Dr Alexander, thank you so much for your reminder.

Are you also investigating how to overcome the threat of vaccine sheddings? This is a very serious issue we are facing.

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Hawaii has low natural immunity and a very low Covid death rate…vaccinated immunity is fine while going for natural immunity is dangerous!!

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Vitamin D deficiency is at the root of all disease. It is absolutely necessary for strength and support of the immune system. Everyone in Canada is deficient in Vitamin D from living on the Northern Hemisphere with low sunlight, so supplementation during the winter months or if not spending at least 2 hrs daily absorbing it from the sun naturally.

If the Hawaiian people are spending enough daily time outside, they will have/develop robust immunity to just about anything. FYI: there is/was a low covid death rate worldwide at only 0.03%. The high death rates recently are caused by vaccine injury and will continue for several more years. This is just the beginning of the damage done from the worldwide experimental mRNA injections that have proven not to prevent infection nor spread at all. They do not impart immunity, but instead have caused massive death, auto immune diseases, myocarditis/pericarditis and severe lifelong debilitating illness and impairment.

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I have yet to hear "I wish I got jabbed" by those not jabbed.

I wish I had a nickel for each time I heard "My God! What have I done?" I would be a very wealthy woman.

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I give you a kickel more: my husband said so on his death bed. The jabs had shredded his heart valves and turned his lungs into mush.

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Unforgivable. So sorry.

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Oh my gosh I sure hope you can hold them accountable.

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How much do hospitals charge for natural immunity?

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Regardless, they make you pay with your LIFE.

That is the government-imposed incentive to generate profit for the kill boxes masquerading as hospitals.

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The only thing that will bring them back in line ?


Choke the money.

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Oh, if we’re talking about “bringing them back online”, that’s not possible. They are mass murderers. Literally, guilty of multiple homicides. They are are an ongoing danger to the public...to the most vulnerable among us: the sick and the ailing.

The dirty secret of the healthcare profession is that a shockingly high number of physicians and nurses are closeted eugenicists. They believe those they murdered DESERVED to die.

They must be prosecuted for murder and imprisoned for the rest of their natural lives. Every administrator of a hospital or nursing home. Every doctor. Every nurse. They are all actively complicit in a campaign of DEMOCIDE. These people are PSYCHOPATHS.

No mercy.

No excuses.

No exceptions of any kind.

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I’m triple vaxxed—I go to Trump rallies just to shed and infect Trump supporters! I’m like James Bond and Hillary Clinton—I’m a badass with a license to kill!

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I'm sure no one gets close enough to someone like you to be in any danger.

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I put on my MAGA hat and everyone loves me! The best thing about Trump rallies are the slutty women…me likey!!

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Pathetic individual. Smh.

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You need to get caught up on your vaxxing.

You are way behind.

Probably could use a shearing while you're at it.

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Yes, and either WHO or CDC deleted natural immunity and immediately labeled vaccines as 'natural immunity.' Politically corrected science mixed with politically corrected social engineering; the new cocktail.

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How do you get a flu shot exemption?

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You need to get an exemption for a flu shot now? Or are you kidding?

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My daughter is asking. She lives in another state and works at Children's hospital in Cincinnati. I guess it's easier for those who are older and not just starting out. She doesn't want to get it but also would like to keep the job that pays her rent, car insurance and everything else us humans need to survive

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Have you and your daughter read here on Dr. Alexander's substack what the JAB does to people. My Brother who was 65 just died Tuesday. He got the JAB forced on him by his son.

Because, he refused to let my Brother see his Grandson. It's your daughter's business, but

she is risking her life. The JAB can take years to work on your system. Have you seen on this

substack what nurses taking the JAB have gone through. It is sickening to see what the

JAB did to them. Who knows, if they can survive. My Brother called off work Tuesday.

He later in the afternoon took a nap. His son heard a gurgling noise coming from his Father.

He called the paramedics and they couldn't revive him. You do know about the

died suddenly, don't you. You mean the Hospital is requiring a JAB? Then they are

getting money to keep pushing the deadly JAB. My Dentist's daughter got an

exemption from the hospital here in Orlando. She was pregnant at the time.

Your daughter might have to look for another job, if she wants to stay alive. The

hospital won't stop at one JAB. They will keep on adding boosters forever.


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Excellent advice, Lynn

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Thank U Kathleen. I appreciate your comment.

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Sincerely sorry to read about your brother.

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I think exemptions vary state to state. You might try FLCCC (Front line covid care critical alliance) or ICAN...informed consent action network. Lots of infortmation and they have been in the fight since the beginning.

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Is there not a rights document under UN (There are many.) such as Int'l Covenant of Civil and Political Rights discussing bodily autonomy? There are points about religious rights. Whatever, they must "go to a hardship" to accommodate you!

