New York Times (NYT) wakes up now? to the theft and criminality of penis piano playing cross-dresser pump dancing Volodymyr Zelensky? Come on NYT, you knew all along! You knew all the democrat & repub
-lican house members (congress) & senators now & past & all those who kids & grandkids surnames (& buddies) are on those crooked Ukraine contracts? You know Ukraine is a 'get rich' scheme for congress
‘In a potential signal of shifting attitudes on how the war in Ukraine is covered in the legacy media, the New York Times is starting to slowly acknowledge the endemic corruption that has been a defining feature of the former Soviet state as officials have admitted that money for military contracts has “vanished”.’
Now they are asking for money for the starving children in Ukraine but they are showing healthy kids in the ads? Zelenskyy should sell some of his multi million dollar homes to feed the kids! Get real, give us our damn money back, your nothing but a con man.!
They’re either waking up or getting out in front of information that is spreading beyond the Mockingbird MSM control