leave scene, PRIMARY scene, if they get into the car, do NOT move it, crash it, start punching him, take keys stab him in eyes, in neck repeatedly, savage the fucker, if you move, NEVER will go home!
The US has enough home grown pedophiles without importing more. Americans, along with Filipinos, are the most intensely homosexual people on earth, and that's ok maybe if only consenting adults are involved but let's not forget that one of the anti-Trump RINO Lincoln Project's alleged victims says he was first preyed upon by one of those RINOS when he was only 14. Alleged attempted Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Roush, a fan of Zelenskyy who had a "Biden/Harris" bumper sticker on his truck is connected to an alleged pedophile. Americans lead the world not only in homosexuality but also in child molestation and Americans, although not yet ranked number one, are among the world's most prolific rapists and the victims include girls and women as well as boys and men. Against this backdrop, why the hell is the US importing people who murder American children?
one of your best posts and you wrote similar before but you ask the key question...in other words the US is doing its own killing of its children. so why import others to do it?
Is it true, a day after Kamala's staged photo op at the border, the Biden DOJ sued the state of Alabama to stop them from removing ILLEGAL ALIENS from the voter rolls? Un Fing believable.
Italian patriots ? They were Freemasons . The execution was the Free Mason way .He a nd Karla were killed in a gunfight then their corpses were desecrated . Just to remind everybody for
Best I am told by experts is to use a 12 gauge and use # 3 buckshot. Dead on the spot. Close range leaves a ragged hole six inches diameter. IF there is another standing behind he will suffer the same and dead on the spot.
This is why and where America is at! We have been “invaded” and deliberately divided while illegals have been, well raised up to a level of “first class citizens”! By this most corrupt and degenerate administration known as the “Biden / Harris” illegitimate government!
I ask you all:
“What the hell is going on”?
I’ll answer my own question with a simple, but very clear answer and problem, why is,
“America is being culled”! Yes we are!
By the Biden / Harris / Obama bureaucrats! An illegitimate president and administration! No you DIDN’T WIN JOE! You’ve been a loser your entire career in politics and worse, a “GRIFTER” unlike anyone ever! You’re a Clown, you’re a CROOK!
Add to this, the “Kennedy Family”! Or shall I say, those Kennedy’s who support the “Culling of middle-class America”! Those who support “Marxism”! Figure it out yourself! Have a clue! Sadly, your family has been brainwashed, tarnished and God rest those family members before y’all!
God help America!
Yes it is quite clear this very powerful family, cares more about a “Marxist Ideology” agenda, than they do about the one, “YES ONE SEGMENT” of Americans who “built America”!
I’ve had my share of hard-knocks as many Americans have had, hard working, good & decent Americans have poured their heart and soul into building a “Great America”! Not perfect, yes GREAT!
Isn’t it time we call out those families, in particular those Kennedy’s, who can’t see the damn “fire” through the smoke?
I believe it’s time, far past the time! This one family, the Kennedy’s, have enough influence, enough power to and or convince Americans and
THE TRUTH about what is happening to our GREAT NATION!
Instead, they “bastardized” their own KIN! How despicable can any person get? How deranged can they be? Think about what has happened for the past few years?
RFK Jr. took the necessary steps and he took action to “FIGHT FOR OUR FUTURE”! Simply by fighting for “Our Children and Grandchildren”! Is there any better cause? Not at all! Our kids are our FUTURE! Unless? Unless Harris / Walz have their way! Which is exactly why “OUR KIDS HAVE BEEM TARGETED”!
RFK Jr. has more courage in his clipped of baby toenail, than his “Entire Family” has COMBINED!
For those Kennedy’s who have more money than “God Almighty” while sitting on their “High-Perches” looking down at all of the “Useless Eaters” you know all
of us “PEASANTS” well please know and hear this,
You’re not the hard working Americans, fighting for every penny earned!.
You people, who’ve been “HANDED” boatloads of money! You’re the “USELESS EATERS”!
Aren’t you all so pathetic?
Aren’t you all so Blessed? Yes y’all have been blessed!
