Who would be the ones voting for it unless they are the ones getting it??

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WOW, is California waking up to the injustice?

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Just a huge SCAM by Black activists for FREE money for people who were NEVER a slave from people who were NEVER slave owners. You can't make this s- - t up !!!!!!!!!!!

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The entire reparations issue is insane.

People who were never slaves expect to be paid?

And how many Blacks in CA even had ancestors who were slaves? I'll wager not more than 5%, if that.

I'm pleasantly surprised the reparations lunacy isn't going to happen in CA.

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Something People mite not know. It was African tribes fighting other tribes, where the victors took captives and then sold them into slavery, This is how it started.

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Hell “NO” to Reparations!!! 🤬👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼

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All those desiring reparations can move to NY, Mass, Con, RI, MI, IL or some other dumbo democrat state and still collect.

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I once had an opportunity to benefit financially from a close relative being a person of color. I strongly advised against it. Some things are more important than $$$.

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Equality, Fairness and Coexistence is only a thing when they can use it to screw over their opposition. But if the program backfires onto them then, whoa. Same with NYC migrants.

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Friendly reminder: Californians rejected "gay marriage"at the polls before it was imposed on them by the judiciary. We live in a Potemkin Democracy.

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They will never stop with their Marxist agenda so what next take land from the white supremacist ? I am sure they will find property to be racist issue and deem land as reparations just like they did in Manhattan Beach : Bruce’s Beach. The leftist I am sure fueled by the Soros cartel were sent to Manhattan Beach to fire up race relations and guess what they won. The city gave the land in question to the family who claimed the land was taken from their black ancestors. The minute they got the land they turned around and sold it to LA County for over 20 million I believe. Fishy you bet money laundering kick backs paid actors ??? They will not stop until they thoroughly divide and destroy our Constitutional Republic!!!

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Need to go after the descendant family of Anthony Johnson. He came as an unwilling indentured servant from Angola (they did not come as slaves). When he paid his indenture, he was freed, had a farm and became prosperous. John Casor was one of his indentured servants, who apparently was a very good worker. John Casor left the Johnson farm when his indenture was fulfilled. He was taken to court by Johnson, lost his case, and became the first LEGAL slave.

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A much better solution. Start a fund where those who strongly and vocally support reparations are the ones contributing an equitably assessed amount. Leave the rest of us alone. Some of my ancestors were abused slaves in their own country by Colonizers until 1916. So I dont owe anybody anything no matter how much you scream and cry....

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No worries. The next bill, which will be warmly received by the voters, will be to substantially increase current welfare benefits, to entice more black voters to move in. Then, the next time the reparations vote is proposed, it will receive majority support.

The Cali voters love to have their pockets picked, but they insist that their government accomplish the crime with some sublets and finesse.

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Don't the Lefties always tell us if you work for someone else you are a 'wage slave'? So by that logic, everyone who is not self-employed is due reparations. Or, take all the non-national park land in CA, and then take the legal residents there, and divide the square footage by the legal residents. They put all the names in the hat and electronically , randomly, assign an 'owner' to the small parcel of land. Then the new 'owners' have 3 years to make a go of it on the land themselves, without selling it. They have to take up residence there for 51% of the year. If they can't do that for a full year by year 3, the land reverts to the state. If they can, the land is theirs as long as they don't sell/transfer it for a decade. Of course this would have to include people of Irish and Chinese decent ("No Irish/China need apply" travesty from the late 1800's, and don't forget the Japanese and Italians interned during WWII.

It's all a farce. People just looking for handouts, not embarrassed about getting welfare. I've had friends who came here from places like Liberia, with only a couple thousand in their pockets, and they have made a nice life for themselves and their children. The Left is marxist and wants everybody equally poor, apart from the New Aristocracy who will rule us.

Gruesome Newsome is just prepping to potentially replace the current White House occupant. So he has to try and drag himself to the political middle to appear tolerable to enough "independents".

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More likely is a collapse of the modern welfare state and transfer payments altogether.

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