I will “use every available authority” to go after anyone imposing “mask mandate or a vaccine mandate” on American citizens." WRONG words 45, you should have said "WHEN I am elected in November, 2024,
Dr Paul, you have great passion but I disagree. At this time all Trump should be saying is he will cut funding on anyone who mandates the vaccine or masks. When elected he has to put people like you in place to investigate and prosecute anyone who knowingly did harm. No president is a king with ultimate power. There are constitutionally 3 Co equal branches of government and we must work within that constitution to fix all of this.
He can't create a blm or antifa like army and stoop to the level of the traitors that put us in this situation. The law of the land must prevail or we are no better than our enemies.
We need strong smart people like you to prosecute the scumbags like birx, fauci and others. We also need to go after all in the Obama administration who created the means for covid to be created and released.
There has been no focus on the real traitors here. Remember obsmas Jan 9, 2017 executive memo easing funding on GOF research. Remember it was Obama who signed into law the weakening of informed consent in Dec of 2016. Why did he do those things just before leaving office? He did many things before leaving office to impede the Trump presidency. Obama literally ordered the spying on the Trump campaign in July of 2016 after being briefed that Clinton was using Russian disinformation to 'vilify' Trump. That fake Russian intel was used by Obama to spy on a candidate, a transition and a duly elected president. Everything that happened from 2015 when Trump first announced through 2020 and covid was part of an operation designed to destroy Trump and his movement. I'll say this again, we are witnessing the largest mass treason event in human history.
boom, 100% correct. It is Obama, Obama was a devil, I have said that many times. and in all of those meetings, Biden was there. You cannot talk of one without the other. I will do all I could to help 45...help America first...it is worth saving...no one is perfect but I will say that no one has ever had to go through what 45 has had to. I do think he is the best and ONLY option we have...the rest are jokers. thank you for the sharing. it is important we keep reminding people why we are here.
I hear YOU. Our Country is being run by Communist. The 3 Branches of Government aren't working within the Constitution. We've been hacked just like a computer. I want to see the day Pence, Fraudchi, Daszak, Birx, and the rest are prosecuted. They are too busy spending all that money they made off of the fake Plandemic. Look what's happening to Trump next week.
That ridiculous trial in New York. Fraudster JOE got away with storing all those documents in his run down garage in Delaware. He couldn't do that, because he was Vice-President then.
Trump has to WIN in November or our Country will be gone. The worse thing to happen to
the United States is when that Muslim, Hater of America, fooled so many people and
entered the White House. A man coming out of nowhere to become President. His whole
presidency was planned. He's now running things behind Fraudster JOE. Let JOE look like the idiot. Obama doesn't want to lose his so called legacy (gag).
We are Hungarian, also. My husband and his Mother came from Budapest to the US and became US Citizens. They lost everything to the Communist. His Father's construction
business was nationalized 3 times. He then died of a heart attack shortly thereafter.
The Communist gave his grandparents 24 hours to get off their farm. Luckily, they
had an apartment in Budapest. His Mother was a Doctor. When she came to the
the US, she studied and passed her exams to become a Doctor in the US. My
Grandfather came from Hungary to Western Pennsylvania. He worked in the
Coal Mines. They weren't treated kindly in those days either.
"At this time all Trump should be saying is he will cut funding on anyone who mandates the vaccine or masks."
Exactly. Most Republicans and Independents were jabbed. It would not be smart to alienate them. Also, he does not need to lose the
Big Pharma money.
The US and world media claim that most of the reported dead from covid are Republicans who died in disproportionately large numbers because they'd isn't get vaxxed.
This is one of several factors that will be used to explain Biden's unexpected upset landslide victory in November if the Dema and their RINO supportes can pull it off.
Netanyahu and Biden are both Machiavellians who both need a forever war❤️☠️♥️☠️ to avoid political annihilation. Netanyahu provoked Iran in order to provide the pretext for a counter response and escalation to draw the US further into the conflict. Biden wants white, black and brown Christian Americans to die for Israel in order to create a "rally around the flag effect" that will lead to votes for the Dems when US Christians start coming home in body bags. Bibi has played this hand successfully before with George Dumbya Bush 🤡💩🐒 when he got the US into a conflict in Iraq which led to the growth of islamic extremism 💣💣💣 .This coming forever war is all about keeping Trump out of office and ensuring Biden 🤡💩 🐶 gets reinstalled ❤️☠️. 💉. Dems never overestimate how smart the US people 🐑🐏 are.
