I knew eventually the pants pooping, child sniffing, oatmeal brains Biden would push Putin's last button, now he has. Lets just pray to God he never uses it.

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The strong and unambiguous stand taken by Russia is a best guarantee that Biden and Obama group will not dare to try.

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JoeBiden™ is going to push Putin out of his remarkable restraint one of these days. Hungary's Orban is begging for Trump to be able to defuse this situation.

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Trump is in on the plan. Why do you put your faith in a criminal rather than in your Creator. Divine Intervention is the only way out of this mess.

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Reminds me of the joke about the preacher who prayed for God to save him from a flood. He turned down offers of help from passers by in boats saying the Lord would save him. When he died and found himself at the Pearly gates he asked why the Lord let him drown...

“I sent you three boats...”

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If Biden were a believer, we would not be in *this* boat that we are in now.

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Sorry? Who's a *criminal*? Please don't suggest that those who don't share your opinion have no faith in God. Let me know if you believe you could withstand the arrows and attacks, unrelenting and evil in intent, that Trump is withstanding, without giving up. I couldn't. I look at the evil directed TOWARD him to understand where the evil lies.

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I don’t think everyone has forgiven Trump for the jabs, the mark of the beast. Trump has not repented.

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IF you directed your "criminal" remark towards President Trump, please enlighten us as to what crime or crimes he has committed. We genuinely would like to know! So far he has been accused of crimes, but in every case they were instances of the frequently-used Communist/Leftist tactic of "BLAME YOUR OPPONENT FOR THE CRIMES YOU YOURSELF HAVE COMMITTED".

Lots of allegations, two separate attempts at impeachment, thousands of hours of intensive investigations, and millions of dollars of wasted taxpayer money and EVERY ONE fell flat on its face — ZERO EVIDENCE OF ANY CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR!

All "they" have is an empty, made-up story from an unreliable hooker who somebody is paying to say what she is saying, that wasn't a crime anyway.

And the current crop of indictments are legal jokes without a Constitutional "leg to stand on". NO Crimes. NO EVIDENCE of crimes, just a lot of hot air from desperate Democrats who know they are screwed if Trump gets back in and "cleans house" of the rampant corruption in government. The Rats are desperate and will try ANYTHING to save their "asses".

Did Trump Illegally posess documents? No. The Presidential Records Act is VERY CLEAR that he and he alone had the right to decide to declassify those documents and what their status is, NOT the National Archives.

Did Trump commit "insurrection"? Absolutely NOT! There was NO insurrection that day. Not ONE person was found with a weapon. Not ONE person was charged with insurrection. It is ALL HYPE by the hysterical media and wishful thinking by government hacks! It was the GOVERNMENT AGENTS who tried to start the "insurrection" and they couldn't pull it off because the vast majority of the protesters were respectful, law abiding citizens who were LEGALLY "petitioning their government for redress of grievances". The charges against almost all of the "Jan 6" defendants were totally overblown and are clearly cases of Malicious Prosecution by rabidly out-of-control politically-motivated government goons.

So, if you have some new, secret information from RELIABLE sources that we don't know about, "we are all ears", but if you just want to repeat the same worn out lies of the Leftist/Deep State operatives who are the REAL CRIMINALS, please don't waste our time!

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Trump did push the clot shots and trapped many of his own supporters by inviting them to DC on January 6. “It’s going to be wild” he’d said. Many are in solitary to this day. He never talks about them. If he didn’t help them- why would he help the rest of us?

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They wouldn't all be against Trump if He were one of them.

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They are playing a game to fool the sheeple. It is called Good Cop, Bad Cop. It’s all a staged play. I hope people realize what is going on before it’s too late. We are running out of time. Please just consider what I’m saying. They are trying to fool you.

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@Lucy You are a shameless and worthless liar. You belong to Biden, Obama and Clinton. I recommend you to join them.

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I’ve been saying this for over a year…there is only one way to hide the millions of deaths from the injections. Global war. Coincidentally, Big Pharma bioweapons and war are two of the most profitable enterprises on the planet. Both reduce the useless eaters, too.

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Some how they have to get the Democrats out of office before there is a nuclear war.

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Just the Dems? You don’t mention the RINOS - in that same swamp raft

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Good point.. so the appearance is it’s not on their watch

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Let’s set up a Fake Epstein Island Party and invite all of the CommieCrat Uniparty Politicians and the entire Criminal Obiden Cabal, and then invite Putin to Obliterate the entire island so that We The People can take back America from the thieves in D.C.!

