My respect for Aaron Rodgers increased exponentially when I knew he didn’t take the clot shot. Hope he survives living in a blue state.

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At the time, all of the dim-witted empty headed sports personalities were raking Rodgers over the coals. What a bunch of brain dead morons. I bought a Rodgers t-shirt.

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Eric - love it! (Tragically, under Commish Goodell, the NFL policies, practices & propaganda have become savagely marxist in scope.)

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I've abandoned just about all professional sports. Still hanging on to The Atlanta Braves, though the heads of MLB are complete dunderheads.

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I lived in Atlanta from '97 to '07. I witnessed when the Braves became the victims of the 40 y/o Randy Johnson's perfect game.

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Novak's strength and determination to refuse the covid shot mandates despite great personal loss gave inspiration and courage to many of us in the darkest days of Biden Administration totalitarianism.

He is a true hero.

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Novax was awake early. I am sure he would be gratified to know that President Trump has called on Big Pharma to disclose safety data on the jabs immediately. It is unfortunate that President Trump was misled by Ron DeSantis who was Fauci's number one fan. Fortunately, DeSantis supporters are now abandoing the Fauci-loving DeSanctus.

President Trump Addresses Vaccine Adverse Events for the First Time – Calls on Big Pharma to Disclose Safety Data Immediately (VIDEO)


Abandon Ship!! Former DeSantis Super PAC Co-Chair Denounces the Florida Governor’s Presidential Bid


Ouch! Founder of DeSantis Super PAC Destroys the Florida Governor – Then Backs Trump in Same Interview! (VIDEO)


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It's sundown for the DeSantis campaign. No amount of money or public relations cheerleading can save the campaign of a man who doesn't have the face-to-face political charisma or international political smarts to serve as Chief Executive.

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That's very true. DeSanctus needs to get back to governing Florida. As President Trump, who is a Florida resident, has noted, DeSanctus has been an average Republicsn governor. He's done some good things but he's not ready for prime time. Sadly, given his demonstrable ineptitude, it looks like he never will be ready.

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He's a helluva lot better than the meth head Gillum would have been.

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Oh, for sure.

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Won by less than half a percent (We dodged a bullet!). I like that he's fighting back against the groomers. Gillum would have put the power of the state behind the groomers. I want DeSantis to stay and keep taking the fight to the pervs. I don't think he could be very effective in Washington, but I like at least some of what he's done in Tallahassee.

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IAs I said also to Gordon Shumway, it's disconcerting to see DeSantis on the brink of being overtaken for second choice in New Hampshire by Nimarata "Nikki" Randhawa Haley. As bad as DeSantis would be as POTUS, Nimarata Randhawa would be worse. I hope Trump doesn't pick this warmongering swamp creature as running mate. RINOS say she will attract pro-abortion voters. However, she's not just worse than DeSantis. Randhawa makes Pence look loyal and trustworthy by comparison.

Nikki Haley now tied with DeSantis in New Hampshire: poll


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I would so love it if this attitude were truly that of Fauci's number one fan. We would live in *such* a better world. www.nypost.com/2022/08/25/ron-desantis-says-elf-anthony-fauci-should-be-chucked-across-the-potomac/

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Hero indeed!🔥❤️👏👏👍

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Has someone turned on the lights? The Dark times remain with us... and the worst is coming.

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We each turn on our own individual lights by becoming informed, by informing others, and by NOT complying.

Rugged individualism.

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Fantastic comment! An excellent response to the (self-perceived powerless) mice who constantly whine: "What can I do about it? I'm only one little person."

Thank you!

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Thank you, Natalie. We're each stronger than we might imagine.

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Brains and brawn ... grateful that this still exists

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A winning combination- from two very skilled & top tier professional athletes dominating their particular sport who stood ag the wicked Goliaths (the unconstitutional govt entities, whorish quackcene industries, & the lying media) who mocked & impeded their ability to choose the better way.

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A reaction that is completely devoid of anger is difficult to imagine though. May be able to so publicly, but I still hear the "safe and effective" commercials of 10-year old "experts" getting paid by state health departments at the gas station or on the radio and each time raises my blood pressure.

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Well said! Djoko & Rogers = Critical Thinkers NOT conspiracy theorists! These 2 men showed exceptional discernment. They survived Covid & they defeated Covid tyranny. Wished all the brains of the masses were so enlightened. Thank you Djoko & Rogers for blazing a path others can follow!

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Not only smart but also classy guy

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To bad more high profile people like them didn’t stand up to the disinformation that the media ,CDC,WHO , chief medical officer etc preached . A lot of people influence easy! There wouldn’t be such a huge amounts of death from there poison jab

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And I tip my hat to all those that didn’t get it!!

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Actually I think more people, both high-profile and not, than we might realize did stand up, but these examples were so quickly and heavily censored and shadow-banned. This is one reason (of several reasons) why I keep at this transcribing thing.

