'#NOVAX DJOKOVIC: Aaron Rodgers Celebrates Novak Djokovic Outlasting COVID Vaccine Mandates to Play in U.S. Open'; Aaron will go down as the smartest NFL player ever! saved his own life with NO shot!
DJOKOVIC knew as Aaron Rodgers knew, that one should be able to decide if they wanted the shot, that one was likely already immune due to exposures & that natural immunity was robust & life long
‘New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers attended the U.S. Open on Sunday and showed his support for tennis great Novak Djokovic while also zinging those who enforced the COVID mandates that kept him out of previous U.S. Open tournaments.
Rodgers and his friend and teammate Randall Cobb took in the action at Arthur Ashe Stadium as Djokovic performed on an American court for the first time in a very long time.’
The occasion marked Djokovic’s first appearance at the U.S. Open since 2021, when U.S. vaccine mandates barred him from entering the country.
“No, there was no anger,” Djokovic said before the start of the tournament. “It was last year during the Open that I felt it’s a pity that I’m not there. I felt sad for not being able to participate,” Djokovic said with a shrug of his shoulders, draped in a gray hoodie. “But this year, I mean, is this year. I don’t think about what happened in the last year or last couple of years. Just focusing my attention to this year’s tournament.”
My respect for Aaron Rodgers increased exponentially when I knew he didn’t take the clot shot. Hope he survives living in a blue state.
At the time, all of the dim-witted empty headed sports personalities were raking Rodgers over the coals. What a bunch of brain dead morons. I bought a Rodgers t-shirt.