Calling Ardern "deranged" is an insult to deranged people everywhere. Ardern and cohorts are demonic psychopaths.

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17

Anyone trying to take away God-given freedoms (free will, bodily autonomy) isn't just our enemy, they are the enemy of God, full stop. It won't end well for them.

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Watch American Leftists embrace digital IDs, while at the same time believing that requiring an ID to vote is racist.

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Now do that twat Justin Castro and all the many Canadians that go along with it. Digital ID’s on our own continent.......unbelievable how asleep people are. Voting don’t mean sh*t unfortunately, just ask Kari......

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Jab-cinda cares not one iota for the people of NZ. She does however seek to impress Klaus Schwab.

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Looks like Team Conspiracy is right again.

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I listen to Gates to know what they’re planning next. Apparentlt a new pandemic with EU and possibly US CBDC, so you won’t actually own any of the money in your accounts.

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Friends who have just returned from jacinda’s part of the world, said New Zealanders hate this woman. She is one big failure.

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Jacinda is a deranged tranny and a Schwab NWO agent.

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Look, without our own army with military grade weapons and a leader of divine origin I say stopping this evil plan unfolding before our eyes is impossible.

With rigged elections and almost zero ability to influence election will be getting narrower.

Then with fear as a control device and masks to remind us we are shackled to Satan and I just don’t see a way to stop this.

We need a leader and an army

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The courts are owned.

Politicians owned.

Hospitals owned.

Cops owned. Armies owned.

Would horseface do this without knowing she was covered? She has the brains of trudy...but the backing of larry fink.

We have no way to appeal...because we have no one to appeal to...except ourselves. The cops, courts and armies always do the bidding of the elite.

Maybe it is time to just believe that already...then figure out the next step is.

Trudy just finished bold face lying under oath. So what? What will happen?

We already know. Nothing.

He lied to rub in the fact he sees himself as untouchable. In a sense he is.

The "Just doing my job" cops are creating their own hell, and ours..For me...I hope for them it is the permanent variety. Hell that is. A bought judge presiding over a nothing burger tribunal that has no real point in the end because it has no teeth, and no one to enforce it.

Oh wait. My christian friends will help...just as soon as they get their third booster.

Revelation anyone?

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Thank you Dr Alexander. May the people of New Zealand have the leading of the Holy Ghost, The Lord Jesus Christ, the covering of Psalms 91 and the Angels of God (the only True God) dealing with the demonized entities.

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Thank you Dr Alexander for your wise words as always.

Living in Australia and having visited New Zealand and having New Zealand friends, my take is that Jacinda Ardenne is a psychopathic personality, not unlike Trudeau of Canada and closer to home, the Premier of the State of Victoria, Australia, Daniel Andrews.

They also obviously are devoid of the ability to feel empathy or compassion.

Unfortunately, the separation of powers between the State and the Judiciary in New Zealand and Australia has not existed for well over 2.5 years and probably longer.

There is a State Election in Victoria, Australia today. Many people there dislike Daniel Andrews intensely and yet he is likely to be re-elected.

One of the major Unions, who are wedded to Andrew's Party, the Labor Party, are running election advert memes supporting his party such as "You Might Think Dan Andrews Is A Prick, But We Still Need You To Vote For Labor".

Work that out. This is an example of a "Democracy" devoid of options where sheer bizarre insanity prevails.

I have little doubt that if an election was held soon in New Zealand, that Ardern would still win.

If not legitimately, then by manipulation of results.

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She and he are insane... Can't even leave people alone...

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Gates and his children never received any vaxes. Ever.

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Mark of the beast coming right up. This has always been a spiritual battle and it’s shaping up to be the grand finale.

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