Isi it me or has New Zealand become the testing ground for every fascist pipedream known to man? I know that there are more sheep in NZ than people but I have the feeling it is now 100% sheep! What is wrong with these people? Pax

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I agree, as is Australia...these 2 emerged in COVID as two of a kind...uniquely corrupted governments and superbly pliable sheeple people. Good people though yet something is wrong and they are unarmed to the barbarian who makes it to their shores

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Rule number one… never disarm. Rule number two… remind the people in power about rule number one. ✌️

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There's an interesting historical parallel between what is happening in the US right now and what happened in New Zealand. The New Zealand Labour Party (US Democrat allied) were headed for near certain defeat. At the last minute they switched leaders, installing a younger, female replacement and were swept to victory. The Dems are using the same playbook. It succeeds almost every time.

"Across the Pacific Ocean, Harris’ story may resonate with New Zealanders ... who see parallels with Jacinda Ardern, a young, politically astute liberal, and her sudden rise to her party’s leadership in 2017. Ardern’s swift ascension disrupted the foregone conclusion that her political party was headed for a decisive defeat in an upcoming election ... Ardern ... became the leader of her party and a prime minister contender after New Zealand’s Labour Party leader Andrew Little, 52, saw no pathway to victory and stepped aside just seven weeks before the September 2017 election ... Ardern’s 11th-hour promotion gave the campaign a jolt of energy and infused it with what Ardern called “relentless positivity.” Ardern quickly unified her party and ultimately, when the votes were counted and a coalition formed, landed the top job as prime minister."

Kamala Harris’ sudden political rise echoes that of another female politician, New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern


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Ardern was trained by T. Blair in UK and the WEF young global leaders programme.

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Love the sheep analogy, very appropriate for NZ.

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Like Kim Dotcom, who they are extraditing back to the US said, they're a south Pacific colony of the US. The people are, as you say, 100% sheep. Just like the US. So they're a natural testing ground for clot shots. They got rid of their socialist government of Jacinda Ardern. Great! But they replaced them with conservaturds aka RINOS, who are exactly the same as socialists. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Same shit, different bottles.

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Greece has conservaturds too, unfortunately.

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Now this is called aggravated assault and attempted murder. Particularly aggravated assault against your children causing permanent genetic injury. Particularly attempted murder of your children. If you don’t give a shit about yourself try to open your Fucked up heart for your God damn children.

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boom, very very strong post and it hits the nail...but then again, mommy takes little 6 year old Johnny to drag tranny shows as Buris swings on a pole with his nuts hanging out 5 feet away. for she is 'woke' and 'tolerant' and needs something to boast about to her friends given her sorry ass life

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You can control tranny mental illness ya can’t cure vaccine dead

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2024 the Fourth Reich Nazis establishing worldwide dominance. And retards think Kamala is the savoir and Trump and Putin are the evil monsters.

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They got it backwards. They walk backwards.

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It still just amazes me how the FVEY countries have become very much like countries we were "fighting" during the Cold War. And it also amazes me how in every FVEY country either has or has had a Klaus Schwab/WEF-supporting disciple in power.

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I agree. But my amazement has grown to rage. They're now way too close to home.

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exactly...too close

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we need 45...if only to stop and reverse this madness...he must promise to never ever allow any of this again on US soil.

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This is just the World Health Organization's failed "Pandemic Treaty" being resuscitated at the national level. A host of nations opposed the treaty due to loss of national sovereignty. The globalists failed to gain international acceptance, so now they seek that acceptance at the national level. Every country controlled by the World Economic Forum will soon implement this tyranny. Of course, America still has its Constitution... for now.

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do not stop sharing things like this, it is critical...the population head remain up their asses

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Again, Dr Paul you are on target!

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Sometimes I just feel like I'm pissing into wind.

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NZ appears firmly in the Cabal's clutches...

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boom, it does.

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This is the end result of disarming a population. The dictators, in this case the GLOBAL REGIME, take away a person's ability to defend themselves against a tyrannical government. In other words - one cannot SHOOT THE MF'ERS who want to strip you of your liberties.

I wonder how all those elites who built their underground bunkers in NZ will react to this.

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hit the nail on the head, the 2nd amendment is key...this is why USA is the envy...we guard 2nd with our lives.

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BINGO! The US 2nd Amendment is the only reason SWAT teams aren't knocking down doors...yet.

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its the only reason why USA has not fallen to the medieval barbarians form the 6th century...and the world has not fallen...USA's 2nd have the world still standing. the barbarian is working behind the scenes to get us disarmed by donating big money to Harris and Biden and well Obama is their greatest advocate...he is working to hand it to hem...look around, you are being replaced....you have 1.6 child needing a replacement of 2.3 and they have 8 per family....sit back, Hamtramck is on the way across USA

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With a majority foothold already and state legislatures who never read our Constitution, it will spread, slowly, stealthily, then it's over. The large majority will do what all people of their faith do - remembering Bosnia & Serbia. Keeping a promise to an infidel is against their religion. PS: Can I say this? If not, please erase it. I'm trying to parse my words but it's a thorn. I was in Philadelphia before, during and after 911. I saw things even I didn't know were already there.

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Oh yes. Philadelphia. That is were my youngest (then 23 )

daughter was indoctrinated.


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It’s an extremely corrupt system in Philly. Not just the universities either. I liken it to living in Chicago.

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Well said Paul, people truly do not understand the diabolical machinations happening here.

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Hamtramck...people should read

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It's just what the WHO ordered. Countries are falling into the laps of their stakeholders like flies on poisoned honey.

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excellent post

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Get with the programme New Zealand, we’ve had (and still have) these laws in Western Australia since 2022

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The people allowed the fascists to take their weapons.

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1 in 5 Billion chance in dying from mpox.

Has anyone learned anything from the Convid 19

Experiment? Or does evil just keep coming without

Any concern but it’s own agenda? Poor people who live in NZ!!

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There will be alot of death coming to Canada and usa when they start this up here. We will not wait for a Explanation we are done with them.

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Nothing new here.

This has been the situation in Western Australia since about 2014.

The other States on Terra Australia will have similar legislation.

The poison that they can legislatively force-inject everyone doesn't even have to be a therapeutic for the supposed reason for the 'medical emergency'..

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They are crazy!!!

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WHO do these people employ psychopaths? that Irish Doctor at the W.H.O

must have seen the adverse reports and deaths from the AZ and mRNA

Jabbies and yet he’s prepared to push another scam for Money Pox

Knowing full well more rushed out mRNA junk will be horrific.

They should all be in jail from the 1st Democide/Genocide event but no

they have been allowed to regroup and try and do it all again.

Many folk have not recovered from the 1st scamdemic a 2nd one and

Ruining the health service again could inflict even worse damage.

Schools out for the summer imagine if they are put into lockdown when

they are due to return to the classroom and end up off for months again?,

obesity, destroyed mental health and wrecked learning and if Bright and Gates

Junk jabbies are accepted by the masses there will be Horrific fall out from more new junk jabs

and no doubt they will have some dodgy pills and potions due out too.

It only takes 3% to 5% of us not to go along with it to stop it as it was the case

with the illegal mandates.

Resist this technocratic dark scientific dictatorship at every opportunity.

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Not legal or enforceable as long as the Nuremburg Code stands. Nobody has the right to dictate who does and does not have to take toxic substances into their bodies. Your fake pandemic plan can go to hell.

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Whoa! Very frightening. The World Economic Forum will be proud.

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