Thank you for taking these bullies to court. It’s unbelievable that the US government would be behind such a massive censorship campaign. And for what? To make everyone take a jab of poison that does not stop spread of infection? What a miserable purpose to get themselves tangled in the violation of free speech. What idiots.

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And murderers!

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Elections (especially fraudulent ones) have consequences......

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The fact Dark Brandon did this does not surprise me, a pscho that humps his own is capable of much worse... the big question is why? What did she say, the Truth? And if so, why does Dark Brandon not want the truth to be known? Is he deep WEF Depopper? Working for the CCP?

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https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2022/09/04/daily-mail-my-son-hunter-a-hit-at-hollywood-screening-not-your-mothers-conservative-movie/ watch the movie My Son Hunter, in living color, you will be furious. When is this Criminal Going be kicked out of the White House?

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Watching tonight with 25 or so others.

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Biden’s DNI, Avril Haines, devised the most/disinformation censorship collusion of the MSM, social media, Big Pharma, Kleptocorporate multinationals mega- monopolies, the WHO, Biden admin, UN and national leaders globally. She can be seen and heard laying out her plan at Event 201, including the trerm” Authoritarian messaging”. Event 201 was sponsored by the WEF, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Johns-Hopkins Bloomberg School Of Medicine

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What comes next. It sure feels like insiders (whistleblowers) are about to come out like a swarm of bees.

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Dr, Naomi Wolf you go girl! More need to do the same RIGHT NOW!

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This is great. They should be punished but so far nothing stops the money which would stop the evil. When government, mass media, Big Pharma, and the billionaires decide what they want we are unlikely to stop them before it's too late. And it's too late for millions. Even with millions knowing what is happening too many people continue watching Fox, staying on Twitter, Facebook, and ordering their lives online. They only understand money and power so enough lawsuits may hurt but leaving them all to live in the real world would be better. I'm not opposed to continuing to fight but concentrate on saving your own.

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They are Guilty of violating the First Amendment to the US Constitution countless times.

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Like the good little Facists they are they’re going after anyone who doesn’t think like they do. First intimidation, then legally, then jail! This is not OK and needs to be stopped….but where is the GOP?

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Dr. Naomi Wolf is one beneficial predator that only goes after the apparently brain dead.

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