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When they came out with that one early on, that sealed the deal with the loss of credibility. They had Shane Crotty of La Jolla Institute talk about how much better the hybrid immunity was than natural immunity. There is no way that he knew that. You couldn't without long term studies. This was in 2021 around November. Lets just say that it is not aging well for that statement.

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When they started changing decades held definitions to suit their agenda, that was the final straw that broke the camels back for me. Just like they are choosing to re-write history, rewriting science, not allowing any discussion or questions, and censoring well known & respected scientists, does not instill any sort of confidence in their veracity.

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Judy, you nailed it.

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Only the jabbed and their close companions will die from these variants. Because they have let themselves be injected with demonic poison or have been exposed through close contact transmission.

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I sure hope you are wrong. Warp speed to me was about getting to the poison fast enough to warrant them placeboes. I would have literally no loved ones left if you are correct.

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I wish I was wrong. I hope I am wrong, but I know too many people who have become disabled, sick, or in the worst case, died. My whole family took it too. All of my friends, work colleagues, everyone except me and my son. My neighbor took 3 jabs and got full blown stage 4 ovarian cancer. She has now given up on chemo because it is making her so sick. My daughters have black, clotted blood and lung problems. My oldest cannot remember things anymore. She is only 43. Both took it to keep their jobs. I resigned from healthcare rather than take the poison, or inject the poison into unsuspecting people. Please God stop these demons and reverse the damage Praying for Divine Intervention. Praying for everyone who took it. And everyone else who suffered the loss of their jobs and severe persecution for refusing.

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I’m so sorry. I already lost my mom, who died suddenly of a heart attack, and my brother, from a turbo liver cancer. I also lost 2 first cousins due to stroke and another turbo cancer. Who I have left: My 83 year of dad, who now needs a Walker after being jabbed (used to only use a cane) and my pregnant 30 year old daughter and her also jabbed husband and his jabbed parents.

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You have suffered more than I have. I’m sorry too! My daughter was force jabbed during pregnancy to keep her job as a nurse. My granddaughter was born physically ok, but she is constantly sick.

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I could cry reading you (and Christine's answer). I lost my husband amongst other horror stories. No one seems the same after those jabs. We don't know the extend of the shedding. Bio weapon they knew all about before the rollout. Criminals. Uncaring bast....s.

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I’m sorry you lost him 🙏 and I agree with everything you said

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FDA testing and approval is a long, very expensive process. The pharmaceutical and medical device fields have a long history of bypassing that process by first testing their emerging products in third world countries.

If the outcome is marketable they’ll submit to FDA testing. If not then it’s back to the drawing board having saved a lot of time and money in the process.

Bypassing our bureaucracy and using the poor in unregulated countries has been standard operating procedure for decades. Most American citizens were unaware or don’t care. Certainly the people in-charge don’t see themselves as horsemen of the Apocalypse. You have to be a psychopath to work in this industry. And, it pays well.

It has long been wondered by experts (Malone?) if the transport mechanism mRNA could be used to deliver a safe and effective vaccine? The pandemic created a window of opportunity to find that out.

So under the umbrella of legal immunity and the guise of an emergency situation the entirety of civilization was fair game for the most comprehensive test of an entirely new class of drug.

If it works it could bring major benefits to humanity and incalculable profits. If it harms, oh, well, they’ll say it was worth a try. Maybe if they tweak it a little? At least there’s a starting point now.

Everything that’s happening is a result of the largest clinical trial ever foisted onto humanity. It is being watched closely and documented as such.

If you took the injection(s) congratulations, you are part of a long history of the pharmaceutical industry’s human experimentation.

If you’re aghast because you never thought of yourself as a third world peasant who’s life was expendable, welcome to reality.

Every new cure, procedure, device or drug most likely killed or damaged a lot of volunteers and non-volunteers alike before they emerged as a mainstream life saving miracle.

To the medical industry we’re guinea pigs for the greater good. And if they can make a few hundred billion dollars in the process so much the better.

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Trust, belief and acceptance...long, long gone and NEVER coming back for any reason.

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Amen to that Dr. Paul Elias Alexander! We've all been taken for such a wild ride through all this fake plandemic garbage and the cause of the real pandemic, fake VaXXeens causing so much carnage and deaths. My God, men, women, children, teens, sports athletes, singers, musicians, actors, babies, even the unborn...all dying suddenly...makes me sick to my stomach...

When people go along to get along, we all become VICTIMS! Enough of all this fake scientific BULLSHIT! No virus can ever make us sick...that's not how viruses work...everything we've been told is all a LIE and FEAR-PORN! Do the opposite of everything they tell you, because they are LIARS and SATANISTS! Orwellian reverse talk...

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Sep 8, 2023
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So why didn’t low natural immunity Hawaii get ravaged by Covid the last 16 months?? And don’t say “sunshine” because Arizona has the worst Covid death rate because it was the largest state that had the fewest mitigation measures in 2020.

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