Her whereabouts need to be tracked until she is Indicted for Crimes Against Humanity and taken into Custody.

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No. She's a WEF puppet and probably has a job lined up with Klaus.

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She already did her job

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more to do ..

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Best news of 2023! She’s a despicable human and the best place for her is the dock followed by a cell.

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Imprisonment? I don't think so! The Death Penalty is the only appropriate punishment for what she's done.The guillotine: No ambiguity. Execution must be public and televised.

PS Though really, to be burned at the stake would be far more appropriate.

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She's getting out before they put her behind bars for her crimes against humanity.

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Ardern is one of the worst of the worst, as slimy and evil as any politician has ever been. She no doubt thinks the world will forget what she's done after she slithers away. But no.

Nuremberg 2.

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Self involved sociopaths have no insight into themselves or those around them. She was forced,by some threat, to resign...........

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it really looks like it, resignation under threat, not from anything like conscience. she sold her conscience in order to get power in the first place

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I wonder why. Britain's lockdown PM was recently removed for some reason, but the new one is no better.

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My thoughts, too.

Curious that at this moment, "Davos Annual Meeting In Full Swing", that Ardern "decides" (transitive passive) to resign.


Ordered to Resign. For Incompetence. For Spelling Out the Agenda in full public view (like her citizens stuck abroad with no way to get home...)

Here's my take.

The Young Global Leaders are trained and then insinuated into their national politics, with a full kit of dress sense, hairdos, public speaking skills (al estilo Blair), presentability, and of course stab in the back certification. Selected for a sharp focus on the main chance and a core morality of avarice.

JA was of course a YGL as was Boris-the-pretend-clown and Liz-Geography-Trussed.

Klaus and "Novalu" Harari, like many of their sentimentation cohort, think that this is all that's needed. Sadly, ain't. Why?

COZ once they get into INFLUENCE they have to "peddle" their own canoe, cannot be referring back to Santa K every week - indeed, or at all. This is where the whole enterprise evaporates because at this point the YGL is running on greed and bullying and, having signed up to the devil, has lost the moral backbone. Greed Prevents Clarity Of Thought.

You overlooked that, Klaus Novalu. Overlooked that the Nazi Hierarchy needs to reflect feedback to and from base all the time, and will fail because, well, because, the Cúpula does not have the mental gigabytes to cope. Very few psychopaths if any are capable of maintaining Control of Numbers - maybe in the Business world but certainly not in the meteorology of global politics.

I hope the above makes some sense?

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It's a lovely thought, DD, but consider that after the Satanic Global Elite (the puppeteers behind the WEF) installed the Bolsheviks in Russia, that abominable regime survived for 73 years... 🤔😱

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Respected Captain Roy, thank you.

I'm in the course of reading Tragedy and Hope and am thankfully on the home stretch (page 1100 appx), at present hitting Latin America which (as it's my home) am using as a litmus test and frankly Prof Quigley has got it about right, here.

So I've personally validated his findings.

I've not absorbed in detail his content on Russia so I'll have to retrace to test your comment more fully and, in the meantime, with a couple of broad brush strokes, maybe a "virtual" defence just here:

1. In those days there was very little popular information (intelligence in the military usage) compared to the situation nowadays; and, for my crimes, I once took to read the 4 novels of J Conrad, two of which exemplify that situation and climate (Russian Spies...) and I am content to say that though they predate the Bolshevik period by a couple of decades the Polish/Russian/British paranoia cannot have lost much force by then.

2. Credibility has disappeared from the armoury of the WEF/WHO and their Gang and this was the real warhead from their armoury: a Deadly Disease In Foreign Lands. The consequence of their uncalculated problem/reaction/solution yielding high rates of maiming and death, the clumsy attempts by government to lie in both the first place and all the second places, all this has made it extremely difficult for the Gang to mount a second attempt. Like I said elsewhere, cockroaches hate the light: and folks are now really riled up.

