Mullahs who wanted Iran to be 8th century, the women covered with the Hijab, the citizens all Islamic slaves. I wish I could understand the poor slobs who are hypnotized by Islam, a complete fake religion, who supported the Mullahs. Anyway, we personally knew the Iranians, and they loved the Shah, and the direction the country was heading. When the evacuations came, the Iranians friends who said goodby, were crying to see their American friends go. I mean real tears running down their faces. So you can't pull your nonsense on me regarding Iran, because I'm intimately familiar with the country. It's been years, I can't remember the names of the Iranians, but our friend was John McDowell, he worked for an engineering company.

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I grew up in the area he was slaughtered 🙏

Being allowed to get out of control to fit the narrative all around the world 🌍

So sad 🙏

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Bliar and Cameron decided to play lap dogs to Team America World Police which got its ass kicked by the technologically backward, illiterate third world Taliban. That's why Lee Rigby was murdered. He died for the psychopathic USA government. It is very, very sad.

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Funny how you are ok with Israel killing over 20000 people.

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I will never forget.

I will also never forget:

365,000 Vietnamese killed in the Vietnam war.

3000+ of mostly civilian Panamanians killed in the 1989 US invasion of Panama

20,000+ Lebanese killed by Israel in the early 1980s

600,000+ Iraqis killed as a result of the US-led Iraq war

110,000+ Afghanis killed by the USA.

Countless thousands of Palestinians killed by Israeli 'settlers' and Zionists since at the 1930s.

The 34 US Navy personnel killed by Israel when it attacked the USS Liberty.

The 9/11 false flag event that killed over 3,000 Americans with Israeli fingerprints over the entire operation before, during and after the event.

The millions killed by the Covid 'vaccine'.

And the 23,000+ Palestinians - 95% of which were women, children and other civilians - killed indiscriminately by Israel in late 2023.

I'm afraid Doctor that your Islamophobia and racism is showing.

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Most epidemiological studies estimate that the number of Iraqis butchered by the US or as a result of US actions was 1,000,000+. The US also butchered a lot of civilians in Haiti, in the Philippines and during WW2. The US has also practiced cannibalism and head hunting.


Eating Your Enemy. Richard Sugg searches history to explain the phenomenon of aggressive cannibalism, following recent allegations from Iraq.


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The Israeli army is doing the same shit to the Palestinian people, including children, in Gaza. There is video footage from The Grayzone showing the IDF & their supporters talking about killing all the people in Gaza. To ethnically cleanse the whole region & chop off everybody’s heads. No matter who. All of em. They don’t care. Israeli’s are indoctrinated to despise the Palestinians just like Hamas does to their people regarding Israeli’s. It definitely goes both ways. The Palestinians are being lumped in with Hamas. Children don’t choose where they’re born or what culture they’re born into. Children are always innocent. Carpet bombing all of Gaza & millions of innocent people is never going to be “okay”! A few thousand Hamas terrorists does not justify killing everyone in Gaza. Yes, those who murdered innocent Israeli civilians & tortured them, should be found & hanged. No one is disputing that. Terrorists on both sides should be punished to the fullest extent. No more war! No more state sponsored mass murdering! No more funding both sides, then propagandizing who should be on who’s side. Again, WHERE WAS THE IDF on October 7th? Why did they take 7 hrs. to “rescue” any of their injured & traumatized citizens? During which, more people died! Waiting for help! I have friends with family over there. I get their take on the whole situation. A lot of lies & propaganda is going on. Both the IDF & Hamas have committed evil atrocities on innocent people. At the behest of Netanyahu. Just sayin.

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In the war of 1948 hundreds of Palestinian villages were depopulated. Israelis call it 'The War of Independence. Palestinians call it 'Nakba"'. The film examines one village- Tantura and why "Nakba" is taboo in Israeli society.


The tape-recorded words "erase it" take on new weight in the context of history and war. After the U.N decided to partition Palestine into two separate independent Jewish and Arab states, and the state of Israel was established in 1948, local hostilities escalated to regional war and hundreds of Palestinian villages were depopulated in its aftermath. Israelis know this as the War of Independence. Palestinians call it "The Nakba" (the Catastrophe). In the late 1990s, graduate student Teddy Katz researched a large-scale massacre that had allegedly occurred in the village of Tantura in 1948. His work later came under attack and his reputation was ruined, but 140 hours of audio testimonies remain.

