Pfizer, BioNTech (Sahin, Bourla, Bancel); tell them no!; lockdown mask lunatic Dr. Bonnie Henry of BC, Canada is near orgasmic with masks again, she is having a COVID based orgasm, so a JACKASS AWARD!
The Southern Hemisphere, e.g. Australia is coming out of winter now, we're in spring.
The Covid thing didn't really take off here in winter, or the masks - not for want of the perpetrators trying of course, but it really didn't take off...because Covid isn't really a thing is it?
The people in the Northern Hemisphere really need to refuse to participate in this scam any further...and start bringing the perpetrators of this fraud to account.
Start off by going back to January 2020, and asking how did this scam get off the ground? Why was there a 'vaccine solution' for a disease it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people?
Crazy when you think about it now... Of course there was the Covid testing scam, manufacturing this crisis - when is that going to be properly exposed? You know, all those people who 'tested positive' with little or no symptoms, and were incarcerated in quarantine.
If you say "yes" (under extreme DURESS) this is their ticket to "innocence", because they will say you "consented." Our courts no longer recognize extortion, or fraudulent inducement when it comes to vaccines.
Anyone suggesting that they have "no choice" because of $$$, needs to UNDERSTAND the reason they want the money is to sustain the LIFE of your body. Hence the term "making a LIVING." The money does you no good if you let them inject you and take the health of your body away from you, and maybe even give you an immediate death, or severe agony on your way to a VERY early grave. Without your body intact the $$ doesn't matter. And if you think this is a game of "chance" and you will maybe get "lucky" (and not be one who gets hurt) you're deluded. Everyone gets injured in some way. Some worse than others. And some of the injured are so desperate to get out of pain that they envy the dead, and end up killing themselves.
I cannot effing believe they (BS Bonnie and Adrian Dickhead - yes it is juvenile to call them names but that is where it’s at for me) had the audacity to bring in the mask mandates as if this were 2021. I will NOT be wearing a mask anywhere I go in this God-forsaken province! And I will pass your message on to these two idiots.🤬
Almost got run over by someone in a parking lot at a grocery store driving with a mask on. Driving while impaired by high CO2 levels.
Then while picking up my 16y/o & his friends from school yesterday, a girl riding an electric scooter bolted across the intersection wearing a mask. I asked the boys if they knew her, tell her she’s going to get herself killed like that wearing that dirty face diaper and increasing her CO2 levels trying to ride a scooter. They all busted out laughing 🤣
This entire “COVID Attack” was planned with the undeniable end results being, less people to care for, under the guise of “healthcare”! Oh really now? Healthcare? Oh I’m sure the “ILLEGALS” crossing the southern US border are all up to date on all their shots! Not to mention, they’re all immune to Covid infection, after all Covid stays behind the plexiglass barrier at the checkout counters of every convenience store or grocery checkout counter, and Covid avoids the illegals like the plague, same way the US government officials do! Now don’t they? Of course they do!t”These so called intellectually challenged pundits said so!! NOT!!! The only problem with Covid is being told / being forced to roll up your sleeve so these ideologues can have you injected with, as the song goes, “MORE,MORE,MORE,! Their sadistic, continuous lying and obvious murder counts, continues to rise! Check out Steve Kirsch’s latest stack about Western Australia’s government data points as it relates to, what else, these, “slow boiling death shots”! IMO, Steve continually provides overwhelming evidence about the absolute dangers these so called “vaccines” have caused and will continue to cause. And by the way, the data is from WA government reports! How much evidence is needed I ask you?Clearly when 5 people are “MURDERED” to prevent 1 covid death, do you need a PHD or a, “white lab coat make believe scientist”? NO, we do! Anyone can easily read the data, it’s that obvious! Good God we must STOP these MONSTERS! Even more appalling are these “MASTERS OF DECEPTION” have told us from the beginning what their plan is and what they are doing to us! They knew it then, they know it now!! And until they reach their pinnacle, (IMO MORE SHOTS = MORE DEATHS) this will not end! They will not stop!! I would love to look one of these ideologues in the eye and I guarantee I can break their will of continuous obedience to their lMASTERS”! Once again they are the “USEFUL IDIOTS” and they knowingly go along with this insanity!
