A manhunt underway? Did they just assume someone’s gender. I am shaking. Literally shaking.

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ha ha ha

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I hope you read my white spaces

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White Spaces? Is that a post? I will.

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the best comment possibly ever.

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the larger question is- why is there a pride crosswalk in the first place? do crosswalks have an identity? Do they have sex? are there BLM crosswalks? "cis" gender crosswalks? who is allowed to cross these crosswalks? can straight people cross a gender rainbow crosswalk?

this is the kind of thing that results in a backlash. keep shoving this bullshit down our non-rainbow throats and the reaction won't be pretty

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Why are funds being waisted on a pride crosswalk?


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Doc, as usual they set it ablaze themselves, for the purpose of furthering the hate crime agenda. Same thing with wildfires in Canada Doc, the arsonists who set them work for the people promoting global warming hysteria. The common denominator is hysterics. I just had an epiphany Doc...we can solve the 'global warming' "crisis" by having Pfizer and Moderna make a vaccine for treating hysterical liars...no more global warming, pandemics, or "hate crimes". Safe and effective. (cough, cough).

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Why does a pride sidewalk exist? Total BS

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Yes. Entirely ridiculous. How can you "desecrate" something that is not sacred?

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The delusional "community leaders" may have commissioned the "desecration" undercover so they could perform their grief rituals and mea culpas for the cameras. (Only half kidding.)

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A desecration? Hardly ... the World has gone stark raving bonkers.

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I suggest painting over the crosswalk with Muslim religious symbols. Say you stand in solidarity with them and defend their values. Muslims don’t stand for gay/tranny foolishness, but they’re “oppressed brown minorities” so by definition they can’t commit hate crimes. The city officials won’t know whether to wind their watches or shine their shows over THAT conundrum!

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Well...in reality...the muslims like young boys and a whistle blower who was there for Ramadan told that this is one of their activities.

You tell me why they didn't throw Obama off the roof if they don't like gays.

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Sex with men is okay. Or boys. IF you are only doing it to keep the women pure. But being gay is really bad. Being gay gets you killed. But if it is just sex, that’s fine. I am not kidding. I read that explanation.

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Greeks used to be like that. But not killing gays. But men would have sex with men because the women had to be virgins. It wasn’t gay! Come on! That’s not gay.

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Interesting observation. They certainly don’t act like that in general - maybe something going on beneath the cultural surface that most of us don’t know about?

Never thought about the O’Vomit issue that way. He’s a member of Subud, I understand. Would you have any info or references on that? It would explain a lot…..

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They are aligned with the satanic illuminati. I've never heard of subud. You could try and search on duckduckgo as they don't use AI meaning the content is not electronically controlled and corraled and hasn't been scrubbed perhaps.

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Just pour some ashphalt over it and roll over it with paving rollers and it will disappear.

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Well, I see it as a statement about how people feel about pride month and mixed up perverted God haters. Because if they knew God, they wouldn't be queers and perverts and try and push this garbage on others.

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When I see stuff like this now, I first consider falseflag operators. The Left has done this for decades. The use black men to phony up racism [caught in one of the Carolinas doing anti-black vandalism], they caught a guy in Israel fomenting anti-semitism years ago. Plenty of other examples. The perps were operating under "it's ok if i do it for the greater good of smearing the Right for something I think it does but there is no evidence of so I have to 'wake' the public up" line of thinking. It's just an uglier version of what the Alinksy democrats have been doing since the 1980s, accusing the Republicans of what the Dems' policies are actually doing [hurting the poor, minorities, elderly, etc.]. The Left has been caught time and again and never apologizes. [Unibomber, Weatherman, "Republicans want grandma eating dog food", the goofy guy who dressed up in costume during the Bush Jr campaigns making himself to appear as a Bush supporter while spewing vile things, when he was a Dem operative. And we all remember the "Patriot Front" Fed plants from 2020 who were Deep State trying to set a narrative of crazy fascist right wingers.] Let's not knee jerk with stories like this and continue the Left narrative.

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At least the police can fight back if attacked in this way. They cannot fight back against an insidious poison they were coerced to take, and is now killing them from the inside out.

Yet, no 'tears' from the City Leaders about that, I'II warrant.

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Woke news trumps most things - it is now a mandatory state religion in the West and if you criticise it you are a heretic.

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A very middle class friend of mine when she was about 30, now in her 70s, got a call from a very upper crust high society member of Victoria. This woman was an arts writer for the local rag. Very up there socially. ‘Dress all in black. I am picking you up in 10 minutes. I have had enough.’ My friend was intrigued. She dressed in black. A car pulled up. The arts maven was driving. Also in black. There was one other woman in the car. And three cans of red paint. The older woman said ‘i am sick and tired of French being shoved down our throats.’ They went around painting out all the French words on mail boxes until their paint ran out. The older woman writer was a riot. She had won a silver medal

For Canada in an Olympics some years before. When it became

Apparent someone, no one knew who, had done this everyone laughed. Now, you’d go to prison for a hate crime if you painted over a crosswalk.

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It’s always presumed to be a white nationalist of some stripe, according to our always reliable MainStreamMedia.

Couldn’t possibly be a hopelessly confused public school graduate, transitioning confusedly to the opposite, or somewhere in between,

HAPPENING gender, under the influence of Next Generation’s cocktail of hallucinogens.

This elongated description of said suspect, accurately describes a few recent crimes, kept under wraps by your favorite MainStreamMedia, which is always bound by their commitment to..




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The Gerbils did it.

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