Those of you supporting this “Marxist laden Harris / Walz”, Caricatures of something called a campaign, who solely seek
“TOO DESTROY AMERICA”, as they have been doing, directly implicates all of you, who support this Bullshit, NON ELECTED, “PLACEMENT OF IDEOLOGUES”! You’re all “COMPLICIT” in the “DESTRUCTION of AMERICA”!
You’re all pathetic for “DENOUNCING” your own Kin! Everything RFK Jr. is doing is for the right reasons and he’s doing the incredibly, necessary work to help “SAVE AMERICA”!
Especially our children and grandchildren!
All I can say to this “Despicable Family” is grow a pair!
You’re all “USLESS KNOW-NOTHINGS” and really need to get a life, better still, “GET DOWN ON YOUR HANDS AND KNEES AND THANK GOD”! Yes whether you believe in Jesus or not, it’s YOU PEOPLE WHO DIDN’T BUILD THE THAT! To quote your “Messiah-Obama”!
“We the People” built it all! Shame on all of you for your ignorance and your blatant stupidity about your own “KIN RFK JR”!
See below:
In a public letter, his siblings reiterated their support for Vice President Kamala Harris. They viewed Kennedy’s endorsement of Trump as a betrayal of family values.
“We believe in Harris and Walz,” the letter stated. It was signed by five of Kennedy’s siblings, who expressed their disappointment.
Joe Kennedy III, a grandson of Robert F. Kennedy, echoed the sentiment, saying the letter was “well said.”
RFK Jr. justified his decision by criticizing the Democratic National Committee. He accused them of running a “sham primary” and waging a legal war against both Trump and himself.
boom....great statement "We have been “invaded” and deliberately divided while illegals have been, well raised up to a level of “first class citizens”! By this most corrupt and degenerate administration known as the “Biden / Harris” illegitimate government!"
I’m only a“Grengo” on the first Tuesday and Thursday of every other year after a full moon and before an eclipse following a “meteor shower” which must have “blues stars” on the horizon!
Other than that I’m Latino through and through.
Thank you Darkstar for assuring me of my feelings! I think? LOL.
One thing is certain Darkstar, those who have created this nightmare within our inner cities will reap what they’ve sewn!
Mark my words they will! I don’t blame the gangs or those seeking a better life, crossing illegally into America, not at all, I’d do the same thing if I was in their shoes.
If anyone is to blame, it’s the “Washington Political Punks” who’ve never worked or fought for a damn thing in life! They don’t care about you or me or anyone else but themselves!
They’re the ones I will seek out when the time comes and if I have the chance!. That’s not any sort of threat whatsoever, it’s my sole responsibility and I owe it to my son, my grandson and all people, who can’t serve justice to where it must be served! As it should be served and to whom deserves justice!
You or I haven’t brought this upon ourselves and you and I must make damn sure these monsters get what they deserve! Believe me you, there’s more gang members and illegals on our side, than on the side of these “Cowardice Putrid””Washington Waste Bags” who believe they’re far superior than any of us!
That means all of us, every single person who knows how to survive, how to fight for their very own survival and how to help others, regardless of skin color!
These “Cowardly Cowards” use people as if we’re “POS”! They have caused this, they have brought upon millions of hard working, good and decent Americans and non Americans, violent gangs and all in between, a situation we must acknowledge in unity and agree to serve justice to those who have caused this!
The more I realize how much impact they have caused, these cowards have caused, the more determined I am, to serve up equal justice under the
“laws of the streets”!
Not their ivory tower crucibles of which they lay! And lay permanently they must! If I have my way this will turn out for “GOOD AND DECENT” people, illegal or not! At this point there’s no change what’s happened.
This has become “US vs THEM” Darkstar! Them being the
“Ivory Toe-Sucking Ass-Lickers” they are!
No one is better than anyone, period!
Thanks for letting me vent Darkstar and for all your insightful thoughts, so well spoken.
I took it as Humorous Darkstar. Unless this post you meant to say “it wasn’t meant to be” humorous. Either way, I hear you loud and clear. I don’t buy into the race war bullshit, never have! Some of my best friends are black and Latino and I’ve give my life for any one of them as they would for me!
