Here is the truth. If Aseem's father hadn't untimely passed (jab-induced heart attack), he would still be pushing the poison and wouldn't question a damn thing. How is this any different from Nazi doctors saying: "Sorry, I didn't know. I've seen new evidence. Now I'm on your side. Let me help you." ?



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I am deeply distrustful of Malhotra .

Only when his father was ill did he change his tune despite the vast evidence of ill effects around us all well before that.9

I can assure him that my refusal of the jab was wholly logical based on the then growing adverse evidence, a long standing deep distrust of Government utterances and that at the time the testing time had been ridiculously short so No one could say it was safe so refusal was perfectly logical.

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Dr. Alexander,

Huge congrats and kudos to you for calling out Dr. Malhotra.

His personal opinion that some people not taking the jab were irrational is a hurtful and slanderous attack.

He is so far over the line on this one (on the egregious low taod) , it makes me lose a great deal of respect for him, despite the fact that he has spoken out against the mRNA jab.

People are not idiot's, and there are and were at the outside literally hundreds of clues to make any observer decide against being jabbed .

Here are just TEN REASONS that rang huge RED ALERT or ALARM bells.

You do not have to be a doctor or scientist to READ.

1. No immediate setup of FIELD hospitals and instead supposedly taking people with a highly infectious deadly disease INTO HOSPITALS were the most vulnerable are , as well as the most valuable medical resources . Dr. Astrid Stukelberger (WHO whistleblower) and dozens more saw this RED FLAG .

2.WORSE - The ACTUAL effectiveness of the jabs were ABOUT one percent !




The LANCET feature above and many more on the ALLL out lies of a 93 percent effectiveness which was ABSOLUTELY ALL OUT LIES using statistical manipulation of data not telling the masses the massive difference between RRR and ARR.

3. Religious reasons

4. The complete ingredient list of all of the jabs was NOT REVEALED implying that some ingredients could be unappealing.

5. There was absolutely NO LONG TERM and NO MEDIUM term data on a jab that used TWO new technologies (Nano particles = one nanometer is a BILLIONTH of a meter , a human hair = 80,000 nm and the mRNA particles MUST by definition average 200 to 500 nm meaning they are totally ROGUE , will not stay in the arm deltoid, and can invade and impact literally ANY and all organs in a human body .

6. Nano particles had been studied for well over a decade BEFORE CoVid and the science was CLEAR of potential harm especially to reproduction organs .

This is just one study on NIH from 2018.


7. A ONE SIZE FIT FOR ALL in a simultaneous coordinated SCRIPT from govt leaders ( highly suspicious) while equally using Vitamin D as prophylaxis is CALLED MISINFORMATION when for well over a decade medical science has shown both VITAMIN C and especially vitamin D activate and increase the health of leukocytes and lymphocytes .

Calling Vitamin D , or even failing to tell humanity isn't just highly unethical , it was a deliberate act of medical malfeasance.

8. People saw that the HARSH mandates totally violated HIGH LEVEL INTERNATIONAL LAWS such as the Nuremberg Code . Doctors were told NOT to write medical exemptions. Why?

All of a sudden laws and the hippocratic oath are thrown out the window .

9. Humans were told about the WUHAN WET MARKET . Savvy people immediately saw and noticed that the CCP BSL 4 lab was just a few blocks away . Anyone that is even a lite life suspicious or with little intelligence WOULD NOT LINE UP TO BE the first to be jabbed, and would WAIT . Almost immediately ALL of the vaccine injury data bases including VAERS , EudraViglence, UK Yellow Card had IMMEDIATE RED FLAGS .

10 . WHEN people saw their Govt forcing them using immense intimidation and literate extortion to be jabbed to have a job, or travel freely , the AGENDA of Govt advancing a POLITICAL AGENDA became clear, that outright malfeasance was at play GLOBALLY.

NO I AM NOT A DOCTOR and I screamed out loud at all those that would listen to REFUSE the jab .

