I personally know three people stupid enough to take Paxlovid. ALL three got rebound Covid.

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Pfizer doesn't care. They likely surpassed all expectations of profit from useless/harmful Paxlovid long ago.

Yet we still see commercials promoting it with the tagline: "If it's covid, Paxlovid." (catchy since they rhyme)

The gulllible most likely to seek it out and take it won't be aware of, or interested in, the truth revealed in this article.

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Even Fauci got rebound Covid from Paxlovid, I loved that part!!!

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Well, well, well! Remember all the big stories? They, were "Following THE SCIENCE"? This includes Presidents, Prime Ministers, Premiers, Mayors etc who had people arrested, Fired from jobs, Interrupted Pensions, etc. These are just some of the Despots that I want to vote for again. "BUT NOT WITH MY BALLOT! CAN YOU JUST IMAGINE??? And to think that we are even still paying Taxes to Payroll and Feed these Skums!!!! "Is Hell Hot Enough, Yet"??

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Didn’t Dr Drew support Paxlovid?

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Wolenski & her criminal co-conspirators are not at all “DOLTs.” They know exactly what they are saying & doing.

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The sheep will more than likely be led by a three letter agency, well they are the experts in disease aren't they? Listen and do whatever they want them to do. People think for yourselves and never touch this garbage ever again. Anything with mRNA technology is poison. Yet people still keep rushing out that new GLP-1 from poison and wonder why they throw up from a Gila monster from the Arizona region. After 1 year of use cancer in thyroid, who wants that? Guess just about anyone wants poisonous venoms from the most deadly creatures around the world. Anytime someone says this or that works, it don't work and makes you sicker to kill the microbiome no immune system left death.

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Regarding GLP’1s, I know people taking it, find it difficult to stop taking, even when confronted with protective protocols recommended prior to having anesthesia. Often, defending the drug, even though decreased bowel motility and nausea. The weight loss is so magnificent, they don’t have to modify their willpower and lifestyle.

Self indulgence continues to prevail. It seems the ability to be converted to reality of options, it’s easier to take the low road.

Mr. Profit has a lot of power!!

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