I know you understand exactly what I’m saying. My experiences have taught me many lessons about inner city culture and how nobody is below me nor am I above them! Something I learned very quickly living in the south side of Providence. Not nearly as deadly then as these areas are today but nevertheless I learned quite quickly otherwise my head would have been split open many times over, if not worse. There’s a fine line between understanding those who’ve struggled their entire lives and had to fight for everything they could! Thanks Darkstar I do appreciate your insights.
Let's just hope that the ilegals already here and still arriving, will not be used as a force by the UN too control the people. I've been hearing this alot more often. They are most likely being trained as UN soldiers for their free benefits.
The situation the “Biden / Harris / Obama” placed upon Americans is “CRIMINAL”! In fact for every illegal caught committing a crime or worse, raping or murdering an American citizen.
IMO, the penalties should be “Death” once convicted! Depending on the severity, each new crime must be “attached” to those responsible for allowing this to happen in the first place.
Not until some “lunatic-leftist” is raped or murdered, or one of their “lunatic-friends” will anyone be held accountable.
Below, I cut and pasted part of Greg Gutfeld’s report about the ICE numbers recently released to Congress. They’re self-explanatory: disastrous!
As RedState’s Sister Toldjah reported earlier Friday, ICE released some truly chilling numbers revealing that a staggering 13,099 murderers, 15,811 rapists, and 425,431 convicted criminals have been let loose into the U.S. to prey on her citizens.
The data says that, among those not in detention, there are 425,431 convicted criminals and 222,141 with pending criminal charges.
Gutfeld noted during Fox News’ “The Five” that this story was “so unbelievable” that he “wanted to see if it was reported elsewhere.” Unsurprisingly, he could find nary a word about what he calls “probably the biggest crime story I’ve ever seen” on the likes of CNN, ABC, and Drudge. And he had a special message for the Democrat “hate watchers” of Fox News: “The media doesn’t want you to know this information. They don’t want it to reach you. They’re rather you die or be raped than Trump be right or find out the truth.”
@greggutfield rips DNC media coverup of bombshell ICE report of 425,000 illegal immigrants who are convicted criminals being released into the US:
This is “the biggest crime story I've ever seen…they would rather you die or be r*ped than Trump be right."
GUTFELD: "Tell us, no, it's not 60,000 rapists. It's only 8000. It's only 7000 m*rderers. Cool. I'm glad you're okay with that. I'm glad. I'll take your fact check. But anybody who defends this or says it's not that big a deal is complicit. And they should be held accountable.
These bastards were more offended by stories of cats being eaten than real stories. Real stories reported here of actual rape and murder."
I know Darkstar, I’ve seen this in Boston and Connecticut, Providence and Southeastern Massachusetts!
Everywhere I’ve gone, they’re there! I don’t think many people realize how dire this situation is, not to mention all of the “militant groups” staged across America in Hotels!
We have been invaded and we will be attacked en masse! It’s not if we will, it’s when? Which will happen either before the election or most certainly after the election!
Millions of illegals were not allowed into America for votes alone! No, it’s much more dire, it’s to imprison those of us who “fight against” or “rage against the machine” as the song goes!
Thank you Darkstar, I realize and I do not like sitting on the sidelines waiting for, whatever happens! But there’s little we can do other than be prepared, vehemently! Absolutely be prepared for literally anything! Nothing is off the table for these “Marxist Elites” seeking to destroy America and takeover our Country!
I can't believe what I just watched. You hear about what's going on in New York, but to see it is really believing. What....law enforcement can't do their job? I wouldn't be walking around those areas. Thanks, Darkstar....Send anything that you can :-)
SR. PAUL: por más que pueda ser cierto el grado violencia que haya en su país, no creo que un discurso de tanto odio y tan simple en relación a lo que hoy dice (en muchas otras ocasiones, le admiro), pueda conducir a nada bueno. No estimule la violencia. Ya tienen suficiente allí y un acceso a las armas que bendito sea que en otros países no dispongamos. Puede que la administración actual USA haya hecho muchas necedades con el tema, no lo dudo y cada vez temo más que detrás de ello exista una intencionalidad oculta y muy sospechosa , pero las cosas no se arreglan así, a las "bravas", por las malas. Si su país está tan cargado de violencia, no es solo por los últimos cuatro años. Viene de muy atrás: algo bastante negligente llevarán haciendo allí por muchas décadas, que les ha llevado a este ahora, casi intratable. Pero no es solo por la inmigración. Maticemos mejor las cosas y sobre todo, no alentemos aun a más violencia. Un poco de sosiego y de serenidad ayudan a afinar la puntería: pero no de las armas si no de la observación. SALUD Y CONSCIENCIA. Y ANTE TODO ÁNIMO, PORQUE ME HAGO CARGO: LA SITUACIÓN NO DEBE DE SER NADA FÁCIL.