Trump should have said, when Im elected Im going to shut the "covid vaccines" down, they're killing and maiming people. Why would he still give people the choice whether they want to be poisoned or not while wearing an oxygen inhibiting face diaper.
If only America had King Leonidas and 300 Spartans to eliminate the Republicans and Democrats in DC. Grow some testicles America or have you all been neutered with the death shot care of Trump and Biden. Yes, l think you have.
He usually does say "when" he returns to the White House. He knows he WILL be elected, IF there is an election. Today he said that he knows there are 200 million who will be supporting him in that bogus court case next week. And he said that he is fighting for all 325 million Americans.
The Biden regime/CIA/deep state will try some type of FF to stop the elections.
That's when, We The People, must rise up. Even JAPAN is rising up against their Government. This Country has already been taken over and we have to fight like Hell
I have always been and I continue to be, a very optimistic person. Most people are. (Certainly not after the past few years).
When I read your post Dr Alexander, I agree. Trump must do everything you’ve said. I will say Dr Alexander, you’re also very optimistic and positive. But then reality sets in and hits everyone square in the face.
And it hit me square this morning.
I believe more than ever, Americans are visibly strained, stressed and some have down right lost their minds. I’m speaking of sensible people here, the lunatic lefties will always be off their “rockers”.
The reason I’m saying this is simple. America has been deliberately divided and for many reasons. This is about the
“Sensible vs lunatics” and the upcoming Presidential election.
My post is a little bit about elections and the falsehoods surrounding them. There’s plenty of supporting information for what I’m about to write.
First, what happened to the so called “red wave” phenomenon? Second and most importantly, why are conservative / congressman in general, so complicit / uneventful? Why is America is being destroyed?
The everyday citizen, otherwise once called, “Joe the Plumber” can see the destruction being waged on America! Which brings me back to my questions.
I’ll answer second first because it also answers my first question.
There’s proof regarding election interference going back to the 60’s. It’s starts with something like, there’s “no way” he / she won that election or how did he win?
I’m calling this “election interference”. Duh! Obviously the MSM spews this every other point they try to lie about, when they talk about elections.
Why is this important? Because it’s easier for most people to move on past another upset election. Especially regarding Congressional elections. Presidential are far more impactful to Americans. Which doesn’t make sense because congress has more power, per se.
This “election interference” as it’s called or as I like to call “fraudulent”, is in fact, IMO, “selective appointments”.
For the past 50 + years to make my case, let’s just say Presidents have been appointed. And it’s not the American voters selecting the perceived winner’s, Each Presidential outcome is known already. (Without writing a book this morning, I believe this is exactly what’s happening)! There’s proof positive evidence.
Senator John Fetterman is a perfect example of which I speak. There’s many, many more examples.
This is exactly why the red wave never materialized and exactly why congress doesn’t do a damn thing to fix our “GREAT NATION”!
Oh the MSM will scream, hem and holler fraud, or whatever the running narrative of the day is. Isn’t this partly how MSM is used?
This is where we need to look, where I call, “deep down below”. After all , this must be kept under wraps and appear ligament. While knowingly smell of improprieties. Now don’t they?
This is reality, IMO. This is exactly what’s been happening since the 60’s and before. Each and every election has been “selective appointments”. There’s plenty of proof if we dig “deep down below” into the weeds and read between the eel grasses.
This current “illegitimate administration” is exactly why I believe, Trump will not be the “selective appointment”as President this November 2023.
There’s no doubt the shit shows Trump’s been dragged through, all the corruption are quite real. This is another reason why I believe Trump will not be President. The powerful will never let Trump near the Presidential Podium. They have disgustingly and disgracefully dragged Trump and MAGA Americans through the mud!Which reinforces my argument.
