The real enquire should be into the WEF, WHO and the UN this “pandemic was planned for years, people were groomed psychologically through movies and past outbreaks like swine flu and H1N1 to accept unquestionably all MSM messaging. Bill Gates almost single handedly “owns” WHO . There was lockstep response because of events like pandemic training 201. Countries like Australia had exact modelling within our countries. Also published documents and directions. Then we need to look at what was achieved- lockdowns destroyed middle clas and economies, education flatlined, health systems were destroyed ( in Australia it’s crippled and dysfunctional). Me st governments had psyops groups/ departments for messaging and control. Add to all of that the vaccine passports- in like lockstep with universal identity cards and central digitalised banking. All of the abuse be match the ambitions of the globalists. This was never a pandemic, it’s part of Claus Schwab’s great reset. It’s been about control and depopulation agenda.

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I agree

They are going to kill most of us. Nothing we can do. Run maybe.

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Tho one idea Trup had that was very good - stop funding WHO and UN . Pity people weren’t listening.

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They are at war with the very concept of the nation state. Their funding comes from the vaccines we buy through Gavi.

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Remember all of the antitrust waivers to mergers that R's and D's alike started churning out in the 1990's? Still just rubber stamps. That's how long this particular plan for our subjugation has been in the works.

Multinational corporations allowed to grow and eliminate competition. If we had kept those anti-monopolistic laws in place we wouldnt be here. Diverse supply chains. Diverse media ownership. Diverse health care providers.

We watched them waive away freedom and our nation's values in front of our own eyes while both R's and D's said they were protecting American industries competitive edge in the global economy. We believed them. And looked away. Without a peep.

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Very insightful!

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Why did COVID deaths drop dramatically after the ubiquitous use of Remdesivir? Was Remdesiver used to KILL in order to create FEAR and sell vaccines?

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Yes. In RFKs book he illustrated many times where Fauci used the drugs to treat to kill and blame X.

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Why did they refuse us having ivermectin and HCQ??!!!!

Project Veritas had documents from the USA military indicating that these medications worked against covid!!!!!

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Emergency Use Authorization can only be had if there is no other treatment. Thus Ivermectin and HCQ had to be banned and discredited.

Absolutely criminal.

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Because the person who discovered that is involved in the cabal. Same with the individual who discovered what’s described as Z stack.

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All valid things to bring up at a Nuremberg II. But the focus on China as the antagonist in this crime is misplaced. Interested party, for sure. But the true crimes against humanity, even the development of the bioterror weapon attack on western civilization is home grown. China has many English-language official media outlets, including Global Times. GT published a series of editorials early in 2020 warning the US and west about politicizing pandemic infectious disease. Particularly respiratory diseases like influenza which don't respect national borders. When the science of CV intervention became political, not medical science-based was when everything changed for pandemic responses. But China was surprisingly forthright and truthful in these editorials. And had leaders in the west heeded their counsel then much of the harm to the world, our economies, civil liberties, children, all of it could have been avoided.

Something's Not Right Here Folks

Gobal Times, February 8, 2020


"Medical researchers are already discovering that certain existing anti-viral medications seem to be effective against this Corona virus."

"...whether or not a person specifically does have the Corona virus or some other viral bug presenting as pneumonia, the treatment is the same supportive treatment anyway."

This CCP-officially authorized commentary told us the truth of CV early on. As did coronavirus skeptics here early on. The real science told the truth. Before political science took control of infectious disease. Now the real science, the truth is catching up. As it will do. After a lie has circled the globe millions of times over several years.

Everyone should do themselves a favor and read the link above for great insights into the minds of our adversaries. And the links below. While they tout the advantages of their authoritarian containment measures, it's expected in their system of government. Not ours. Not in western liberal democracies. Not before March, 2020, that is.

Two more CCP editorial insights into our main adversary's mind:

COVID-19 reveals countries’ differing capacity

Global Times, April 22, 2020


""The key to improving state capacity lies in how to boost the leading role of their own governance system, not breaking away or subverting the existing one." "[Western countries] are subject to different systems and traditions that impede them from directly copying China. Even if they do, the effect will be just the opposite." [Translation: Stick with what you do best in your nation. If you do liberal democracy lean into it during the pandemic, apply that governing model. Don't try to copy our system. It won't fit and you'll end up with an even worse outcome than us and than what you'd have had in your liberal democratic system. They gave good advice. They were right. Our own homegrown sophisticated betters ignored them.] "

Finding fault with China a symptom of West’s ideological crisis

Global Times, March 11, 2020


These articles and many others, many editorials, were put out as a response to Pres. Trump's travel ban, which, truth of the matter, was the beginning of the politicization of influenza. Despite his assertions, the bans did NOT save millions of people, respiratory illness influenza does not respect borders. China warned the US of this fact, that making infectious disease political would have bad outcomes. It's why the WHO and CDC pandemic plans prior to 2020 recommended against travel bans, reasoning that, when nations blame other nations for infecting them that other nation's leaders blame their people for infecting each other, and civil liberties and rights in democracies are lost. They were right.