No puedo devolver un mensaje directo. si quieres puedes escribirme después de uno de mis posts. Tengo muchos videos de noticias solo en español que puedo compartir contigo. gracias por escribirme.
NO NO NO!!!!! The grand pubah trudope guardian of the fake migrant rapists tells us we cannot shoot a criminal even if we are protecting our children, family or dogs. And especially a black criminal having his hair messed will net the honest citizen life in prison. If the criminal migrant shoots you or rapes your daughter he will get a catch and release within an hour and disappear forever.
The US has enough home grown pedophiles without importing more. Americans, along with Filipinos, are the most intensely homosexual people on earth, and that's ok maybe if only consenting adults are involved but let's not forget that one of the anti-Trump RINO Lincoln Project's alleged victims says he was first preyed upon by one of those RINOS when he was only 14. Alleged attempted Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Roush, a fan of Zelenskyy who had a "Biden/Harris" bumper sticker on his truck is connected to an alleged pedophile. Americans lead the world not only in homosexuality but also in child molestation and Americans, although not yet ranked number one, are among the world's most prolific rapists and the victims include girls and women as well as boys and men. Against this backdrop, why the hell is the US importing people who murder American children?
one of your best posts and you wrote similar before but you ask the key question...in other words the US is doing its own killing of its children. so why import others to do it?
leave it alone. its already being done by the pedophiles and high society.
OK . But the US is #1 in mentally ill people by % .
that too, boom.
The US has the largest ladyboy (transwoman) population.
boom, correct.
Have you seen this,Awake?
I hadn't. Thanks for sharing Darkstar.
Is it true, a day after Kamala's staged photo op at the border, the Biden DOJ sued the state of Alabama to stop them from removing ILLEGAL ALIENS from the voter rolls? Un Fing believable.
I am reading up now.
We sould do everything we can to get ready for this to ger worse,Dave
I do think he must face legal justice proper courts
Italian patriots ? They were Freemasons . The execution was the Free Mason way .He a nd Karla were killed in a gunfight then their corpses were desecrated . Just to remind everybody for
braking the oath .
thank you
We are up against trained killers , Dr Alexander.
never ever leave the primary scene, ever!
Best I am told by experts is to use a 12 gauge and use # 3 buckshot. Dead on the spot. Close range leaves a ragged hole six inches diameter. IF there is another standing behind he will suffer the same and dead on the spot.
This is an error on my part...not number 3 but triple zero. Most common buckshot is double zero but triple zero is preferred by experts. My error.
Bring a knife for when you run out of ammo, Milton.
hhmmm, I like the white spaces.
Old car batteries have lots of lead in them.
Chainsaw is good too .
So are crossbows Igz.
And as a bonus, they are silent.
One that's big enough to kill a deer, will work on malcontents as well.
This is why and where America is at! We have been “invaded” and deliberately divided while illegals have been, well raised up to a level of “first class citizens”! By this most corrupt and degenerate administration known as the “Biden / Harris” illegitimate government!
I ask you all:
“What the hell is going on”?
I’ll answer my own question with a simple, but very clear answer and problem, why is,
“America is being culled”! Yes we are!
By the Biden / Harris / Obama bureaucrats! An illegitimate president and administration! No you DIDN’T WIN JOE! You’ve been a loser your entire career in politics and worse, a “GRIFTER” unlike anyone ever! You’re a Clown, you’re a CROOK!