I take issue, as a footnote, with your classification of Russian history to 1990 as abominable, given that another extremely powerful country has spent every year since 1945 interfering militarily in almost every other nation in the world. But that's as may be and I understand that many are still in a knee jerk situation when "Russia" is mentioned. My deal here is to help people to work towards clearer thinking.

While he does go into great detail in international twentieth-century history, Carroll Quigley does not deal in any depth with the theme of Bolshevism "per se" and in truth the nature of political leadership EVERYWHERE in those days was both incompetent, narcissistic, and xenophobic, so what can anyone expect? These days of course we have surmounted all that (/sarc>)?

Neither, in finishing, do I find it helpful to blame the "Zion" people for rearranging the Titanic's deckchairs, as this argument is a key example of self-victimisation!

Anyway this has gone past TLDR so thanks for the stimulus and I hope you keep well

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Very impressive post right here sir! (Between you and me, I agree with your take on Russia pre and post 1990, and the “globalist” US as well :)

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American here and I HEARD THAT! ;-\

And agree with you.

Ultimately, the devil is to blame. Perhaps he/she/it invented 'Government'.

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Yes, the definition of govern is to direct or control; to rule with authority. These people are the minions of the prince of the air.

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No she understands that the people are awakening.

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She must be charged with and for her crimes. If not we are sending a message that high ranking politicians are exempt from law.

I was fool enough to vote for her party in 2017, but only out of guilt as my political awakening that ended my leftism was new back then and unstable. BUT NOT ANY MORE

of course this silly little girl is such a fantasist that she will NEVER be honest about why she is quitting

but it is not over till she is behind bars, preferably on death row here in NZ . I know we do not have the death penality, but neither did Israel when they found Eichmann in 1960. They made an exception,

so can we

capital crimes DEMAND a capital sentence, especiaily when done by politicians in the full glare of publicity who actually boasted about their deeds. this full glare of publicity it is that removes all doubt, doubt being the only viable reason why one might hesitate to put these to death

she is a spokesperson fo WEF. an outfit hostile to the nation state. THAT IS TREASON,

and she used fear to coerce the jab, THAT IS TERRORISM.

and her govt has hidden all the data of vax deaths. that is FRAUD

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Taking her millions and trying to flee justice, Fauci-style, but she can only run so far.

Meanwhile, I will celebrate the demise of the Wicked Witch of Down Under! (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/recommendations-roundup-2-down-under-41b)

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Oh, I imagine there's a hacienda in Patagonia or Paraguay all set up and furnished for her... 🤔

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Never Trust The Watchman

Once He Hears Your History

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Maybe she’s got a serious case if “long Covid?” Fingers crossed.

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She’s fcked up so many things in NZ, Covid - being one of them.

Probably will receive a Nobel Peace prize for her “ kindness”.

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Yep. The Noble is now a bribe for staying on Narrative. Proof that you are owned and compromised to the core.

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And will be paid $ 800k Nz for life.

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According to Catherine Austin Fitts, the globalists want to make BoJo, Ardern, Trudeau, Macron, Biden and the rest look weak and incompetent. Why would these narcissists willingly look stupid and make the crowds hate them? Unless it's compartmentalized like a military operation perhaps.

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These people are only puppets. Sacrifice the puppet to protect the puppeteer. Let the puppet be the fall guy rather than the puppeteer.

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They are what the Marxists call "USEFUL IDIOTS."

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Don't forget these narcissists came in full of cum and ego with promises of glory . . . of success never suspecting we would awaken, convinced being invincible because papa Klaus in their mind was infallible backed up by a tight circle "cabal" above him.

Apparently close to 50% of people who were suppose to attend this year's WEF at DAVOS did not show up.

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The media reports that 2700 have turned up, probably mostly bankers getting instructions on CBDCs from Mr Carney. Trudeau didn't turn up but Ms Freeland did to speak at WEF DAVOS.

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I think the motherWEFer's are now moving to their next stage and need other puppets with diferent talents in place. Mark my words, she will be replaced by anotehr motherWEFer.

Time for the next stage. Famine or Digitial Currency. My bet is the latter.

