It is only a matter of time before a commercial plane goes down due to a pilot succumbing during flight to the mRNA technology vaccine induced myocarditis or similar; no co-pilot is a NO NO!
Totally NUTS. Wait till a single pilot is bringing in 300 people at night, in a crosswind, monitoring instruments and it's raining - all at the same time. That's why they have dual controls and 2 seats in every passenger plane in case one pilot is out of service. Did you know each pilot eats something different on a flight in case one meal is bad?
Add a malfunction, or engine out, gear malfunction, medical emergency, and you're skewered. What would be the minimum certification criteria for single pilot ETOPS operation? What is the maximum permissable operating flight time... given the increased load? The list of reasons not to is nigh on infinite and born of long experience. As a pilot, there's no way I'd go as a pax.
It's all pure unadulterated kraptitude.
It's psy-ops to undermine confidence in flying. Remember the goal is to stymie commercial aviation into a very limited existence. The aim is to extinguish tourist traveling and mass transport by 2030. Freedom of movement may well be extinguished long before that.
UNITE WE “The people – the people – are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.”....THIS WILL HAPPEN TO THIS EVIL WORLD BY GODS WORDS UNITE WITH GOD FOR A BEAUTIFUL RIGHTEOUS EVERLASTING LIFE HE CREATED ALL AND GAVE US FREEDOM OF CHOICE🙏
Gosh I wish I could remember more accurately this quote from George Washington. It’s something like “if the government is not representing the people, it’s time for the people to overthrow the government “. !!!!!!!!
HERE IS ONE FOR THE COMMIE LIB TROLLS BY ABE.... --- IT IS BETTER TO REMAIN SILENT AND THOUGHT OF AS A FOOL THAN TO SPEAK UP AND REMOVE ALL DOUBT. Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right. Abraham Lincoln --- UNITE ALL GOOD PEOPLE
My last airline travel was September 2019. Decide if your destination, just like your job, is worth dying for. Keep your affairs in order if you do. None of us knows when the bell will toll for us. For me, not taking the Russian roulette air transportation on a prison torpedo is my preference. Safe travels. Buckle in with your Guardian Angel!
When will everyone believe the actions of these people? They are showing you and telling you what and who they are.. When will everyone believe them and stop trying to talk sense and logic to these criminals and the Masters they follow?? They do not care about killing people!!!!.. The last three years have proven these people do not care about killing people or anything but their influence and money. When those planes crashed and people died, did you see anybody from Boeing go to Jail?? No!! Did you see anybody from the FAA who allowed it go to jail?? No.. Corporations run these governments, so they have an immunity.. We as people have no immunity, we can be locked up for telling the TRUTH.. These people in government and these corporations, cannot be locked up for murder and LYING and being LIARS, because they all belong to the same lying secret organizations like the WEF=FEW and others.. When the planes crash and people die due to the pilots suffering a heart attack the NTSB and the MSM are controlled by them.. So the narrative will be pilot error.. So the murderers will blame the murders on the pilot they murdered..
Welcome.. Nothing but the truth.. When will we treat and talk about these EVIL Rich people, with the same outrage we have for a mass murderer, who may kill 5-15 people.. These EVIL people have killed Millions in this country and all over the world, and will continue to do so. Why no outrage?? Because they have on suits, and act like they want to help.. It is all a LIE.. They do not come in PEACE, it is a FRONT to be accepted like a GOOD person who does come in PEACE.. These EVIL people always want the respect of the GOOD, but they are EVIL and delight in the deception.. Stop looking at peoples words, and how they dress up in suits and Ties, and have titles, that is part of the deception and act of these EVIL organizations.. Look at their actions..
AI baby! Let that genius program land jets, drive cars, control traffic lights, monitor electrical usage, gas flow, etc. Nothing bad will happen, it’s science baby!
Drones or remote control capability are not needed. Planes today (better said the landing systems) can and do land planes - you just don't know it or care to.
I made this comment a few days ago.
The rub is the systems have to be in place on the ground and in the plane. The obvious bureaucratic benefit...more budget money for the FAA to install all that equipment at ALL airports and of course, the plane manufacturers will be subsidized - by you and your tax money.
They have been working on the propaganda to get you used to autonomous systems, for a while now...notice those new ford commercials where the idiot drivers are clapping to an old rock tune, while the car drives itself?? The more they show you it's normal, the more normal it becomes.