Add to this, the “Kennedy Family”! Or shall I say, those Kennedy’s who support the “Culling of middle-class America”! Those who support “Marxism”! Figure it out yourself! Have a clue! Sadly, your family has been brainwashed, tarnished and God rest those family members before y’all!
God help America!
Yes it is quite clear this very powerful family, cares more about a “Marxist Ideology” agenda, than they do about the one, “YES ONE SEGMENT” of Americans who “built America”!
I’ve had my share of hard-knocks as many Americans have had, hard working, good & decent Americans have poured their heart and soul into building a “Great America”! Not perfect, yes GREAT!
Isn’t it time we call out those families, in particular those Kennedy’s, who can’t see the damn “fire” through the smoke?
I believe it’s time, far past the time! This one family, the Kennedy’s, have enough influence, enough power to and or convince Americans and
THE TRUTH about what is happening to our GREAT NATION!
Instead, they “bastardized” their own KIN! How despicable can any person get? How deranged can they be? Think about what has happened for the past few years?
RFK Jr. took the necessary steps and he took action to “FIGHT FOR OUR FUTURE”! Simply by fighting for “Our Children and Grandchildren”! Is there any better cause? Not at all! Our kids are our FUTURE! Unless? Unless Harris / Walz have their way! Which is exactly why “OUR KIDS HAVE BEEM TARGETED”!
RFK Jr. has more courage in his clipped of baby toenail, than his “Entire Family” has COMBINED!
For those Kennedy’s who have more money than “God Almighty” while sitting on their “High-Perches” looking down at all of the “Useless Eaters” you know all
of us “PEASANTS” well please know and hear this,
You’re not the hard working Americans, fighting for every penny earned!.
You people, who’ve been “HANDED” boatloads of money! You’re the “USELESS EATERS”!
Aren’t you all so pathetic?
Aren’t you all so Blessed? Yes y’all have been blessed!
Those of you supporting this “Marxist laden Harris / Walz”, Caricatures of something called a campaign, who solely seek
“TOO DESTROY AMERICA”, as they have been doing, directly implicates all of you, who support this Bullshit, NON ELECTED, “PLACEMENT OF IDEOLOGUES”! You’re all “COMPLICIT” in the “DESTRUCTION of AMERICA”!
You’re all pathetic for “DENOUNCING” your own Kin! Everything RFK Jr. is doing is for the right reasons and he’s doing the incredibly, necessary work to help “SAVE AMERICA”!
Especially our children and grandchildren!
All I can say to this “Despicable Family” is grow a pair!
You’re all “USLESS KNOW-NOTHINGS” and really need to get a life, better still, “GET DOWN ON YOUR HANDS AND KNEES AND THANK GOD”! Yes whether you believe in Jesus or not, it’s YOU PEOPLE WHO DIDN’T BUILD THE THAT! To quote your “Messiah-Obama”!
“We the People” built it all! Shame on all of you for your ignorance and your blatant stupidity about your own “KIN RFK JR”!
See below:
In a public letter, his siblings reiterated their support for Vice President Kamala Harris. They viewed Kennedy’s endorsement of Trump as a betrayal of family values.
“We believe in Harris and Walz,” the letter stated. It was signed by five of Kennedy’s siblings, who expressed their disappointment.
Joe Kennedy III, a grandson of Robert F. Kennedy, echoed the sentiment, saying the letter was “well said.”
RFK Jr. justified his decision by criticizing the Democratic National Committee. He accused them of running a “sham primary” and waging a legal war against both Trump and himself.
boom....great statement "We have been “invaded” and deliberately divided while illegals have been, well raised up to a level of “first class citizens”! By this most corrupt and degenerate administration known as the “Biden / Harris” illegitimate government!"
Meanwhile, the battle continues
No my friend, This is about the complete removal of you Grengos.
But don't worry many of us Latinos
will help you.
Gee Wally Thanks.
I’m only a“Grengo” on the first Tuesday and Thursday of every other year after a full moon and before an eclipse following a “meteor shower” which must have “blues stars” on the horizon!
Other than that I’m Latino through and through.
Thank you Darkstar for assuring me of my feelings! I think? LOL.
It was supposed to be humorous AJR.
It will.start out as a race war in many places.