The reality is, these “monstrous monsters” ruining America and are systematically destroying America, will not lose power! Nor can they afford to allow Trump to take the helm and risk exposing all the corruption they themselves are committing. They’ve worked much to hard and are inches from the proverbial “goal line” called,
“Fundamentally Transforming America”!
There’s overwhelming evidence to support the steps that’s been taken or as I like to say and call a “Slow Boil Frog” chain of events.
“Everything happens for a reason”.
My question are;
1. Who’s asking the questions?
2. Who’s answering them?
3. Who is being run over?
4. And last, why?
Election after election, “We the People” are told, “This is the most important election in history”, right? Of course.
I’m convinced this year’s election is “proof positive” there’s no going back if Trump doesn’t win! That’s if God forbid someone doesn’t kill him first. But the number one question I’m asking is this. Have the past election cycles been a dress rehearsal or have they been preparing “We The People” for the inevitable?
I believe they’ve been a dress rehearsal for the inevitable, which is in the final “goal line” stage!
It seems to me Americans have been slow walked to slaughter by the proverbial “Judas Goat”?
Each time I think about elections I ask; why this? or how come that?
There’s plenty of questions but very few honest answers, now aren’t there? This is exactly why I am convinced Trump will not win and worse, someone far more dangerous will be the “selective appointment”! You see Dr. Alexander, this has to happen and the writing is on the wall.
Lastly I’ll say, even President Reagan was a “selective appointment”. Dig “deep down below” and you’ll find the answer.
I make this argument for one reason, for more people to start thinking out of the box and not to go along so easy with the every day belief “Trumps wins”!
What happens if he doesn’t? This is what concerns me more and is exactly why I believe he won’t!
I pray I’m wrong and in overtime!
Americans are facing crosswind’s like never before!
The “Wright Brothers”,with all their combined know how, couldn’t handle the type of crosswinds I speak of this morning!
Thank you Dr Alexander for your leadership and dedication to keeping the “Spotlight” on all things American,
No, he has to rescind the MRNA LNP bio engineered production entirely, full stop. As well as, the geo engineering chem trail spraying, the fluoride in our water, GMO’s, & 5G satellites all over outer space. Obama is responsible for the unleashing of GMO’s. I can’t believe how evil they all are.
You are correct Dr. A!! Words have meanings and EVERY word counts. However, I still believe they are looking for any way possible to keep from having another election. Trump is in grave danger.
The simple act of removing liability protection for vaccine producers will solve and cease the medical fraud.
Allowing Pharma to produce products that harm and kill with no consequences coming to them is insanity.
In the animal food industry, simply listing an ingredient out of order on a label can result in the FDA and State regulatory agencies swooping down like buzzards. Fines, criminal charges, and closing business doors is the threat and reality with no proof of any harm coming to any animal from the label error.
Think about this Dr. Alexander, this corrupt and “illegitimate administration” needs another puppet to secure their;
“Fundamental Transformation Of America”, right?
There’s been rumors about a possible Michael / Michelle Obama who knows today, right? Not.
(I ain’t going to not be politically incorrect, ain’t I? Ain’t that how you’d suppose to say it)Nope that ain’t how!
But Let’s say and IMO, rumors are, we need to dig down into weeds of “eel grasses” and as I recently posted, “Deep Down Below”.
So the rumor is Mrs / Mr. Obama will be nominated at the DNC convention. I say this is all a blind! A blind to keep eyes off the actual target / presumptive DNC nominee. Fetterman!
Biden has served his “useful idiotic” purpose. Michael oops I mean Michelle is the blind.
The real DNC candidate will be no other then ; Fetterman! Why? Well if my analogy is correct and I believe it is, the “powerful elites” must have another puppet, right?
Who better than “Fetterman”? He went missing for 3 plus months and the rumor mill said he’s dead! He finally appeared and he couldn’t speak. The so called journalist was screaming, “Show him to us” something like that, remember? (Not all
Journalists. There are many good journalists who aren’t the “Useful Idiots” most leftist people believe).
Now, fast forward and all of a sudden Fetterman is speaking and using common sense language! Overnight as if he “fell down and banged his head”. Lately, hasn’t he? Why? Why all of a sudden Fetterman seems rather logical and Pro-American?