Director Alon Schwarz revisits former Israeli soldiers of the Alexandroni Brigade and confronts them with Teddy's recorded audiotape interviews as well as visiting former Palestinian residents of Tantura in an effort to re-examine what happened in the village and explore why "The Nakba" is taboo in Israeli society. The now elderly ex-soldiers recall unsettling acts of war while disquietly pausing at points they either don't want to remember or won't speak of. Audio from Katz's 20-year-old interviews cuts through the silence of self-preservation and exposes the ways in which power, silencing, and protected narratives can sculpt history. The film provides a rare look at Israeli society's first-generation and how the country's founding myth has shaped reality for generations. The film brings never before seen archival footage from the war of 1948 alongside intimate interviews with ex-Israeli soldiers, Palestinian residents, and historians.


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The Israeli's were trying their very best to live in peace with the Palestinians. Israel provided water, food, and electricity to them. Israel allowed Palestinian workers to cross the border. Hamas declared war when they butchered, raped, tortured over 1200 innocent people, and took hostages. Every death of a Palestinian child is due to Hamas, their fault, no one else. Polls show that most Palestinians supported Hamas, Palestinian families with mom, dad, and children in the house held some of the Israeli hostages. Don't you understand that there would not be one single death in this conflict, if Hamas didn't perform their vile attack?

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Yes, of course. I stated, “Hamas is bad. They’re terrorists.” Children are not Hamas. Don’t YOU understand that? All children are innocent. Gaza has at least a million children. They don’t deserve to be terrorized. No child does. It only propagates more terrorists in the future. Because they will never forget what they’ve been put through. Stop equating Hamas with all Palestinians. Please. That is utterly moronic. I have seen the stories of those suffering from constant bombings. Doctors trying to save lives. Not Hamas! People. Human beings. Innocent people. For God sakes. Not all Palestinians are Hamas. And not all IDF soldiers have clean hands either. They tell them to leave because bombs will be dropping & when they do, they get attacked while they’re leaving. What about disabled people? How are they supposed to get out of the way? Babies & young children who’ve lost both parents now? They can’t read the flyers telling them to go. There are lots of nuances going on with this situation. And it is genocide when you are cut off from food, fresh water, medicines, shelter, safety, etc. There’s no other word for it.

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You feed the baby cockroaches too?

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Hit a nerve, did I? 🤣

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You you fantasize about being gang-raped by Hamas Muslims?

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No, I have my glock 19 to keep me safe. And I practice a lot! Also have my LTC. You?

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I posted a reply to you but it is under one of Duane's comments below.

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What would you have Israel do, not fight back? Allow a terror camp to continue right next door, funded by billions $$$ from Iran and Arab countries, and even the USA, Biden sent $300 million to Gaza? Hamas has pledged to continue attacks just like Oct 7, to last forever. Why aren't you crying for all the Israeli lives lost, (including the last 30 years of terror attacks from Jihadists), rockets streaming in and landing on civilian area's. The butchery of the Oct 7 attack was the final straw, Israel decided to end the existence of Hamas, no matter what it takes. I can't blame them. Remember, 80% of the Palestinians supported the Oct 7 attack, they elected Hamas, even families there came across the border to rape, pillage, and murder Israeli's. One hostage said that she was held captive in a family home, mom, dad, and the kids. She says all of the Palestinians are terrorists. The IDF tries hard to not injure civilians, something that the Muslims do not do. Not one person would have been injured or died if Hamas had not attacked. All the blame for every baby and persons deaths are to Hamas.

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Denise, Duane and the Israelis and IDF appear to approve of "collective punishment" as practiced by the US during the American Civil War and later also by Nazi Germany and others.

Nazi Germany killed 2300 civilians in the Kragujevac massacre, as retaliation for 10 German soldiers killed by Yugoslav Partisans in Nazi-occupied Serbia in 1941.

Using Duane's logic, what those Nazis did was acceptable because none of those 2300 civilians, not one, would have been killed if the Partisans had not attacked the German soldiers.

"Collective punishment is a punishment or sanction imposed on a group for acts allegedly perpetrated by a member of that group, which could be an ethnic or political group, or just the family, friends and neighbors of the perpetrator. Because individuals who are not responsible for the acts are targeted, collective punishment is not compatible with the basic principle of individual responsibility. The punished group may often have no direct association with the perpetrator other than living in the same area and can not be assumed to exercise control over the perpetrator's actions. Collective punishment is prohibited by treaty in both international and non-international armed conflicts, more specifically Common Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Article 4 of the Additional Protocol II."