Here is a pretty good explanation, of the process of Autoland
Now before you start your "yea but the article said there were strict parameters and crosswinds and pilots don't like it and...and..."
May I remind you, before the scamdemic, there were strict parameters for getting a new vax in an arm - about 7-10 years worth of strict parameters. They excused away and side stepped them all - and killed millions. So what makes you think the same wouldn't be done here?
It would just be a switch of narratives and fluff language - something like "air travel comprises blah blah percent of the economy and any threat to it, is a threat to national security, so steps must be taken and we have experts who've studied this in depth and it's actually safer with one pilot and Elon has perfected his AI, so not to worry"
For those that think, it's an absurd analogy - you must have been away for the last 3+ years.
Remember, they already lowered the medical standards for pilots, to avoid all those pesky heart problems interfering with flight schedules, which caused numerous cancellations, that cost them millions.
Your best bet in fighting this, will be the unions and I say that, as someone who was in one and hates them.
Last thing. Stuff like this, is where they count on the masses being ignorant and apathetic, about the wheels of government. They will eventually burry legislation like this in a "human rights BS bill" and sail it through committee after committee. The only way you or I will hear about it, is if "it" passes or some politician saw a way to gain election clout, in his district. Otherwise it will be like that hag pelosi said..."you have to pass it to see what's in it" - and they will happily.
I no longer fly because of the stupidity of the mandates, but now I avoid it like the jab (which I never took) because of all the pilots who did take it. It's always been a roll of the dice to fly, but the house just started using loaded dice and didn't tell the suckers, who are betting their lives.
did you not see the United plane that was given the ok to taxi and hit the wing of the parked at the gate delta plane ...agree that the government overstepped mandating an experimental drug and now we the people have no way of knowing if and when pilots/mass transit drivers/school bus drivers will have that medical moment and die killing everyone on board
One more item for you to highlight how they will get this done. I am always writing about incrementalism, when it comes to them pushing agendas and movements that are considered problematic - at best - by the general public. All the chaotic and crazy issues ripping society apart today, was done through incremental steps, to get to this point.
The autonomous flights or one man crews will be no different. Below is one of the attractions at this year's Paris air show - where the industry leaders showcase their products and the direction aviation is moving.
These guys are serious players in this sector, but are not the only ones. Think of this like EVs - 20 years ago and then look 20 years into the future. Some may say, "yea but when they fall out of the sky and kill people then they'll cancel them..."but Teslas are running people over and still are on the road and being manufactured. People aren't taking to the streets, the owners aren't returning them in droves to the dealers - for fear of killing someone - it's all acceptable risk for that new shiny, convenient, cool, techy "thing".
"Progress" will happen, whether we think it's needed or it should happen.
People will flock to this like they did the AI Chat bots, to their own demise.
Yep, this weekend a relative who was driving on the freeway passed out on the steering wheel. Luckily hit embankment &2 passengers were okay. Docs dont know what's wrong. 6 months ago he passed out on the stove so this is the second incident.
Their argument - which you will hear allot, if they push for this type of legislation - will be "that the type of mishap you cited would be eliminated, by automation and AI. Human error is the problem. Automation would increase efficiency, safety and have triple or quadruple redundancy and safety checks - to catch just those types of mistakes, made by imperfect and maybe health compromised humans."
Now don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying I am for any of this - what I am saying is, this will be the way they sell it. It will happen at some point - humans will akin to bathroom attendants.
They (read regimes/bureaucracies/corporations) have been incrementally working toward this model for decades, with respect to the railroads - in particular the freight sector. They have the tech and systems in place to do it. They've always pushed for "crewless" trains, but came pretty close to a "one man crew" about 6 years ago. The only thing that really stopped them was the Unions.
Remember - just because we (the masses) think something is crazy or doesn't make sense, does not mean they won't try to do it or do it. Again, we have seen plenty of proof of that, in the last 3+ years.
We only matter at election time - for fund raising and meaningless votes - the rest of the time, we are pawns, to be moved around and traded in the halls of Congress.
indeed drones been around since DURING WWII. TR-1, if I recall. OK, but McConnell knew that part of the 9/11 plane was fake; what he didn't know was that no passenger planes involved.
Bad bad bad idea. I've been watching the skies for years and I see emergencies every single day now. It's absolutely ludicrous. But, knowing who we're dealing with and what we've witnessed for the past 3 years putting profit before people is their norm.