Because it’s all a “blind”! Oh there’s so much more to come.
IMO, Fetterman is the “PERFECT PUPPET”! He’s the perfect “Useful Idiot”! And he can fall back to sleep anytime he’s told! Also, is anyone thinking about this scenario? Not that I’m aware of.
Not only has Fetterman been “fasucked-up” in his past stints, but now and all of a sudden he’s fine. Good God he’s perfect! He actually makes unbelievable sense now. Right?
And remember how MSM covered for his, incoherently, labor intensive word salad interviews, which nobody could understand. Not to mention no one could make sense out of what exactly he was talking about. He is the perfect replacement for Biden! WTF did Fetterman just say? Or what the hell is he trying to say? LOL
This wouldn’t shock me whatsoever. The more I think about it the more I believe if Fetterman isn’t their choice, it will be someone out of left field. Americans will be saying, WTF happened, forever!
Isn’t this odd? Maybe just maybe and once again, “We The People” have been manipulated? What’s new right?
This is exactly why I wrote my first post this morning.
If I’m right, Fetterman can be and will gladly, go along with the “Military Industrial Complex”!
This is whom, I believe has been the “Wizard of Oz.”, the puppet master, for all things war related! They’ve been acting in unison as the “judge, jury and executioner” for each and every past and present election. Yes they are the “masters of the universe”!
I am convinced this is where the “selective appointment” for each Presidential, Congressional and any other politically motivated selection must be made! Where all Ideas / good and bad deeds begin and end!
This is absolutely necessary for ushering in what we’ve been witnessing, what we’ve been told will be a complete and total
do you mean Biden will even work this Iran Israel situation to cause USA to enter the conflict so to declare war to suspend the election for 100% at this point 45 wins! ???
Dr Paul, you have great passion but I disagree. At this time all Trump should be saying is he will cut funding on anyone who mandates the vaccine or masks. When elected he has to put people like you in place to investigate and prosecute anyone who knowingly did harm. No president is a king with ultimate power. There are constitutionally 3 Co equal branches of government and we must work within that constitution to fix all of this.
He can't create a blm or antifa like army and stoop to the level of the traitors that put us in this situation. The law of the land must prevail or we are no better than our enemies.
We need strong smart people like you to prosecute the scumbags like birx, fauci and others. We also need to go after all in the Obama administration who created the means for covid to be created and released.
There has been no focus on the real traitors here. Remember obsmas Jan 9, 2017 executive memo easing funding on GOF research. Remember it was Obama who signed into law the weakening of informed consent in Dec of 2016. Why did he do those things just before leaving office? He did many things before leaving office to impede the Trump presidency. Obama literally ordered the spying on the Trump campaign in July of 2016 after being briefed that Clinton was using Russian disinformation to 'vilify' Trump. That fake Russian intel was used by Obama to spy on a candidate, a transition and a duly elected president. Everything that happened from 2015 when Trump first announced through 2020 and covid was part of an operation designed to destroy Trump and his movement. I'll say this again, we are witnessing the largest mass treason event in human history.
boom, 100% correct. It is Obama, Obama was a devil, I have said that many times. and in all of those meetings, Biden was there. You cannot talk of one without the other. I will do all I could to help 45...help America first...it is worth saving...no one is perfect but I will say that no one has ever had to go through what 45 has had to. I do think he is the best and ONLY option we have...the rest are jokers. thank you for the sharing. it is important we keep reminding people why we are here.
I hear YOU. Our Country is being run by Communist. The 3 Branches of Government aren't working within the Constitution. We've been hacked just like a computer. I want to see the day Pence, Fraudchi, Daszak, Birx, and the rest are prosecuted. They are too busy spending all that money they made off of the fake Plandemic. Look what's happening to Trump next week.
That ridiculous trial in New York. Fraudster JOE got away with storing all those documents in his run down garage in Delaware. He couldn't do that, because he was Vice-President then.
Trump has to WIN in November or our Country will be gone. The worse thing to happen to
the United States is when that Muslim, Hater of America, fooled so many people and
entered the White House. A man coming out of nowhere to become President. His whole
presidency was planned. He's now running things behind Fraudster JOE. Let JOE look like the idiot. Obama doesn't want to lose his so called legacy (gag).
