What an excellent present to be given just in time for Independence Day!

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Mike Davis has been on Bannon's Warroom (2 hours morning and 2 hours early evening) several times daily over the last few weeks and has been their go to for all Trump cases & Scotus. I'm sure he'll play some part in the Trump WH :)

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Looking forward to a Trump WH—things will be better for every American—even those Americans in bondage to their TDS. Happy Independence Day! ❤️🇺🇸❤️

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Well, Merchan got paid over $100 million through his daughter's foundation. The government should reimburse Trump for his legal expenses. Loser should pay all legal expenses. That ought to be the law. Works well in Japan.

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Happy Independence Day Dr. Paul and All - Let's enjoy the victories knowing they will not let up, but will eventually be defeated :)

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Pray tell Paul, just what part of - fucking a porn star and paying idiot imbecile Kike-ville lawyer Cohen to pay her off to keep "schtum" (quiet) where the payoff money to nitwit Cohen is invoiced to your hero as "legal fees" - is an OFFICIAL ACT?

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I'll clear that up for you. The case itself was brought via WH DOJ and that's called weaponization. The 34 counts were based on 11 Cohen invoices, 11 checks and 12 ledger entries (one duplicate) in 2017 when Trump was President. Cohen committed perjury previously and was imprisoned for 3 years (not for that, but it was noted in his case*), and in this NY case admitted he lied to Trump and overcharged him for "legal services". So much for the prosecution star witness. What they were trying to do was tie this to his 2016 campaign money and they couldn't. FEC would have testified, but they wouldn't let them, so they went with "improper ledger entries", which would have been by his accountant, not him.

The case (re: Stormy) was outside of the Statute of Limitations (SoL), so they were charging 2017 entries on an earlier issue. Judge Merchan can't use later than SoL entries for prior "supposed" reasons for the entries, which btw were never linked to Stormy. Oh but wait...not until it was also revealed that Cohen is who had the affair with Stormy and covered himself (with his wife) by setting up Trump and overcharging him for "legal services" that would cover Cohen's payments to hush Stormy for HIS affair with her. Trump never had anything to do with Stormy and she had even admitted to that. But THEN paid more to witness to the opposite of what she had said. All about Get Trump and make money by doing so.

Trump believed he was paying for counsel while in his official duties as President, which started - guess what - in 2017. It's also worth noting that the FBI raided Cohen's office on 4/9/2018 and Trump subsequently fired him on 7/12/18. So that leach made money off Trump for over a year after committing HIS crimes!!

It was never said why Trump fired him, but we now know that Cohen was sentenced to three years in federal prison on December 12, 2018. *He pleaded guilty to eight counts of financial crimes, including tax evasion, making false statements to a federally insured bank, and campaign finance violations. So, I'm pretty sure Trump heard of the charges and immediately fired him knowing Cohen had used him.

Fast forward, Trump knew what they brought in this case now was completely out of scope of what he thought he paid Cohen for and really was beyond the SoL (for Cohen), but if you recall it was not televised and right off the bat Trump was gagged.

Get it now????? Or do I have to spell it out - The DS has been after Trump since 2015, they have paid operatives to GET HIM and much to their demise their stupid people always screwed it up for them. And they will continue to.

When you decide to do some due diligence then you can chime in against Dr. Paul, until then take a flying leap.

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"Trump believed he was paying for counsel while in his official duties as President", is just about the most BS statement I have ever heard.

Thanks for letting me laugh my socks off.

However, let's see what happens.

In your USA backwater 3rd world jungle joke of a society, fucking women and paying them to keep quiet could very well be defined as "official" govt business.

I mean, let's just look for a second at good old Slick Willy with that pigshit ugly kike, Lewinsky.

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Well obviously you aren't getting the whole picture - picking/choosing what to attack. Cohen was his attorney in the WH unfortunately and NOTE WHO DID WHAT...

October 2016: Adult film actress Stormy Daniels (real name Stephanie Clifford) signs a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with Michael Cohen, then-attorney for Donald Trump, for $130,000 in “hush money” to keep quiet about an alleged affair between her and Trump.

January 2018: The Wall Street Journal reports that Michael Cohen arranged a payment to Stormy Daniels in October 2016, just before the 2016 US presidential election.

March 2018: Stormy Daniels’ lawyer, Michael Avenatti, tweets about a lawsuit filed against Trump, alleging that Trump was aware of efforts to deny the affair on media interviews.

April 30, 2018: Daniels’ lawyer, Michael Avenatti, tweets about a lawsuit filed against Trump, accusing Trump of making “recent irresponsible and defamatory statements” against Daniels.

June 6, 2018: Daniels sues both Michael Cohen and her former lawyer, Keith Davidson, accusing Cohen of encouraging Davidson to violate her attorney-client privilege. The lawsuit also alleges Trump was aware of efforts to deny the affair on media interviews.

January 12, 2018: The Wall Street Journal reports that Michael Cohen, then-executive vice president at The Trump Organization and special counsel to Trump, arranged a payment of $130,000 to Stormy Daniels in October 2016.

So you can laugh your socks off all you want...Slick Willy never paid a price when it was proven, but you think Trump should for nothing proven?

BTW, Trump married Melania 1/22/05 and not sure how much of a man you are, but uh most wouldn't give that up and she wouldn't stand for a cheater.

Where are you - Africa? A little upset with USA are you? "In your USA backwater 3rd world jungle of a society..." tells me you don't live where I do and have no real idea, was great until O'Biden, but it will be great again! Regardless of foul-mouthed tabloid/MSM talking heads, we are not giving up our Nation.

