We now also know that it didn’t make those infected to be less likely to be hospitalized. In fact, the more you are vaxxed the more likely hospitalization. Why do they always use the false disclaimer at the end that it saved lives and people got less sick. Really tired of that BS.

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I agree with you.......but.......Tons of people still believe that Covid is still around or some mutant of it that is equally dangerous....my brother is one....he got a low number on the Gleason scale for prostate cancer .... so low that some doctors don’t even think it is a cancer....yet he went to Sloan Kettering 😱 and was put in a special new treatment program .... the way they violated him to me was unreal.....and you know Sloan....they use you if they think they can bring up their ratings on any procedure.....i told him the shots lower your immune system after he told me that cancer does not run in our family......well i got a blast of being a conspiracy theorist .....too many were so badly brainwashed....but i do think it boils down to how much fear has within.....because fear is the tool.....

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Not to mention adverse events like RSV, Sars Co V 1 (page 37 pfiser trial data) their soul purpose is to maim, kill, and keep the virus(if it wasnt just the seasonal flu) swirling so people continued to be sick. This way the sheep thoughtit's so bad they'll continue to take it.

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However, no study has yet shown by proper methodology that the covid shots had even "primarily personal benefits." That's just a false belief based upon the heavy-handed sales pitch.

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Jun 25, 2023
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That's how I read it too.

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It goes without saying that all vaccines are useless and dangerous. Your body requires no poisons to make it work better.

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Please research, write, and post, more articles regarding how Canadians (still) suffer under the tyranny of #FuckTrudeau #BootBonnieToTheCurb and #TossTheresaTam

Thank you.

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the big question i have is how much money did they take for selling out our country? they are all treasonous and deserve what will be coming. what a time to be alive. God always wins.

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We've known this for two years Dr. Paul.

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Danke, and I do understand. We are at a crossroads. It is always easier, particularly for we true conservatives, to do nothing. However, The Left has a long, long history of slaughtering us when they take power. We've all seen what they consider " mostly peaceful " my proposition is we become the monsters these spiteful mutants always call us. A week of mayhem, for a lifetime of peace, safety and decency. Or, do nothing, subsidize their growth, as they slowly circle us.

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I'd like to think this was meant for me.

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Very much so Kathleen. My parents did not raise me to be a monster. In my childhood, Americans debated things that today gets only one side banned, or the FBI to visit.

We can accept this incremental war on things we hold or held sacrosanct, or live as prey.

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It is great we congregate here to chronicle the horrific crimes of our masters. What I propose to this assembled troupe of very smart people is simple, HOW BEST to fix it?

1) Keep typing until the obviously dumbed down populace notices?

2) Vote harder?

3) Pray harder?

4) Kill the assholes who did it? (after a fair, but very rapid trial).

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Anti Communist, sometimes you scare me but in many cases such as this, I must agree. You give me courage.

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Very clever reply.....

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They always speak of Faucci but never Joe Hamel;

Joe Hamel at the HHS, he is the one in charge of FDA, CDC, NIH and so on as longe as their is an "emergency".

Joe Hamel - Director Of Public Health Emergency - ASPR




Joe Has a masters degree in Biotechnology from John Hopkins university.

You know the very same that hosted event 201!

Joe is also the x director of homeland security.


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No vaccine will stop anything immediately.

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But the covid shot could kill the recipient immediately or it could take hours, weeks, or months...

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Vaccines never worked.....never ever....they made us think so but they lied....even with the polio which has created havoc in Africa recently but in my day it killed thousands of kids and the government kept it secret

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It’s been out there for some time, the covid vaccines are and continue to be short-lived and non-sterilizing. Yet the medical industrial complex insist we must continue to take them, and masses are still lining up to roll up their sleeves. People are quite literally insane these days.

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Articles like this are just a plain old waste of time.

It’s getting to the point I think this author just gets bored and is a “posting junkie”.

I say that because I’ve said this so many times already and I’ll say it again...and again:

When will people do historical research and find out that anytime you inject anything into your body, you’re on a highway to hell.

NEVER in the history of mankind has injecting poisons into your body given you better health.

Quite the opposite. They’ve ALL maimed and killed. Read and learn the history of this barbaric act:

The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations https://a.co/d/cfvx9Q6

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://a.co/d/coVuit4

- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886

- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889

- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889


There are many others, they’re just a few.

Finding the truth isn’t that hard

But you do have to get off your ass and turn off the tube and read.

We’ve known for well over 150+ years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.

And the criminals that pose as our elected officials are in on the take and are raking in millions, and will NEVER stop the madness that is called vaccination.

And neither will doctors who are being PAID handsomely for jabbing and lying to their trusting patients.

If you’ve been jabbed then your death will be influenced by and/or directly caused by said jab.

People should quit thinking it’s coincidence. That’s propaganda talk.

And yet the populace of today (being dumbed down by design) have their heads buried in the sand and believe the corrupt media’s story of blaming these deaths on everything else under the sun except the obvious. What a pity.

And those “doctors” who are shilling for the medical cartel, the pharmafia and allopathic medicine should hang their heads in shame.

They know the truth, but have sold their soul to the company because their payment on their yacht, McMansion, and Jag is due.

Pitiful. Sickening, pathetic and pitiful.

And to those in the media, you drug pushing pieces of corporate shit: I hope you have a great answer come your judgment day.

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Mandates for an inadequately tested injection would not pass the Nuremberg standard. Of course, we also know now the trials were gamed and they injected the control group

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The Nuremberg Codes mean nothing today....absolutely nothing....like our constitution .... it holds no meaning for the evil beings who are in charge....

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Isn't it a crime to lie to Congress? Fauci also lied about gain of function in Wuhan. Is Rand Paul or anyone else following up?

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I believe we don’t know exactly where this was created. We the USA have tons of bio weapons labs in the Ukraine....there are many corrupt reasons Biden is waging war on Russia over Ukraine....and we are the collateral damage...

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Yes, she and her numerous lies kept confusing people over and over. How many times did that LIAR HAVE COVID HERSELF! MORE THAN ONCE!

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