vaccine, to deceive the public, to lie, to withold information...and I see some now doing gymnastics to try to rewrite history...ha ha ha...we see you homie, we see you! we got that covered too!
I don’t even care if they’re dead or alive at this point. Here’s some more for the offering:
Kissinger - He started the demise!!!
Anton LeVey - Satan worshipper, etc.
Aleister Crowley - because he’s Barbara Bush’s father.
Bush the Elder - Head of CIA - says it all.
Bush the Younger or Dubya - Puppet for Daddy, mouthpiece for Karl Rove, raging alcoholic in younger days, PET scan reveals no brain activity.
VEEP - ENRON scandal, anyone?
Slick Willie - psychopath and serial LIAR
Hilary the Kudzu Queen - If she were more affable and attractive and NOT a FemiNazi, then NO on this list. Too late - making fun masks from live children’s faces shows lack of creativity, zero artistic ability, not to mention her obvious lack of IT skills when a friend chimed in, “I heard the Dark Web is spooky but fun.” Gullible, wears Lane Bryant 24:.7 wardroom . Top
Sadly, I think it would be appropriate to add Trump to the this list becuase he was the one in charge at the time, and it seems that Trump wanted to take credit for operation warp speed. Ultimately, Trump was complicit in facilitating the warp speed vaccine development and deployment. I think we should give Trump credit for making that bad call.... giving operation warp speed his blessing. I mean everyone makes mistakes, but that one was a doozy. Nevertheless, if Trump acknowledges that he made a mistake as it relates to Operation Warp Speed, and says he has learned from the mistake then I think that would give people more confidence in his future judgement on similar potential scenarios.
I understand your point, however Trump could only make decisions with the info given him. He has many “trusted” advisors that were being lied to that in turn shared with him. We cannot blame him for trying to do the best thing he knew how to with given info at that time. I say this not being a huge fan of his mouth! He would have done himself a big favor if he’d learn to control the mouth!! Rise above these satanist! His pride keeps him saying things he shouldn’t! My opinion! There’s LOTS he’s said tho that he should have! All in all he did some great things for this nation that have been stopped, but some are still in place. The progressive liberals have destroyed this once great nation! Throw some Republicans in there too! Uniparty! I agree fully with the pride thing, yet we need a strong person like him! Putin and the like were in check with him in office! I rarely defend the man but this whole jab thing was far far from his fault! Fauci, Gates, Schwab, Obama, Clinton, and the thousands pushing this evil narrative should be in a deep, dark dungeon on a island somewhere never to be seen again! My own temper must remember however, God has said, “Vengeance is Mine!” And He WILL have it. For eternity! Nothing we can inflict upon them can compare to the eternal hell they will suffer!
I think we can and should hold Trump at least partially to blame for failing to realize that rushing through a vaccine was not a good idea, and for giving operation warp speed the green light while he was in charge. Nevertheless, I think it is a forgivable mistake, provided that he acknowledge he made a mistake, and says that he has learned from it, and outlines some steps he will take to remedy the situation.
I can agree with that. It’s extremely unfortunate that the subject was something he nor many others around him clearly were not familiar enough with to trust the “experts” who we now know are pure evil! With the many advisors around him at the time, someone should have been digging hard and fast to what they were doing! I can guess how chaotic it was and so many voices telling him to do this and that. That whole scenario and rush to push the jab was definitely a great advantage to the deceptions people like Fauci exploited! This was genocide plain and simple. They gleefully used Trump and he missed it. I agree, he should have put the brakes on! With all the voices coming at him telling him it was safe…he trusted them. I truly think he did what he believed was best based on those opinions. They pushed him hard, he should have pushed back harder. It worked very well for the elitist that not only want the population massively reduced, but were investors in Pfizer and Moderna! Disgusting!
Trump was elected to make sure we had Covid. Hillary was hated. No way she could do Covid. Trump is old line CIA - Resorts International -and was reliable. First he is a straw man. This permitted the Duopoly to wage war on him with ease. Second it paved the way for an even better straw man Biden who can be the fall guy with Trump. Trump is a deflection. People are not rousing up. There are no Maquis in Vichy USA. Good Germans aplenty. Ironic eh, because Vichy is French Fascism until the Reich occupied all of France.