I don't put all of the blame on Pres. Trump. He was surrounded by liars and enemies subverting and destroying his presidency from within, had few he could trust, was just coming out of impeachment hoax #1 that even Republicans allowed to move forward. His instincts to go against the early advice of people like Fauci, while understandable, was wrong in this case. The travel bans politicized infectious disease. That destroyed what was left of his presidency and made the theft of his reelection plausible. Tragic. But can't say the CCP didn't warn us. Even about the efficacy of antivirals like Ivermectin.

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Unless the Republicans can get the House you can forget about any meaningful investigation at all.....at least until 2024, if then.

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The Pussicans won’t do anything. Oh, they’ll hold a few hearings so they can fund raise off of them but they are bought and paid for as well and have too many skeletons in the closet to be blackmailed with by those in control. Sad but true.

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I'm beginning the think they will get away with covid crime.

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They will. Catch me once pity me, catch me twice I’m an idiot. They are upfront about their plans- they are planning 10 pandemics in 10 years. Bill Gates smiles when he says the secret nd will be bigger and better. We need to become the resistance

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Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

Asking why psychopaths do what they do is not very fruitful. We know now that this was a well-rehearsed "Plandemic" with the agenda of mass depopulation or, in their words, a mass "culling" of the human population. To that end, everything the governmental agents and health officials did was deliberately "wrong". On purpose. Carefully engineered. Planned destruction. They knew exactly what they were doing. The only question now is, "What is the world going to do about it?" A Nuremberg II? The first one was just a show trial to lull the masses back into their mindless slumber. If the architects of Nuremberg had been SERIOUS, thousands of corpses would have been swinging from the scaffolds instead of the relative handful. Instead, enough were executed to make the world believe "justice had been served", while many thousands more German scientists, many of whom were every bit as guilty, were whisked off to other countries and utilized in secret programs, including the U.S. nascent atomic and space/rocket programs.

Money and power too frequently win out over what's right. And it will again unless something very different happens. Perhaps if the Nuremberg II judges and prosecutors personally lost family members to the COVID or COVID shot bioweapons. Maybe THAT should be a prerequisite for anyone wishing to serve in those capacities.

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True. Just remember that the US had a lot of openly strong supporters of fascism in the highest positions of power right up until the beginning of WWII. Who became silently strong supporters of fascism during and after the war. Industrial tycoons, politicians, oil and chemical and pharmaceutical tycoons, and bankers. None more significant to history than Prescott Bush, GHW Bush's father. Was Hitler's banker even during WWII. Bullets, bombs, tanks, planes and industrial prison death camps aren't free, you know.

When WWII ended the US took over the German position in geopolitics. Including fascist sympathies if not outright fascism. By another name. We know it as "public-private partnerships."

US officials needed the German brain drain to maintain advantage over Marxist USSR. Shut down the trials after making the public show to keep Germany with the West, too punitive risked pushing them into the Soviet sphere. Pulled the plug after the point was made to US public that the war was worth the cost. And to put public back to sleep believing fascism had been thoroughly defeated so they could continue the reordering of our nation quietly, while we slept. Keeping us united against Communist threat. Never imagining the US was remaking itself into Mussolini and Hitler's perfect governing system. Efficient. Obedient. GHWB's New World Order, just a continuation of the same goals and language used by American fascists like his father's in the 1930's - 1940's. History reveals, past proves present.

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YES! And the takeover of our schools guaranteed that none of us grew up learning about any of this! I didn't even start learning any REAL history until when Alex Jones occassionally would come on Coast to Coast AM, a radio program that had fascinating, and at times brilliant "cutting edge" guests. I was sincerely hoping that he was just a crackpot, but my nursing experience with genuine mental health cases told me otherwise. And almost everything he was talking about 'way back then has already manifested into real-world events or is becoming visible on the horizon. We as a civilization are in big trouble, people!

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These many questions should be incorporated into a formal Senate inquiry.

