Never forget why we are here & got started, it is because some bad sick dark, money & power-hungry malevolent people created something in a lab & brought a fraud deadly mRNA technology & vaccine
COVID vaccine; yes, between pathogen (or likely respiratory entitity created somewhere), the lockdown lunatic deadly response, the deadly Malone, Weissman, Bourla et al. mRNA tech & vaccine & medical
management of vulnerable people who likely would be alive today, had they not subjected them to a fraud 95% false-positive, PCR over-cycled ‘process’ beyond 24 amplifications that was only detecting non-infectious, non-culturable, non-lethal pathogen), had they not isolated them that began a death spiral, had they not malnouriched them for no one was even touching them behind the glass wall, or dehydrated them, or denied antibiotics, placed DNR orders on them, had they not punped them with sedatives etc. midazolam, propofol, morphine, lorazepam, fentanyl etc., had they not punped them with deadly and failed EBOLA drug which was kidney and liver toxic Remdesivir, and had they not intubated them and put them on the ventilator that blew holes in their lungs and caused ventilator associated pneumonia, and had they not denied treatment for chronic illnesses etc., then most would be alive today.
It is the deadly entity someone created in some lab or settings somewhere that they knew was always circulating and in effect used the PCR process to detect something they knew was there for they released it there, and the vaccine, that have us here. Our lives upended and badly damaged due to these 2 factors, virus (if we accepted that, but I prefer to call it an entity causing respiratory ILI symptoms yet was deadly for high-risk vulnerable elderly persons) and the subsequent failed vaccine. That killed us. Never forget why we always look for a way to take Fauci, Francis Collins et. al into legal proceedings to get answers under oath. And we jail them if shown to be at fault. If their actions caused deaths. We jail and impose death penalty on anyone afer it is shown their actions caused deaths.
Never forget!
I don't disagree, but it is impossible that Fauci, Collins,and Pfizer et. al, did this without government knowing. Whether it was Congress, the DOD or the CDC (or all of them) is hard to say, but this did not happen in a vacuum. The entire exercise was likely a totalitarian power grab, and also a financial move to excuse the Fed printing TRILLIONS of dollars to further prop up our failing financial system. By conservative measures we are paying in excess of 25% more for food and goods, while housing in many areas increased by 50%, crushing the middle class. This is far, far from being just an issue of public health.
Hell no I am not forgetting. I also will never forget how Fauci deadly drug AZT killed many hemopliacs, including my friend's 21 year brother. Fauci has been a serial killer for decades now.