Hmmmm I agree with some of it. Trump took the Demoncrats by surprise and shock. If they weren’t, they’re great actors. He put a big kink in their decades long plan. A huge threat to those plans. They had to resort to fraud and literally steal the election to get back into office! There’s tremendous proof of this. That keeps crawling out from the primordial slime they came from! They do cause mass deflection! Keeps the peoples minds occupied to continually create crisis! I agree about the Fourth Reich as well. The 3rd never dissipated. Schwab of WEF has been training, brainwashing, these people in power since the 70’s. Placing all in strategic areas to achieve his bidding. It’s laughable that he calls it the Fourth Industrial Revolution! They truly think we’re stupid! I’m not saying that what you’re saying isn’t possible! I’ve come to the realization some time ago that ANYTHING is possible! The things I have come to know are astounding! Surreal.
They count on the disbelief from the masses. Go great lengths to discredit and deny. We cannot put anything past the evil cabals! These agendas have been in the works for thousands of years. We must stay awake, research, and study to be able to discern the truths. The deceptions are incredibly wide and deep! Do not discount anything!
Yes he took the Establishment by surprise because he had inside help that they did not expect. In a sense this is comparable to the meeting Soros had with Hillary when he told her he backed Obama. Trump was no threat to anyone in the Swamp for he was a dweller in the swamp before the Clintons. He was castrated before he could say the "Bucks" go here.
Interesting take. I’ll have to research more on that. Being a extremely wealthy man can and often does corrupt unfortunately. Who do think is the inside help? Wait. I just noticed you publish. I’ll check out what ideas you have on this, if you speak on it there? I refuse to be a sheep and not check all avenues, believe every detail. That’s ignorance in MY opinion. Too many get into the confirmation bias and really miss so many crucial points! Can change the entire narrative AND minds! I work hard at not being deceived so it has me taking all into account. Complacency is a killer!
no. 1 on the list should be victoria nuland. she is the most evil in all of washington and has her hand in every aspect of all that happens. i feel that as bad as NY is (where i live) you couldn't pay me to move there.
What about this guy Doctor Alexander? Is he not at the pinnacle in the White House for Covid response and it's criminality? He needs to be on the shortlist you give to the Maquis.
It won’t be long before there are a 100 on the list. They are legion….
I don’t even care if they’re dead or alive at this point. Here’s some more for the offering:
Kissinger - He started the demise!!!
Anton LeVey - Satan worshipper, etc.
Aleister Crowley - because he’s Barbara Bush’s father.
Bush the Elder - Head of CIA - says it all.
Bush the Younger or Dubya - Puppet for Daddy, mouthpiece for Karl Rove, raging alcoholic in younger days, PET scan reveals no brain activity.
VEEP - ENRON scandal, anyone?
Slick Willie - psychopath and serial LIAR
Hilary the Kudzu Queen - If she were more affable and attractive and NOT a FemiNazi, then NO on this list. Too late - making fun masks from live children’s faces shows lack of creativity, zero artistic ability, not to mention her obvious lack of IT skills when a friend chimed in, “I heard the Dark Web is spooky but fun.” Gullible, wears Lane Bryant 24:.7 wardroom . Top
Sadly, I think it would be appropriate to add Trump to the this list becuase he was the one in charge at the time, and it seems that Trump wanted to take credit for operation warp speed. Ultimately, Trump was complicit in facilitating the warp speed vaccine development and deployment. I think we should give Trump credit for making that bad call.... giving operation warp speed his blessing. I mean everyone makes mistakes, but that one was a doozy. Nevertheless, if Trump acknowledges that he made a mistake as it relates to Operation Warp Speed, and says he has learned from the mistake then I think that would give people more confidence in his future judgement on similar potential scenarios.
I understand your point, however Trump could only make decisions with the info given him. He has many “trusted” advisors that were being lied to that in turn shared with him. We cannot blame him for trying to do the best thing he knew how to with given info at that time. I say this not being a huge fan of his mouth! He would have done himself a big favor if he’d learn to control the mouth!! Rise above these satanist! His pride keeps him saying things he shouldn’t! My opinion! There’s LOTS he’s said tho that he should have! All in all he did some great things for this nation that have been stopped, but some are still in place. The progressive liberals have destroyed this once great nation! Throw some Republicans in there too! Uniparty! I agree fully with the pride thing, yet we need a strong person like him! Putin and the like were in check with him in office! I rarely defend the man but this whole jab thing was far far from his fault! Fauci, Gates, Schwab, Obama, Clinton, and the thousands pushing this evil narrative should be in a deep, dark dungeon on a island somewhere never to be seen again! My own temper must remember however, God has said, “Vengeance is Mine!” And He WILL have it. For eternity! Nothing we can inflict upon them can compare to the eternal hell they will suffer!
