Now they are asking for money for the starving children in Ukraine but they are showing healthy kids in the ads? Zelenskyy should sell some of his multi million dollar homes to feed the kids! Get real, give us our damn money back, your nothing but a con man.!

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Make sure you throw the blame on Obama/Obiden. They are behind all of it!!!!!!!! Zelensky is their “buddy” in so many ways that no one considers, but those of us who can see right through all of it.

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All of them ride each other!

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Nah. The US will give more. To paraphrase PT Barnum, there's an American born every minute. An American and his or her money are soon parted. Do you think that the stilletto heels wearing piano player will be moved because the American people are complaining they've been bitten? As he might say, "You knew I was a snake ..."

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They’re either waking up or getting out in front of information that is spreading beyond the Mockingbird MSM control

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It’s so disgusting that so many of us knew the Ukraine war was to cover for the Obama/Obiden corruption in Ukraine, along with stealing billions in taxpayer dollars to line their off shore bank accounts. Then you have the talking heads supporting it like the NYT. So are they pissed that they didn’t get their cut for all the lies?? It’s bad enough that they had biolabs in Ukraine stealing Americans taxes again to help kill us, and its horrific that the Ukrainian people have been killed by the Nazi regime Obama/Obiden installed, and not the Russians that all these media lie about. Zelensky has been so obviously one of Obama’s squeezes and he figured he would put him at the helm of this Ukrainian war hoax. But then the majority of corrupt democrats and rhinos ignored all of this and keep allowing billons to be sent there when we know it is being embezzled for their personal use.

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Also a hub for bio labs and child trafficking. Kinda like the olympics and super bowl.

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Funny! But Monty Python is way funnier.

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They haven’t “woken up”. They are simply signalling on behalf of their masters that Zelensky is going to be thrown under the bus. It’s what the USA and its vassals do.

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If they're "waking up" after this long, the NYT must've lost its cut.

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You must have read my mind.

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All part of the fake money media and payment machine. NYT is a big part of this machine.

Starve their opponents of money while doling it out to their supporters like BLM and Ukraine (the ultimate money laundry).


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The NYT must have foreseen this. A con artist is always going to take advantage of suckers. It"s what they do. They never look a gift horse in the mouth. The American people were always going to be good for a few billion. And when that runs out there's plenty more where it came from.

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Wait - didn’t they create their friggin suckers first!!

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Well that may be but all that is really important is that the big guy gets his 10%.

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My initial point was that if the “paper of record” is brainwashing people all day long every day, then you will have a lot of brain washed people. I’ve done some analysis on the subject, and some in my own family have regrettably and unfortunately fallen for their grift!

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And the revolving door positions, I know.

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The money didn’t vanish, it filled the coffers of the corrupt elites of the world.🤮They make me ill. They also sadden me, as I know the judgement they will one day face if they don’t turn from their wicked ways and accept the gift of salvation offered freely to all who would accept it. God is on the throne and in some way He is perfecting his plan for the world. I would just so love for their corruption to be revealed for all to see. They always seem to get away with it all.

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Ukraine: Another Black Hole for our tax money to be laundered through to all the globalist politicians in the world!

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All part of the propaganda. The NYT is not news.

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And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

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All the money going to Ukraine has 10% going to the big guy! Money laundrying the Bidens way!

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Like the Uniparty, corrupt media slithers like sidewinders

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They know it, we know it, why are they pretending?

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They know it, we know it, why are they pretending?

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