New Zealand is the anus of the British Commonwealth.

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Of course, that makes Australia the rectum.

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And Chinada, well, any dirty orifice will do.

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Yes, i live, or try to anyway, in Chinada. The great white north, land of the wokeass cityfolk and snowmobiles, nears, moose and Arctic char. Home to increasing numbers of Chinese cops, an important source of those thugs for Washington state. Doing the Weffers bidding from out Privy Council for several years.

And we know why its called a privy.

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Well definitely the politicians but I think the majority of the people make NZ a lovely place. The same goes for Australia, It was only and still is the power hungry pollies that cause all the problems.

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Seems like these politicians all got a lot of support from the population.

In most western nations...only a minority ever stood against these demons. The masses were masked and jabbed and fearful and largely hateful of the freedom fighters.

Those who support demons...are demons.

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Yet the NZ voters vote in tyrants, Marxists, and left wing radicals.

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The elections in New Zealand have been rigged for years, and as for the media, this kind of lying coverage has been going on for over fifty years. New Zealand has been central to the globalists plans all of that time and I remember a few of us talking about it back then and being called conspiracy theorists. I am glad to have been called a conspiracy theorist at that time based on my experience and observations, because the theories have now been confirmed as facts and I still don't know the half of it all.

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That could very well be why the elections turn out with tyrants winning. If they can cheat like this in American, they can do it in New Zealand

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Yep. And Australia, Canada, Brazil, France, Britain, The EU and most of the countries in Europe. They have destroyed most of the countries that stood against them and wouldn't join their banking system, like Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Iran (attempted), the North African countries like Libya, Sudan, Morocco and Egypt. The people running this are evil and the enemies of all peoples.

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just like the United States

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Indeed and most of other countries.

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Unfortunately the majority of the people in both countries went along with all of the mandates like the majority of most other counties did.

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Seems that way. In the United States lots of independent workers like myself, had no mandate at all, out of this bunch my guess would be had there been a mandate, I'm thinking 80% would not comply. My best guess. I don't know how many mandated health care or Federal workers quit or were fired because they refused.

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The introduction of the CBDC will make the compliance rate nearly 100%, unfortunately. Given the choice between going along to get along or going without money, the mark of the beast will claim all lacking financial and transactional independence.

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Americans are a pretty stubborn independent bunch, I don't think we'll go along with digital currency. Haven't heard of one person in favor.

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That must be why we routinely vote for either Tweedledum or Tweedledee.

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Seems like.

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Line Whosetralia!

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"Line Whosetralia!?"

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The govt in nz would have everyone who disagrees with their narrative locked up if they could.

The govt is now fully involved with funding activism and anarchy. NZ is no longer a democratic country.

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I live in New Zealand and it has become an authoritarian shit hole full of woke ideology, seriously considering leaving.

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Live in Canada if Trudeau wins the next election we are doomed ......this country is turning in to a shithole! WEF GOVERNMENT ITS WHAT THEY ARE PUSHING FOR TOTAL WORLD CONTROL OF ALL THE PEOPLE!

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Where to go in the Western World?!?!?! They are all becoming upside down social experiments run amuck!!! It’s depressing!!!! God help us all!

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Wow. The language used in the report is truly Orwellian.

Ardern was (is)only the tip of the iceberg…

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The judges side with the state. Same in Canada. No dissenting opinions allowed. Thats the single reason behind all the push to censor the internet. If people don't wake up quick, we will all be living under the jackboot of totalitarianism.

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New Zooland and Whosetralia two communist tyrannical authoritarian countries! Seemingly we are all going that route all

likely led by the corrupt so called United Nations, and the WEF World Enslavement Forum , the Fourth Reich under Klaus

Schawb and we are allowing these governments to take away the Rights of the People!

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It all started with the guns...it’s been downhill ever since.

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Stay strong we have to beat these sub humans who only want to control and dessimate us!

They are all WEF World Enslavement Forum thus that makes them all TRAITORS and one day they will be charged with treason and crimes against humanity!

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Well you better get at it then. Time is getting short.

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We're living in a totalitarian state here, Paul. You may be interested in my work here about NZ:


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These men will have statues someday in NZ; they are giants against small peevish twisters of the law. We owe them a debt of gratitude. Pray for them.

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Since when is "advancing theories commonly held to be conspiracy theories" a crime?

Particularly infuriating since the unjust sentencing occurred years later when those "theories" are now established facts.

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Sorry Paul, but I cannot focus on any other country right now until we fix our country, America.

We are ground zero for ALL the problems for ALL humanity, our government producing the virus and the poison shots/countermeasures made and shipped ALL over the world…USING AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS! We are ground zero for the global mass genocide…SHAMEFUL!!!

We fix our country FIRST and then we can help other countries!

P.S.I have to pass this message EVERYDAY until I see more People working with serious strategic planners in a real Freedom Movement!

ALL THE TREASON/WAR…shots, election fraud, etc…will continue until there is serious UNITY of The People!

WHY has this NOT happened YET after 3 destructive years by global psychopaths?

No one, I repeat NO ONE in political power today will ever do the right things until they FEAR the people!

And there is nothing for them to fear until we UNITE against them! UNITE and our enemies will fear us!

Serious writer, Lex Greene has another piece out for those who value UNITY for Freedom and Liberty…


My gloves came off 15 years ago, working with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group. If you want to unite with brilliant, strategic minds actually working real solutions…contact Lex Greene!

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I agree that we should clean up our own back yard first, I don't live in the US, but have a deep concern for what happens there. All countries are interconnected; impacted when loss of freedoms or injustice occurs.

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Thank you for your comments!

Personally…I have worked with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years and can tell you they are America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!

Please help Americans and spread Lex’s pieces…

Reach out to Lex at his email found at the end of all his pieces

Come join with the best!


A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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I DARE YOU today to those who still have critical thinking brain cells left to heavily ponder this piece…



Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

P.S. Good luck pondering!

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This is the disgusting truth...we are the canal’s playground and bank vault.

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Thank you for your comment!

Personally…I have worked with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years and can tell you they are America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!

Reach out to Lex at his email found at the end of all his pieces!

Come join with the best!


A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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I DARE YOU today to those who still have critical thinking brain cells left to heavily ponder this piece…



Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

P.S. Good luck pondering!

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Why New Zealand is off my list. BDS New Zealand. Release the protestors against the NWO-WHO-WEF and the Global misleader Jacinda Arden

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That bitch Ardern !

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These people are truly evil-do they think we really believe all these stupid excuses they give us...

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The uptake of the vax proves they are in control

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OMG! He advanced theories commonly held to be conspiracy theories. Aaaaannnnnddd......in two or three weeks, mainstream science.

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Seriously, where do these people get off doing this to the world??!! This is so crazy.

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This tyranny will be the fate of all Americans if the WHO treaty modifications are allowed in May.

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Leftists just plain suck.

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