Everything worked as intended because the goals of the last 3 years were to terrorize people into submission, generate huge profits for Big Harma and establish a global infrastructure for digital ID and CDBC.

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NOTHING worked because it wasn’t supposed to work…always follow the money. It only worked for big Farma, big tech, MSM, and corrupt leaders. They do not care about you or I. The sooner we learn that and take care of our own health, the better off we are.

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Please don't say "we". It wasn't us, the people, who did this. They told us to do things and if we didn't comply we, the average citizen, were punished IN THE USA!!!!!! If most of us didn't comply and I sure hope we can com together and NOT comply now and for what's coming ahead, then none of this could have happened.

Also, I'm really getting sick and tired of hearing that ONLY pharma even generic pharma drugs ARE the only answer to EVERYTHING. Before drugs, there was NATURE (thanks to the carnagies and rockefellers that changed dramatically)!!!! Nature works because we are a part of nature. Nature keeps itself in balance when humans don't intervene. There are MANY healing alternatives, there's the option of not eating poisonous foods that these big monster corporations (monsanto, general mills, impossible burger, etc, etc - hmmm... who's invested in most of these - gates and blackrock etc) have created, and the option to build our immune systems to fight off pathogens synthetic (though maybe more difficult) or natural. Our bodies have evolved to do this. The biggest problem is how people have been dumbed down, become so sick due to the poisoned food and drugs (etc) that they are also lazy and tired, and too trusting in msm, government, and big corporations and celebrities even when they say they don't trust any of them. It's mind boggling. If our ancestors could see the way the citizens of this country behave now after ALL that they went through and how they built this beautiful country, I'm sure they'd have some choice words.

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Was the Zika "pandemic" a forecast of the COVID years?

I have come across some commentary and one book that propose that the Zika "Pandemic" was a deception on the part of now-familiar actors: WHO, governments and the scientific community all of whom jumped on the bandwagon.

And another striking similarity I just came across is that a Dengue vaccine demonstrated strong ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement). So although ADE may be a lesser known concept to non-specialists, the phenomena has emerged as a major impediment to successful--and safe!--vaccines.

Quote from the article (and link below)

"It's happened. We have a vaccine that enhances dengue," said Scott B. Halstead, MD, talking about a phenomenon whereby the dengue vaccine sets up dengue-naive recipients for severe disease.

Halstead, the leading figure in dengue research in the past 50 years, is referring to CYD-TDV (Dengvaxia, Sanofi Pasteur), the first dengue vaccine approved by the World Health Organization in April, and now licensed for use in five countries. When Halstead, a former senior advisor of the Dengue Vaccine Initiative and the founder of Children's Vaccine Initiative, first saw the 3-year results of the vaccine published in the New England Journal of Medicine last summer, he immediately saw a problem in the data.

“It's clear as the nose on my face: Vaccine recipients less than 5 years old had five to seven times more rates of hospitalizations for severe dengue virus than placebo controls."

End quote.



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If you read Matt Hancock's messages from the UK, you will see the entire thing was a fraud, from start to finish. I knew right out of the gate something was wrong, the "virus" panic never made sense to me, then the bioweapon "safe and effective" shot was a joke and it was experimental. Why to this day did anyone ever fall for it, I guess I'll never truly understand. The millions of babies and young adults that have died or have been harmed for life is just the saddest part of all of this. I try to tell people the truth about masks and the shots, they don't want to hear it so they continue to inject themselves with poison and I watch them get sicker and sicker, no dots connected by them, its all so sad.

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Why would you expect anything else from a DOD Biowarfare exercise, supported by big Pharma and the CDC? It was an experimental process to determine how to manage a real Biowarfare event by an enemy! The eugenicist, and the globalists were very happy to see this happen and supported it!

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I completely agree with Dr. Alexander on this.

Doing absolutely NOTHING, except treating symptoms with available safe and effective repurposed drugs, as was always the best course of action in the past, would have gotten us through a difficult period.

Instead we got death, disability, economic destruction, central takeover of medical care, one-size-fits-all enforced, ineffective "treatment," political tyranny, loss of freedom and bodily autonomy,

And astronomical profits for Pfizer and Moderna, in addition to a dangerously misdirected turnover of "vaccines" to a Pandora's box of mRNA-LNP genetic-tampering injections.

American healthcare killed itself with its c19 policies.

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What I will never understand is why, once the Ferguson/UK model Birx was using was found to be completely miscalculated and therefore fraudulent -- WHY Trump, the commander in chief, didn't seize that opportunity to wrest control of it all? Are you going to tell me he didn't see the chink in the armor?

And he wants another opportunity, but won't speak out. And with everything the last 7 years have shown him, he gives Lindsey Graham a position with his campaign in South Carolina.