We don't have to buy into that shit, however. We can find folks with common ground, and be much stonger if we judge folks by their heart.
Sorry if there was a misunderstanding
One thing is certain Darkstar, those who have created this nightmare within our inner cities will reap what they’ve sewn!
Mark my words they will! I don’t blame the gangs or those seeking a better life, crossing illegally into America, not at all, I’d do the same thing if I was in their shoes.
If anyone is to blame, it’s the “Washington Political Punks” who’ve never worked or fought for a damn thing in life! They don’t care about you or me or anyone else but themselves!
They’re the ones I will seek out when the time comes and if I have the chance!. That’s not any sort of threat whatsoever, it’s my sole responsibility and I owe it to my son, my grandson and all people, who can’t serve justice to where it must be served! As it should be served and to whom deserves justice!
You or I haven’t brought this upon ourselves and you and I must make damn sure these monsters get what they deserve! Believe me you, there’s more gang members and illegals on our side, than on the side of these “Cowardice Putrid””Washington Waste Bags” who believe they’re far superior than any of us!
That means all of us, every single person who knows how to survive, how to fight for their very own survival and how to help others, regardless of skin color!
These “Cowardly Cowards” use people as if we’re “POS”! They have caused this, they have brought upon millions of hard working, good and decent Americans and non Americans, violent gangs and all in between, a situation we must acknowledge in unity and agree to serve justice to those who have caused this!
The more I realize how much impact they have caused, these cowards have caused, the more determined I am, to serve up equal justice under the
“laws of the streets”!
Not their ivory tower crucibles of which they lay! And lay permanently they must! If I have my way this will turn out for “GOOD AND DECENT” people, illegal or not! At this point there’s no change what’s happened.
This has become “US vs THEM” Darkstar! Them being the
“Ivory Toe-Sucking Ass-Lickers” they are!
No one is better than anyone, period!
Thanks for letting me vent Darkstar and for all your insightful thoughts, so well spoken.
I took it as Humorous Darkstar. Unless this post you meant to say “it wasn’t meant to be” humorous. Either way, I hear you loud and clear. I don’t buy into the race war bullshit, never have! Some of my best friends are black and Latino and I’ve give my life for any one of them as they would for me!
I know you understand exactly what I’m saying. My experiences have taught me many lessons about inner city culture and how nobody is below me nor am I above them! Something I learned very quickly living in the south side of Providence. Not nearly as deadly then as these areas are today but nevertheless I learned quite quickly otherwise my head would have been split open many times over, if not worse. There’s a fine line between understanding those who’ve struggled their entire lives and had to fight for everything they could! Thanks Darkstar I do appreciate your insights.
Let's just hope that the ilegals already here and still arriving, will not be used as a force by the UN too control the people. I've been hearing this alot more often. They are most likely being trained as UN soldiers for their free benefits.
Those will come later,Ricardo.
The folks we are dealing with now are basically know as solitary disruptiers.
They are here to soften up the land for the attack forces, the police forces will come several years later.
The situation the “Biden / Harris / Obama” placed upon Americans is “CRIMINAL”! In fact for every illegal caught committing a crime or worse, raping or murdering an American citizen.
IMO, the penalties should be “Death” once convicted! Depending on the severity, each new crime must be “attached” to those responsible for allowing this to happen in the first place.
Not until some “lunatic-leftist” is raped or murdered, or one of their “lunatic-friends” will anyone be held accountable.
Below, I cut and pasted part of Greg Gutfeld’s report about the ICE numbers recently released to Congress. They’re self-explanatory: disastrous!
As RedState’s Sister Toldjah reported earlier Friday, ICE released some truly chilling numbers revealing that a staggering 13,099 murderers, 15,811 rapists, and 425,431 convicted criminals have been let loose into the U.S. to prey on her citizens.
The data says that, among those not in detention, there are 425,431 convicted criminals and 222,141 with pending criminal charges.
Gutfeld noted during Fox News’ “The Five” that this story was “so unbelievable” that he “wanted to see if it was reported elsewhere.” Unsurprisingly, he could find nary a word about what he calls “probably the biggest crime story I’ve ever seen” on the likes of CNN, ABC, and Drudge. And he had a special message for the Democrat “hate watchers” of Fox News: “The media doesn’t want you to know this information. They don’t want it to reach you. They’re rather you die or be raped than Trump be right or find out the truth.”