Here's Neshma Friend aka "Micropixie," a San Francisco multimedia artist of note who spoke out in 2021:

"My Speech at the Health & Freedom Rally, August August 2021"

(Filmed August 27th 2021 at City Hall, San Francisco, California)


Sane Francisco, Posted August 31, 2023


The video of her rally speech is on YouTube but unlisted in order to avoid being deleted. Description of video (on YT channel):

"San Francisco, Friday August 27th, 2021: myself and approximately three to four hundred like-minded concerned citizens gathered opposite the steps of City Hall to celebrate pro-choice and medical freedom. I was the MC and opening speaker. It was a very hot day under the beating sun, and the collective energy of a diverse array of people was electric. It was fantastic to come together and listen to the various speakers, to make a firm stand against medical tyranny and support city workers and other SF employees who are being coerced to get vaccinated. Let's keep on saying "NO" to coercion and "YES" to informed consent! PS The rally was covered by NBC but I can't find the file anymore."


NESHMA FRIEND: It is in fact a pro-choice and anti-mandate rally.


A little bit about me. My name is Neshma Friend and I lived in San Francisco for over 20 years. I absolutely love this city and since moving here in 2021 my friends have often heard me proudly proclaim that San Francisco is my home. However when extraordinary events began to occur last year—

WOMAN'S VOICE: [inaudible]

NESHMA FRIEND: Events that commenced in our city, events which made many of us feel that a lot of people in our city including politicians, especially politicians, might have lost their minds, not to mention their hearts, I became very concerned. I eventually founded a group with an aim to unite people who were equally alarmed about government's increasing overreach. That group is called Sane Francisco.

[cheers, clapping]

Sane Franciscans and all concerned citizens are here this afternoon to celebrate the most important aspect of living in a democracy, which is freedom.

[cheers, clapping]

The freedom of choice, which includes the freedom to choose what goes into your own body, also known as bodily autonomy, the freedom to believe that one-size-fits-all pharma does not work for every unique human being with our own individual medical histories, the freedom to not be segregated based on a personal medical decision, since history has shown us what tragedies, such, what, shown us what tragedies such segregation will inevi—, will inevitably lead to.

[cheers, clapping]

WOMAN'S VOICE: No segregation! No segregation!

NESHMA FRIEND: The freedom of speech, the freedom of speech to speak out for one's own beliefs and values, and especially the freedom of speech, the freedom to speak out against tyranny and injustice, not to mention the freedom to call out corruption.

[cheers, clapping]

Every day this last year or so I have woken up in disbelief that the San Francisco in the US of A I moved to 20 years ago is today silencing and censoring any dissenting voice, even those of eminent experts in the fields of health care and medicine, and now is actively coercing people to have a rushed concoction of untested chemicals injected into their body by threatening them with loss of benefit, loss of employment and other benefits.

[cheers, clapping]


NESHMA FRIEND: Many people who think like us have been incorrectly smeared as ultra-right white supremacists, but let's not forget that one of the vaccine hesitant demographics are poor people of color and it is these communities which will be the most impacted by such mandates should they lose their employment based on their own personal medical decisions.



NESHMA FRIEND: So we are here to fight on behalf of everybody who is being coerced, especially the SF city employees including many firefighters, sheriffs and police in the crowd today.

[cheers, clapping]

We are here to fight for their right to choose what pharmaceuticals, if any, they want to put in their body. We are here for their right to not be fired for their own personal health choice. We are here to fight for every one of us to work and move freely in society and to not be discriminated against for our own personal health choices.

No employer should ever impose this on any employee, especially given that there is no liability on the part of vaccine manufacturers.

[cheers, clapping]

And especially given that it now appears that we'll be urged to take booster shots periodically.

MAN'S VOICE: Forever!

WOMAN'S VOICE: No mandates!

NESHMA FRIEND: It's, it's vital that we end medical mandates now, especially here in San Francisco because if this city of freedom and open-mindedness falls, the rest of the country will surely fall.

[cheers, clapping]

We say no to medical mandates and yes to choice. My body, my choice, right?

[cheers, clapping]


NESHMA FRIEND: Now isn't that a sane and healthy way to live in a free society?


NESHMA FRIEND: Stay sane! I love to say, stay sane, stay sane!

[cheers, clapping]



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Nicki Minaj Speaks About Big Tech Cancel Culture!!

The Wayne Dupree Podcast Rumble Channel

Published September 16, 2021


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: A transcription is posted in the description of this brief promotional video for the podcast, but I found that it missed a few words here and there, so here is my transcript. Minaj's voice and delivery are extraordinary.


NICKI MINAJ: You can't speak for the fear of the mob attacking you. If that doesn't give you chills up and down your fu*king spine! This is scary!