This argument should be the basis for a formal grievance to be filed by co-signatories so as to put the FAA, other federal and international bodies, and all airlines on notice so as to facilitate ensuing litigation when tragedy asserts itself. Subscribe to my Substack
Let's get creatures who identify as pilots to fly the planes...
in the meantime some good news if you haven't had a chance to see this: This is an advert done by a job company called Red Balloon. it totally takes the piss on the woke movement. Brilliant! wonderful!
feels so good to hear these ridiculous statements out of the mouths of children that people are presently trying to indoctrinate with their ideological garbage
Maybe the tide is beginning to turn? fingers crossed. Watch before before the idiots at youtube take it down for imaginary hate speech
When will we all stop playing with these lap dogs and sellouts of these rich people and go after the leaders of these lap dogs.. We need to start naming the names of Gates, Rockefeller, Pritzker, Soros, Wellcome, WEF, UN, WHO, etc. and all the other names and groups and start turning the pressure up on them before they pass the pandemic treaty in November or the CBDC, or the Climate CON BS, vaccine passports.. We definitely need to single out the CBDC, and the pandemic treaty, they are the One World Order universal slavery chains that will create all the pandemics they want with no interference from any sovereign country.. So we can keep playing with these misdirection sellouts, while their ring leaders keep moving ahead with these universal slavery apparatus. We need to work in parallel not serially against all these agendas at the same time and take off the kids gloves and civility, get nasty and dirty at nasty and dirty EVIL people who are destroying all humanity and nature..
Totally NUTS. Wait till a single pilot is bringing in 300 people at night, in a crosswind, monitoring instruments and it's raining - all at the same time. That's why they have dual controls and 2 seats in every passenger plane in case one pilot is out of service. Did you know each pilot eats something different on a flight in case one meal is bad?
Add a malfunction, or engine out, gear malfunction, medical emergency, and you're skewered. What would be the minimum certification criteria for single pilot ETOPS operation? What is the maximum permissable operating flight time... given the increased load? The list of reasons not to is nigh on infinite and born of long experience. As a pilot, there's no way I'd go as a pax.
It's all pure unadulterated kraptitude.
It's psy-ops to undermine confidence in flying. Remember the goal is to stymie commercial aviation into a very limited existence. The aim is to extinguish tourist traveling and mass transport by 2030. Freedom of movement may well be extinguished long before that.
....if we allow it.
I’d say you nailed it. They want us in those 15 minute city/death camps. Yes, key words...IF WE ALLOW IT!
John Glenn (Ted William's wingman in Korea) once said he wouldn't fly in a plane that didn't have at least two engines and two pilots.
What competent poisoner would fail to poison everything in the galley?
If pilots were necessary to complete flights in fully automated aircraft, air defense missile systems would be worthless.
Working to make it safe. And effective?
They’re insane.
Safe and effective would be the big debating point if this debate actually happened ...
Regarding the Great Kennedy vs. Hotez Debate that won't happen ... If you are scared Dr. Hotez (and you are), say you're scared.
UNITE WE “The people – the people – are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.”....THIS WILL HAPPEN TO THIS EVIL WORLD BY GODS WORDS UNITE WITH GOD FOR A BEAUTIFUL RIGHTEOUS EVERLASTING LIFE HE CREATED ALL AND GAVE US FREEDOM OF CHOICE🙏
Gosh I wish I could remember more accurately this quote from George Washington. It’s something like “if the government is not representing the people, it’s time for the people to overthrow the government “. !!!!!!!!
HERE IS ONE FOR THE COMMIE LIB TROLLS BY ABE.... --- IT IS BETTER TO REMAIN SILENT AND THOUGHT OF AS A FOOL THAN TO SPEAK UP AND REMOVE ALL DOUBT. Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right. Abraham Lincoln --- UNITE ALL GOOD PEOPLE
Excellent….And thank you…...God bless!!!!
Right overthrow the men who pervert it!
The elites intend to eliminate air travel for the masses.
Nailed it. They don't want us capable of any movement at all.
My last airline travel was September 2019. Decide if your destination, just like your job, is worth dying for. Keep your affairs in order if you do. None of us knows when the bell will toll for us. For me, not taking the Russian roulette air transportation on a prison torpedo is my preference. Safe travels. Buckle in with your Guardian Angel!
