Why do you make yourself both stupid and dishonest by calling DeSantis "lockdown Ron?" He locked down when everyone else did, then released before all else did. If you want Trump over DeSantis, for whatever reasons, fine, but don't reduce your credibility by making yourself a lying fool.

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You and neocon Nikki are in full agreement on bombing Iran and the Houthis. When you find yourself agreeing with neocon Nikki on foreign policy, it's time to ask yourself. Where did I go wrong?

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Paul just over reacts is all; he's good. From Trinidad, so yet has the Island mind set gong on . :)

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Why would anyone want to dump the mRNA vaccines in a lake!? The mRNA needs to go to a toxic waste disposal site.

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You're only telling half the story!

What happened before Trump took office?

Was the gain of function funding really cut?

Did obama and biden along with fauci, birx and others conspire to use a pandemic during Trump's term so they could get rid of him?


Nine days before President Trump took office……Did Fauci already have the PLANdemic in progress?


With people beginning to recognize that U.S. government officials and the intelligence community have been less than honest, and in some cases

downright lying, surrounding the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus; and when we overlay the political motives in the background of mass narrative

deflection from media and other institutions; and when we consider the known lengths that people inside the U.S. government were willing to go in

their efforts to eliminate President Trump; discovering that President Obama’s administration technically authorized the restart of “gain of

function” research (biological weaponization of SARS virus) just days before President Trump took office… is way more than alarming. My hunch is

this link might even disappear.

An even larger backstory. Eleven Days before leaving office President Obama’s administration re-authorized funding for the creation of biological

weapons using SARS viruses. However, essentially this re-authorization was only kickstarting funding within the U.S. because the funding of

weaponization of SARS-CoV-2 never actually stopped in 2014. The media reporting on this is misleading, if not downright false.

In the original pdf guidance for the 2014 research pause of into weaponization of SARS viruses there was a footnote that everyone seems to have

missed: https://www.phe.gov/s3/dualuse/Documents/gain-of-function.pdf Page 2...


JANUARY 9, 2017

I do agree that we need accountability!

But let;s take some of that weight off of Trump who was/is an outsider caught up in political corruption that one man can't fix by himself.

Some say Trump won't hold the bad guys accountable. Some say Trump was involved.

But in the big picture, who else will take action?

Trump was impeached twice, once for biden's crimes and while covid was making it's way into our lives. Trump's been indicted 4 times (91 counts) for non crimes that biden is guilty of.

Who else on earth has been put through this kind of persecution? It's time for everyone to open their fken eyes and pay attention. Our country and the world are at stake!!!

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Where we go one we go all

Is the path that has had to be shown - not told

They had to see for themselves what was install for humanity

A taster, not nice, but war, civil war would have been worse

The path least made is one wide and deep enough to bring 96% of people with him

It has to go slowly and then all at once, it’s done

We saw what could have been a civil war and a nazi dictatorship - we saw how it was established and how effective the propaganda was.

But this time God/Good wins.

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Sounds like a dream come true. And we are living a collective nightmare. "We" got to wake the fcuk up, people!

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IMO. Trump won't go after anyone. He is well aware of the secrets he must keep. Julian Assange won't be released, and many J6 won't be...Censorship will continue. He didn't deal with that when he was President. His moto is jobs and oil, and saving wallstreet and the banks. He will prolong the fascist assault and pyramid collapse for a few more years maybe...sorry to be a bummer but he says the same thing over and over......😪 The people need to take the garbage out...Trump won't.

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RFK, Ron and Nikki, three strikes and out. All three total delusional all fixated at a point somewhere withing the end points of hallucination and psychosis, Paul, check observation: Pedo is also psychotic but he's NOT hallucinating at all. Just a simple street drug lord thinker. I'm serious. Remove our Trump for the political equation, entire set is like the typical crappy woke film of 2024.

Trump come clean, pure and straight up American and at every layer, including all the illegal court hack cases. :)

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