These leaders and yes, the doctors that looked away at their hippocratic oath should be investigated and put on trial .

Thank you Dr. Alexander for your bravery and courage.

And YES you are 100 percent correct and on target that as our life draws to an end, it was our values, morals and ethics that count the most .

Blessings and love to all.

You are either a WARRIOR and will never forget what happened, or else you chose wilful ignorance and will succumb as VICTIM.

Canadian and NATO Veteran .

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He deserves credit for changing his mind, sure. It isn’t a bad thing to have a noted medical professional speak out as he has. But he needs to own the fact that he was duped and give those that saw through the BS the respect they deserve. His mindset feels rooted in the toxic notion that ‘doctors know better’. There’s an arrogant superiority there that I cannot abide. There’s a real difference between recognizing the insight doctors and medicine in general can sometimes bring and recognizing that regular people can guide their own health and are the real experts about themselves. He lacks real humility about his own lack of insight into the catastrophe of the jabs. I’ve never heard him say, “I’m truly sorry that I ever recommended this for anyone.” It’s not necessary to punish him for this shortfall, but there’s no contrition—as things stand, he’s not the hero he’s made out to be.

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Wow. I am fuming at this commentary by Malhotra. A doctor who, like too many among his profession, did not show due diligence in upholding the tenets of that profession nor in using his mental faculties to assess the situation. He simply rolled up his sleeve like an inmate, and looked the other way. He failed to asses the risks associated with the “vaccine” and he failed to acknowledge the relative risk of the “virus” - ie which deaths were being counted and publicised then - as opposed to now.

The argument has often been made, to de-legitimise reasonable concerns and rational consideration, that fear of needles was the reason many did not queue up for the jab: fear of needles may certainly account for a relatively small number of refuseniks but for the rest of us, we did not succumb to any fear drive and we used our critical thinking to asses, not only the risks surrounding both “virus” and “vaccine” but also to reject the assault on our bodily integrity, our inalienable rights and our intelligence. Malhotra is throwing us under the bus and he will know his language is treacherous. To those who would say he’s doing his best and is now on the right side of history - I say, Malhotra hold your tongue rather than doing everyone, including yourself, a disservice by denying the truth.

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When I received the first boxes of vaccines into the pharmacy where I work, I immediately pulled out the package/product insert that accompanies EVERY bottle of medication. It was completely blank!

I don’t believe it was irrational of me to think “I’m going to wait.” Since the manufacturer refused to be transparent regarding the contents of the vials, it is perfectly rational to pause and not immediately put unknowns into my body.

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

Please continue to call out this weapons grade bullshit from Malhotra and Emily Oster, Dr. Alexander. Malhotra and Oster have things ARSE ABOUT FACE. People like you and me and many of the readers of this substack and the Canadian truckers refused to take the jabs because of our JUSTIFIED TRUE BELIEF (KNOWLEDGE) that the jabs were unsafe and ineffective. People like Malhotra and Oster and Malone took the jabs because of their IRRATIONAL FALSE BELIEF (DELUSION) that the jabs were safe and effective. In Western philosophy, the sub-branch of philosophy that deals with KNOWLEDGE VS OPINION is called Epistemology. We all have a personal epistemology. People like Malhotra and Malone and Oster have either a NARCISSISTIC EPISTEMOLOGY or an AUTHORITARIAN EPISTEMOLOGY. A narcissistic epistemology is when you either do not question the validity of your beliefs or you think they must be true just because you have them or that they must be true because you're hot shit, the great you. This is what Malone and Malhotra and Oster have. They believe their brain farts, because they had them. Others, who have an authoritarian epistemology, believe that things are true because an authority figure, like Malhots or Fauci or GW Bush or Colon Powell said so. Remember the people who believed that Saddam had WMDs. Have you ever met one person who believed Saddam had WMDs who was not a complete and total dumbfuck!? Those WMD believers had mostly an authoritarian epistemology. You and me and many of the readers of this substack and the Canadian truckers, on the other hand, have what's called a LOGICAL AND EMPIRICAL EPISTEMOLOGY. That means that we infer what is true and what is bullshit based on the principles of sound logical and hypothetico-deductive reasoning and empirical and scientific evidence. That's what most of the jab resisters have done.