"The principle of collective punishment was laid out by Union General William Tecumseh Sherman in his Special Field Order 120, November 9, 1864, which laid out the rules for his "March to the sea" in the American Civil War:

V. To army corps commanders alone is entrusted the power to destroy mills, houses, cotton-gins, etc..., and for them this general principle is laid down: In districts and neighborhoods where the army is unmolested, no destruction of such property should be permitted; but should guerrillas or bushwhackers molest our march, or should the inhabitants burn bridges, obstruct roads, or otherwise manifest local hostility, then army commanders should order and enforce a devastation more or less relentless according to the measure of such hostility."

"The current blockade of Gaza has been criticized by the International Committee of the Red Cross, in a United Nations report, and by various other organisations as collective punishment aimed at the Palestinians."

"UN condemns 'war crimes' in Gaza". BBC News. September 16, 2009. Archived from the original on October 8, 2022. Retrieved December 10, 2011.

"ICRC says Israel's Gaza blockade breaks law". BBC News. June 14, 2010. Archived from the original on April 14, 2019. Retrieved June 21, 2018.

"US Congress freeze on $200m Palestinian aid criticised". BBC News. October 4, 2011. Archived from the original on October 9, 2018. Retrieved June 21, 2018.

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Even with the blockade, to prevent weapons and war making items to enter Gaza, it didn't make Gaza a complete horrible place to live, see report below

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The program of "collective punishment" is well known, but the IDF bends over backwards to protect civilians.

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By tbat reasoning, Nazi Germany probably bent over backwards too to kill only 2300 civilians in the Kragujevac massacre iin retaliation for 10 German soldiers being killed by Yugoslav Partisans. In Gaza, at least 21,320 people have reportedly been killed and 55,603 injured in Israeli attacks since October 7. The death toll from Hamas's attack on Israel stands at 1,139.2 days. That's Nazi-like disproportionality. The Israeli PR machine calls what they are doing a "war" but that's BS. The Palestinians don't even have an Army.

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Have you seen this? A recent substack by Meryl Nass links to it. The crimes of Hamas are indefensible. However, genocide allegedly committed by the Israelis using the attack by Hamas as a pretext is to be tried.

Israel Charged with Genocide at the International Court of Justice, by Jeremy R. Hammond, Dec 30, 2023 Foreign Policy

"On December 29, the government of South Africa filed an application instituting proceedings against the government of Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN) and is also sometimes referred to as the World Court. The application states that Israel has violated the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, or the Genocide Convention, with its military operations in the Gaza Strip ongoing since October 7.

South Africa condemns the October 7 attacks in Israel by Palestinian armed groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad, in which 1,139 people were killed, according to Israeli officials, including 373 security force members, 695 Israeli civilians, and 71 foreigners. Among the Israeli civilians killed were 36 children. However, as South Africa also points out, no armed attacks, however atrocious, could possibly justify retaliatory acts of genocide.

The application states:

The acts and omissions by Israel complained of by South Africa are genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group, that being the part of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip (‘Palestinians in Gaza’). The acts in question include killing Palestinians in Gaza, causing them serious bodily and mental harm, and inflicting on them conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction. The acts are all attributable to Israel, which has failed to prevent genocide and is committing genocide in manifest violation of the Genocide Convention, and which has also violated and is continuing to violate its other fundamental obligations under the Genocide Convention, including by failing to prevent or punish the direct and public incitement to genocide by senior Israeli officials and others.

South Africa also notes the importance of placing Israel’s acts of genocide “in the broader context of Israel’s conduct towards Palestinians during its 75-year-long apartheid, its 56-year-long belligerent occupation of Palestinian territory and its 16-year-long blockade of Gaza, including the serious and ongoing violations of international law associated therewith, including grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention, and other war crimes and crimes against humanity.”

The genocide is being perpetrated “against a background of apartheid, expulsion, ethnic cleansing, annexation, occupation, discrimination, and the ongoing denial of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination”, the application states.

Additionally, Israel’s military operation, dubbed “Operation Swords of Iron”, is being conducted with openly genocidal intent. The application provides extensive documentation of Israeli political leaders and military officials expressing their calculated aim of bringing about the physical destruction of the Palestinians in Gaza as a group.