I’m so encouraged by their interest in our health! We’ll live forever!
Oh, wait. I forgot. They want us dead. The same elites who built up consumption to a fever pitch want to backpedal, retaining their wealth but putting the brakes on society by destroying the consumers instead of firing themselves for criminal development, outside of regulatory impediments, that drives the pollution they blame us for. They did it by capturing media, agencies and politicians with money. But the destruction of society until
it is ripe for total domination has been the goal all along. Return of the US to the empire by destroying meritocracy.
We will own nothing and experience the bliss of the dead. Hopefully there are will be enough combined automation and slavery in the end to maintain the lifestyles of the elite who will have earth as their playground as our surviving brain damaged progeny live in a lab created environment. They will all have “Yes, Master!” degrees, living lived with expiration dates.
A hazmat suit or scuba equipment with a large Fauci sized condom worn on the head should stop any virion from getting through. Bonnie isn't taking account of entry through the tear duct.
Thankyou Dr A for being real. I discovered you during the Canadian trucker protests. Thankyou for compiling the (now 27) horsemen of the Apocalypse! Sad that Malone still is described as a hero by many.
Thank you Dr Alexander for this comprehensive list of the ineffectiveness of masking. Hopefully I won’t need them but if the crazies stop coming out again, I will arm myself with them. Also love the double barreled middle finger by Mr. Rogers- many of us have been flipping off the MSM with their fear porn and flat out lies regarding the experimental gene altering bio weapon.
Unfortunately, it's absolutely true. There is no other way to say it. What took me by surprise is to discover how many intelligent idiots are in this world. But there is one thing that could have saved them: principles. What's more important in this life: your job or your health? If you lose your job, you can always find another job. But if you lose your health, you may never get it back.
The Southern Hemisphere, e.g. Australia is coming out of winter now, we're in spring.
The Covid thing didn't really take off here in winter, or the masks - not for want of the perpetrators trying of course, but it really didn't take off...because Covid isn't really a thing is it?
The people in the Northern Hemisphere really need to refuse to participate in this scam any further...and start bringing the perpetrators of this fraud to account.
Start off by going back to January 2020, and asking how did this scam get off the ground? Why was there a 'vaccine solution' for a disease it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people?
Crazy when you think about it now... Of course there was the Covid testing scam, manufacturing this crisis - when is that going to be properly exposed? You know, all those people who 'tested positive' with little or no symptoms, and were incarcerated in quarantine.
Crikey, how has this all happened?!
The treachery!!!! It's off the scale!!!
Alien invasion, anyone? Even if you don't believe it, it's good entertainment!
"The Infiltration of Terran Governments by Extraterrestrials"
If you say "yes" (under extreme DURESS) this is their ticket to "innocence", because they will say you "consented." Our courts no longer recognize extortion, or fraudulent inducement when it comes to vaccines.
Anyone suggesting that they have "no choice" because of $$$, needs to UNDERSTAND the reason they want the money is to sustain the LIFE of your body. Hence the term "making a LIVING." The money does you no good if you let them inject you and take the health of your body away from you, and maybe even give you an immediate death, or severe agony on your way to a VERY early grave. Without your body intact the $$ doesn't matter. And if you think this is a game of "chance" and you will maybe get "lucky" (and not be one who gets hurt) you're deluded. Everyone gets injured in some way. Some worse than others. And some of the injured are so desperate to get out of pain that they envy the dead, and end up killing themselves.
What a clown show Canada has become on so many levels. Bonnie Henry is high on power even with her meek little voice. :(
I cannot effing believe they (BS Bonnie and Adrian Dickhead - yes it is juvenile to call them names but that is where it’s at for me) had the audacity to bring in the mask mandates as if this were 2021. I will NOT be wearing a mask anywhere I go in this God-forsaken province! And I will pass your message on to these two idiots.🤬
Breathing CO2 will kill you
Almost got run over by someone in a parking lot at a grocery store driving with a mask on. Driving while impaired by high CO2 levels.