Spot on...well said!
And YOU also :-)
Who is the operative? Are you Hungarian?
We are Hungarian, also. My husband and his Mother came from Budapest to the US and became US Citizens. They lost everything to the Communist. His Father's construction
business was nationalized 3 times. He then died of a heart attack shortly thereafter.
The Communist gave his grandparents 24 hours to get off their farm. Luckily, they
had an apartment in Budapest. His Mother was a Doctor. When she came to the
the US, she studied and passed her exams to become a Doctor in the US. My
Grandfather came from Hungary to Western Pennsylvania. He worked in the
Coal Mines. They weren't treated kindly in those days either.
What do you mean about Obama?
Well said!
thank you for being a great supporter. we want to do good by America.
"At this time all Trump should be saying is he will cut funding on anyone who mandates the vaccine or masks."
Exactly. Most Republicans and Independents were jabbed. It would not be smart to alienate them. Also, he does not need to lose the
Big Pharma money.
The US and world media claim that most of the reported dead from covid are Republicans who died in disproportionately large numbers because they'd isn't get vaxxed.
This is one of several factors that will be used to explain Biden's unexpected upset landslide victory in November if the Dema and their RINO supportes can pull it off.
Netanyahu and Biden are both Machiavellians who both need a forever war❤️☠️♥️☠️ to avoid political annihilation. Netanyahu provoked Iran in order to provide the pretext for a counter response and escalation to draw the US further into the conflict. Biden wants white, black and brown Christian Americans to die for Israel in order to create a "rally around the flag effect" that will lead to votes for the Dems when US Christians start coming home in body bags. Bibi has played this hand successfully before with George Dumbya Bush 🤡💩🐒 when he got the US into a conflict in Iraq which led to the growth of islamic extremism 💣💣💣 .This coming forever war is all about keeping Trump out of office and ensuring Biden 🤡💩 🐶 gets reinstalled ❤️☠️. 💉. Dems never overestimate how smart the US people 🐑🐏 are.
boom...we are there
We know what Fraudster JOE, I mean Obama, is planning. Do you actually think people are
going to rally around that weakling LIAR JOE. If I was the Military, I would refuse to fight in
a senseless war again only to take a chance of likely being killed.
Trump should have said, when Im elected Im going to shut the "covid vaccines" down, they're killing and maiming people. Why would he still give people the choice whether they want to be poisoned or not while wearing an oxygen inhibiting face diaper.
If only America had King Leonidas and 300 Spartans to eliminate the Republicans and Democrats in DC. Grow some testicles America or have you all been neutered with the death shot care of Trump and Biden. Yes, l think you have.
He usually does say "when" he returns to the White House. He knows he WILL be elected, IF there is an election. Today he said that he knows there are 200 million who will be supporting him in that bogus court case next week. And he said that he is fighting for all 325 million Americans.
The Biden regime/CIA/deep state will try some type of FF to stop the elections.
That's when, We The People, must rise up. Even JAPAN is rising up against their Government. This Country has already been taken over and we have to fight like Hell
to get it back.
I have always been and I continue to be, a very optimistic person. Most people are. (Certainly not after the past few years).
When I read your post Dr Alexander, I agree. Trump must do everything you’ve said. I will say Dr Alexander, you’re also very optimistic and positive. But then reality sets in and hits everyone square in the face.
And it hit me square this morning.
I believe more than ever, Americans are visibly strained, stressed and some have down right lost their minds. I’m speaking of sensible people here, the lunatic lefties will always be off their “rockers”.
The reason I’m saying this is simple. America has been deliberately divided and for many reasons. This is about the
“Sensible vs lunatics” and the upcoming Presidential election.
My post is a little bit about elections and the falsehoods surrounding them. There’s plenty of supporting information for what I’m about to write.
First, what happened to the so called “red wave” phenomenon? Second and most importantly, why are conservative / congressman in general, so complicit / uneventful? Why is America is being destroyed?
The everyday citizen, otherwise once called, “Joe the Plumber” can see the destruction being waged on America! Which brings me back to my questions.
