Doing a good job getting people pissed off. We'll make darned sure they don't do that here. The globalists/obama bringing them here to kill and displace us in our own country.... moslems BEWARE if you have come for that.

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Look carefully at 9/11 and it was an event engineered to justify a cluster of wars serving Israel’s purposes of regional expansion and domination - hey! Just like this one. Americans need to know that Israel is almost famous for running the other teams terrorist group for Israel’s purposes. See books Israel’s Sacred Terrorism, By Way of Deception and Rise and Kill First by Ronen Bergman.

The timing of the Hamas attack and Israel’s stand down could not have been accidental.

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Demon possessed cretins.

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I was today years old when I learned of the mutilations.

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Isn't it called The Religion of Peace?

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The religion where they worship a pedophile who deflowered a thousand prepubescent girls? Muhammad?- the most common name for babies born in England and France and Ireland. What invasion?

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What those terrorists did was as depraved as any American or Canadian serial killer ever did. It was worse than what Susan Atkins, Leslie Van Houten, Patricia Krenwinkel and Tex Watson did. It was wose than anything that Charles Manson ever did. It was worse than what Ted Bundy did. It was worse than what Colonel Russell Williams, former Commanding Officer of CFB Trenton, Canada's largest air force base, did. It was not on the same scale as what Hitler, GW Bush, Stalin or the Ottoman Empire did but the depravity was on a par with what the Turks did during the Ottoman empire. It is hard to understand how anyone can follow a religion that generates adherents who believe that the religion demands such depravity. It is even harder to understand why the US has fought so hard to install theocratic states or states dominated by adherents of such a religion, as the US did in Kosovo and Iraq as well as in Afghanistan during the Soviet war in Afghanistan when the US funded and backed bin Laden.

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you know we learn from you...

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Radical Islam is when the CIA arms and trains them to destroy countries on Israel’s target list. But folks like Sean Hannity and Lindsey Graham, and Jesse Watters are needed to lather Americans into war rage, pay for the carnage and cheer on the armies of head-choppers as they engage in mass-slaughter.

BTW, the last half dozen nation destructions done by the USA were ordered by Israel. That came out of the Wikileaks files.

Remember General Soleimani? We murdered him because he was organizing effective resistance to the armies of terrorists WE created to serve the goals of Israel’s Oded Yinon Plan. And we lured him to his death under the pretenses of diplomacy which is really dishonorable.

Religion is involved but at a low level. The key ingredient is 75 years in concentration camp being used as target for testing weapons & ammunition, and milking their resulting rage and occasional violence as excuses for more torture, land-theft and “woe-is-me” victim claims.

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Anyone genuinely interested in understanding the "depraved" Hamas massacre of October 17 needs to watch this video.


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The attack took place 2015 , November 13

Correcting the year that you have wrong .

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I know it was 2015, the reporting was 2016 in this article...thats why the year is next to NY Post...

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Subhuman savages who need to be removed from the western world by extermination. Same as the jews who traffic children and force their gene therapy fear and their homosexual agenda narratives, and the miscegeny propaganda... they both hate you and want you dead. Stand up white man

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This is all stemming from Obama. He is a Muslim who went to those awful services in Chicago hating America. The Muslim Brotherhood is alive and well here on our soil. He allowed all JIhadists in and still through the open borders. Obama is the shadow gov't behind the sold-out, treasonist Biden. Susan Rice is worth now over 135 million, where did her rise in status come from? Don't tell me she just knew how to invest in the stock market.

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Obama is a meaningless puppet used by jews to secure the nigger and Mexican vote for another 4 years and nothing more. Grow up

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Bataclan was on of the cluster of attacks France experienced immediately after Bibielzebub threatened France for recognizing Palestine as a state.


Netanyahu threatens France.



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Oct 20, 2023
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