You should be able to ask questions about anything you're putting inside your body. We can — we ask a bunch of questions about, about the most simple thing. Oh, bitch, how that, how that glue work? Do that glue, do that glue really um, keep the wig down? For how many hours? Oh cuz if I go in the pool and if I started [inaudible] bitch and— But you can't just innocently ask a question about something going in your body?

Do y'all realize that I remember going to China and they were telling us, you know, you cannot speak out against, um, you know, the people in power there, etcetera, and I remember all of us thinking, okay, well, you know, we understand and we respect the laws here and, you know, that it's so different where we live.

But don't y'all see what's fu*king happening? Don't y'all see that we are living now in that time where people will turn their back on you for not agreeing? But people will isolate you if you simply speak and ask a question.



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Interview with Guitarist Jeff Diamond

by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

"The Defender" Podcast, July 5, 2022




ROBERT F. KENNEDY, JR: Hey everybody, we're going to share with you a really disturbing story today. It's about one of the many stories that the press is not covering about vaccine injuries from these mRNA and the other vaccines. My guest today is a professional, a very, very successful professional musician. He has made his livelihood for at least 4 decades as a guitarist. He's an extraordinary guitarist. You can look up his videos on YouTube and see how skilled he is. He's played as a backup guitarist for the Platters, for the Coasters. He is a professional vocal instructor, but he's also just a workaday musician who's played in Las Vegas, virtually any city that you can name he has played in. And he has made a lot of money and a living for himself and his family.

In July, on the July 4th weekend of last year he got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. As a result of that vaccine he ended up in a three week coma. He was intubated so that it ruined his vocal cords and he can no longer sing, He was intubated too long. Most disturbingly there were pervasive blood clots that shut down his kidneys, shut down many of his other organs, affected his hands and feet. And as a result of that he had amputations on eight of his fingers. And so he now can no longer make his livelihood.

And this is something again you won't read about in the press. His plight has not been covered in the mainstream media will not touch, there are now as you know, hundreds of thousands of stories like this that are not being reported in the mainstream media.

But I wanted to do the public service of letting one of these victims of these kind of vaccine injuries talk to us today and tell his story. And Jeff wanted to tell his story to the world. Jeff, tell us what happened.

JEFF DIAMOND: This all started last year. I had a gig in Atlanta, Georgia over the July 4th weekend and I got back from Georgia and on July the 9th I got the Johnson & Johnson covid shot. And the reason I got the Johnson & Johnson covid shot in the first place, because I kept putting it off, I was taking care of my mother. I was her caregiver and that's the only reason that I got the shot in the first place, or I wouldn't have. I didn't want to come back and, God forbid, give her covid.

So I got the covid shot on July the 9th. Then about a week or a week and a half after that I was found unconscious in my apartment. And I was in a coma as you mentioned. It ended up for about three weeks. And I was taken to a hospital near my residency, or in the state of Minnesota, and I was as I mentioned unconscious. I was intubated, my understanding. I came out of the coma and come to find out that my fingers, eight of them, were amputated. And to my shock and horror and amazement that this was done, and there were several people including doctors, and everybody else, the surgeon that did the amputations and obviously I had questions and everything else that went on.


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*Heppepin County Medical Center.

Jeff Diamond's YouTube page https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj8Cqhh3ZtY

Watch him playing "Honky Tonk Woman" 5 years ago:


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LeTissier is a major celebrity in the UK, an ex-football star (or as we say in the US, soccer star)

Matt LeTissier


January 10, 2023



MATT LE TISSIER: Over the last few years I've been asked many questions to which I'm going to answer some now. So prior to three years ago, you knew me as an ex-footballer and then a pundit for many years. I loved my work and, arrogant though it may sound, I thought I was pretty good at it. And I'll continue to do the football punditry for as long as the work comes in for the selected companies.

However, what I've done over the past couple of years I feel is so important, to bring awareness and a voice to those who can't or don't have the same platform to speak up. The atrocities committed by our government over the last couple of years have been devastating to so many. The effect of lockdowns on ourselves and our children will continue to be seen for many years to come. So when I'm told, stick to football, I'm sorry, but I like to sleep soundly at night and so I'll continue to be a voice for many.

In April last year I started doing weekly interviews on a social media platform called Gettr*. They were one of the very few that didn't censor the information that was out there, and over the last 9 months I've had on guests such as Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Dr. Thomas Binder, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Ivor Cummins, and many, many more. And a lot of these guests have rightfully been reinstated on Twitter.

Now "The Flip Side," which is my show on Gettr, airs every Monday night at 8 o'clock. But I may decide to place those on other channels too in the future. So when I'm asked what I'm doing now, I tell them, the most important work I'm doing is this and I love it. I also do a bit of punditry and appear on GB News most Monday nights, as well as after dinner speaking up and down the country. My agency mail is in the bio for all inquiries.