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Not so sure about that, Duchess.

My view: evolution of the wef dehumanisation project has diverted off-piste due to the usual influences of Murphy's Law.

"Follow the Money". It's all about cash flow and, apparently, many invitees have failed to arrive.

Remember that the (entreprenurial) invitees are close to ground zero and, being in business selling to the Public, are naturally well aware of what us useless eaters are now saying: sudden deaths caused by "coincidence", bug crisps in oz petrol stations, government disinfo & interference in social media; and so on.

It matters somewhat that the WEF "speeches" are on live tv, but it matters a lot more if the business community is edging surreptitiously towards the exit.

Naturally, also, the events somewhere in Eastern Europe, the calling-out by Russia of the Nazi Renaissance, will not have been lost on someone with the visibility, connections, and personal history of the Director of the WEF.

Cockroaches HATE the light.

Just saying... our mileages may vary.


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Hope you're right. But counting on The Law of Unintended Consequences and something like a Deus Ex Machina event are pretty thin reeds to glom onto, when you're drowning...

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I have only the Black Swan left to hope for...and maybe some clever thiefs who can figure out how to steal CBDM as they did with the Crypto currencies.....

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Just remember the old Gondorian proverb:

"Oft hope is born, when all is forlorn."

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I will be delighted to be wrong...I sincerely hope you are right and I am not.

I am not a natural optimist. I am so glad there are people like you in the world..otherwise

I would lose hope.

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Enough for me to point out alternative credibilities.

It would be wholly incorrect to take my words as an invitation to calm down!


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Whether people are ready for it or not.

How much of a haircut will we take on the conversion? I'm betting at least 40%

Natural News) A report published this week says that whether or not countries are ready for digital currencies or even understand the concept behind them, central banks are going to begin using them soon either way, and there isn’t much that can be done about it.

The Wall Street Journal‘s report touched on the issue of complexity, noting that digital currency is a “game-changing development [that] could have a profound impact on the banking system” despite the fact that “few people still understand it.”

When you look at a map of whose ready and whose not...Its a lot more countries than you think are ready and willing.

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Famine will be with us sooner or later...

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Don't forget what Klaus Schwab took in with his mother's milk.

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She was never the right person to lead!

I still want to see her and her global elite evil doers behind bars!

Nuremberg 2.0

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I'd much rather see them dangling from trees after being lynched by a grateful electorate...

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we don't need to pay for them behind bars.

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Bars? The only bars they deserve are red-hot bars inserted in their rectums. Videos of their agonized faces televised world-wide for their victims to enjoy.

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She has been ordered to step aside.

There is nothing to her other than whoever pulls her strings and they have decided that she needs to leave the stage.

She'll step into a comfortable post as some kind of WEF consultant or adviser and NZ will continue to be destroyed by whoever her successor turns out to be.

I'd like to be wrong. When I see her standing on a trapdoor with a rope around her neck, I'll drink a toast but until then, I view all of this as mere optics.

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Here's a hypothesis==she really did take the boosters and the bivalent and is now diagnosed with some turbo disease, and the WEF young global leader Pfizer wrangler told her to exit stage left before it comes to light that she's ill and reflects badly on the vaccines or god forbid, mrna. Newsom disappeared for two weeks with some lame excuse after one of his shots. I often imagine Whitmer or Biden's heads just exploding, so I am not Jesus either lol, but there is a story from the Holocaust in which a camp prisoner falls to his knees and prays his thanks to God in the presence of another prisoner and a cruel guard. The second prisoner says "How in hell can you give thanks to God, look where we are" and the first prisoner says "I am thanking God that I am not him," pointing at the guard. So I'm glad I'm not any of them, but I'm not sure Elvis has really left the building. Still New Zealand must be ecstatic with relief to get rid of her.

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Plausible hypothesis. She looks like hell.

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She looks like Hell anyway.

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these monsters of the wef sb executed for corruption

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I suspect bigger things for her, WHO? WEF?

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Yes, so do I!

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Ding dong the witch is dead!

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