When will everyone believe the actions of these people? They are showing you and telling you what and who they are.. When will everyone believe them and stop trying to talk sense and logic to these criminals and the Masters they follow?? They do not care about killing people!!!!.. The last three years have proven these people do not care about killing people or anything but their influence and money. When those planes crashed and people died, did you see anybody from Boeing go to Jail?? No!! Did you see anybody from the FAA who allowed it go to jail?? No.. Corporations run these governments, so they have an immunity.. We as people have no immunity, we can be locked up for telling the TRUTH.. These people in government and these corporations, cannot be locked up for murder and LYING and being LIARS, because they all belong to the same lying secret organizations like the WEF=FEW and others.. When the planes crash and people die due to the pilots suffering a heart attack the NTSB and the MSM are controlled by them.. So the narrative will be pilot error.. So the murderers will blame the murders on the pilot they murdered..
Thank you Bravo
Welcome.. Nothing but the truth.. When will we treat and talk about these EVIL Rich people, with the same outrage we have for a mass murderer, who may kill 5-15 people.. These EVIL people have killed Millions in this country and all over the world, and will continue to do so. Why no outrage?? Because they have on suits, and act like they want to help.. It is all a LIE.. They do not come in PEACE, it is a FRONT to be accepted like a GOOD person who does come in PEACE.. These EVIL people always want the respect of the GOOD, but they are EVIL and delight in the deception.. Stop looking at peoples words, and how they dress up in suits and Ties, and have titles, that is part of the deception and act of these EVIL organizations.. Look at their actions..
Easier to kill more people that way. Don’t worry, be happy - they have it under control; go ahead and fly now. 🤬
Just another way to depopulate. Ludicrous.
However...can a jetliner be drone landed? Can a computer somewhere land it? Why not?
I wouldn't want to be a passenger on that plane to find out!
AI baby! Let that genius program land jets, drive cars, control traffic lights, monitor electrical usage, gas flow, etc. Nothing bad will happen, it’s science baby!
Trust the science. Where have I heard that before?
Right....That sounds like being totally being taken over. A person will be no better than the
BORG on Star Trek, No Independent Thinking. Fraudchi said the same.
Drones or remote control capability are not needed. Planes today (better said the landing systems) can and do land planes - you just don't know it or care to.
I made this comment a few days ago.
The rub is the systems have to be in place on the ground and in the plane. The obvious bureaucratic benefit...more budget money for the FAA to install all that equipment at ALL airports and of course, the plane manufacturers will be subsidized - by you and your tax money.
They have been working on the propaganda to get you used to autonomous systems, for a while now...notice those new ford commercials where the idiot drivers are clapping to an old rock tune, while the car drives itself?? The more they show you it's normal, the more normal it becomes.
Here is a pretty good explanation, of the process of Autoland
Now before you start your "yea but the article said there were strict parameters and crosswinds and pilots don't like it and...and..."
May I remind you, before the scamdemic, there were strict parameters for getting a new vax in an arm - about 7-10 years worth of strict parameters. They excused away and side stepped them all - and killed millions. So what makes you think the same wouldn't be done here?
It would just be a switch of narratives and fluff language - something like "air travel comprises blah blah percent of the economy and any threat to it, is a threat to national security, so steps must be taken and we have experts who've studied this in depth and it's actually safer with one pilot and Elon has perfected his AI, so not to worry"
For those that think, it's an absurd analogy - you must have been away for the last 3+ years.
Remember, they already lowered the medical standards for pilots, to avoid all those pesky heart problems interfering with flight schedules, which caused numerous cancellations, that cost them millions.
Your best bet in fighting this, will be the unions and I say that, as someone who was in one and hates them.
Last thing. Stuff like this, is where they count on the masses being ignorant and apathetic, about the wheels of government. They will eventually burry legislation like this in a "human rights BS bill" and sail it through committee after committee. The only way you or I will hear about it, is if "it" passes or some politician saw a way to gain election clout, in his district. Otherwise it will be like that hag pelosi said..."you have to pass it to see what's in it" - and they will happily.
I no longer fly because of the stupidity of the mandates, but now I avoid it like the jab (which I never took) because of all the pilots who did take it. It's always been a roll of the dice to fly, but the house just started using loaded dice and didn't tell the suckers, who are betting their lives.
No thank you!!
did you not see the United plane that was given the ok to taxi and hit the wing of the parked at the gate delta plane ...agree that the government overstepped mandating an experimental drug and now we the people have no way of knowing if and when pilots/mass transit drivers/school bus drivers will have that medical moment and die killing everyone on board
One more item for you to highlight how they will get this done. I am always writing about incrementalism, when it comes to them pushing agendas and movements that are considered problematic - at best - by the general public. All the chaotic and crazy issues ripping society apart today, was done through incremental steps, to get to this point.
