'New emails show COVID vaccine mandates were based on a lie (Jack Elbaum)'; this is profound because Walensky & Fauci & Collins knew even before fraud vaccine was rolled out that it DIDN'T stop spread
The key is that Walensky as head of CDC really damaged Americans for she was just too inept and stupid to hold the post & safeguard Americans, she was part of the dangerous problem
‘If the vaccine stopped COVID dead in its tracks, as Fauci explained, then the decision to institute a vaccine mandate would merely be a controversial yet ultimately legitimate public health measure. The fact it did not do that but rather had primarily personal benefits completely removes the justification for mandates.’
‘If the vaccine stopped COVID dead in its tracks, as Fauci explained, then the decision to institute a vaccine mandate would merely be a controversial yet ultimately legitimate public health measure. The fact it did not do that but rather had primarily personal benefits completely removes the justification for mandates.’
We now also know that it didn’t make those infected to be less likely to be hospitalized. In fact, the more you are vaxxed the more likely hospitalization. Why do they always use the false disclaimer at the end that it saved lives and people got less sick. Really tired of that BS.
However, no study has yet shown by proper methodology that the covid shots had even "primarily personal benefits." That's just a false belief based upon the heavy-handed sales pitch.