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throw MOSSAD on the pile and I AM IN!

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Yep! 😑

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I expect that Putin, Xi and North Korea Kim sleeps in luxury residences deep underground. And in normal daytime, they are just steps away from lifts that can descend rapidly to underground chambers. They will take the max. precautions. This is why Putin hardly flies these days...It is far safer in his armored trains and his movements are never announced in advance. Even his trains have decoys.

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Relax...Russia is winning the Ukraine War. Impossible for NATO to win it now. Russia is well prepared for a conventional war with NATO. A conventional war will draw in China and NK to the European Theatre. With nukes always at the ready.

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That is true! And rightly, Russia is on the right side not Ukraine! Casualties in Ukraine are way worse than what has been mentioned in the news. Ukraine is continuing to capture men in their country and force them to fight! Word is that Ukraine corruption is continuing briskly, with finding that some of the buried Ukranian bodies are missing body organs that are being sold on the black market! Truly an evil country and The US is no better for supporting them. I find that so very sad to say especially with my military boyfriend transferred to Ukraine very suddenly over a week ago!

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I hope your military boyfriend remains safe.

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Thank you so much! This guy is truly special and was there for me as a friend when I was going through some stuff, so having discussed marriage already, we most likely will be getting married if he survives this deployment. Getting married was something I said I would never do again, so guess one should never say never!

I just am so upset with Biden and the continuing amount of lives he has ruined by doing things that do not benefit the US or it's people whatsoever!

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He just survived a bombing or explosive device yesterday with just an injury to his leg. However one of his fellow soldiers and five Ukrainian soldiers did not survive the blast. They are continually being shot at, even in Poland when he was there for one week, the whole area is very unsafe and the guys cannot get decent food either. My guy is surviving on fruit while working over 20 hours a day! The military provided one meal for them courtesy of their Captain.

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That he can communicate with you is good...at least you get front-line news. This is a War and anything can happen. Prayers will help. Otherwise, try imaging that he is well, that he will return home safely. Hope is all that you have...so hold on to hope. God bless and do keep us posted.

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Yes I keep sending him remote reiki energy healing which is helping him! Looking forward to his expected trip back to the US in 11 days- we are counting the days down!

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Said this before. Ukraine is an existential issue for Russia. She will NEVER allow ICBMs to be stationed on her border vis a vis a NATO client.

We are about to learn an object lesson

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Fear Not. Cooler heads must prevail.

We do need to remove the thieves that stole our country and are trying to drive it off a cliff.

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You must be buying the crap the left is shoveling out.We are the enemy.

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As the maniacal moron John Bolton blathers "Putin is just bluffing, but it's possible he's not, in which case..."

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I truly hope that the epicentre of the blast is the city of London and the British political union parliament of pirates cos they deserve what's coming

As per usual the rest of us slaves are and always will be collateral damage - tell me summat a don't know already

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Being the self-appointed world police, going half way around the world a long way from home and interfering in the territorial disputes of other people, is a tough job but somebody has gotta do it. Too many other countries prefer to spend their money at home on their own people, putting themselves and their people first. Thus, and although its the reason it's long been a good idea for young US backpackers to stick maple leaf flags on their backpacks when abroad in to avoid getting the shit beaten out of them when foreigners hear their accents, this sacred duty of being the world's cop falls to the US. Despie its long history of being routinely defeated by the tiny third world countries it usually attacks, the US has to at least try to stop the dominos from falling. Plus, those Russkies are Slavs. They're not good ol Irish Catholics like Mr Biden. Talkin' about subhumans. They need to be taught who are the master race are and have the fear of God put into them. And if the US doesn't kill a shitload of them in Ukraine, they'll be invading the US next, same as Saddam would have done if the US hadn't killed up to nearly a million civilians in Iraq. As Americans used to say back in the 'Nam days when LBJ was waging war: "Kill a Gook for God. Kill a Wetback for God. Kill a Slav for God. I will give my life for my gubmint. I will give my wife for my gubmint. I will give my sister's new baby for my gubmint. Because my country is the promised land and God is my president." Unfortunately, Russia is not one of the small, weak, impoverished third world countries that the US habitually attacks. Adhering to the international stereotype of the "ugly American" when dealing with a nuclear armed adversary could come back to bite Biden and the US in the ass. Unfortunately it's not only Dems and RINO neocons that would get hurt but also decent Americans.

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The Sun?

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I don't associate with Putin-loving cowards. Goodbye!

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