So Yes, let's see what happens :)

Good Day

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Thanks for your for reply....you showed much more restraint than many could muster against one not just illiterate---intentionally so---in the law and timeline, but also cowardly marinated in feral Jew-hatred, apropos of nothing even remotely related to this case.

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I noticed that, that's why I replied lol. With the facts because people like this just can't accept them, so they divert from the truth with typical "what can I pick out of this to attack" - unbecoming at best and ignorant at worst ;).

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I've no idea myself, such things are way above my paygrade after all, but why would Donald need to pay for counsel while in his official duties as President? Seems to me that's one of the perqs?

So Monica was (likely still is) Jewish..?🤔 A song by Frank Zappa from yesteryear of which I was, and remain, extremely fond...😘 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJd6zcLnuBs

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I'm not sure I agree with Zappa's lyrics about a poor one:

"I want a funky little Jewish Princess (la-la-la)

A grinder, a bumper, with a pre-moistened dumper

A brazen little Jewish Princess (hey-oh)

With Titanic tits, and sand-blasted zits

She can even be poor

So long as she does it with four on the floor."

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We all know Bill's nickname.. (well, one of them): "Slick Willy"? She was there, she was willing, and her net worth of no great concern.. 😉

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At the moment of coup de grace, when Slick Willy screamed: "hava nagila", he knew he was supremely fucked. I mean you don't just walk away from a kike this way and expect no consequences.

Then again, with being married to Hilary, I'd have rather gone down on Biden, just to fulfil my demented dementia elder gay fantasy.

Too soon, Capt?

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Wealth or the lack thereof is all quite relative..

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Depends who's looking at it.. 🤔

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Why wait all that time? What statute of limitations? If went beyond limitations and if tried again double jeopardy? Amen for the 4th freedom isn't really free. Take a moment to remember those before us who secured the freedom. The royals wanted peasants in horrible conditions barely alive servitude service to come here to pay for passage. Many were leaving mad George reign in England sure hope that George, Charlette, and Luis won't be in difficult times in their future. The same tyranny back then is still being committed today against P45 cease and desist the witch trials and hunts. It is against the Constitution and against God's Law and Natural Law

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Because they thought they could...while the people slept. All kinds of laws they've broken, just hang in there and pray!

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I.M.O. We should not be celebrating because the battle is far from over,instead of sending the Sgt. at arms of the congress over to The A.G’S office to place him under arrest and remove him to the same Federal facility that Navorro and Bannon are in Fed CT correctional institute, our GOP under the leadership of Anna Pulina Luna have fined him 10,000 dollars a day--Turn me loose, Mr. speaker of the house i will go there with a compliment of Marine s and US Seals

and i will extract that fucking lying piece of shit from hiding behind the sheild of fake immunity

and drag his feckless ass to the Federal pen WHAT FUCKING WUSSES!!!

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Source? I thought things happened Saturday that indicated otherwise happening the 8th...they all left town until then. Thank you for your service Sir and Happy Independence Day!!

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Sounds good, but Trump wasn't president yet when this happened, it's a little confusing.

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He was President in the time frame of the case - 2017 Cohen invoices, ledger entries and checks. I explain a lot more in earlier reply to Barry Varkel. I've been watching all these cases from day one and following Mike Davis also...so much clearer if you were able to follow along with every weaponization they tried.

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I've tried to follow but with so much to consider we sometimes don't have the full picture. Thanks very much.

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I just stay away from MSM and only watch/read Alt Media (mostly Frankspeech (FS) & Real America's Voice (RAV) (who work together) channels on Rumble or their Roku Apps, and some other podcasts), but get cold opens of the daily MSM propaganda on Bannon's warroom they give for reference. Helps weed out the facts from the lies and they give daily updates via their guests who are on top of these cases, like Julie Kelly, Mike Davis, Kash Patel, Attorney's/Judges, Ex-Trump officials/probable appointments, Organizations & people filing, etc., etc.

Frankspeech has 3 TV channels to choose which shows you would like to watch, but the TV1 lineup is CDM, Tina Peters, Bannon's Warroom (RAV 2 hrs). Conservative Daily Joe Oltman), Joe Hoft, The Hope Report, Will Johnson (sometimes Dr. Maria), Emerald Robinson, Bannon's Warroom (RAV 1 hr.), Bannon's Warroom Battleground (FS hr.), Rudy Guiliani (FS brought onboard after his show was taken off air), Lou Dobbs (same), Mike Lindell Report, Diamond & Silk (Silk), Mike Crispi...and then they replay thru the night. They also post the shows on Rumble after airing and so does Warroom on their Rumble channel, so you can choose what to check out if you missed.

Yes, so much going on, which is what the left wants and why all of it is happening. Keep us busy, diverted and confused about what's really important. I ignore that and stay focused on the truth. Here's an example related to the Scotus decisions... https://rumble.com/v550aiu-the-joe-hoft-show-with-thomas-renz-2-july-2024.html

Warroom had a lot with Mike Davis, Julie Kelly & many other experts who clarify it all very well. Also covered Bannon's 7/1 prison trek and now co-hosts/guests stepped up to host the shows until he's released.

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They went on the basis of the dates on the checks. Regardless of pre- or post-inauguration, the statute of limitations had expired, in nay event. Merchan and Co know this; the point of this theater was to torture the slogan *convicted felon* out of it, before the case is appealed and overturned, which is inevitable. Merchan is dirty...he was the same judge...and only an acting judge who would not be in on the random assignment for cases, yet he somehow managed to coincidentally preside over the Bannon and Weisselberg cases. Funny how that works, eh?

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I’m confused as well.

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Love Mike Davis! I hope he’ll be our AG when Trump’s back in.

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Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time to celebrate!!!! Just in time for the 4th.

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I like that. He did a poopoo!🤣

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