And you wonder why people have reservations.

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At first, I’m like…yeah, of course nothing worked. But I had to catch myself again, because that’s exactly the wrong the take on all of this (that ‘nothing’ worked).

It’s all worked brilliantly, once you understand that these things were never meant to help anything, that they were all meant to do maximum damage, to destroy. These things all worked exactly how they were supposed to work.

Their aim is to destroy the middle class, around the world; their aim is to destroy the American economy, which will throw the entire world into shambles; their aim is to depopulate, they think there’s 7.5 billion too many people…none of this is being done to help, it’s all meant to destroy and disenfranchise, to demoralize and demonize. So, it’s working exactly as they have planned.

The only answer I see at this point to separate ourselves from these psychopaths, a national divorce from the people who are trying to destroy everything that is good while propping up everything this is evil. The Texas Republican Party has secession in their official platform, just imagine the economic and developmental boom which would happen if a free nation state were to actually present itself…it would be the largest growth economy and opportunity in all of history…which is why they’ll do anything they can to stop this from happening.

But make no mistake, trying to negotiate with ter ror ists is not an option and that is who we’re up against; they are trying to k!ll us while destroying our children and their futures…these psychopaths cannot be reasoned with, so we need to create our own parallel economy and nationstate. It is time, folks…before it’s too late.

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Nothing worked for us!

It's working quite well for them!!!

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The policies did what they were designed to do, unfortunately. In my opinion, they were not designed to help anyone.

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Sadly everyone who willingly got these shots helped the tyrants achieve their goal, total control over the people. Would they have continued pushing it if the hospitals, doctors, nurses, pharmacists said ‘no’? Unlikely, because they couldn’t have operated without the medical staff and if THEY didn’t get it then other people would have been alarmed too. I am a pharmacist and I am still shocked how many healthcare workers went ahead and got the EUA shots and thought that it was a good idea! I agree with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche who said that he blamed scientists. I blame them too.

My son is studying pharmacy and his professor told him that it was a good idea to get those shots. Yep. That’s what they teach the future generation of healthcare professionals. Don’t do your research just comply and obey 😳.

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Why are you surprised???

Have you ever seen any measures to work to prevent harm from dead people, for example?

Same applies to dead particles called viruses.

Unless there is a mechanism to make the dead particles called viruses alive and animate, they are just as harmful.as dead people are...only in one's imagination… and only God can make the dead alive…

If you accept this very fact, only then everything will make sense…

So, the next logical question would be: what made all those millions of people sick with upper respiratory infections? The answer is very simple: whatever had caused the upper respiratory infection before the fake pandemic of covid-19…

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‘They used it (bioterrorism/bioweapons event) to damage Trump which is one benefit to them. They used this to take power and will never give it back unless we take it back.’

Paul…you are right on 2 items in this posting…

1. The entire BIOTERRORISM theatre was ushered in rapidly to remove Trump with mail-in balloting. Did you know this has been done in other countries? Of, course not…heavy American censorship 101!

2. Serious UNITY in mass from day 1 of this horror theatre could have instantly ended the insanity, right? Only with serious UNITY of the people can we reclaim our collective power!

Yes, only The People IN UNITY can reclaim America…NO one else can do this!

I am going to repeat this part in most ALL my postings because we ALL must UNITE in America AND globally to go against the continuing assault by Terrorism events crushing us ALL…

FACT…You cannot stop ANY of the evil from these global maniacal psychopaths unless you stop ALL of it! Stay tuned…

Why are any of these murderous events still unstoppable with no accountability? Is it because of lack of UNITY of efforts and action on anything that matters?

I think it is past time for EVERYONE to unify behind serious strategic planning experts, right?

Judges 7…GIDEON’s ARMY of 300 men that pray, plan and do actions that matter!

Are YOU looking for that army YET?

Find that army and get on the same page with them to help with actions that must matter for ALL humanity to survive!


Mother/Grandmother Lion (of 6 and counting)

P.S. Keep an eye on Lex Green @ news with views.com…serious background!


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The 'cure' was there all along. It was censored. By criminals. That owe us trillions in Gold and Silver.

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EXACTLY – nothing regarding Covid vaccines has worked as advertised other than killing people and filling up cemeteries and some survivors have lifetime serious injuries..

I think next time Bill Gates and friends including the US military release another pathogen onto the world there will be a huge push back from the sheep to line up for yet another failed, deadly so called “vaccine” released under an “emergency use authorization” that protects manufacturers from $$ liability and fills up Big Pharma bank accounts and for the rest of us send us to hospitals and cemeteries.

Best to do what I did 3 years ago – wait a year and see what the fallout is from the remaining sheep that will line up for anything because mainstream media frightening them to do so.

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