The estimated Palestinian death toll at the time of the application’s submission was over 21,110. Thousands of others are missing and presumed dead under the rubble, and tens of thousands have been injured.

The fact that Israel’s actions reflect the transparent genocidal intent is evident from the proportion of civilians killed. Setting aside evidence that at least some Israeli civilians were killed by Israel’s own security forces on October 7 and attributing all deaths to the indiscriminate violence by Palestinian militants, we can see that about 67 percent of the dead were civilians, and about 3 percent were children.

This contrasts with the estimate that about 70 percent of the Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in Gaza have been women and children. Children alone make up over 36 percent of deaths, with the estimate at the time being over 7,729 children killed. These numbers reflect the indiscriminate nature of Israel’s bombardment and belie the preposterous claim that the Israeli military does everything possible to avoid harm to civilians.

While Western media continue to refer to the ongoing violence as the “Israel-Hamas War”, the stark observable reality is that Israel, which boasts one of the most powerful militaries in the world, is targeting the defenseless civilian population of the concentration camp known as Gaza, a densely populated strip of land with about 2.3 million people, 70 percent of whom are refugees or their descendants from the Zionist forces’ ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948, and about half of whom are children.

Referring to the clear repeated incitements to genocide by prominent Israeli figures, the application states:

That intent is also properly to be inferred from the nature and conduct of Israel’s military operation in Gaza, having regard inter alia to Israel’s failure to provide or ensure essential food, water, medicine, fuel, shelter and other humanitarian assistance for the besieged and blockaded Palestinian people, which has pushed them to the brink of famine. It is also clear from the nature, scope and extent of Israel’s military attacks on Gaza, which have involved the sustained bombardment over more than 11 weeks of one of the most densely populated places in the world, forcing the evacuation of 1.9 million people or 85% of the population of Gaza from their homes and herding them into ever smaller areas, without adequate shelter, in which they continue to be attacked, killed and harmed.

In addition to the massive death toll, Israel’s actions make clear its intent to render Gaza uninhabitable and to deny the Palestinians the means to survive ..."

Israel Charged with Genocide at the International Court of Justice

by Jeremy R. Hammond, Dec 30, 2023 Foreign Policy


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It must have been terrifying for her having to live with a Palestinian family.

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Thank God that we're not responsible for the US attack on Iraq in 2003, oh wait, I guess we are.

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There's no doubt that the USA has made many mistakes, the invasion of Iraq was certainly one. There was a Iraqi group that wanted Saddam finished, and they convinced us of the WMD, even the UN went along. Saddam did use poison gas on Iraqi's. If Saddam had simply let the weapons inspectors do their jobs, the invasion wouldn't have occurred.

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Yeah sure, I suppose that the NeoCon PNAC policy paper, A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, had nothing to do with it.


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Nothing wrong with a study to provide possible solutions to the ever continuing attacks against Israel We don't know what Netanyahu agreed with here, it says he rejected some of the suggestions. Over and over Israel has bent over backwards to placate the Muslims, offered the 2 state many times, given away much of their land, evacuated Gaza. It's always Israel sacrificing, and the Muslims taking.

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Dr. Alexander you must be familiar with the School of the Americas. This is our COUNTRY man. We do dat. No wonder murdering millions by fake medicine and fake science is passionately praised by the Bureaucrats.

School of the Americas: Training Torturers & Secret Police for US-Backed Dictators Since 1946. Over 64,000 soldiers have been trained to oppress, smash dissent, and maintain American imperial order since the “school” first opened. his article was originally published in December 2015.

For the past 69 years, many of the most notorious U.S.-backed South American dictators, along with their secret police and torturers, have learned their dark arts from a secretive American training facility.

Located in Fort Benning, Georgia, the facility changed its name from “School of the Americas” to “Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation” in 2001. Human rights advocates say the change was purely cosmetic, a result of the increasing pressure the facility faced from activists and other critics. In November, thousands protested outside Fort Benning in what has become an annual occurrence.

Originally founded in 1946 and based in Panama, it was expelled from the nation in 1984 under the terms of the Panama Canal Treaty. According to SOA Watch, a nonprofit which seeks the closure of the torture school, hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans have been tortured, raped, murdered or “disappeared” through the work of its 64,000 graduates.