@greggutfield rips DNC media coverup of bombshell ICE report of 425,000 illegal immigrants who are convicted criminals being released into the US:
This is “the biggest crime story I've ever seen…they would rather you die or be r*ped than Trump be right."
GUTFELD: "Tell us, no, it's not 60,000 rapists. It's only 8000. It's only 7000 m*rderers. Cool. I'm glad you're okay with that. I'm glad. I'll take your fact check. But anybody who defends this or says it's not that big a deal is complicit. And they should be held accountable.
These bastards were more offended by stories of cats being eaten than real stories. Real stories reported here of actual rape and murder."
Dead on.
Hi AJR, how about we plan for this in every major city.
Because it's coming our way for sure
I know Darkstar, I’ve seen this in Boston and Connecticut, Providence and Southeastern Massachusetts!
Everywhere I’ve gone, they’re there! I don’t think many people realize how dire this situation is, not to mention all of the “militant groups” staged across America in Hotels!
We have been invaded and we will be attacked en masse! It’s not if we will, it’s when? Which will happen either before the election or most certainly after the election!
Millions of illegals were not allowed into America for votes alone! No, it’s much more dire, it’s to imprison those of us who “fight against” or “rage against the machine” as the song goes!
Thank you Darkstar, I realize and I do not like sitting on the sidelines waiting for, whatever happens! But there’s little we can do other than be prepared, vehemently! Absolutely be prepared for literally anything! Nothing is off the table for these “Marxist Elites” seeking to destroy America and takeover our Country!
Exactly! I heard this said on a TV show. Don't ever let your attacker take you to a second location.
You won't make it out alive. So, fight for your life from the very first start.
this is the message, never leave
That's right ,Lynn. Fight like your life depends on it.
I can't believe what I just watched. You hear about what's going on in New York, but to see it is really believing. What....law enforcement can't do their job? I wouldn't be walking around those areas. Thanks, Darkstar....Send anything that you can :-)
So,while we are all waiting for the
Shock & Aw moment that starts
Nuclear Armageddon
We .must train ourselves to deal
with multiple Whack A Moles,
And not get distracted or angry.
That's gonna e hard to do.
Good luck guys.
thanks Darkstar...great post
SR. PAUL: por más que pueda ser cierto el grado violencia que haya en su país, no creo que un discurso de tanto odio y tan simple en relación a lo que hoy dice (en muchas otras ocasiones, le admiro), pueda conducir a nada bueno. No estimule la violencia. Ya tienen suficiente allí y un acceso a las armas que bendito sea que en otros países no dispongamos. Puede que la administración actual USA haya hecho muchas necedades con el tema, no lo dudo y cada vez temo más que detrás de ello exista una intencionalidad oculta y muy sospechosa , pero las cosas no se arreglan así, a las "bravas", por las malas. Si su país está tan cargado de violencia, no es solo por los últimos cuatro años. Viene de muy atrás: algo bastante negligente llevarán haciendo allí por muchas décadas, que les ha llevado a este ahora, casi intratable. Pero no es solo por la inmigración. Maticemos mejor las cosas y sobre todo, no alentemos aun a más violencia. Un poco de sosiego y de serenidad ayudan a afinar la puntería: pero no de las armas si no de la observación. SALUD Y CONSCIENCIA. Y ANTE TODO ÁNIMO, PORQUE ME HAGO CARGO: LA SITUACIÓN NO DEBE DE SER NADA FÁCIL.
¡Hola Javier!
No puedo devolver un mensaje directo. si quieres puedes escribirme después de uno de mis posts. Tengo muchos videos de noticias solo en español que puedo compartir contigo. gracias por escribirme.
NO NO NO!!!!! The grand pubah trudope guardian of the fake migrant rapists tells us we cannot shoot a criminal even if we are protecting our children, family or dogs. And especially a black criminal having his hair messed will net the honest citizen life in prison. If the criminal migrant shoots you or rapes your daughter he will get a catch and release within an hour and disappear forever.