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The schools are teaching communism. Shame of the nation state and our history. Take down statutes. Shame and mutuability of the self that was born. Destruction of family and parental authority. Borders are open. It's an attack not only democracy which is immaterial in a technocracy of compliance. An attack on institution religion. On the family unit. Vp Harris says children of the community are just that children of the community. Paid daycare in Canada will be indoctrination centers. Take their minds. Unseat what they know. The death injections are almost the least of it. The ccp style social credit system of the doctors. Speak and I take your right to practice. Start now with every alternative to their hate and theft of soul and life. 1. Set up in every state and province a new and alternative Regulatory body for doctors. 2. Go back to your churches to your mosques to your temple to your synagogues create abilities to share information and goods through these AND among these. The rape of tradition was just one step. They made it seem silly to believe in God. But this was simply because the one they worshiped was evil. They in 2 generative have c taken tradition through the worship of science. I have a science degree. This

Validity did not need to take down our traditions.

3. Know your schools your teachers and push in. Push in. Preserve text books and literature the new curriculum is such tripe. Teach self sufficiency. Our children have such an uphill battle is we don't STAND. With vision and unison. NOw.

Teach national pride. Teach freedoms. 4.**** Alternative financial institutions. Set them up through your religious institutions now. Pool your money figure it out. Debanking is the next step in control. Lean into credit unions. Red states should change their banking laws Stat.!!!! 5. Set up new pharma Regulatory bodies THE FUCKING END sorry about them and reject wholy the bodies that currently front pharma and fail in their duties. 6. Grow food like your life depends on it. Because maybe it does. All the industrial roofs. In your homes in your balconies. Grow lights and seeds. 7. Starve the beast. What companies are the beast .meta Amazon. Just see what Blackrock owns. 8. Hackers who love humanity your task is set. 9. Fly your flags talk to your neighbors share seeds teach love and interdependence. 10. Nuremberg we almost don't have time for yet. I feel like we need still to dig our trenches and plan our offense. The banking must be solved now. The alternative health care now. Then when our people won't be starved as the next step in the plan then. Then NUREMBERG WON'T BE ENOUGH

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Be careful in existing churches, synagogues, mosques. Following 911 most were brought into partnerships with government, LEO, to identify anti-government extremists. We allowed it thinking they were just targeting mosques with radical Imams. Islamic extremists. Law doesn't allow discrimination, remember. Imams, Pastors and Rabbis are trained and required to identify anti-government sympathizers to LEO. It's why most all jumped on board with pandemic restrictions, closed, distancing, limited capacity services, requiring masks that offend God, push for jabs. Most places of worship will flag you if you seek to share information considered radical and conspiratorial. Don't kid yourself, the pandemic revealed we no longer have separation of church and state; church is now subservient to the state, enlisted as agents of the state.

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You aren't wrong. I see at our church the battle between 2 ethos. the new priest spirited in is pro-globalist. but we will need a place to meet. offline. to share ideas and to create community.

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Check this out on jab deaths in Australia following the COVID-19 jabs as reported to Australia's Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA; their version of the FDA).

"... the TGA adverse events reporting system notes 412 deaths associated with the Pfizer mRNA vaccine among 80,175 reports of problems and 34 deaths associated with the Moderna mRNA jabs from 7280 reported cases ..."


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Broadbent and a few others a lone voices in our parliament in Australa. Our former health minister Greg Hunt is a graduate of the WEF school of government like Trudeau and half his cabinet, and Jacinta Adhern.. I went to the TGA website when I was vaccine injured and it stated that people who died within 2 days to 2 weeks of vaccination were considered coincidental, and any person over 65 who developed adverse events clots strokes cardiac it was expected because of their age. Does not take much imagination to understand how underreported these stats are, and how distorted.

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If they died within 2 weeks of a jab they would have been classified as either an "unvaccinated" death or as a "not fully vaccinated" death and the death would have been used to propagandist about how good the jabs are.

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Was NASA involved in the making of the Covid Vaccines? If so, how many years ago? Who did they partner with? Why?

What was Governments involvement in making of the Covid bio weapon? Who was in charge of it? Who funded it? 

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Why don’t we know the name of the first COVID case (the “snohomish man”)? He was treated with Remdesivir; did he survive?

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Great list, but what is missing

1) why safe and effective treatments like Ivermectin have been fought and banned instead of being promoted

2) why an experimental so called vaccine had been pushed upon the whole globe, by avoiding all safety measures, by censoring all critics and even mandating it.

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Yes add Vera Sharav to the list of people who know what Nuremberg Code is first hand and why THIS COVID CABAL IS WORSE because its against ALL people worldwide. https://thenewamerican.com/vera-sharav-preserving-the-nuremberg-code/

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51. Who will be held accountable for the false studies on protocols (in and out of hospitals) that could have saved millions at the onset of Cov?

52. Who will be held accountable for giving the clotshots by the billions?

53. Who will be held accountable for the little people who lost their health, livelyhood, family members and loved ones and babies? heck, even zoo animals died after the shots!!!!!

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Nuremberg II is going to make the original look like a walk in the park.

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