Fauci is a fucking psychopath that’s directly responsible for the death and disability of millions yet he parades around like a scientific wonder. He’s doing some high end presentation at St. Joseph’s hospital in Hamilton Ontario Canada on Wednesday November 22 2023. I can’t seem to share the photo. Can you guys keep him in the US because we already have enough narcissists psychopathic doctors and scientists in Canada .

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Maybe you can organize a truly peaceful protest outside the hospital on the day despicable Fauci is speaking?

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Nov 22, of all dates. That's like Obiden giving the Iran terror regime 6 Billion Dollars on 9/11. Yes, he did.

The beginning of the entrenchment of the deep state CIA cabal began on Nov 22, 1963.

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Shhhh ….

Your not suppose to notice.

I wonder when the masses will finally take action.

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On November 21 I hope!

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Geez--daughter just moved there. His presence will poison her family's air.

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She's paid to only say good things about the jabs, so her dads cause of death will be swept under the rug.

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But she’ll know!

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Sudden death is 250 to 1000 times more common in vaxxed people! It barely exists in unvaxxed people. Considering this knowing he was surely jabbed the answer is easy. It was from the jab. Highly likely. The chickens are coming home to roost yet they will still not put it together.

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99.9% of sudden deaths happen in vaxxed people, according to a study just released. Only 10 out of 10K who died suddenly were UNvaxxed.

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"An alarming new data report has revealed that fewer than 0.1 percent of people who die suddenly are unvaccinated for Covid.

Statistics show that over 99.9 percent of sudden deaths are people who were vaccinated, despite only 75% of Americans having received Covid shots."

This is from the following Substack this morning:


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Good to know cause it is getting very frightening. Goes to bed and doesnt wake up? I only heard about it if it was a 90 year old grandma who died peacefully because of old age. When i was a kid this is what i knew anout sidden deaths. Not once i heard a kid dying suddenly not even during sports. Neber i heard anout this.

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Well, if they were gullible enough ( I hate to say that since my husband, his children, granddaughters and my three girls took them) this what happens! My stepdaughter has an injury. Doc says maybe C.I.D.P. ( afraid to call her injury Gillian-Barrett ) so the young woman, wife snd mother when she walks it’s almost spastic. Sad. I give her credit though. When she first gets up her walking is much better. As the day progresses it wears her down and she had to use her crutch. So proud of her this week she actually ( first thing in the morning) walked a mile and back on the beach!

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Cry me a river, serves her right Her willingness to vaccinate children and now excessive deaths of heart attacks and strokes in children. I hope everyone that she loves succumbs to the vaccinations.

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I seem to lack any sympathy for her.

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HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. Karma's a bitch. Hope she's next.

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She still wearing her vacinated (^ spelling) necklace?

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When the perpetrator becomes the pawn. Watch for this to happen... when the dog bites a friendly hand, there will be a backlash with lots of information being disclosed. I thought there would be a coast away in CA when Craven Newsom got sick from the shot. He recovered. Killing of a Governor-perpetrator’s father may have a different result. God willing.

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There may be one already being organized. I’m looking into it.

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Karma never fails. It may come sooner or much later for these evil ones, but it's coming in one form or another. Not one of them can escape it.

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Schadenfreude Alert!

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I’m going to stay in my lane as one of the dumb ones who can’t find a reason to trust the government. Slow but steady wins the race.

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Let’s hope it a hereditary condition 👍

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November 22, eh?

The conspiracy theories write themselves...

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Kathy's the typical airhead patsy; view as low management level. OK, this point begs the question, where did the Bilderberg eugenic shot caller group draw the patsy line? When Pedo took the bioweapon shot, I had two thoughts, one linked to Sasha's point that the bioweapons come in four groups, the low group is placebo. At the time I went placebo for Pedo-Squatter. Now I'm thinking, nope, Pedo's so typical stupid, he's totally one of the herd set up for the nanos. To the elite Bilders, all below are expendable. Huxley's Brave New World Order text points out that the future controllers are not interested in true scientific progress, but simply want power and to use that power to make all slave classes happy within their servitude.

Where do the Bilders gain power? Control over central banks, exactly why our Constitution demands that the government must have total control over the money supply, NOT private banks as they will use debt for power and build upon that power using interest, interest that matures in future generations. Money power checks all levels of our culture: Pentagon gets the power weapons; Intels get secret funding and national security coverup status for crimes, and so on.

Trump is our only option and Bilders don't like him and didn't like our JFK or our RFK, as all the above are American First-ers. :)

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Yes. Trump is our only option at this point. I have never wavered on that.

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betting he was vaxxed?

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And likely recently "boosted"?

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