I think we can and should hold Trump at least partially to blame for failing to realize that rushing through a vaccine was not a good idea, and for giving operation warp speed the green light while he was in charge. Nevertheless, I think it is a forgivable mistake, provided that he acknowledge he made a mistake, and says that he has learned from it, and outlines some steps he will take to remedy the situation.
I can agree with that. It’s extremely unfortunate that the subject was something he nor many others around him clearly were not familiar enough with to trust the “experts” who we now know are pure evil! With the many advisors around him at the time, someone should have been digging hard and fast to what they were doing! I can guess how chaotic it was and so many voices telling him to do this and that. That whole scenario and rush to push the jab was definitely a great advantage to the deceptions people like Fauci exploited! This was genocide plain and simple. They gleefully used Trump and he missed it. I agree, he should have put the brakes on! With all the voices coming at him telling him it was safe…he trusted them. I truly think he did what he believed was best based on those opinions. They pushed him hard, he should have pushed back harder. It worked very well for the elitist that not only want the population massively reduced, but were investors in Pfizer and Moderna! Disgusting!
Trump was elected to make sure we had Covid. Hillary was hated. No way she could do Covid. Trump is old line CIA - Resorts International -and was reliable. First he is a straw man. This permitted the Duopoly to wage war on him with ease. Second it paved the way for an even better straw man Biden who can be the fall guy with Trump. Trump is a deflection. People are not rousing up. There are no Maquis in Vichy USA. Good Germans aplenty. Ironic eh, because Vichy is French Fascism until the Reich occupied all of France.
Hmmmm I agree with some of it. Trump took the Demoncrats by surprise and shock. If they weren’t, they’re great actors. He put a big kink in their decades long plan. A huge threat to those plans. They had to resort to fraud and literally steal the election to get back into office! There’s tremendous proof of this. That keeps crawling out from the primordial slime they came from! They do cause mass deflection! Keeps the peoples minds occupied to continually create crisis! I agree about the Fourth Reich as well. The 3rd never dissipated. Schwab of WEF has been training, brainwashing, these people in power since the 70’s. Placing all in strategic areas to achieve his bidding. It’s laughable that he calls it the Fourth Industrial Revolution! They truly think we’re stupid! I’m not saying that what you’re saying isn’t possible! I’ve come to the realization some time ago that ANYTHING is possible! The things I have come to know are astounding! Surreal.
They count on the disbelief from the masses. Go great lengths to discredit and deny. We cannot put anything past the evil cabals! These agendas have been in the works for thousands of years. We must stay awake, research, and study to be able to discern the truths. The deceptions are incredibly wide and deep! Do not discount anything!
Yes he took the Establishment by surprise because he had inside help that they did not expect. In a sense this is comparable to the meeting Soros had with Hillary when he told her he backed Obama. Trump was no threat to anyone in the Swamp for he was a dweller in the swamp before the Clintons. He was castrated before he could say the "Bucks" go here.
Interesting take. I’ll have to research more on that. Being a extremely wealthy man can and often does corrupt unfortunately. Who do think is the inside help? Wait. I just noticed you publish. I’ll check out what ideas you have on this, if you speak on it there? I refuse to be a sheep and not check all avenues, believe every detail. That’s ignorance in MY opinion. Too many get into the confirmation bias and really miss so many crucial points! Can change the entire narrative AND minds! I work hard at not being deceived so it has me taking all into account. Complacency is a killer!
So enjoy your candidness. Thank you for speaking out for many!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
no. 1 on the list should be victoria nuland. she is the most evil in all of washington and has her hand in every aspect of all that happens. i feel that as bad as NY is (where i live) you couldn't pay me to move there.
What about this guy Doctor Alexander? Is he not at the pinnacle in the White House for Covid response and it's criminality? He needs to be on the shortlist you give to the Maquis.