And for those of you that have supported for the past couple of years, I just wanted to send my heartfelt thanks. It's not been an easy journey, but it is one that's brought me a lot of strength. And I know, along with others, I will be on the right side of history. So thanks for listening and please repost if you like.



#   #   #


Matt Le Tissier on Gettr: The Flip Side https://gettr.com/user/mattletiss7

His podcast the Flip Side can be found at: https://gettr.com/streaming/p1qetocda13

Among the notable episodes:

November 29, 2022 interview with Dr. Peter McCullough:


October 10, 2022 interview with Dr. Aseem Malhotra


October 3, 2022 interview with Professor Dolores Cahill


September 26, 2022 interview with John O'Looney


September 10, 2022 interview with Chris Sky


July 25, 2022 interview with Mike Yeadon


July 3, 2022 with Dr. Tess Lawrie


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Transcriber B, thank you for all of your hard work in putting these transcriptions together and posting links for us to look up these source materials! It is very much appreciated!

Just a quick note, I think the dates for the interviews with Dolores Cahill, John O'Looney, and Chris Sky are typo'ed, since today is only Sept 5, 2023.


Mrs. "the Knife"

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Thanks! I found and fixed the typos, warmest thanks!

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The censorship has been massive and, unfortunately, it has been working. See:

"ON JOURNALISM: I know why the caged birds don't sing"

by Doc Pruyne, April 8, 2023.


This includes a link to the infamous PDF... check it out.

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Novak Djokovic, the GREATEST ATHLETE EVER!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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You just made me wonder if Michael Phelps, the greatest swimmer of all time, took the jab or promoted it. Yep, he did! What a disappointment!!!

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These two gentlemen have consistently demonstrated class & intelligence both on and off the field/court. My respect for them has only grown over the course of the past couple of insane years, while my view of many others in their respective sports has only diminished, particularly on the tennis circuit. Djoko is still going to attain an untouchable record despite having been barred from competing in several majors , he is a champion through & through.

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In the race of the hare and the tortoise, it is clear that the hare died suddenly, while the pureblood tortoise remains victorious.

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No one I know who refused the jabs regrets it. No one. Just today a 3x jabbed friend, suffering from covid again, confessed to me, no more jabs, ever.


Dr. David Martin at the European Parliament Covid Summit: "What do we want humanity to look like?"

"This was premeditated domestic terrorism stated at the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2015, published in front of them. This is, this is an act of biological and chemical warfare perpetrated on the human race. And it was admitted to in writing that this was a financial heist and a financial fraud."

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/97438.html

Source video:

Dr. David Martin at the European Parliament (with slides)


International COVID Summit III, European Parliament, Brussels, May 3, 2023


Backup clips of Dr. David Martin's presentation:

without slides:


with slides:


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I’ve always believed some Americans WERE dying of Covid in the weeks and months before the first CDC “confirmed” Covid deaths in America. My analysis of mortality data from Michigan in the age cohort 75 to 84 supports this hypothesis.

Also, the spike in all-cause deaths beginning in April 2020 is eye-opening. This makes one wonder what changed after mid-March? Did the virus, all of a sudden, become more contagious and lethal or do other factors better explain the massive spike in all-cause deaths?


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Important reporting, thanks.

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Thanks, TB. This is a common-sense, simple conclusion: If more people had a respiratory virus that did make a lot of people sick, some people WOULD have died from complications caused by this virus.

But I don't think anybody has focussed on this. Nobody went back and seriously looked for "early" Covid deaths. It's like my Navy ship stories. It takes no Einstein to realize that if a few people with a super-contagious virus came on board those ships, huge percentages of people on those ships would probably be infected in a matter of weeks.

So there's "evidence" of early spread ... everywhere ... if the officials and scientists were simply looking for it, which they never have ... which is THE great "tell" about these people and organizations IMO.

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Novak and Rodgers now icons of bravery...

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Amen 🙏

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These two are great white men. Filled with the discernment, inductive/deductive reasoning that helped us to build some of the greatest nations, art, philosophy and scientific achievements in human history.

And if we intend to contiue as a race, we had all best learn to be PROUD to be Caucasian again.

Hail victory. Hail Courage. Hail Europa.

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Yes your right there is also the country singers etc. we need more, more ,more

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Except Dolly Parton who promoted the shots….and many of these “new” country singers are just woke leftists.

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I have recently learned of the theory that no performer becomes a "superstar" without the approval and control of the global "cabal"; hence these stars are "owned" by the parasite class. To avoid losing their fortunes and prestige, they must then do the bidding of their owners when the bill comes due. Perhaps this is why we have seen the extraordinary number of famous personalities fall in line with the vaccine mantra?

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This is very plausible. Look at LeBron James’ son Bronny. Collapses at bball practice - not normal at all.

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Justice at last!

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