Then while picking up my 16y/o & his friends from school yesterday, a girl riding an electric scooter bolted across the intersection wearing a mask. I asked the boys if they knew her, tell her she’s going to get herself killed like that wearing that dirty face diaper and increasing her CO2 levels trying to ride a scooter. They all busted out laughing 🤣
This entire “COVID Attack” was planned with the undeniable end results being, less people to care for, under the guise of “healthcare”! Oh really now? Healthcare? Oh I’m sure the “ILLEGALS” crossing the southern US border are all up to date on all their shots! Not to mention, they’re all immune to Covid infection, after all Covid stays behind the plexiglass barrier at the checkout counters of every convenience store or grocery checkout counter, and Covid avoids the illegals like the plague, same way the US government officials do! Now don’t they? Of course they do!t”These so called intellectually challenged pundits said so!! NOT!!! The only problem with Covid is being told / being forced to roll up your sleeve so these ideologues can have you injected with, as the song goes, “MORE,MORE,MORE,! Their sadistic, continuous lying and obvious murder counts, continues to rise! Check out Steve Kirsch’s latest stack about Western Australia’s government data points as it relates to, what else, these, “slow boiling death shots”! IMO, Steve continually provides overwhelming evidence about the absolute dangers these so called “vaccines” have caused and will continue to cause. And by the way, the data is from WA government reports! How much evidence is needed I ask you?Clearly when 5 people are “MURDERED” to prevent 1 covid death, do you need a PHD or a, “white lab coat make believe scientist”? NO, we do! Anyone can easily read the data, it’s that obvious! Good God we must STOP these MONSTERS! Even more appalling are these “MASTERS OF DECEPTION” have told us from the beginning what their plan is and what they are doing to us! They knew it then, they know it now!! And until they reach their pinnacle, (IMO MORE SHOTS = MORE DEATHS) this will not end! They will not stop!! I would love to look one of these ideologues in the eye and I guarantee I can break their will of continuous obedience to their lMASTERS”! Once again they are the “USEFUL IDIOTS” and they knowingly go along with this insanity!
I’m so encouraged by their interest in our health! We’ll live forever!
Oh, wait. I forgot. They want us dead. The same elites who built up consumption to a fever pitch want to backpedal, retaining their wealth but putting the brakes on society by destroying the consumers instead of firing themselves for criminal development, outside of regulatory impediments, that drives the pollution they blame us for. They did it by capturing media, agencies and politicians with money. But the destruction of society until
it is ripe for total domination has been the goal all along. Return of the US to the empire by destroying meritocracy.
We will own nothing and experience the bliss of the dead. Hopefully there are will be enough combined automation and slavery in the end to maintain the lifestyles of the elite who will have earth as their playground as our surviving brain damaged progeny live in a lab created environment. They will all have “Yes, Master!” degrees, living lived with expiration dates.
A hazmat suit or scuba equipment with a large Fauci sized condom worn on the head should stop any virion from getting through. Bonnie isn't taking account of entry through the tear duct.
Or an ear... just read an article that you need to watch the ears for an entry site for Covid, ha- too many orifices!!
Thankyou Dr A for being real. I discovered you during the Canadian trucker protests. Thankyou for compiling the (now 27) horsemen of the Apocalypse! Sad that Malone still is described as a hero by many.
Straight down the barrel ... point well made Dr Alexander!
The cabal picked the dumbest, brains made of Play-dog (Rochelle & Mandy) so they will easily accept the and deliver the fake science propaganda.
Cloth face maskers are the new tin foil hatters.
Up yours Bon Bon. Take your pandemic and shove it.
Thank you Dr Alexander for this comprehensive list of the ineffectiveness of masking. Hopefully I won’t need them but if the crazies stop coming out again, I will arm myself with them. Also love the double barreled middle finger by Mr. Rogers- many of us have been flipping off the MSM with their fear porn and flat out lies regarding the experimental gene altering bio weapon.
I wonder if Bonnie's middle name might be Karen🤔
We Haven't Really Heard
From A Vaccine Injured Person
How Stupid They Were.
And How Stupid They Now Feel.
It's As If They Think
This Whole Thing Just Kind Of Happened.
They Owe Themselves
And The World
An Apology For Being Complete Fucking Idiots.
Unfortunately, it's absolutely true. There is no other way to say it. What took me by surprise is to discover how many intelligent idiots are in this world. But there is one thing that could have saved them: principles. What's more important in this life: your job or your health? If you lose your job, you can always find another job. But if you lose your health, you may never get it back.