The autonomous flights or one man crews will be no different. Below is one of the attractions at this year's Paris air show - where the industry leaders showcase their products and the direction aviation is moving.
These guys are serious players in this sector, but are not the only ones. Think of this like EVs - 20 years ago and then look 20 years into the future. Some may say, "yea but when they fall out of the sky and kill people then they'll cancel them..."but Teslas are running people over and still are on the road and being manufactured. People aren't taking to the streets, the owners aren't returning them in droves to the dealers - for fear of killing someone - it's all acceptable risk for that new shiny, convenient, cool, techy "thing".
"Progress" will happen, whether we think it's needed or it should happen.
People will flock to this like they did the AI Chat bots, to their own demise.
Yep, this weekend a relative who was driving on the freeway passed out on the steering wheel. Luckily hit embankment &2 passengers were okay. Docs dont know what's wrong. 6 months ago he passed out on the stove so this is the second incident.
Their argument - which you will hear allot, if they push for this type of legislation - will be "that the type of mishap you cited would be eliminated, by automation and AI. Human error is the problem. Automation would increase efficiency, safety and have triple or quadruple redundancy and safety checks - to catch just those types of mistakes, made by imperfect and maybe health compromised humans."
Now don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying I am for any of this - what I am saying is, this will be the way they sell it. It will happen at some point - humans will akin to bathroom attendants.
They (read regimes/bureaucracies/corporations) have been incrementally working toward this model for decades, with respect to the railroads - in particular the freight sector. They have the tech and systems in place to do it. They've always pushed for "crewless" trains, but came pretty close to a "one man crew" about 6 years ago. The only thing that really stopped them was the Unions.
Remember - just because we (the masses) think something is crazy or doesn't make sense, does not mean they won't try to do it or do it. Again, we have seen plenty of proof of that, in the last 3+ years.
We only matter at election time - for fund raising and meaningless votes - the rest of the time, we are pawns, to be moved around and traded in the halls of Congress.
9-1-1 drone autopilot program
indeed drones been around since DURING WWII. TR-1, if I recall. OK, but McConnell knew that part of the 9/11 plane was fake; what he didn't know was that no passenger planes involved.
These people are nazi nut cases. Get rid of them already. Cant we use something for fleas or ticks. They are simply parasites.
They are ok with killing collateral damage.
Bad bad bad idea. I've been watching the skies for years and I see emergencies every single day now. It's absolutely ludicrous. But, knowing who we're dealing with and what we've witnessed for the past 3 years putting profit before people is their norm.
This argument should be the basis for a formal grievance to be filed by co-signatories so as to put the FAA, other federal and international bodies, and all airlines on notice so as to facilitate ensuing litigation when tragedy asserts itself. Subscribe to my Substack
You are assuming they do not want passengers and other crew to die. I don't think they care. I'm sure insurance would cover it.
Let's get creatures who identify as pilots to fly the planes...
in the meantime some good news if you haven't had a chance to see this: This is an advert done by a job company called Red Balloon. it totally takes the piss on the woke movement. Brilliant! wonderful!
feels so good to hear these ridiculous statements out of the mouths of children that people are presently trying to indoctrinate with their ideological garbage
Maybe the tide is beginning to turn? fingers crossed. Watch before before the idiots at youtube take it down for imaginary hate speech
if you want to listen to the interview with the creators of the ad and owner of the company on Trish Wood's podcast( she is on substack) :
When will we all stop playing with these lap dogs and sellouts of these rich people and go after the leaders of these lap dogs.. We need to start naming the names of Gates, Rockefeller, Pritzker, Soros, Wellcome, WEF, UN, WHO, etc. and all the other names and groups and start turning the pressure up on them before they pass the pandemic treaty in November or the CBDC, or the Climate CON BS, vaccine passports.. We definitely need to single out the CBDC, and the pandemic treaty, they are the One World Order universal slavery chains that will create all the pandemics they want with no interference from any sovereign country.. So we can keep playing with these misdirection sellouts, while their ring leaders keep moving ahead with these universal slavery apparatus. We need to work in parallel not serially against all these agendas at the same time and take off the kids gloves and civility, get nasty and dirty at nasty and dirty EVIL people who are destroying all humanity and nature..