I’ll answer second first because it also answers my first question.
There’s proof regarding election interference going back to the 60’s. It’s starts with something like, there’s “no way” he / she won that election or how did he win?
I’m calling this “election interference”. Duh! Obviously the MSM spews this every other point they try to lie about, when they talk about elections.
Why is this important? Because it’s easier for most people to move on past another upset election. Especially regarding Congressional elections. Presidential are far more impactful to Americans. Which doesn’t make sense because congress has more power, per se.
This “election interference” as it’s called or as I like to call “fraudulent”, is in fact, IMO, “selective appointments”.
For the past 50 + years to make my case, let’s just say Presidents have been appointed. And it’s not the American voters selecting the perceived winner’s, Each Presidential outcome is known already. (Without writing a book this morning, I believe this is exactly what’s happening)! There’s proof positive evidence.
Senator John Fetterman is a perfect example of which I speak. There’s many, many more examples.
This is exactly why the red wave never materialized and exactly why congress doesn’t do a damn thing to fix our “GREAT NATION”!
Oh the MSM will scream, hem and holler fraud, or whatever the running narrative of the day is. Isn’t this partly how MSM is used?
This is where we need to look, where I call, “deep down below”. After all , this must be kept under wraps and appear ligament. While knowingly smell of improprieties. Now don’t they?
This is reality, IMO. This is exactly what’s been happening since the 60’s and before. Each and every election has been “selective appointments”. There’s plenty of proof if we dig “deep down below” into the weeds and read between the eel grasses.
This current “illegitimate administration” is exactly why I believe, Trump will not be the “selective appointment”as President this November 2023.
There’s no doubt the shit shows Trump’s been dragged through, all the corruption are quite real. This is another reason why I believe Trump will not be President. The powerful will never let Trump near the Presidential Podium. They have disgustingly and disgracefully dragged Trump and MAGA Americans through the mud!Which reinforces my argument.
The reality is, these “monstrous monsters” ruining America and are systematically destroying America, will not lose power! Nor can they afford to allow Trump to take the helm and risk exposing all the corruption they themselves are committing. They’ve worked much to hard and are inches from the proverbial “goal line” called,
“Fundamentally Transforming America”!
There’s overwhelming evidence to support the steps that’s been taken or as I like to say and call a “Slow Boil Frog” chain of events.
“Everything happens for a reason”.
My question are;
1. Who’s asking the questions?
2. Who’s answering them?
3. Who is being run over?
4. And last, why?
Election after election, “We the People” are told, “This is the most important election in history”, right? Of course.
I’m convinced this year’s election is “proof positive” there’s no going back if Trump doesn’t win! That’s if God forbid someone doesn’t kill him first. But the number one question I’m asking is this. Have the past election cycles been a dress rehearsal or have they been preparing “We The People” for the inevitable?
I believe they’ve been a dress rehearsal for the inevitable, which is in the final “goal line” stage!
It seems to me Americans have been slow walked to slaughter by the proverbial “Judas Goat”?
Each time I think about elections I ask; why this? or how come that?
There’s plenty of questions but very few honest answers, now aren’t there? This is exactly why I am convinced Trump will not win and worse, someone far more dangerous will be the “selective appointment”! You see Dr. Alexander, this has to happen and the writing is on the wall.
Lastly I’ll say, even President Reagan was a “selective appointment”. Dig “deep down below” and you’ll find the answer.
I make this argument for one reason, for more people to start thinking out of the box and not to go along so easy with the every day belief “Trumps wins”!
What happens if he doesn’t? This is what concerns me more and is exactly why I believe he won’t!
I pray I’m wrong and in overtime!
Americans are facing crosswind’s like never before!
The “Wright Brothers”,with all their combined know how, couldn’t handle the type of crosswinds I speak of this morning!
Thank you Dr Alexander for your leadership and dedication to keeping the “Spotlight” on all things American,
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
No, he has to rescind the MRNA LNP bio engineered production entirely, full stop. As well as, the geo engineering chem trail spraying, the fluoride in our water, GMO’s, & 5G satellites all over outer space. Obama is responsible for the unleashing of GMO’s. I can’t believe how evil they all are.
