its all a game...we the people are the losers.

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That's the way Obama and others need Biden. As messed up in the head as possible. He will sign any executive orders they tell him too.

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Thanks, Dr. Paul--had watched the G7 clip, repeatedly, earlier, but had not seen the Macron-Meloni head-nod clue. All expected, all planned.

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Paul, barry, the mummy, clinton, all are cut from the same toxic cloth.

They are the face of evil, the ambassadors for death and destruction.

Once you understand that government is a criminal murderous syndicate run by monsters, you stop being surprised and shocked, and start removing rocks from your shoes.

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Dribbling Joe Biden, Freezing Mitch McConnell, Braindead late Dianne Feinstein. All supposedly took the jabs and so did Fetterman. They all need to take more boosters, even Weinstein (because she'll still be voting). It must be so hard for Putin, and the world, to take the US seriously. He must be rolling in the aisles.

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It has to be scripted at certain time during daylight, they all think we are stupid! Maybe we are, the idiot was in office 4 years too long! He has to be 25th Amendment out now! Why would ANYONE HESITATE!

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Had Trump not played “hardball “ with NATO Ukraine would already have been over run by Russia by now-so Joey and his bullshit get tough act would have been “ an empty barrel”Now for France-- they are really in trouble as Macron and the left will never agree on most matters and there is no real coalition Lapenne will capture the leadership by 2027

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It looks like he has normal pressure hydrocephalus, probably caused by covid jabs, just like Mitch McConnell's freezing and Dianne Feinstein's condition. Normal preesure hydrocephalus is a treatable form of dementia. There is speculation online from 2021 that Joe has this condition. How ironic that he mandated the jabs that probably caused it. Poor bastard!

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yes, gait issue, incontinence, memory, triad of symptoms...potentially moderated with spinal top or shunt but as you know, its downhill...does not get better...at his age....made complex in many instances if one has renal issues, diabetes etc. who knows his issue and its ok...the bottom line is he is sick and should NOT be POTUS...this fight is that people stay out of jail (Trump promises to jail many) and they hold onto power to finish the destruction of USA....they need a mindless dumb person as POTUS who does not know what they are doing as long as their coffers are filled...this is not a small issue, this is a major crime being perpetrated on the USA and world but USA and they are caught now trying to cover it up and we must peel it open to punish people...punish them hard

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Fully agree!

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Why did O’biddens do the evil things that they did/do? Coz they are tools of the sinagogue of satan! Candace Owens is asking the right questions and more power to her! She just couldn’t go all the way and praise our leader in the fight. If you don’t know who that is or what fight that is…please wake up. All the stooges of the sinagogue are doing their best to keep you entertained and In

a trance!

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Plain awful. Period!

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