I don't disagree, but it is impossible that Fauci, Collins,and Pfizer et. al, did this without government knowing. Whether it was Congress, the DOD or the CDC (or all of them) is hard to say, but this did not happen in a vacuum. The entire exercise was likely a totalitarian power grab, and also a financial move to excuse the Fed printing TRILLIONS of dollars to further prop up our failing financial system. By conservative measures we are paying in excess of 25% more for food and goods, while housing in many areas increased by 50%, crushing the middle class. This is far, far from being just an issue of public health.

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Sure enough. Put them on the stand. Cross examine as the low hanging fruit that they are until we arrive up the chain to the deep culprits. Then we can hang the central bankers behind this whole shit show.

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It isALL BY DESIGN. Our so called government has sold us out & these clowns fist bump and slap each other on the the backs as they thumb their noses at us, the American people of the ,sadly, deteriorating USA.

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Pentagon and DoD were the button pushes, but patsies. Council of lead punks, sourced from Trilateral, CIA, Bilderbergs, Jesuits and few other networked Cartel shot callers, There weak link was the survivors, Susan Ford, O'Brien, of MKULTRA trained-slaved victims, will be their and the NWO path to self-destruction.

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If you are implying that DOD, CIA, etc. (The Blob) are behind this, I agree. But, even those like Dr. Alexander that are closer to the target than most are calling out Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J as the problem. Big Pharma are the real patsies. Big Pharma does the dirty work at the direction of The Blob, and launders money back to Fauci and Collins to pay for their role in the act.

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It's a simple and old-school law enforcement/prosecution matter: The small time punks are detained and legal pressure employed (early instances may require the death penalty) until they squeal naming their higher ups. Eventually this leads to the scum that think they own the neighborhood, meaning everyone else and this whole damn planet. Then we can have "nice things" once again.

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Except there isn't anyone interested in enforcing the law. Unless it is trumping up charges against people on the lawn outside the White House on J6.

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Hell no I am not forgetting. I also will never forget how Fauci deadly drug AZT killed many hemopliacs, including my friend's 21 year brother. Fauci has been a serial killer for decades now.

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Dr. Paul Alexander: This group that is intentionally poisoning us and the rest of the world with the Covid, Clot-shot, bio-weapon, quack-zines are the same group that has intentionally been poisoning people for centuries. (Spanish Flu, they used vaccines, the Black Plague and even poisoning the water wells) They have been kicked out of over 100 nations in the past and yes, they are still doing these evil crimes today. (Chem-trails, 5G, Fluoride in our water and toothpaste and more)

It's the Communist, Rothschild, Khazarian, Talmudic, Zionist, Ashkenazi, Satanic, Pedophile, International, criminally insane "Jews."

They have thoroughly infiltrated the US government and it's Federal agencies. They make up nearly all power positions of the CDC, DHS, FDA, CIA, FBI, judges, district attorneys and more. They make up Biden's presidential cabinet and Biden/Obama themselves are their puppets. These dual-citizenship(Israel & US), Jews make up nearly 2/3rds of the House of Representatives and the US Senate. They own most of mass media, Federal Reserve, Wall Street, Hollywood, the Porn Industry and the pharmaceutical companies that make the Bio-weapon, Jew-Jab, Clot-shot, quack-zines. They are trying to kill 90% of the world's population and overthrow all countries, including the United States.. Watch videos of the Elders of Zion Protocol or the leaders of the Bolsheviks of the 1920's and 1930's that killed nearly 100 million mostly white Christians in Russia, Ukraine and later Germany. Today they are GENOCIDING GAZA.

They are the "Israel" that we are sending all our resources(taxpayer military and manpower) to protect. People say to protect "Israel", but these are the same Zionist people behind the Covid, Bioweapon, Clot-Shots. They are NOT God's chosen people as they claim, but are of the Synagogue of Satan. Lucifer is their "God"! They HATE Christians. They kidnap our children, kill them in Satanic rituals and put their little bodies into the meat supply that serves the fast food restaurant chains. They turn the blacks against the whites. They were behind the slave trade. Even the "Judaic" Israelites today are against these Zionists! This is by no means an exhaustive list of all the evil they intentionally plan, fund and carry out.

It may be that only God's Kingdom has the power to eradicate the non-repentant Zionist from the face of the earth!

Jewish Bolshevik Red Army Neustettin War Crime Feb. 1945




Is the Bolshevik Blood bath coming to America? Documentary, History and current facts! Evidence!


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I believe WW3 started with the release of C19 on the world and the war isn't over. The weapons of war are a combination of lab contaminated flu that kill the senses of taste and smell long term, Remdesivir, vents, Isolation, lies about masks and enforcers such as employers, unions, municipalities, governors and a (p Resident). I can only imagine that the donor for the DNA for mRNA jabs would be none other than Anthony Fraudci. This has Obama, Fauci and Gates Foundation all over it. The Kickoff was So 2014/2015. Criminals in our government from top to bottom. Commie Traitors. In bed with the CCP. 23 Years of APEC did that. Free Trade resulted in C19 and mRNA jabs. Congrats.

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There will be no world war.

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What exactly do you call the last 4 years?

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Never forget.

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You are right, but there is no "evidence" that this was the first time, or the second, third, or fifteenth time.

We need to know, and we need to know now.

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Yes. Absolutely.

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Dr. Alexander,

I've followed your writing for a long time and appreciate the effort you put into exposing the systemic corruption in our medical, political and education systems. I came across Conspiracy Sarah's stack about Foster Coulson (Wellness Company Founder) who has links to Nanobiosym, which in turn is linked to Gates Ventures...Given your involvement with TWC, what are your thoughts about this?


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Nuremberg 2.0

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Paul, your book, Pres. Takedown, revealed the NWO domestic terrorist fine turning from the inside, answered questions; with Navarro's book, I wrapped how CFR runs the WH from the inside. The MKULTRA material by O'Brien and Susan Ford, formed the network plasma of corruption, and with my History and sociological-math background, cemented the entire take down of our USA that was jump-started by McKinley. Takes me forever but with the right material, all came together. You book was the mental key. No question. Peter's was tight in terms revealing the constant pressures placed upon a President. Trump did everything perfectly as he sorted out crap. And, we know now why all past Presidents were compromised differently before and after WWII.

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