Today panel of doctors on Twitter said they suspect NFL will administer colchicine and steroids to stave off any collapses. They also believe the week was spent doing cardiac ultrasounds in search of myocarditis on all the players.

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You betcha something is wrong NFL, you mandated your elite athletes receive an untested, experimental therapeutic shot that is also a long term clotting agent. I hope the players sue the * out of you.

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Still no solid evidence that Damar is doing the things they state. Possible propaganda to get through the Super Bowl; lots of $$ at stake.

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Just another couple of these Died Suddenly Sports-stars and we will see a huge change in the tide. It will be a storm tide that will drown the narrative and all those pushing it.

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If anyone on Earth doesn’t already know what is going on, with all that has been published? Maybe this is natural selection at its best? God save their souls, but God also give discernment.

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My family and I were talking and said it would be amazing if a fan(s) who are aware of the dangerous covid shots brought signs that questioned the safety of the covid shots to the game. Or flyers, stickers to place everywhere at the stadium. Just to make people see the evidence that’s been hidden by the MSM.

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They better be frightened!! When enough people wake up they will get what they so richly deserve!! People like them came after me and mine in order to coerce and bully to get their pathetic way at my particular Government workplace. How I escaped their fate is a small series of miracles, I believe. I have zero sympathy for them. Enabling fools every one of them.

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I marched part way at Selma and now at 86, i help support my daughter on ny social security because her ex developed cancer after she warned him not to get the jab, but he, like many idiot older people followed his children's advice to get the jab. I have been in front lines most of my life but i cannot contribute to all the sites who now ask for money. I keep getting a guilt trip and I guess i should terminate the sites that sunn for contributions. I get groceries on my bicycke and never ear out or shop. I only spend on rent, utilities and and cheap food and don't own a car. Have not bought new clothes or shoes for years. I am not complaining. I have a roof over my head and have food. I have a Ph D and with online info, I stay busy. But i desire that folks understand that people, like myself, are not living in the lap of luxury and selfishly withholding contributions but are getting by.

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Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

There will be more. However, it’s a curious that there have been so many in other sports leagues, high schools, Europe etc. but not the premier American leagues.

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I think many bought fake vax cards as their bodies are their temples.

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Well here's the thing....If I was a player who was forced to get the Jab in order to play,,,,I would get all of the necessary tests to ascertain the status of my heart/organs. If there is anything unusual that can be traced back to the Jab I would demand that my contract be paid in full along with some percentage for lost future wages. If they refuse I would sue them into oblivion. Period.

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Could be the end of the NFL. Sounds like hyperbole but I don’t see how the league survives this.

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Blame 💉 jab-loving influencers like Kareem Abdul-Jabber.💉

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Leave it to the NFL to raise money and even profit off this man’s tragedy. How long will they keep covering up?

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