It first became a target for activists over three decades ago, after repeated atrocities in El Salvador were linked to graduates of the school. In December of 1980, three Catholic nuns, Dorothy Kazel, Maura Clarke, and Ita Ford, along with a Catholic lay missionary, Jean Donovan, were kidnapped by El Salvadoran soldiers who proceeded to torture, rape, and murder the four women under orders from the country’s military dictatorship in retaliation for their advocacy for the impoverished. https://www.globalresearch.ca/school-of-the-americas-training-torturers-secret-police-for-us-backed-dictators-since-1946/5647471

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We will never forget nor forgive.

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The problem, colonization is that they introduce the violence when they invaded these countries then when they respond they are now called terrorist

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colonization is the Muslim invasion of Europe.

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I get it but most of the people who are invading are coming from places that were invaded. It’s not good for anyone

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Who invaded Syria, Guatemala, Venezuela, China? What places do you think were invaded?

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Get and read a copy of the Qu'ran before you speak again. Learn what islam is.

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"God also orders the destruction of 60 cities so that the Israelites can live there.  He orders the killing of all the men, women, and children of each city, and the looting of all of value (Deuteronomy 3).  He orders another attack and the killing of all the living creatures of the city: men and women, young, and old, as well as oxen sheep, and asses (Joshua 6).  In Judges 21 He orders the murder of all the people of Jabesh-gilead, except for the virgin girls who were taken to be forcibly raped and married. When they wanted more virgins, God told them to hide alongside the road and when they saw a girl they liked, kidnap her and forcibly rape her and make her your wife!

Just about every other page in the Old Testament has  God killing somebody!  In 2 Kings 10:18-27, God orders the murder of all the worshipers of a different god in their very own church!  In total God kills 371,186 people directly and orders another 1,862,265 people murdered

The God of the Bible also allows slavery, including selling your own daughter as a sex slave (Exodus 21:1-11), child abuse (Judges 11:29-40 & Isaiah 13:16), and bashing babies against rocks (Hosea 13:16 & Psalms 137:9).  This type of criminal behavior should shock any moral person."


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Because of tales of murder and atrocities in the bible, I've never believed that all of it is the "word of God" like so many Christian fanatics claim. It's down right stupid.

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Exactly- it could be the same "voices" A/K/A Demons, that told David Berkowitz (the Son of Sam) to KILL. KILL. KILL!

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Go back to pre biblical times, those people had no idea of science, germs, the earth revolves around the sun, they had nothing to do other than to make up stories for their fancy. Since violence was a common occurrence, they didn't hesitate to include lots of violence in their tales. Even the early nursery rhymes were filled with extreme violence.

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Speaking for myself, I don't believe that "God" spoke to anyone, or that any kind of God advocated any of this. We see in the Old Testament, "God" regularly speaking to many individuals, but this is all fiction, made up by the ancient authors of those prehistoric times. The same with all the times "Allah" spoke with Muhammad. All fiction

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Qur'an 5.33 "The punishment for those who wage war against Allah and his Prophet and make mischief in the land, is to murder them, crucify them, or cut off a hand and foot on opposite sides. Their doom is dreadful They will not escape the fire, suffering constantly

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Look where muslims got the idea from. See my reply above to Dorothy Ann.

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Then we also know that Islam plagiarized much from the Bible and the Torah, to create their Qur'an. Everybody's in the Qur'an, Jesus, Gabriel, John, Mary, Moses, even King David, who they anoint as another prophet.

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Again the difference is that Muslims today still practice what the Qur'an tells them to do, from the era of 700-800 AD, but Christians don't practice the murders and atrocities of the Old Testament, with few exceptions. I found a verse in the Qur'an that described exactly the rape and tortures that Hamas did to the Israeli females, such as cutting off body parts, but didn't book mark it like I should have.

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Hamas could be guilty of rape. There is a prima facie case. I have no idea if the evidence is true or fabricated. It could betrue. However, I would not trust either Hamas or the IDF. The evidence should be tested in an international court. South Africa has just referred an 800+ page brief to the ICJ accusing Israel of genocide. There is a reason that the Palestinians hate the Israelis. It's the same reason why the North Koreans and the Afghans hate the US. The Israelis may not be cannibals and head hunters like the US but there is historical evidence of rape and other atrocities inflicted by them upon Palestinians. The victims and their families tend to remember that and it keeps the hatred alive down through generations.

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