You are correct Dr. A!! Words have meanings and EVERY word counts. However, I still believe they are looking for any way possible to keep from having another election. Trump is in grave danger.
Yes, if only.
The simple act of removing liability protection for vaccine producers will solve and cease the medical fraud.
Allowing Pharma to produce products that harm and kill with no consequences coming to them is insanity.
In the animal food industry, simply listing an ingredient out of order on a label can result in the FDA and State regulatory agencies swooping down like buzzards. Fines, criminal charges, and closing business doors is the threat and reality with no proof of any harm coming to any animal from the label error.
Insanity rules in government.
Think about this Dr. Alexander, this corrupt and “illegitimate administration” needs another puppet to secure their;
“Fundamental Transformation Of America”, right?
There’s been rumors about a possible Michael / Michelle Obama who knows today, right? Not.
(I ain’t going to not be politically incorrect, ain’t I? Ain’t that how you’d suppose to say it)Nope that ain’t how!
But Let’s say and IMO, rumors are, we need to dig down into weeds of “eel grasses” and as I recently posted, “Deep Down Below”.
So the rumor is Mrs / Mr. Obama will be nominated at the DNC convention. I say this is all a blind! A blind to keep eyes off the actual target / presumptive DNC nominee. Fetterman!
Biden has served his “useful idiotic” purpose. Michael oops I mean Michelle is the blind.
The real DNC candidate will be no other then ; Fetterman! Why? Well if my analogy is correct and I believe it is, the “powerful elites” must have another puppet, right?
Who better than “Fetterman”? He went missing for 3 plus months and the rumor mill said he’s dead! He finally appeared and he couldn’t speak. The so called journalist was screaming, “Show him to us” something like that, remember? (Not all
Journalists. There are many good journalists who aren’t the “Useful Idiots” most leftist people believe).
Now, fast forward and all of a sudden Fetterman is speaking and using common sense language! Overnight as if he “fell down and banged his head”. Lately, hasn’t he? Why? Why all of a sudden Fetterman seems rather logical and Pro-American?
Because it’s all a “blind”! Oh there’s so much more to come.
IMO, Fetterman is the “PERFECT PUPPET”! He’s the perfect “Useful Idiot”! And he can fall back to sleep anytime he’s told! Also, is anyone thinking about this scenario? Not that I’m aware of.
Not only has Fetterman been “fasucked-up” in his past stints, but now and all of a sudden he’s fine. Good God he’s perfect! He actually makes unbelievable sense now. Right?
And remember how MSM covered for his, incoherently, labor intensive word salad interviews, which nobody could understand. Not to mention no one could make sense out of what exactly he was talking about. He is the perfect replacement for Biden! WTF did Fetterman just say? Or what the hell is he trying to say? LOL
This wouldn’t shock me whatsoever. The more I think about it the more I believe if Fetterman isn’t their choice, it will be someone out of left field. Americans will be saying, WTF happened, forever!
Isn’t this odd? Maybe just maybe and once again, “We The People” have been manipulated? What’s new right?
This is exactly why I wrote my first post this morning.
If I’m right, Fetterman can be and will gladly, go along with the “Military Industrial Complex”!
This is whom, I believe has been the “Wizard of Oz.”, the puppet master, for all things war related! They’ve been acting in unison as the “judge, jury and executioner” for each and every past and present election. Yes they are the “masters of the universe”!
I am convinced this is where the “selective appointment” for each Presidential, Congressional and any other politically motivated selection must be made! Where all Ideas / good and bad deeds begin and end!
This is absolutely necessary for ushering in what we’ve been witnessing, what we’ve been told will be a complete and total
“Fundamental transformation of America”!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Edit: come back CARRYING your shield or on it
do you mean Biden will even work this Iran Israel situation to cause USA to enter the conflict so to declare war to suspend the election for 100% at this point 45 wins! ???
I have heard that Elections in the past took place during a War. No excuse. The
November 5, 2024 Election must take place.
I agree. Americans are going to have to take back their rights. At any cost. We can't live in
the alternative.
Perhaps they will try both.