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Please also consider/remember/point out that Malhotra didn’t change his mind while unrelated people were dying all around him…their lives didn’t matter one iota…only his dad dying mattered…if his dad hadn’t died he’d still be pushing the poison shot whilst people continue to die.

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Spoken like a “typical” egotistical physician. It reminds me of the medical residents who laughed at me during numerous arguments over my refusal to be jabbed (as a “high risk” patient). And I’ll bet they are still insulting (and killing) patients with their haughtiness and malpractice! They still promote the kill shot, require masks and admit no wrong! This kind of offensive, superiority complex must be taught early on in medical school. It pains me to say I’ve lost all respect and confidence in medical (un)professionals!

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As a veterinarian, it absolutely floored me that the vast majority of physicians were proudly lining up like vaccine zombies in 2020. Many of my veterinarian colleagues had discussions about our reservations concerning these jabs . The more I researched them , the less I liked them . I knew ivermectin was vastly safer & being falsely attacked. Dr. Aseem was indeed a vaccine zombie himself completely unable to think for himself & leading others into the “jab showers “ . He needs to acknowledge his part in helping harm others .

Thank , Dr. Alexander, my friend & fellow soldier fighting under the flag of TRUTH.

Billy Davis , DVM

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Malhotra's credibility is shot (no pun intended). The only way to begin to salvage it is by withdrawing or amending his stupid tweet and owning up to being no better than the rest of the lazy, incompetent, unthinking doctors and other medical personnel who pushed shots, mandates and other life and freedom destroying measures and vowing to do better, to do the research before ever pushing experimental, unproven therapies again. Until then, he is still part of the problem and will repeat past behavior.

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

It was rational to avoid taking repeated doses of a drug with no long term data on its effects. It was also rational to not trust the people who took a wrecking ball to human culture, human rights, our businesses, and our children's education for the year prior to the shots. It was rational to not trust them when they breached medical ethics and coerced. All of that was rational. None of it was "intuitive" or simply good luck.

It was they who behaved irrationally. Who suddenly regressed to superstitious simpletons with their mask talismans and obsessive needle rituals, covering their ears and stomping their feet like toddlers when presented with facts.

It took massive strength of mind and spirit to maintain rationality, and compassion, while the supposed 'smartest guys in the room' went off the rails.

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Dr .. your point is absolutely correct but we need to rise above of whatever happened in the beginning. The price Dr Aseem has paid by loosing his dad, is bigger than any apology. The fact that he is working to let the world know of these dangerous fraud jabs is very admirable too. He truly showed that he could rise above what people will say etc.

And Dr Alexander I am a big admirer of all your work and God Bless you and eternally grateful to you for all you do.

The ones who need to go behind bars are unfortunately still there.

Thank you

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Anyone who has done honest, basic research will already know that:

1. The drugs are not vaccines.

2. The drugs are ineffective.

3. The drugs have not been tested adequately (i.e. 7 to 10 years).

4. The drugs are uniquely dangerous and proven lethal.

5. The drugs would not be required, even if 1, 2, 3 & 4 were not true.

I welcome Malhotra's 'conversion', but either (a) he fails to understand 1 to 5, or (b) he is trying to maintain that he was less than 100% wrong.

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023

Bottom line: Malhotra is a sheep and he's not alone. Every cardiologist I know socially is a sheep in an N95 mask who is totally ignorant of the scientific literature on adverse jab reactions. With the exception of Peter McCullough, I have no respect for cardiologists. Imagine being the patient of one of these sheep!!

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