Malicious Prosecution

is a Crime.

The Dems are desperate to keep control or lose their

"Golden Goose".

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It's the planned chaos. Crackens everywhere. Hold fast.

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If it isn’t so completely obvious to one that our Constitution is little more than toilet paper to our “betters”, you deserve all that is coming.

Sadly, it is the children who will inherit the Garbage Feudal State they have envisioned.

Not all of us are in line with meek compliance.

Is it not ironic that “Resist” used to be the rallying cry of the now compliant lovers of state control as evidenced in masking and injecting themselves and children...”for the greater good”

The ultimate test is coming for each of us in its own form. Not all will pass.

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The Condition, "It's just a GD piece of paper", said George W Bush to Dick Cheney over a hot microphone.

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Good ol’ George. Remember all that “compassionate conservativism”...or was that the elder. Either way, the agents of the NWO were busy on the “Right” while the agents of chaos were busy on the “Left”...

Here I am stuck in the “Middle” watching almost everything I once believed in circle the drain.

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Agreed. There will not be a political solution.

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Of course this old grifting criminal Biden approved this! Mike Davis from the Article 3 Project outlined the timeline of when this was done! President Trump is covered under the Presidential Records Act-so what documents he had in his possession he’s in the clear--unlike crooked Joe Biden who stole documents from his days as senator up until he was VP! These people are filth

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I would like to add that I really love your substack Dr. A, I am in Italy and we are in the washing machine spin cycle like everyone else. The hope is that Meloni, and the heartfelt love for humanity by ALL of us, will win out. Actually, it’s bigger than hope, it’s guaranteed! Love always wins, never doubt it!

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Watching how Italy responds to everything. Bon Courage!

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Maybe these meetings just so happen to coincide with what was found in the cubby near the West Executive entrance…and that’s why we weren’t supposed to find out who’s it was…

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it is called deflection, point to a different party to point fingers away from what YOU HAVE DONE and ARE DOING. Biden takes plausible deniability to a new high. We the people know this is bull crappie but these dems have had YEARS of getting away with it, remember pelosi's words if you lie enough and loudly enough people believe it is the truth. THAT IS THE DEMS MONTRA!

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"..don't need to be LAN-lined to the Almighty, to see the obvious." Jacob Dreizin

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What goes around comes around, the door is open for returning the favor in kind. Looks like desperate measures on their part, haste makes waste!

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Empty eyes, souless.

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Why wouldn't they? No one has been held accountable 6 years after they all plotted against Trump. Democrats know it takes years to resolve legal issues like these. By then, their goals have been accomplished. They blatantly stole the election and now they persecute anyone who dares to seek the truth.

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Nothing by coincidence.

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What do you think?After the obama/Biden administration have been proven to have Sabatoged and obstructed the Trump campaign and Presidency. Flagrant spying and false accusations from the campaign onwards,I really don't know how this can all be going on right in front of everyone's face and nothing has been done a out it yet just a lot of talk.The democrats are all coupable for the nefarious actions their party has perpetrated they should be in jail or prison for life at the very least.

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Is this more hysteria promoting reactionary politics by Paul? There is nothing here that looks unusual.

Political people always talk to each other and if this is a problem then every politician needs to sign they will never talk to anyone in their Party, or any others while in office. This would be pretty inane. Further, it seems reasonable that people would be interested in getting feed back from others on what the fallout might be for some proposals and how people might have to respond. I have no doubt he even your super lazy Trump did that even if he ignored warnings given him. WE know he talked to many about organizing the J6 insurrection that he instigated and promised to lead. So how about cutting the emotionality that only serves to get people revved up and angry without ever giving them real information that can be validated. The GOP does this because it has nothing to offer the public other than their self-serving profiteering and repression. And promoting ignorance is a form of repression and censorship.

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Downvote and middle finger

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“Super lazy Trump” Best you can do with words? That’s right …sling around words. That’s what contemporary Facebook postings do to try to stir up emotions. I must admit …at least it is not a plethora of the f word or other revolting words: tools of present day commentary. Look who is aiming for emotion! Reality and facts say differently. Not American…so don’t support any of your politicians. I thought the posting was about Bratt…”Just put a lock on your door” guy. But here we are again with J6. I repeat …Not American but know who orchestrated it. Also know about the info that would have destroyed many: reason for which J6 was orchestrated.

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I am sure Garlic Maryland will appoint David Weiss to investigate this as soon as the statute of limitations runs out.

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